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Copyright Preface About the Third Edition Organization of the Book Who You Are Java Versions About the Examples Conventions Used in This Book Request for Comments Comments and Questions Acknowledgments Chapter 1. Why Networked Java? Section 1.1. What Can a Network Program Do? Section 1.2. Security Section 1.3. But Wait! There's More! Chapter 2. Basic Network Concepts Section 2.1. Networks Section 2.2. The Layers of a Network Section 2.3. IP, TCP, and UDP Section 2.4. The Internet Section 2.5. The Client/Server Model Section 2.6. Internet Standards Chapter 3. Basic Web Concepts Section 3.1. URIs Section 3.2. HTML, SGML, and XML Section 3.3. HTTP Section 3.4. MIME Media Types Section 3.5. Server-Side Programs Chapter 4. Streams Section 4.1. Output Streams Section 4.2. Input Streams Section 4.3. Filter Streams Section 4.4. Readers and Writers Chapter 5. Threads Section 5.1. Running Threads Section 5.2. Returning Information from a Thread Section 5.3. Synchronization Section 5.4. Deadlock Section 5.5. Thread Scheduling Section 5.6. Thread Pools Chapter 6. Looking Up Internet Addresses Section 6.1. The InetAddress Class Section 6.2. Inet4Address and Inet6Address Section 6.3. The NetworkInterface Class Section 6.4. Some Useful Programs Chapter 7. URLs and URIs Section 7.1. The URL Class Section 7.2. The URLEncoder and URLDecoder Classes Section 7.3. The URI Class Section 7.4. Proxies Section 7.5. Communicating with Server-Side Programs Through GET Section 7.6. Accessing Password-Protected Sites Chapter 8. HTML in Swing Section 8.1. HTML on Components Section 8.2. JEditorPane Section 8.3. Parsing HTML Section 8.4. Cookies Chapter 9. Sockets for Clients Section 9.1. Socket Basics Section 9.2. Investigating Protocols with Telnet Section 9.3. The Socket Class Section 9.4. Socket Exceptions Section 9.5. Socket Addresses Section 9.6. Examples Chapter 10. Sockets for Servers Section 10.1. The ServerSocket Class Section 10.2. Some Useful Servers Chapter 11. Secure Sockets Section 11.1. Secure Communications Section 11.2. Creating Secure Client Sockets Section 11.3. Methods of the SSLSocket Class Section 11.4. Creating Secure Server Sockets Section 11.5. Methods of the SSLServerSocket Class Chapter 12. Non-Blocking I/O Section 12.1. An Example Client Section 12.2. An Example Server Section 12.3. Buffers Section 12.4. Channels Section 12.5. Readiness Selection Chapter 13. UDP Datagrams and Sockets Section 13.1. The UDP Protocol Section 13.2. The DatagramPacket Class Section 13.3. The DatagramSocket Class Section 13.4. Some Useful Applications Section 13.5. DatagramChannel Chapter 14. Multicast Sockets Section 14.1. What Is a Multicast Socket? Section 14.2. Working with Multicast Sockets Section 14.3. Two Simple Examples Chapter 15. URLConnections Section 15.1. Opening URLConnections Section 15.2. Reading Data from a Server Section 15.3. Reading the Header Section 15.4. Configuring the Connection Section 15.5. Configuring the Client Request HTTP Header Section 15.6. Writing Data to a Server Section 15.7. Content Handlers Section 15.8. The Object Methods Section 15.9. Security Considerations for URLConnections Section 15.10. Guessing MIME Content Types Section 15.11. HttpURLConnection Section 15.12. Caches Section 15.13. JarURLConnection Chapter 16. Protocol Handlers Section 16.1. What Is a Protocol Handler? Section 16.2. The URLStreamHandler Class Section 16.3. Writing a Protocol Handler Section 16.4. More Protocol Handler Examples and Techniques Section 16.5. The URLStreamHandlerFactory Interface Chapter 17. Content Handlers Section 17.1. What Is a Content Handler? Section 17.2. The ContentHandler Class Section 17.3. The ContentHandlerFactory Interface Section 17.4. A Content Handler for the FITS Image Format Chapter 18. Remote Method Invocation Section 18.1. What Is Remote Method Invocation? Section 18.2. Implementation Section 18.3. Loading Classes at Runtime Section 18.4. The java.rmi Package Section 18.5. The java.rmi.registry Package Section 18.6. The java.rmi.server Package Chapter 19. The JavaMail API Section 19.1. What Is the JavaMail API? Section 19.2. Sending Email Section 19.3. Receiving Mail Section 19.4. Password Authentication Section 19.5. Addresses Section 19.6. The URLName Class Section 19.7. The Message Class Section 19.8. The Part Interface Section 19.9. Multipart Messages and File Attachments Section 19.10. MIME Messages Section 19.11. Folders Colophon Index



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