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原创 The "Double-Checked Locking is Broken" Declaration

英文费劲的看这个,http://wenku.baidu.com/view/e6156bcc05087632311212a1.htmlSigned by: David Bacon (IBM Research) Joshua Bloch (Javasoft), Jeff Bogda, Cliff Click (Hotspot JVM project), Paul Haahr, 

2015-02-06 15:34:12 1021

原创 Scala 方法定义及控制语法

scala> def max(a: Int, b: Int) = if(a > b) a else bmax: (a: Int,b: Int)Intscala> max(5, 4)res8: Int = 5scala> max(5, 7)res9: Int = 7if elseval someValue = if(some condition) va

2015-01-23 16:29:11 946

原创 Scala 类型

val 不可变var 可变val x:int = 1val x = 1scala> val decimal = 11235Ldecimal: Long = 11235scala> val hexa = 0x23hexa: Int = 35scala> val i = 1i: Int = 1scala> val i2: By

2015-01-23 16:15:28 837

原创 Scala 资料整理

网站 http://www.scala-lang.org/sdk下载链接 http://www.scala-lang.org/download/IDE-Eclipse 下载链接 http://scala-ide.org/Ideal 插件安装 File->Settings->Plugins->Scala构建工具(类似Maven)SBT  http://www.scal

2015-01-23 15:55:44 786

原创 DDD Reference

2014-07-15 13:11:03 830

原创 RAD 极速应用开发 Spring ROO 入门例子

Spring ROO

2014-06-25 19:58:22 1420

原创 Object-Relational Structural Patterns

Single Table InheritanceClass Table InheritanceConcrete Table Inheritance

2014-06-25 14:24:48 764

原创 Pessimistic locking----PoEAA

Benefits and drawbacksPessimistic locking has several advantages:■ Unlike optimistic locking, pessimistic locking does not require any schemachanges.■ It prevents a transaction from overwritin

2014-06-10 21:50:34 601

原创 Optimistic locking---PoEAA

Benefits and drawbacksOptimistic locking has a couple of advantages:■ It is easy to implement in a JDBC/iBATIS application, and it is supported bymany persistence frameworks.■ Optimistic locki

2014-06-10 21:38:35 665

原创 Domain Logic Patterns----PoEAA

1、Transaction Script2、Domain Model3、Table  Moduel

2014-06-09 22:30:02 1091

原创 J2EE design decisions

2014-06-09 20:54:44 581

原创 Groovy---动态面向对象


2014-04-15 11:23:20 1137

原创 Groovy---控制结构

Boolean 评测规则Boolean 评测例子==与=在条件中的使用例子If 语句实战?: 操作符使用例子Switch语句示例Switch高级应用---混合类型循环结构whilefor利用闭包替代循环操作return/break/continueExcept

2014-04-14 18:22:36 834

原创 Groovy---集合类型

Ranges特定 RangesRanges对象自定义RangeListsMaps

2014-04-12 18:14:47 740

原创 Groovy---数据类型


2014-04-12 17:23:08 1393

原创 Groovy---环境搭建

Groovy下载地址   http://groovy.codehaus.org/Download1、下载发布版,2、Windows-Installer版,在安装过程中会自动建好环境变量3、如果现在的压缩包,可以根据下面说明设置环境变量设置环境变量GROOVY_HOME步骤与“设置环境变量java_home”类似,到 输入‘变量名’时,输入

2014-04-12 17:22:11 938

原创 SpringMVC 集成 Bean Validation

Bean Validation是一套标准规范,JSR 303 ,而在Spring中提供了一套自己的Validation接口与实现,不要搞混。1、Spring自己提供的 例子org.springframework.validation.Validator 2、Bean Validation 例子个人比较喜欢Bean Validation,约

2014-03-31 10:47:45 1265

原创 Bean Validation

通过Bean Validation 可以减少大量重复代码,可以很容通过注解配置约束,可以将约束与模型凝聚在一起。

2014-03-30 22:22:07 1622

原创 Oracle数据建模器---data modeler 简介


2013-12-05 10:53:59 6095

原创 Tablespaces

A tablespace is a logical storage container for segments. Segments are database objects, such as tables and indexes, that consume storage space. At the physical level, a tablespace stores data in on

2013-11-05 17:37:59 1395

原创 Segments

A segment is a set of extents that contains all the data for a logical storage structure within a tablespace. For example, Oracle Database allocates one or more extents to form the data segment for

2013-11-05 15:28:51 1245

原创 Extents

Overview of Extents        An extent is a logical unit of database storage space allocation made up of contiguous data blocks. Data blocks in an extent are logically contiguous but can be physical

2013-11-05 14:47:31 1426

原创 Data Blocks

Data Blocks           Oracle Database manages the logical storage space in the data files of a database in units called data blocks, also called Oracle blocks or pages. A data block is the minimum

2013-11-05 10:54:25 1359

原创 Logical Storage Structures

Introduction to Logical Storage Structures        Oracle Database allocates logical space for all data in the database. The logical units of database space allocation are data blocks, extents, segme

2013-11-05 09:32:55 1925

原创 Oracle Database Locking Mechanism

A lock is a mechanism that prevents destructive interactions, which are interactions that incorrectly update data or incorrectly alter underlying data structures, between transactions accessing shar

2013-11-04 11:32:17 1369

原创 Index-Organized Tables

Index-Organized Tables

2013-10-28 22:42:03 990

原创 Index Scans

Index Scans

2013-10-21 17:31:12 903

原创 Sequences


2013-10-20 16:41:16 680

原创 Dynamic Performance Views

Dynamic Performance Views

2013-10-20 16:19:17 1647

原创 Data Dictionary

Data Dictionary

2013-10-20 15:31:00 1642

原创 Materialized Views

Materialized Views

2013-10-20 13:59:38 1358

原创 Partitioned Indexes

Partitioned Indexes

2013-10-20 13:12:05 1465

原创 Partitions


2013-10-20 12:24:16 1780

原创 Bitmap Join Indexes

A bitmap join index is a bitmap index for the join of two or more tables. For each value in a table column, the index stores the rowid of the corresponding row in the indexed table. In contrast, a s

2013-10-19 19:42:39 1604

原创 Function-Based Indexes

Function-Based Indexes

2013-10-19 18:28:02 1120

原创 Types of Indexes


2013-10-19 17:59:08 1022

原创 Table Clusters

Table Clusters

2013-10-19 17:40:56 1150

原创 Spring AOP

依赖的jar如果你的项目使用Maven构建,引入这个依赖即可。 org.aspectj org.aspectj-library libd 1.7.1.RELEASE如果是普通的项目,可以到spring中的lib/aspect中引入aspectjrt.jar、aspectjweaver.jar和lib/asm中asm-2.2.3.ja

2013-09-13 21:50:28 1048

原创 Spring 事务管理

特此提醒:在使用事务时,千万不要不假思索地将事务内部抛出异常的地方默默地捕获,一旦将异常捕获掉,会造成事务不会回滚。使用步骤:步骤一、在spring配置文件中引入命名空间 xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:tx="http://www.springframework.org/schem

2013-09-13 20:54:58 1596

原创 Spring bean 注解方式注入

对于Spring bean 注解装配 目前已经有大量的文章包括文档,现总结一下。

2013-08-13 20:04:34 1428

Bean Validation 规范文档

Bean Validation 规范文档


OpenJPA API 文档 chm格式

OpenJPA API 文档 chm格式


JPA API 文档 chm 格式

JPA API 文档 chm 格式


Open JPA2 employee 简单例子

Open JPA2 employee 简单例子


Apress - Pro JPA 2 Mastering the Java Persistence API (November 2009) (ATTiCA)

Apress - Pro JPA 2 Mastering the Java Persistence API (November 2009) (ATTiCA)


Pro JPA2 书籍 代码

Pro JPA2 书籍 代码



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