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转载 Visual Studio各个版本对应关系

名字 版本号 简称 全称 msvc60 VC6.0 VC6 Visual Studio 6 msvc70 VC7.0 VS2002 Microsoft Visual Studio2002 msvc71 VC7.1 VS2003 Microsoft Visual Studio2003 msvc80 VC...

2019-08-13 14:30:23 867

转载 DICOM之Transfer Syntax

Transfer Syntax A Transfer Syntax is a set of encoding rules able to unambiguously represent one or more Abstract Syntaxes. In particular, it allows communicating Application Entities to negot...

2019-08-12 16:38:25 1401

转载 python字符串内置函数

1、字符串定义:它是一个有序的字符的集合,用于存储和表示基本的文本信息,‘’或“”或‘’‘ ’‘’中间包含的内容称之为字符串特性:1.只能存放一个值2.不可变3.按照从左到右的顺序定义字符集合,下标从0开始顺序访问,有序补充:  1.字符串的单引号和双引号都无法取消特殊字符的含义,如果想让引号内所有字符均取消特殊意义,在引号前面加r,如name=r'l\thf'  2.unic...

2019-02-28 23:58:45 11607

转载 DICOM 压缩格式读取

Howto: Accessing Compressed DataIf compressed DICOM images are loaded, DCMTK most of the time does the job of decompressing the image data itself, e.g. when the user feeds it into the DicomImage class...

2018-04-22 23:25:04 2724

转载 DICOM之常用Tag

1. 患者信息(整个SERIES一样)Tag描述例子0010 0010patient’s name(患者名字)xiahuizhen0010 0020patient ID(患者ID)1000342510010 0030patient’s birth date(患者生日)193905060010 0040patient’s sex(患者性别)F0010 1010patient’s age(患者年龄)0...

2018-04-21 08:36:03 17781

转载 Visual Stdio 2015 Project and Solution Files

The following files are created when you create a project in Visual Studio. They are used to manage project files in the solution.FilenameDirectory locationSolution

2017-08-28 23:15:08 311

转载 为什么许多软件开发团队与个人都不(爱)写开发文档?

FAQ 文档 编程规范

2017-08-24 11:06:04 1114


FTP 服务器端,可用作小型FTP服务器.C++ 编写,在VC++下编译,工程文档齐全,直接打开即可编译。 class CFtpd : public CSocket { // Attributes public: // Operations public: CFtpd(); virtual ~CFtpd(); // Overrides public: char userfile[256]; char ipfile[256]; int m_buf_length; CCriticalSection absCrit; bool m_specify_data_port; UINT m_port_from; UINT m_port_to; void RemoveClient(CFtpdPi *pBind); void AddClient(CFtpdPi* pBind); UINT m_port; DWORD* lpDW2; DWORD* lpDW; LPHOSTENT lpHostEnt; char HostName[100]; unsigned long IP; char sTmp[32]; int i; CString Citem; int result; // SECFileSystem fs; char buf[256]; char tmp[32]; BOOL allow; POSITION pos; CString CSIP; int sl; // int m_kbs; bool b_speed_limit_in; bool b_speed_limit_out; int default_speed_in; int default_speed_out; char m_root_dir[256]; bool b_auto_choose_ip; bool b_switch_pasv_ip; bool b_ipchk_pasv; bool b_ipchk; CString m_servername; DWORD dwNumIf; DWORD GetLocalNumericIP(int Index); CStringList ipList; CFtpdPi* ftpdbindsock; CList ClientList; // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CFtpd) public: virtual void OnAccept(int nErrorCode); virtual void OnClose(int nErrorCode); //}}AFX_VIRTUAL // Generated message map functions //{{AFX_MSG(CFtpd) // NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove member functions here. //}}AFX_MSG // Implementation protected: };


MPEG4压缩算法源代码 .zip

mpeg4编码库源代码,C++完整源代码,有需要饿同学尽管拿去。 // This is the header file describing // the entrance function of the encoder core // or the encore ... #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif typedef struct _ENC_PARAM_ { int x_dim; // the x dimension of the frames to be encoded int y_dim; // the y dimension of the frames to be encoded float framerate;// the frame rate of the sequence to be encoded long bitrate; // the bitrate of the target encoded stream long rc_period; // the intended rate control averaging period long rc_reaction_period; // the reation period for rate control long rc_reaction_ratio; // the ratio for down/up rate control long max_key_interval; // the maximum interval between key frames int max_quantizer; // the upper limit of the quantizer int min_quantizer; // the lower limit of the quantizer int search_range; // the forward search range for motion estimation } ENC_PARAM; typedef struct _ENC_FRAME_ { void *image; // the image frame to be encoded void *bitstream;// the buffer for encoded bitstream long length; // the length of the encoded bitstream } ENC_FRAME; typedef struct _ENC_RESULT_ { int isKeyFrame; // the current frame is encoded as a key frame } ENC_RESULT; // the prototype of the encore() - main encode engine entrance int encore( unsigned long handle, // handle - the handle of the calling entity, must be unique unsigned long enc_opt, // enc_opt - the option for encoding, see below void *param1, // param1 - the parameter 1 (its actually meaning depends on enc_opt void *param2); // param2 - the parameter 2 (its actually meaning depends on enc_opt // encore options (the enc_opt parameter of encore()) #define ENC_OPT_WRITE 1024 // write the reconstruct image to files (for debuging) #define ENC_OPT_INIT 32768 // initialize the encoder for an handle #define ENC_OPT_RELEASE 65536 // release all the resource associated with the handle // return code of encore() #define ENC_OK 0 #define ENC_MEMORY 1 #define ENC_BA






jpeg资源库 控件美化 多个VC++源代码打包 :VC 源代码 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CatListBox_src.zip CatListBox_demo.zip   这个程序模仿Outlook建立分类列表框。 CClockST_src.zip CClockST_demo.zip  一个简单的数字时钟程序,其中的date类派生于MFC CStatic 基类。 CIVStringSet_Demo.zip CIVStringSet_Source.zip   基于MFC和STL平台的字符串类,可以实现在快速字符串搜索。 enum_display_modes_demo.zip enum_display_modes_src.zip   列出所有的显示模式并列表出来,通过单击列表来改变显示分辨率。 iconbutton_demo.zip iconbutton_src.zip   创建一个按钮,并在上面显示图标。 jpeglib_demo.zip jpeglib_src.zip   利用Delphi的代码在VC中显示JPG图片,不使用动态连接库。 Mail_Report.zip   一个邮件报告程序。 SrcFirstProg.zip   解释了最基本的MFC程序流程。 tabcontrol_demo.zip tabcontrol_src.zip   自定义的标签控件对话框。 Undo_demo.zip undo_src.zip    在VC中实现Undo和Redo功能。



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