

  • Actions APIs - 最重要的也是开发者必须使用的API,负责处理象表单和工具栏等上面的动作, 想一下Swing的Action.
  • Ant -Ant的整合API.
  • Ant-Based Project Support -如上
  • Auto Update Services - 自动更新支持,非常方便模块的更新和添加等。
  • Classfile Reader - 访问类文件信息的API
  • Command Line Parsing API - 支持命令行的API
  • Common Palette - 项目间共享的组件属性窗口
  • Convertor - XML和对象间的转换器
  • Database Explorer - 支持数据库查看器的API
  • Datasystems API - 负责扫描目录中的文件,根据需要按照逻辑组成平台相关的结构
  • Debugger Core API - 支持调试的API
  • Debugger Core - UI - 调试界面API
  • Dialogs API - 负责对话框的API,例如事件通知等
  • Diff - 支持查看文件间的不同之处的API
  • Editor Code Completion - 编辑器的代码补全API
  • Editor Code Folding - 编辑器的行折叠API
  • Editor Guarded Sections - 编辑器的代码保护API,例如可视化Swing的自动生成的代码不可编辑
  • Editor Library - 编辑器中和平台无关的库文件API
  • Editor Library 2 -同上
  • Editor Module - 提供整套方案(包括表单编辑,浏览,编译,调试)的编辑器模块T
  • Editor Settings Storage - The module is an implementation of the org.netbeans.modules.editor.settings providing a settings storage on the default filesystem.
  • Editor Utilities - Editor Utilities module contains useful utility classes and methods used by other editor related modules.
  • Error Stripe API - The Error Stripe shows an overview of important information of an edited source code.
  • Execution API - The IDE uses a small interface to describe the execution of Java-based classes together with arguments.
  • Explorer & Property Sheet API - The ExplorerAPI is build around Explorer - solely a user-interface device: it has no particular knowledge of the structure of the IDE.
  • External Libraries - Permits libraries to be defined, customized, and stored by the user for reuse in multiple projects.
  • File System API - The Filesystems API provides a common API to access files in a uniform manner.
  • General Queries API - General kinds of queries between modules.
  • I/O APIs - The Input/Output API is a small API module which contains InputOutput and related interfaces used in driving the Output Window.
  • Java EE Metadata - The project provides a generic framework for accessing Java EE metadata models.
  • JavaHelp Integration - The JavaHelp integration API wraps the standard JavaHelp extension library.
  • Java Platform - Many Java-based project types need to be able to configure the version and location of Java to be used when building and running the project.
  • Java Project Support - Provides support infrastructure for projects working with the Java language.
  • Java SE Projects - Provides a project type for plain Java projects.
  • Java Source - XXX no answer for arch-what .
  • Java Support APIs - Models basic aspects of the metadata surrounding Java source files, such as the classpath.
  • JPDA Debugger API - The debuggerjpda/api (Debugger JPDA API) defines API for NetBeans Java Debugger.
  • JUnit Tests - The module makes creating, running and navigation between tests easier.
  • Lexer - Lexer module provides token lists for various text inputs.
  • Look & Feel Customization Library - The plaf library consists primarily of code that used to be in core.
  • Looks - Looks provides an SPI for converting arbitrary objects into displayable form.
  • Master Filesystem - MasterFileSystems is just implementation of FileSystem provided in standalone module including implementation of URLMapper that resolves file protocol and is responsible for conversion from URL into FileObject and vice versa.
  • MIME Lookup API - Each editor provides an EditorKit which controls the policy of specific MIME content type.
  • Module System API - The Modules API lies at the core of NetBeans and describes how plug-in modules are added and managed.
  • MultiView Windows - Multi views are general mechanism for displaying several perspectives, or views of data, which will be used consistently across whole IDE window system.
  • Navigator API - Navigator module is a base API module which provides: A place for modules to show structure/outline of their documents Ability for modules to show their view only when special document(node) is active in the system UI for switching between multiple views available for currently active document(node) Coalescing of fast coming selected node changes to show content for .
  • NB JUnit - Module contains NetBeans extension to JUnit.
  • Nodes API - 节点提供平台中对象的可视化工作,注意这里的节点远远超出Swing中节点的含义。
  • Options Dialog and SPI - This module contains implementation of Options Panel and simple SPI.
  • Progress API - 跟踪显示任务进度的API
  • Project API - Provides a generic infrastructure for modelling projects.
  • Project UI API - The module supplies the APIs for the basic, generic UI infrastructure for projects: list of opened projects, main project, basic project-sensitive actions, template wizards, etc.
  • Refactoring API - Refactoring module allows developer to do high level code transformations aka refactorings.
  • Registry - The Registry API provides unified access to settings.
  • Registry over FileSystem - The Registry over FileSystem is a library implementing registry contexts over the filesystem.
  • Search API - It allows other modules to define how the nodes they define should be searched, without depending on any concrete module containing the search feature.
  • Settings API - Settings are persistent objects with a set of properties, that should be available via lookup.
  • Settings Options API - org.openide.options .
  • Tab Control - The tab control is a swing control used by NetBeans window system, similar in function to a JTabbedPane, which allows the user to see and select tabs that contain different components.
  • Terminal Emulator - The Terminal Emulator is a library used to display process output.
  • Text API - The EditorAPI is used for accessing editor-related functionality from within the IDE for use by other modules and the core IDE itself.
  • TreeTableView Model - The debuggercore/ViewModel module (View Model) allows to share one TreeTableView among different modules.
  • UI Gestures Collector - XXX no answer for arch-what .
  • UI Handler Library - XXX no answer for arch-what .
  • UI Utilities API - The org.openide.awt provides API/SPI for UI related aspects of application.
  • Utilities API - Described in the overall answer.
  • Visual Library API - The Visual Library 2.0 is the next generation of the original Graph Library 1.0.
  • Window System API  Window System API is used to display and control application GUI: Main window, frames, components.
  • XML Tools API - It helps with editing XML files and supports leveraging XML in developed application.
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