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Seam 环境搭建

1. 下载基础环境:eclipse 3.4.2JDK6: http://java.sun.comJboss AS 4.2.3GA: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=22866&package_id=16942&release_id=614346Seam 2.1.1GA:https://s...

2009-04-24 13:35:11 181



2009-03-09 17:38:56 146


 现在所在的公司主要从事电力系统软件开发,涉及到很多数学公式,之前的文档一直用Word来处理。虽然Word的公式很强大,但Word文档不便于共享交流。因此一直想用Confluence来输入公式,今天终于成功了, 分享如下:Confluence有个插件LaTex,可以用来在wiki中输入公式。 其原理就是在wiki中用TeX语法来输入公式, 显示时,插件将公式转换成图片。但它需要tetex...

2009-03-08 19:29:19 3498

将 Confluence 用于个人的Blog、Wiki平台

Confluence是非常强大的wiki平台,有针对个人的免费企业版,虽然只支持最多2个用户,对于个人博客和知识管理已经足够了!昨天安装了Confluence2.10.2,准备用来写博客和技术学习的一些心得。在实际使用过程中,Confluence仍然有一些缺陷,主要体现在:导出PDF时中文变成了#号导出Word时图片没有了Confluence 自带的 Code macro显示代码不是很...

2009-03-08 18:38:09 995

LocalApplicationSamePlaceSuite - xmpp4moz - XMPP for Mozilla - Trac

LocalApplicationSamePlaceSuite - xmpp4moz - XMPP for Mozilla - Trac: "SamePlace is a set of extensions for Firefox, Flock and Thunderbird to keep in touch, chat, play and interact with your contacts w...

2007-03-27 01:32:51 156

Anonymouser :: Firefox Add-ons

Anonymouser :: Firefox Add-ons: "Open link anonymously with...Open link anonymously with anonymouse.org"

2007-03-26 20:43:14 115

ReloadEvery :: Firefox Add-ons

ReloadEvery :: Firefox Add-ons: "Reloads web pages every so many seconds or minutes. The function is accessible via the context menu (menu you get when you right click on a web page) or via a drop dow...

2007-03-26 20:42:26 351

Tempomail :: Firefox Add-ons

Tempomail :: Firefox Add-ons: "Create temporary email adresses to prevent your mailbox from...Create temporary email adresses to prevent your mailbox from spamWorks with:"

2007-03-26 19:06:06 165

IE Tab :: Firefox Add-ons

IE Tab :: Firefox Add-ons: "IE Tab - an extension from Taiwan, features: Embedding Internet Explorer in tabs of Mozilla/Firefox...This is a great tool for web developers, since you can easily see how ...

2007-03-26 18:44:37 255

BrowseAtWork :: Firefox Add-ons

BrowseAtWork :: Firefox Add-ons: "Allows you to open the current page, or a link on the current page, anonymously with BrowseAtWork.com by adding a shortcut to the context menu...Allows you to open th...

2007-03-26 18:33:54 110

Dictionary Tooltip :: Firefox Add-ons

Dictionary Tooltip :: Firefox Add-ons: "Press ctrl+shift+D (or) double-click (or) right-click after selecting a word to see its meaning. This extension is ideal for those who doesn't like to switch th...

2007-03-26 17:13:31 78

dhtmlxGrid - sortable Javascript DHTML grid with rich script API

dhtmlxGrid - sortable Javascript DHTML grid with rich script API: "dhtmlxGrid is a Ajax-enabled JavaScript grid control that provides professional solution for representing and editing tabular data on...

2007-03-23 15:10:35 138


在复杂的企业应用中(如ERP),有大量的数据录入工作,比如一张销售订单会有多个产品需要录入。在传统的C/S系统中,可以用DBGrid等控件来完成,而WEB界面中,很难让用户在一个页面中完成多行记录的编辑工作。这也使B/S应用很难在业务系统中实施。不知道大家在做这些项目时是如何实现这些功能的。我认为一个基本的Web Grid应该实现以下功能 多行录入,用户不需多页面的跳转,在一个页面中...

2007-03-20 22:07:55 177 1

Passing Information to a Method or a Constructor (The Java™ Tutorials > Learning the Java Languag...

Passing Information to a Method or a Constructor (The Java™ Tutorials > Learning the Java Language > Classes and Objects): "Arbitrary Number of ArgumentsYou can use a construct called varargs to...

2007-03-11 15:23:44 87

Equality, Relational, and Conditional Operators (The Java™ Tutorials > Learning the Java Language...

Equality, Relational, and Conditional Operators (The Java™ Tutorials > Learning the Java Language > Language Basics):The Type Comparison Operator instanceofThe instanceof operator compares an ob...

2007-03-10 17:22:48 99

g.georgovassilis - Using the GWTHandler

g.georgovassilis - Using the GWTHandler: "If you have used Spring before and are already using GWT for serious applications you might have considered using Spring controllers instead of GWT's RemoteSe...

2007-02-27 05:15:59 74

AJAX Matters Blog » AJAX Tutorials

AJAX Matters Blog » AJAX Tutorials: "AJAX TutorialsA comprehensive list (over 130) of tutorials on AJAX, JavaScript and other web development topics. 1. Javascript Motion Tween by Philippe Maeger...

2006-12-06 09:33:00 115

Cheat Sheet Round-Up: Ajax, CSS, LaTeX, Ruby��� | Smashing Magazine | modern magazine for web-design...

�� Cheat Sheet Round-Up: Ajax, CSS, LaTeX, Ruby��� | Smashing Magazine | modern magazine for web-designers and developers: "Whether you���ve forgotten the name of a function or the property of a casca...

2006-10-31 08:40:24 2045

How to Install Internet Explorer 7.0 Bypassing Genuine Windows Validation...

Shaon's Weblog: How to Install Internet Explorer 7.0 Bypassing Genuine Windows Validation...: "You must have Windows XP Service Pack-2 (SP2) in order to install Internet Explorer 7.0. But still you wi...

2006-10-23 00:59:33 128

O'Reilly Network -- Open Tools for MySQL Administrators

O'Reilly Network -- Open Tools for MySQL Administrators: "MySQL provides some tools to monitor and troubleshoot a MySQL server, but they don't always suit a MySQL developer or administrator's common n...

2006-10-21 06:23:05 105

Drupal with IBM DB2 Express-C

Using open source software to design, develop, and deploy a collaborative Web site, Part 9: Understanding the database layer: "Drupal with IBM DB2 Express-CEnabling Drupal to use a database back end o...

2006-10-19 06:36:44 76


有的人也许会说,我的网站做大了,功能全了,用户就来了。我看,未必。其实,一个网站做起来,第一批用户的作用是至关重要的。如果告诉我第一批用户就是网 站宣传出来的,我肯定会只给打20分。你必须有一个非常有粘性的吸引网民能够来注册的特点。我们谈的是一个战役,战役开始攻占第一个山头是决定成败的,而 不是和我描述整个战役是否能够成功,那是纸上谈兵,诸葛亮都有过这个点上的投资错误,结果是斩了马谡。http:/...

2006-10-17 02:42:51 84

Enterprise Web Applications. Presentation Layer. Evaluation Resu

Enterprise Web Applications. Presentation Layer. Evaluation Resu: "We specified the requirements for the Open Source Java Web frameworks used in presentation layer of Enterprise Web Applications:1. Pe...

2006-10-15 12:47:07 66

ObjectLabKit 1.0.1: Date Calculators for Business and Finance

ObjectLabKit 1.0.1: Date Calculators for Business and Finance: "ObjectLab has announced the release of version 1.0.1 of ObjectLab Kit for Java 1.5, available for download via SourceForge or the Maven ...

2006-10-12 06:05:08 183

Disable automatic install of IE 7

IntelliAdmin.com: Disable automatic install of IE 7: "Many administrators are going to be taken by surprise when they find out that IE 7 is going to be installed automatically via Windows Update.There...

2006-10-11 13:15:53 99


先前已有透過 apache與 tomcat整合,達到透過 tomcat來存取 domino資料庫,現在透過 google大神找到另一方式來與 domino整合。 以下內容主要是參考此篇:Configuring Apache, PHP, MySQL and Domino for Windows 2000: 若是以Apache為主,要有一 Notes資料庫直接秀在瀏覽器上,便可以用 Proxy mod...

2006-10-09 10:07:13 127

Java Interview Questions

Java Interview Questions: "Java Interview Questions and Answers"

2006-10-06 08:04:07 77

Mastering Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0

Mastering Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0: "Published in July 2006, the best selling book Mastering EJB is now in its fourth edition and has been updated for EJB 3.0. This edition features chapters on sessio...

2006-10-06 08:02:55 116

20 FireFox Extensions That Every Web Designer Should Know About - CyberKnowledge Blog

20 FireFox Extensions That Every Web Designer Should Know About - CyberKnowledge Blog: "20 FireFox Extensions That Every Web Designer Should Know About"

2006-10-06 01:02:34 106



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