datable 绑定 matrix

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using SAPbouiCOM;

namespace Matrix
    class Matrix
        // This parameter will use us to manipulate the
        // SAP Business One Application

        private SAPbouiCOM.Application SBO_Application;
        private SAPbouiCOM.Form oForm;

        private SAPbouiCOM.Matrix oMatrix;
        private SAPbouiCOM.Columns oColumns;
        private SAPbouiCOM.Column oColumn;

        // declareing a DB data source for all the Data binded columns

        private SAPbouiCOM.DBDataSource oDBDataSource;

        // declaring a User data source for the "Remarks" Column
        private SAPbouiCOM.UserDataSource oUserDataSource;

        private SAPbouiCOM.DataTable oDataTable;

        private static bool init = false;

        // *****************************************************************
        //  This Function is called automatically when an instance
        //  of the class is created.
        //  Indise this function
        // *****************************************************************
        public Matrix()

            // set SBO_Application with an initialized application object


            // Create the UI

            // Add Data Sources to the Form

            // Bind the Form's items with the desired data source

            // Load date to matrix

            // Make the form visible
            oForm.Visible = true;

            // events handled by SBO_Application_AppEvent
            SBO_Application.AppEvent += new SAPbouiCOM._IApplicationEvents_AppEventEventHandler(SBO_Application_AppEvent);
            // events handled by SBO_Application_ItemEvent
            SBO_Application.ItemEvent += new SAPbouiCOM._IApplicationEvents_ItemEventEventHandler(SBO_Application_ItemEvent);
            //form load

        private void SetApplication()

            // *******************************************************************
            // Use an SboGuiApi object to establish connection
            // with the SAP Business One application and return an
            // initialized appliction object
            // *******************************************************************

            SAPbouiCOM.SboGuiApi SboGuiApi = null;
            string sConnectionString = null;

            SboGuiApi = new SAPbouiCOM.SboGuiApi();

            // by following the steps specified above, the following
            // statment should be suficient for either development or run mode

            sConnectionString = System.Convert.ToString(Environment.GetCommandLineArgs().GetValue(2));

            // connect to a running SBO Application

                //  If there's no active application the connection will fail
            { //  Connection failed
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("No SAP Business One Application was found");
            // get an initialized application object

            SBO_Application = SboGuiApi.GetApplication(-1);
            // SBO_Application.MessageBox("Hello World")


        private void SBO_Application_AppEvent(SAPbouiCOM.BoAppEventTypes EventType)

            switch (EventType)
                case SAPbouiCOM.BoAppEventTypes.aet_ShutDown:

                    SBO_Application.MessageBox("A Shut Down Event has been caught" + Environment.NewLine + "Terminating 'Add Menu Item' Add On...", 1, "Ok", "", "");
                    // terminating the Add On


        private void CreateFormWithMatrix()
            // Don't Forget:
            // it is much more efficient to load a form from xml.
            // use code only to create your form.
            // once you have created it save it as XML.
            // see "WorkingWithXML" sample project

            // we will use the following object to add items to our form
            SAPbouiCOM.Item oItem = null;

            // *******************************************
            // we will use the following objects to set
            // the specific values of every item
            // we add.
            // this is the best way to do so

            SAPbouiCOM.Button oButton = null;
            SAPbouiCOM.StaticText oStaticText = null;
            SAPbouiCOM.EditText oEditText = null;

            // The following object is needed to create our form
            SAPbouiCOM.FormCreationParams creationPackage;
            //object creationPackage = null;
            object tmp = null;
            SAPbouiCOM.FormCreationParams oCreationParams = null;

            tmp = SBO_Application.CreateObject(SAPbouiCOM.BoCreatableObjectType.cot_FormCreationParams);

            creationPackage = ((SAPbouiCOM.FormCreationParams)(SBO_Application.CreateObject(SAPbouiCOM.BoCreatableObjectType.cot_FormCreationParams)));

            creationPackage.UniqueID = "UidFrmMatrix";
            creationPackage.FormType = "TypeFrmMatrix";

            // Add our form to the SBO application
            oForm = SBO_Application.Forms.AddEx(((SAPbouiCOM.FormCreationParams)(creationPackage)));

            // Set the form properties
            oForm.Title = "Matrix, Datasources aind Linked Button";
            oForm.Left = 336;
            oForm.ClientWidth = 520;
            oForm.Top = 44;
            oForm.ClientHeight = 200;

            // Adding Items to the form
            // and setting their properties

            // /**********************
            // Adding an Ok button

            // We get automatic event handling for
            // the Ok and Cancel Buttons by setting
            // their UIDs to 1 and 2 respectively

            oItem = oForm.Items.Add("1", SAPbouiCOM.BoFormItemTypes.it_BUTTON);
            oItem.Left = 5;
            oItem.Width = 65;
            oItem.Top = 170;
            oItem.Height = 19;

            oButton = ((SAPbouiCOM.Button)(oItem.Specific));

            oButton.Caption = "Ok";

            // Adding a Cancel button

            oItem = oForm.Items.Add("2", SAPbouiCOM.BoFormItemTypes.it_BUTTON);
            oItem.Left = 75;
            oItem.Width = 65;
            oItem.Top = 170;
            oItem.Height = 19;

            oButton = ((SAPbouiCOM.Button)(oItem.Specific));

            oButton.Caption = "Cancel";

            // Adding an Load/Flush column button
            oItem = oForm.Items.Add("BtnLoad", SAPbouiCOM.BoFormItemTypes.it_BUTTON);
            oItem.Left = 160;
            oItem.Width = 100;
            oItem.Top = 170;
            oItem.Height = 19;

            oButton = ((SAPbouiCOM.Button)(oItem.Specific));

            oButton.Caption = "Load";

            // Adding an Load/Flush column button
            oItem = oForm.Items.Add("BtnFlush", SAPbouiCOM.BoFormItemTypes.it_BUTTON);
            oItem.Left = 265;
            oItem.Width = 100;
            oItem.Top = 172;
            oItem.Height = 19;

            oButton = ((SAPbouiCOM.Button)(oItem.Specific));

            oButton.Caption = "Flush";

            // Add the matrix to the form


        private void AddMatrixToForm()

            // we will use the following object to add items to our form
            SAPbouiCOM.Item oItem = null;

            // we will use the following object to set a linked button
            SAPbouiCOM.LinkedButton oLink = null;

            // Adding a Matrix item

            oItem = oForm.Items.Add("Matrix1", SAPbouiCOM.BoFormItemTypes.it_MATRIX);
            oItem.Left = 5;
            oItem.Width = 500;
            oItem.Top = 5;
            oItem.Height = 150;

            oMatrix = ((SAPbouiCOM.Matrix)(oItem.Specific));
            oColumns = oMatrix.Columns;

            // Adding Culomn items to the matrix

            oColumn = oColumns.Add("#", SAPbouiCOM.BoFormItemTypes.it_EDIT);
            oColumn.TitleObject.Caption = "#";
            oColumn.Width = 30;
            oColumn.Editable = false;

            // Add a column for BP Card Code
            oColumn = oColumns.Add("DSCardCode", SAPbouiCOM.BoFormItemTypes.it_LINKED_BUTTON);
            oColumn.TitleObject.Caption = "Card Code";
            oColumn.Width = 40;
            oColumn.Editable = true;

            // Link the column to the BP master data system form
            oLink = ((SAPbouiCOM.LinkedButton)(oColumn.ExtendedObject));
            oLink.LinkedObject = SAPbouiCOM.BoLinkedObject.lf_BusinessPartner;

            SAPbouiCOM.ChooseFromListCollection oCFLs = oForm.ChooseFromLists;            
            SAPbouiCOM.ChooseFromListCreationParams oCFLCreationParams;
            oCFLCreationParams = (SAPbouiCOM.ChooseFromListCreationParams)SBO_Application.CreateObject(BoCreatableObjectType.cot_ChooseFromListCreationParams);

            //Adding a choosefromlist for the column
            oCFLCreationParams.MultiSelection = false;
            oCFLCreationParams.ObjectType = "2";
            oCFLCreationParams.UniqueID = "CFL1";

            SAPbouiCOM.ChooseFromList oCFL = oCFLs.Add(oCFLCreationParams);
            SAPbouiCOM.UserDataSource udsCardCode = oForm.DataSources.UserDataSources.Add("UdsCardCd", BoDataType.dt_SHORT_TEXT, 10);
            oColumn.DataBind.SetBound(true, "", "UdsCardCd");
            oColumn.ChooseFromListUID = "CFL1";

            // Add a column for BP Card Name
            oColumn = oColumns.Add("DSCardName", SAPbouiCOM.BoFormItemTypes.it_EDIT);
            oColumn.TitleObject.Caption = "Name";
            oColumn.Width = 40;
            oColumn.Editable = true;

            // Add a column for BP Card Phone
            oColumn = oColumns.Add("DSPhone", SAPbouiCOM.BoFormItemTypes.it_EDIT);
            oColumn.TitleObject.Caption = "Phone";
            oColumn.Width = 40;
            oColumn.Editable = true;

            // Add a column for Date
            oColumn = oColumns.Add("Date", SAPbouiCOM.BoFormItemTypes.it_EDIT);
            oColumn.TitleObject.Caption = "Date";
            oColumn.Width = 40;
            oColumn.Editable = true;
            oForm.DataSources.UserDataSources.Add("DSDate", BoDataType.dt_DATE, 20);
            oColumn.DataBind.SetBound(true, "", "DSDate");

        public void AddDataSourceToForm()

            // Add data table for the DB bound columns in the matrix
            oForm.DataSources.DataTables.Item(0).ExecuteQuery("select CardCode, CardName, Phone1 from OCRD");

            oDataTable = oForm.DataSources.DataTables.Item(0);


        public void BindDataToForm()

            // getting the matrix column by the UID   
            //oColumn = oColumns.Item("#");
            //oColumn.DataBind.Bind("MyDataTable", "RowID");

            oColumn = oColumns.Item("DSCardCode");
            oColumn.DataBind.Bind("MyDataTable", "CardCode");

            oColumn = oColumns.Item("DSCardName");
            oColumn.DataBind.Bind("MyDataTable", "CardName");

            oColumn = oColumns.Item("DSPhone");
            oColumn.DataBind.Bind("MyDataTable", "Phone1");

        public void GetDataFromDataSource()

            // Ready Matrix to populate data


        private void SBO_Application_ItemEvent(string FormUID, ref SAPbouiCOM.ItemEvent pVal, out bool BubbleEvent)
            BubbleEvent = true;
            if ((pVal.FormUID == "UidFrmMatrix"))

                if (((pVal.ItemUID == "BtnFlush") & (pVal.EventType == SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_ITEM_PRESSED) & (pVal.Before_Action == false)))

                if (((pVal.ItemUID == "BtnLoad") & (pVal.EventType == SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_ITEM_PRESSED) & (pVal.Before_Action == false)))

                if (((pVal.EventType == SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_FORM_UNLOAD) & (pVal.Before_Action == false)))
                    SBO_Application.MessageBox("Form Unloaded, Addon will terminate", 1, "Ok", "", "");
            else if (pVal.FormType == 139)
                if (((pVal.ItemUID == "38") && (pVal.ColUID == "U_PickList") && (pVal.EventType == SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_ITEM_PRESSED) && (pVal.Before_Action == false)))

                if (((pVal.ItemUID == "38") && (pVal.ColUID == "U_PickList") && (pVal.EventType == SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_DOUBLE_CLICK) && (pVal.Before_Action == false)))
                    SBO_Application.MessageBox("Open your own form here", 1, "Ok", "", "");


        public void LoadData()
            //Set the new phone number in the DataTable, at Phone1 of the 1st row
            string newPhone = "61080000";
            oDataTable = oForm.DataSources.DataTables.Item(0);
            oDataTable.SetValue(2, 0, newPhone);

            //Load data from DataTable to GUI

        public void FlushData()
            //Flush the data changed in GUI to DataTable

            //Check the new phone number in DataTable
            string newPhone = (string)(oForm.DataSources.DataTables.Item(0).GetValue(2, 0));
            SBO_Application.MessageBox(newPhone, 1, "Ok", "", "");

        public void OnPickListClick()

            SAPbouiCOM.Form soForm = SBO_Application.Forms.ActiveForm;
            // we will use the following object to add items to our form
            SAPbouiCOM.Item oItem = null;

            // we will use the following object to set a linked button
            SAPbouiCOM.LinkedButton oLink = null;

            SAPbouiCOM.Matrix soMatrix = null;

            // Getting a Matrix item

            oItem = soForm.Items.Item(38);
            soMatrix = ((SAPbouiCOM.Matrix)(oItem.Specific));
            oColumns = soMatrix.Columns;           

            Add a column for BP Card Code
            //oColumn = oColumns.Item("U_PickList");
            SAPbouiCOM.EditText et = (SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oColumn.Cells.Item(1).Specific;
            et.Value = "1";
            Link the column to the BP master data system form
            //oLink = ((SAPbouiCOM.LinkedButton)(oColumn.ExtendedObject));
            //oLink.LinkedObject = SAPbouiCOM.BoLinkedObject.lf_PickList;

            // Add a column for BP Card Code
            oColumn = oColumns.Add("PickListNum", SAPbouiCOM.BoFormItemTypes.it_LINKED_BUTTON);
            oColumn.TitleObject.Caption = "Pick List#";
            oColumn.Width = 40;
            oColumn.Editable = true;

            // Link the column to the BP master data system form
            oLink = ((SAPbouiCOM.LinkedButton)(oColumn.ExtendedObject));
            oLink.LinkedObject = SAPbouiCOM.BoLinkedObject.lf_PickList;

            soForm.DataSources.DataTables.Item(0).ExecuteQuery("select U_PickList from RDR1");

            oDataTable = oForm.DataSources.DataTables.Item(0);

            oColumn.DataBind.Bind("PickListDataTable", "U_PickList");
            init = true;

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