erlang启动参数有3种:emulator flags, flags 和plain arguments。
emulator flags 是以“+”开头的,用来控制模拟器的行为,附送一个非常实用的例子:
- C:\>erl +V
- Erlang (SMP,ASYNC_THREADS) (BEAM) emulator version 5.8.2
flags 是以“-”开头的, 是erlang运行时系统的参数,可以用init:get_argument/1获得。
plain arguments 普通参数,在第一个flag参数前,或在-- flag之后,-extra后的参数都是普通参数。
erl +W w -sname arnie +R 9 -s my_init -extra +bertie
- % erl +W w -sname arnie +R 9 -s my_init -extra +bertie
- (arnie@host)1> init:get_argument(sname).
- {ok,[["arnie"]]}
- (arnie@host)2> init:get_plain_arguments().
- ["+bertie"]
Here +W w and +R 9 are emulator flags. -s my_init is an init flag, interpreted by init. -sname arnie is a user flag, stored by init. It is read by Kernel and will cause the Erlang runtime system to become distributed. Finally, everything after -extra (that is, +bertie) is considered as plain arguments.
-Application Par Val 把应用中的Par参数设置为值Val;
-args_file FileName 从文件FileName读取命令行参数;
-boot File 指定启动使用的boot文件,默认是 $ROOT/bin/start.boot,在这个目录下还有start_clean.boot,start_sasl.boot。如果需要sasl的话,就“-boot start_sasl ”; -boot_var Var Dir 代替$ROOT用的;-code_path_cache 不常用;
-compile Mod1 Mod2 ... 不推荐使用了,应该使用erlc; -config Config 指定配置文件,这个是很有用的,比如在Programming Erlang里,就用到 erl -boot start_sasl -config elog3,其中文件全名是elog3.config,内容如下:
- %% rotating log and minimal tty
- [{sasl,[
- {sasl_error_logger,false},
- %%define the parameters of the rotating log
- %%the log file directory
- {error_logger_mf_dir,"D:/erlang/otpexample/error_logs"},
- %% # bytes per log file
- {error_logger_mf_maxbytes,10485760}, %10 MB
- %%maximum number of logfiles
- {error_logger_mf_maxfiles,10}
- ]}].
-cookie Cookie 被-setcookie代替了;
-detached 脱离console,跑后台erlang进程用的,看做"nohup **** &";
-emu_args debug用的,打印出实际传给模拟器的值;
-env Variable Value 设置操作系统环境变量用的,比如:
- erl -env DISPLAY gin:0
-eval Expr(init flag) 表达式做启动参数,比如(下列代码在本机执行出错,以后再研究):
- % erl -eval '{X,Y,Z}' = now(), random:seed(X,Y,Z).'
-id Id 给erlang进程设置一个id,一般和 -sname 和 -name一起用;
-init_debug 在启动/初始化erlang进程时,打印debug信息; -instr -loader Loader 为 erl_prim_loader指定装载模块的方法,相当于java里指定classloader; -make -man Module -mode interactive | embedded -name Name 给一个erlang节点/进程设置一个名称 -noinput -noshell -nostick
-pa Dir1 Dir2 ... -pz Dir1 Dir2 ... -remsh Node 远程启动一个erlang节点,比如(当然RSA神马的,要先搞定):
- erl -sname node1 -remsh node2@machine2.example.com
- erl -setcookie SFEWRG34AFDSGAFG35235 -name nodex
- erlang:set_cookie(node(), 'SFEWRG34AFDSGAFG35235').
-shutdown_time Time 关闭节点需要的时间,如果超过,就直接kill,默认是infinity;
Emulator Flags
+a size 一般实用默认值就可以了。
Suggested stack size, in kilowords, for threads in the async-thread pool. Valid range is 16-8192 kilowords. The default suggested stack size is 16 kilowords, i.e, 64 kilobyte on 32-bit architectures. This small default size has been chosen since the amount of async-threads might be quite large. The default size is enough for drivers delivered with Erlang/OTP, but might not be sufficiently large for other dynamically linked in drivers that use the driver_async() functionality. Note that the value passed is only a suggestion, and it might even be ignored on some platforms.
+A size 一步线程池的大小,默认是0;比如执行werl +A 1,会看到:
- Erlang R14B01 (erts-5.8.2) [smp:2:2] [rq:2] [async-threads:1]
- Eshell V5.8.2 (abort with ^G)
+B [c | d | i]
+d 默认情况下erlang进程遇到内部错误,比如oom,会产生一个crash dump和core dump,+d让节点只产生后者;
+e Number ETS表的最大数量; +ec强制ETS表启动压缩,一般不用的; +fnl 如果文件名使用了ISO-latin-1编码; +fnu如果文件名使用了UTF-8 编码;+fna 和当前操作系统一致; +hms Size 指定erlang进程的默认(最小?)堆内存大小(这个应该不用太担心); +hmbs Size 进程默认二进制虚拟内存堆大小; +K true | false 是否开启kernel poll,就是epoll; +l +MFlag Value
+P Number erlang节点系统的最大并发进程数;
+rg ReaderGroupsLimit Limits the amount of reader groups used by read/write locks optimized for read operations in the Erlang runtime system. By default the reader groups limit equals 8.
+S Schedulers:SchedulerOnline
+sFlag Value
+V 模拟器版本号
+v verbose+W w | i
+zFlag ValueEnvironment variables