虚拟机上windows server 2008 +Oracle11g RAC配置过程


# Public   node1   node2
#Private   node1-priv   node2-priv
#Virtual  node1-vip   node2-vip
#SCAN  vion-scan



      OS:win 2008              ServerName:node1

      Pubic_IP:            DNS:




      OS:win 2008             ServerName:node2

      Public_IP:            DNS:







1. private IP address is used only for internal clustering processing (Cache Fusion)
2. VIP is used by database applications to enable fail over when one cluster node fails
3. public IP adress is the normal IP address typically used by DBA and SA to manage storage, system and database.
4,scan ip
Oracle 11G R2 RAC增加了scan ip功能,在11.2之前,client链接数据库的时候要用vip,假如你的cluster有4个节点,那么客户端的tnsnames.ora中就对应有四个主机vip的一个连接串,如果cluster增加了一个节点,那么对于每个连接数据库的客户端都需要修改这个tnsnames.ora
至于为什么需要在dns里注册三个,主要是为了尽量提高可用性。当节点数大于3时,最多也只会有3个SCAN listener,也就是说有的节点上没有scan listener.
如果使用/etc/hosts文件解析scan ip,因为不能做轮训的负载均衡,所以这时候scan ip就只能有一个了



1,虚拟机2台 系统均为windows  server 2008系统,可以克隆快些



Oracle 11gR2 引入了很多新特性, Oracle 11gR2 将自动存储管理 (ASM) 和 Oracle Clusterware 集成在 Oracle Grid Infrastructure 中。Oracle ASM 和 Oracle Database 11gR2 提 供了较以前版本更为增强的存储解决方案,该解决方案能够在 ASM 上存储 Oracle Clusterware 文件,即 Oracle 集群注册表 (OCR) 和表决文件(VF,又称为表决磁盘)。这一 特性使 ASM 能够提供一个统一的存储解决方案,无需使用第三方卷管理器或集群文件系统 即可存储集群件和数据库的所有数据;
Oracle 11gR2 中引入了 SCAN(single client access name),即简单客户端连接名,一个 方便客户端连接的接口;在 Oracle 11gR2 之前,client 链接数据库的时候要用 vip,假如 cluster 有 4 个节点,那么客户端的 tnsnames.ora 中就对应有四个主机 vip 的一个连接串,如果 cluster 增加了一个节点,那么对于每个连接数据库的客户端都需要修改这个 tnsnames.ora。SCAN 简化了客户端连接,客户端连接的时候只需要知道这个名称,并连接即可, 每个 SCAN VIP 对应一个 scan listener,cluster 内部的 service 在每个 scan listener 上都有注册,scan listener 接受客户端的请求,并转发到不同的 Local listener 中去,由 local 的 listener 提供服务给客户端。












Value Name: DisableDHCPMediaSense
Data Type: DWORD
Value: 1



a,创建目录mkdir G:\gel\share-A



VBoxManage createhd --filename G:\gel\share-A\asm1.vdi --size 5120 --format VDI --variant Fixed----创建五个序号依次增加

VBoxManage createhd --filename G:\gel\share-A\asm2.vdi --size 5120 --format VDI --variant Fixed----创建五个序号依次增加


VBoxManage storageattach RAC-A --storagectl "SATA 控制器" --port 1 --device 0 --type hdd --medium G:\gel\share-A\asm1.vdi --mtype shareable 依次创建连接五个

VBoxManage storageattach RAC-A --storagectl "SATA 控制器" --port 2 --device 0 --type hdd --medium G:\gel\share-A\asm2.vdi --mtype shareable


VBoxManage modifyhd G:\gel\share-A\asm1.vdi --type shareable



DISKPART》 list disk


automount enable
select disk 1
create partition extended
create partition logical
select disk 2
create partition extended
create partition logical
select disk 3
create partition extended
create partition logical
select disk 4
create partition extended
create partition logical
select disk 5
create partition extended
create partition logical



C:\grid>asmtool -add \Device\HardDisk1\Partition1 ORCLDISK1

C:\grid>asmtool -add \Device\HardDisk2\Partition2 ORCLDISK2


c:\grid>asmtool -list










VBoxManage storageattach RAC-B --storagectl "SATA 控制器" --port 1 --device 0 --type hdd --medium G:\gel\share-A\asm1.vdi --mtype shareable 依次创建连接五个

VBoxManage storageattach RAC-B--storagectl "SATA 控制器" --port 2 --device 0 --type hdd --medium G:\gel\share-A\asm2.vdi --mtype shareable




注意,在安装到specify cluster configuration时候,scan name一定是网络上没有的名字,并且对应的ip地址网络上也没有,依次下一步即可





C:>sqlplus / as sysdba

C:>select inst_name from v$active_instances









One of the biggest obstacles preventing people from setting up test RAC environments is the requirement for shared storage. In a production environment, shared storage is often provided by a SAN or high-end NAS device, but both of these options are very expensive when all you want to do is get some experience installing and using RAC. A cheaper alternative is to use a FireWire disk enclosure to allow two machines to access the same disk(s), but that still costs money and requires two servers. A third option is to use virtualization to fake the shared storage.

Using VirtualBox you can run multiple Virtual Machines (VMs) on a single server, allowing you to run both RAC nodes on a single machine. In additon, it allows you to set up shared virtual disks, overcoming the obstacle of expensive shared storage.

Virtual RAC

Before you launch into this installation, here are a few things to consider.

  • The finished system includes the host operating system, two guest operating systems, two sets of Oracle Grid Infrastructure (Clusterware + ASM) and two Database instances all on a single server. As you can imagine, this requires a significant amount of disk space, CPU and memory.
  • Following on from the last point, the VMs will each need at least 3G of RAM, preferably 4G if you don't want the VMs to swap like crazy. As you can see, 11gR2 RAC requires much more memory than 11gR1 RAC. Don't assume you will be able to run this on a small PC or laptop. You won't.
  • This procedure provides a bare bones installation to get the RAC working. There is no redundancy in the Grid Infrastructure installation or the ASM installation. To add this, simply create double the amount of shared disks and select the "Normal" redundancy option when it is offered. Of course, this will take more disk space.
  • During the virtual disk creation, I always choose not to preallocate the disk space. This makes virtual disk access slower during the installation, but saves on wasted disk space. The shared disks must have their space preallocated.
  • This is not, and should not be considered, a production-ready system. It's simply to allow you to get used to installing and using RAC.
  • The Single Client Access Name (SCAN) should really be defined in the DNS or GNS and round-robin between one of 3 addresses, which are on the same subnet as the public and virtual IPs. In previous Linux installations I've defined it as a single IP address in the "/etc/hosts" file, which is wrong and will cause the cluster verification to fail, but it allows me to complete the install without the presence of a DNS.
  • The virtual machines can be limited to 2Gig of swap, which causes a prerequisite check failure, but doesn't prevent the installation working. If you want to avoid this, define 3+Gig of swap.
  • This article uses the 64-bit versions of Windows and Oracle 11g Release 2.


Download Software

Download the following software.


VirtualBox Installation

First, install the VirtualBox software. On RHEL and its clones you do this with the following command as the root user.

# rpm -Uvh VirtualBox-4.1-4.1.2_73507_fedora15-1.x86_64.rpm

Once complete, VirtualBox is started from the "Applications > System Tools > Oracle VM VirtualBox" menu option.


Virtual Machine Setup

Now we must define the two virtual RAC nodes. We can save time by defining one VM, then cloning it when it is installed.

Start VirtualBox and click the "New" button on the toolbar. Click the "Next" button on the first page of the Virtual Machine Wizard.

New VM Wizard - Welcome

Enter the name "w2008-112-rac1", OS "Microsoft Windows" and Version "Windows 2008 (64 bit)", then click the "Next" button.

New VM Wizard - VM Name and OS Type

Enter "4096" as the base memory size, then click the "Next" button.

New VM Wizard - Memory

Accept the default option to create a new virtual hard disk by clicking the "Next" button.

New VM Wizard - Virtual Hard Disk

Select the desired file type, then click the "Next" button.

New Virtual Hard Disk Wizard - File Type

Acccept the default option by clicking the "Next" button.

New Virtual Hard Disk Wizard - Hard Disk Storage Type

Accept the default location, or enter an alterative, set the size to "30G" and click the "Next" button.

New Virtual Hard Disk Wizard - Virtual Disk Location And Size

Click the "Create" button on the Virtual Disk Wizard Summary screen.

New Virtual Hard Disk Wizard - Summary

Click the "Create" button on the Virtual Machine Wizard Summary screen.

New VM Wizard - Virtual Hard Disk

The "w2008-112-rac1" VM will appear on the left hand pane. Scroll down the "Details" tab on the right and click on the "Network" link.

Virtual Box - Console

Make sure "Adapter 1" is enabled, set to "Bridged Adapter" and select your physical network adapter "em1", then click on the "Adapter 2" tab.

Virtual Box - Network Adapter 1

Make sure "Adapter 2" is enabled, set to "Bridged Adapter" and select your physical network adapter "em1", then click on the "OK" button.

Virtual Box - Network Adapter 2

The virtual machine is now configured so we can start the guest operating system installation.


Guest Operating System Installation

Place the Windows 2008 SE disk in the CD drive and start the virtual machine by clicking the start button on the toolbar. The resulting console window will contain the Windows boot screen.

Windows Boot

Continue through the Full Standard Edition installation as you would for a normal server.

When the installation is complete, remember to install the VirtualBox Guest Additions on the server. This is initiated from the "Devices > Install Guest Additions..." menu. Accept all the defaults and reboot the server when requested.


Oracle Installation Prerequisites

Turn off the Windows firewall "Start > Control Panel > System and Security (Check Firewall Status) > Turn Windows Firewall on or off" to prevent it from interferring with the sever communication. You can turn it on later and open up any required ports if you want to.

Perform the following steps whilst logged into the virtual machine.

Amend the "C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts" file to contain the following information. Note. If you will be using DNS for resolve the SCAN, comment out the entries for it in the "hosts" files.       localhost.localdomain   localhost
# Public   w2008-112-rac1.localdomain        w2008-112-rac1   w2008-112-rac2.localdomain        w2008-112-rac2
#Private   w2008-112-rac1-priv.localdomain   w2008-112-rac1-priv   w2008-112-rac2-priv.localdomain   w2008-112-rac2-priv
#Virtual   w2008-112-rac1-vip.localdomain    w2008-112-rac1-vip   w2008-112-rac2-vip.localdomain    w2008-112-rac2-vip
#SCAN ( - in DNS)   w2008-112-scan.localdomain w2008-112-scan   w2008-112-scan.localdomain w2008-112-scan   w2008-112-scan.localdomain w2008-112-scan

Open the "Network Connections" screen (Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Change adapter settings). Rename the two connections to "public" and "private" respectively, making sure you apply the names to the appropriate connections. You can do this by right-clicking on the connection and selecting "Rename" from the pop-up menu.

Set the correct IP information for the two connections. Right-click on a connection and select the "Properties" menu option. Click on "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" option and click the "Properties. button. Enter the appropriate IP, subnet, default gateway and DNS for the networks.


  • IP Address:
  • Subnet:
  • Default Gateway:
  • DNS:


  • IP Address:
  • Subnet:
  • Default Gateway: N/A
  • DNS: N/A

If any of the network connections are left in a disabled state, right-click on then and select the "Diagnose" option to repair them.

Ensure the public interface is first in the bind order:

  • On the "Network Connections" dialog, press "Alt+N" to show the advanced menu. Select "Advanced Settings...".
  • On the "Adapters and Bindings" tab, make sure the public interface is the first interface listed.
  • Click on each network in turn and make sure the "TCP/IPv4" bindings come before the "TCP/IPv6" bindings. This should be correct by default.
  • Accept any modifications by clicking on the "OK" button and exiting the "Network Connections" dialog.

Disable Windows Media Sensing for TCP/IP:

  • Backup the Windows registry.
  • Run the Registry Editor (Regedit.exe) and find the following key.

  • Add the following registry value.

    Value Name: DisableDHCPMediaSense
    Data Type: DWORD
    Value: 1
  • This change will not take effect until the computer is restarted.

Open the "System Properties" dialog (Start > Control Panel > System and Security > System > Change Settings) and do the following:

  • Click the "Change" button, enter the machine name "w2008-112-rac1" then click the "OK" button.
  • Click on the Advanced tab and the "Environment Variables" button.
  • Edit both the "TEMP" and "TMP" environment variables to be "%WINDIR%\temp", which is "C:\Windows\temp".
  • Click the "OK" button and "OK" out of the "System" dialog.

Note. In this installation I will install Oracle as the Administrator user. If you want to set up another user, it must be part of the administrator group and have the "TMP" and "TEMP" environment variables set correctly.


Create Shared Disks

Make sure the VM is shutdown, create a directory to host the shared virtual disks on the host OS, then create the shared disks. My host is Linux, so the paths to the virtual disks are UNIX-style paths. If your host is Windows, then you will be using Windows-style paths.

$ mkdir -p /u04/VirtualBox/w2008-112-rac
$ cd /u04/VirtualBox/w2008-112-rac
$ # Create the disks and associate them with VirtualBox as virtual media.
$ VBoxManage createhd --filename asm1.vdi --size 5120 --format VDI --variant Fixed
$ VBoxManage createhd --filename asm2.vdi --size 5120 --format VDI --variant Fixed
$ VBoxManage createhd --filename asm3.vdi --size 5120 --format VDI --variant Fixed
$ VBoxManage createhd --filename asm4.vdi --size 5120 --format VDI --variant Fixed
$ VBoxManage createhd --filename asm5.vdi --size 5120 --format VDI --variant Fixed
$ # Connect them to the VM.
$ VBoxManage storageattach w2008-112-rac1 --storagectl "SATA Controller" --port 1 --device 0 --type hdd --medium asm1.vdi --mtype shareable
$ VBoxManage storageattach w2008-112-rac1 --storagectl "SATA Controller" --port 2 --device 0 --type hdd --medium asm2.vdi --mtype shareable
$ VBoxManage storageattach w2008-112-rac1 --storagectl "SATA Controller" --port 3 --device 0 --type hdd --medium asm3.vdi --mtype shareable
$ VBoxManage storageattach w2008-112-rac1 --storagectl "SATA Controller" --port 4 --device 0 --type hdd --medium asm4.vdi --mtype shareable
$ VBoxManage storageattach w2008-112-rac1 --storagectl "SATA Controller" --port 5 --device 0 --type hdd --medium asm5.vdi --mtype shareable
$ # Make shareable.
$ VBoxManage modifyhd asm1.vdi --type shareable
$ VBoxManage modifyhd asm2.vdi --type shareable
$ VBoxManage modifyhd asm3.vdi --type shareable
$ VBoxManage modifyhd asm4.vdi --type shareable
$ VBoxManage modifyhd asm5.vdi --type shareable

Start the w2008-112-rac1 virtual machine by clicking the "Start" button on the toolbar. When the server has started, log in so you can partition the disks.

We will partition the disks using the "DiskPart" utility. To get alist of the current disks do the following.


Microsoft DiskPart version 6.0.6001
Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Microsoft Corporation.
On computer: RAC1

DISKPART> list disk

  Disk ###  Status      Size     Free     Dyn  Gpt
  --------  ----------  -------  -------  ---  ---
  Disk 0    Online        24 GB      0 B
  Disk 1    Online        10 GB    10 GB
  Disk 2    Online        10 GB    10 GB
  Disk 3    Online        10 GB    10 GB
  Disk 4    Online        10 GB    10 GB
  Disk 5    Online        10 GB    10 GB


In the diskpart utility we will perform the following commands.

automount enable
select disk 1
create partition extended
create partition logical
select disk 2
create partition extended
create partition logical
select disk 3
create partition extended
create partition logical
select disk 4
create partition extended
create partition logical
select disk 5
create partition extended
create partition logical

Stamp the disks for use with ASM. This is done using the asmtool that comes with the Grid Infrastructure media.

C:> Z:
Z:> cd z:\software\oracle\11gR2\\win64_grid\asmtool
Z:> asmtool -add \Device\HardDisk1\Partition1 ORCLDISK1
Z:> asmtool -add \Device\HardDisk2\Partition1 ORCLDISK2
Z:> asmtool -add \Device\HardDisk3\Partition1 ORCLDISK3
Z:> asmtool -add \Device\HardDisk4\Partition1 ORCLDISK4
Z:> asmtool -add \Device\HardDisk5\Partition1 ORCLDISK5

Z:> asmtool -list

NTFS                             \Device\Harddisk0\Partition1              100M
NTFS                             \Device\Harddisk0\Partition2            30618M
ORCLDISK1                        \Device\Harddisk1\Partition1             5117M
ORCLDISK2                        \Device\Harddisk2\Partition1             5117M
ORCLDISK3                        \Device\Harddisk3\Partition1             5117M
ORCLDISK4                        \Device\Harddisk4\Partition1             5117M
ORCLDISK5                        \Device\Harddisk5\Partition1             5117M


The shared disks are now configured.


Clone the Virtual Machine

Later versions of VirtualBox allow you to clone VMs, but these also attempt to clone the shared disks, which is not what we want. Instead we must manually clone the VM.

Shutdown the "w2008-112-rac1" VM.

Manually clone the virtual disk using the following commands on the host server.

$ mkdir -p /u03/VirtualBox/w2008-112-rac2
$ VBoxManage clonehd /u02/VirtualBox/w2008-112-rac1/w2008-112-rac1.vdi /u03/VirtualBox/w2008-112-rac2/w2008-112-rac2.vdi

Create the "w2008-112-rac2" virtual machine in VirtualBox in the same way as you did for "w2008-112-rac1", with the exception of using an existing "w2008-112-rac2.vdi" virtual hard drive.

Remember to add the second network adaptor as you did on the first VM. When the VM is created, attach the shared disks to this VM.

$ cd /u04/VirtualBox/w2008-112-rac
$ VBoxManage storageattach w2008-112-rac2 --storagectl "SATA Controller" --port 1 --device 0 --type hdd --medium asm1.vdi --mtype shareable
$ VBoxManage storageattach w2008-112-rac2 --storagectl "SATA Controller" --port 2 --device 0 --type hdd --medium asm2.vdi --mtype shareable
$ VBoxManage storageattach w2008-112-rac2 --storagectl "SATA Controller" --port 3 --device 0 --type hdd --medium asm3.vdi --mtype shareable
$ VBoxManage storageattach w2008-112-rac2 --storagectl "SATA Controller" --port 4 --device 0 --type hdd --medium asm4.vdi --mtype shareable
$ VBoxManage storageattach w2008-112-rac2 --storagectl "SATA Controller" --port 5 --device 0 --type hdd --medium asm5.vdi --mtype shareable

Start the "w2008-112-rac2" virtual machine.

Open the "Network Connections" screen (Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Change adapter settings) and amend the IP address values of each network to the appropriate values for the second node.

Open the "System Properties" dialog (Start > Control Panel > System and Security > System > Change Settings) and change the machine name by clicking the "Change" button. Click all "OK" buttons to exit the "System Properties" dialog and restart the server when prompted.

Once the RAC2 virtual machine has restarted, start the RAC1 virtual machine. When both nodes have started, check they can both ping all the public and private IP addresses using the following commands.

ping rac1
ping rac1-priv
ping rac2
ping rac2-priv

At this point the virtual IP addresses defined in the hosts file will not work, so don't bother testing them.

The virtual machine setup is now complete.


Install the Grid Instrastructure

Start the installer by double-clicking on the "Setup.exe" in the root of the installation media.

Check the "Skip software updates" option, then click the "Next" button.

Grid - Software Updates

Select the "Install and Configure Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster" option, then click the "Next" button.

Grid - Select Installation Option

Select the "Typical Installation" option, then click the "Next" button.

Grid - Select Installation Type

On the "Specify Cluster Configuration" screen, click the "Add" button.

Grid - Specify Cluster Configuration

Enter the details of the second node in the cluster, then click the "OK" button.

Grid - Add Cluster Node Information

Click the "Identify network interfaces..." button and check the public and private networks are specified correctly. Once you are happy with them, click the "OK" button and the "Next" button on the previous screen.

Grid - Network Interfaces

Enter appropriate paths and "Automatic Storage Manager" as the cluster registry storage type. Enter the ASM password and click the "Next" button.

Grid - Specify Install Locations

Set the redundancy to "External", select all 5 disks and click the "Next" button.

Grid - Create ASM Disk Group

Wait while the prerequisite checks complete. If you have any issues, either fix them or check the "Ignore All" checkbox and click the "Next" button. In this installation I used the local "Administrator" user, rather than a domain user, hence the failure. The installation completes successfully despite this.

Grid - Perform Prerequisite Checks

If you are happy with the summary information, click the "Install" button.

Grid - Summary

Wait while the setup takes place.

Grid - Setup

Click the "Close" button to exit the installer.

Grid - Finish

The clusterware installation is now complete.


Install the Database Software and Create a Database

Start the installer by double-clicking on the "Setup.exe" in the root of the installation media.

Uncheck the security updates checkbox and click the "Next" button.

DB - Configure Security Updates

Check the "Skip software updates" checkbox and click the "Next" button.

DB - Software Updates

Accept the "Create and configure a database" option by clicking the "Next" button.

DB - Select Installation Option

Accept the "Server Class" option by clicking the "Next" button.

DB - System Class

Make sure both nodes are selected, then click the "Next" button.

DB - Node Selection

Accept the "Typical install" option by clicking the "Next" button.

DB - Select Istall Type

Enter appropriate paths. The storage type should be set to "Automatic Storage Manager". Enter the appropriate passwords and database name, in this case "rac.localdomain".

DB - Typical Install Configuration

Wait for the prerequisite check to complete. If there are any problems either fix them, or check the "Ignore All" checkbox and click the "Next" button. If there are no errors, you will move directly to the summary screen. If you are happy with the summary information, click the "Install" button.

DB - Summary

Wait while the installation takes place.

DB - Install Product

Perform any suggested tasks on the "Finish" screen. Click the "Close" button to exit the installer.

DB - Finish

The RAC database creation is now complete.


Check the Status of the RAC

There are several ways to check the status of the RAC. The srvctl utility shows the current configuration and status of the RAC database.

C:\>srvctl config database -d RAC
Database unique name: rac
Database name: rac
Oracle home: C:\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\db_1
Oracle user: nt authority\system
Spfile: +DATA/rac/spfilerac.ora
Domain: localdomain
Start options: open
Stop options: immediate
Database role: PRIMARY
Management policy: AUTOMATIC
Server pools: rac
Database instances: rac1,rac2
Disk Groups: DATA
Mount point paths:
Type: RAC
Database is administrator managed

C:\>srvctl status database -d RAC
Instance rac1 is running on node w2008-112-rac1
Instance rac2 is running on node w2008-112-rac2


The V$ACTIVE_INSTANCES view can also display the current status of the instances.

C:\>sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Sep 13 12:58:23 2011

Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, Automatic Storage Management,
Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

SQL> SELECT inst_name FROM v$active_instances;




If you have configured Enterprise Manager, it can be used to view the configuration and current status of the database using a URL like "https://w2008-112-rac1.localdomain:1158/em".


For more information see:

Hope this helps. Regards Tim...





RAC是一个完整的集群应用环境,它不仅实现了集群的功能,而且提供了运行在集群之上的应用程序,即Oracle数据库。无论与普通的集群相比,还是与普通的oracle数据库相比,RAC都有一些独特之处。 RAC由至少两个节点组成,节点之间通过公共网络和私有网络连接,其中私有网络的功能是实现节点之间的通信,而公共网络的功能是提供用户的访问。在每个节点上分别运行一个Oracle数据库实例和一个监听器,分别监听一个IP地址上的用户请求,这个地址称为VIP(Virtual IP)。用户可以向任何一个VIP所在的数据库服务器发出请求,通过任何一个数据库实例访问数据库。Clusterware负责监视每个节点的状态,如果发现某个节点出现故障,便把这个节点上的数据库实例和它所对应的VIP以及其他资源切换到另外一个节点上,这样可以保证用户仍然可通过这个VIP访问数据库。 在普通的Oracle数据库中,一个数据库实例只能访问一个数据库,而一个数据库只能被一个数据库实例打开。在RAC环境中,多个数据库实例同时访问同一个数据库,每个数据库实例分别在不同的节点上运行,而数据库存放在共享的存储设备上。 通过RAC,不仅可以实现数据库的并发访问,而且可以实现用户访问的负载均衡。用户可以通过任何一个数据库实例访问数据库,实例之间通过内部通信来保证事务的一致性。例如,当用户在一个实例修改数据时,需要对数据加锁。当另一个用户在其他实例中修改同样的数据时,便需要等待锁的释放。当前一个用户提交事务时,后一个用户立即可以得到修改之后的数据。




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