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题名:电子商务模式研究 作者:王珏辉 类型:博士论文 日期:2007年 摘要: 电子商务模式,是指构成电子商务的诸多要素,各种不同的组合形式及电子商务运营管理的方式与方法。电子商务模式是新时期企业经营活动中的重要问题。电子商务模式如何进行分类、电子商务模式影响因素分析以及电子商务模式的选择是本文研究的重点。 论文评述了国内外电子商务模式研究现状,定义了电子商务模式,提出了电子商务模式分类方法及模式体系。 论文在考察企业资源、市场竞争环境、宏观环境因素对电子商务模式影响作用的基础上,揭示了各类因素的作用机理和电子商务模式的演进路径。 论文结合中国电子商务具体情况,在理论研究的基础上,提出了电子商务模式选择理论和方法。构建了电子商务模式评价指标体系,确定了电子商务模式评价标准及评价指标权重,进而建立了电子商务模式选择评估模型。 论文研究了电子商务运营流程与风险管理,分析了电子商务运营中存在的问题并给出了对策。 论文在实证研究方面,运用本文提出的电子商务模式选择评估模型,对现有企业进行了评估,给出了电子商务模式的综合评估结果及相应对策。


IBM--电子商务模式--Patterns for e-business

红皮书 IBM电子商务模式的红皮书。作者是Mark Endrei和 Carla Sadtler。


IBM--电子商务模式--Patterns for e-business

Red Book Paper Patterns for e-business The role of the IT architect is to evaluate business problems and build solutions to solve them. To do this, the architect begins by gathering input on the problem, an outline of the desired solution, and any special considerations or requirements that need to be factored into that solution. The architect then takes this input and designs the solution. This solution can include one or more computer applications that address the business problems by supplying the necessary business functions. To improve the process over time, we need to capture and reuse the experience of the IT architects in such a way that future engagements can be made simpler and faster. We do this by capturing the knowledge gained from each engagement and using it to build a repository of assets. IT architects can then build future solutions based on these proven assets. This reuse saves time, money, and effort; and in the process, it helps ensure delivery of a solid, properly architected solution. The IBM Patterns for e-business help facilitate this reuse of assets. Their purpose is to capture and publish e-business artifacts that have been used, tested, and proven to be successful. The information captured by them is assumed to fit the majority, or 80/20, situation. The IBM Patterns for e-business are further augmented with guidelines and related links for their better use.



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