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Head First Design Patterns(高清非影印英文版)

史上最全最清晰的版本,不需要积分,送给大家下载 This book is worth reading for design pattern learners. Table of Contents (summary) Intro xxv 1 Welcome to Design Patterns: an introduction 1 2 Keeping your Objects in the know: the Observer Pattern 37 3 Decorating Objects: the Decorator Pattern 79 4 Baking with OO goodness: the Factory Pattern 109 5 One of a Kind Objects: the Singleton Pattern 169 6 Encapsulating Invocation: the Command Pattern 191 7 Being Adaptive: the Adapter and Facade Patterns 235 8 Encapsulating Algorithms: theTemplate Method Pattern 275 9 Well-managed Collections: the Iterator and Composite Patterns 315 10 The State of Things: the State Pattern 385 11 Controlling Object Access: the Proxy Pattern 429 12 Patterns of Patterns: Compound Patterns 499 13 Patterns in the Real World: Better Living with Patterns 577 14 Appendix: Leftover Patterns 611


The C programming Language(chm格式完整版)

The C programming Language By Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie. Published by Prentice-Hall in 1988 ISBN 0-13-110362-8 (paperback) ISBN 0-13-110370-9 目录结构: Contents Preface Preface to the first edition Introduction Chapter 1: A Tutorial Introduction Getting Started Variables and Arithmetic Expressions The for statement Symbolic Constants Character Input and Output File Copying Character Counting Line Counting Word Counting Arrays Functions Arguments - Call by Value Character Arrays External Variables and Scope Chapter 2: Types, Operators and Expressions Variable Names Data Types and Sizes Constants Declarations Arithmetic Operators Relational and Logical Operators Type Conversions Increment and Decrement Operators Bitwise Operators Assignment Operators and Expressions Conditional Expressions Precedence and Order of Evaluation Chapter 3: Control Flow Statements and Blocks If-Else Else-If Switch Loops - While and For Loops - Do-While Break and Continue Goto and labels Chapter 4: Functions and Program Structure Basics of Functions Functions Returning Non-integers External Variables Scope Rules Header Files Static Variables Register Variables Block Structure Initialization Recursion The C Preprocessor File Inclusion Macro Substitution Conditional Inclusion Chapter 5: Pointers and Arrays Pointers and Addresses Pointers and Function Arguments Pointers and Arrays Address Arithmetic Character Pointers and Functions Pointer Arrays; Pointers to Pointers Multi-dimensional Arrays Initialization of Pointer Arrays Pointers vs. Multi-dimensional Arrays Command-line Arguments Pointers to Functions Complicated Declarations Chapter 6: Structures Basics of Structures Structures and Functions Arrays of Structures Pointers to Structures Self-referential Structures Table Lookup Typedef Unions Bit-fields Chapter 7: Input and Output Standard Input and Output Formatted Output - printf Variable-length Argument Lists Formatted Input - Scanf File Access Error Handling - Stderr and Exit Line Input and Output Miscellaneous Functions String Operations Character Class Testing and Conversion Ungetc Command Execution Storage Management Mathematical Functions Random Number generation Chapter 8: The UNIX System Interface File Descriptors Low Level I/O - Read and Write Open, Creat, Close, Unlink Random Access - Lseek Example - An implementation of Fopen and Getc Example - Listing Directories Example - A Storage Allocator Appendix A: Reference Manual Introduction Lexical Conventions Syntax Notation Meaning of Identifiers Objects and Lvalues Conversions Expressions Declarations Statements External Declarations Scope and Linkage Preprocessor Grammar Appendix B: Standard Library Input and Output: <stdio.h> File Operations Formatted Output Formatted Input Character Input and Output Functions Direct Input and Output Functions File Positioning Functions Error Functions Character Class Tests: <ctype.h> String Functions: <string.h> Mathematical Functions: <math.h> Utility Functions: <stdlib.h> Diagnostics: <assert.h> Variable Argument Lists: <stdarg.h> Non-local Jumps: <setjmp.h> Signals: <signal.h> Date and Time Functions: <time.h> Implementation-defined Limits: <limits.h> and <float.h> Appendix C: Summary of Changes



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