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翻译 Authentication and Authorisation

who you are === 》what you are allowed to dohttps://andrewlock.net/introduction-to-authentication-with-asp-net-core/The difference between Authentication and AuthorisationFirst of all, we shou...

2019-08-16 12:08:39 358

原创 Revit api wall orientation 墙朝向 门窗 族朝向等等

墙朝向:墙的法向量在外墙面的投影。。方向向量 cross product basisZ==normal vector ==orientationthe normal vector projected from the exterior side of the wallfacfamilyinstance: door window ==》只与自身族有关 带门面板的为faci...

2019-08-09 16:05:25 963

转载 MySQL 8.0版本连接报错:Could not create connection to database server.

https://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2018-11/155344.htmMySQL 8.0版本连接报错:Could not create connection to database server.[日期:2018-11-15] 来源:Linux社区 作者:Linux [字体:大中小] 准备搭建一个Spring Boot 组合mybat...

2019-08-02 16:52:30 1923

原创 tomcat的环境配置 中文乱码

tomcat的环境配置1、Tomcat 7.0 (请到官网下载)的免安装版的配置(假如将Tomcat 解压到D:\Program Files目录,目录结构为:D:\Program Files\apache-tomcat-7.0.111、添加环境变量:在 我的电脑->属性->高级->环境变量2、新建系统变量,变量名:CATALINA_HOME 变量值:D:\P...

2019-08-01 17:49:30 1331

原创 cefSharp anycpu

You must add<CefSharpAnyCpuSupport>true</CefSharpAnyCpuSupport>to the first<PropertyGroup>in your project (e.g..csprojfile).AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += Res...

2019-07-09 15:34:45 581

原创 File.Copy then FIle.Delete IOError

if (File.Exists(destFileName)) { try { FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(destFileName); System.Security.AccessControl.FileSecurity fileSecurity = fileInfo...

2019-06-21 16:22:13 170

原创 win10 wcf 部署 未能从程序集“System.ServiceModel, Version=,

https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/613812/Solve-IIS-Error-Could-not-load-type-System-Servi未能从程序集“System.ServiceModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089”中加载类型“System...

2019-06-17 16:02:46 839

原创 文件下载 中文 UrlDecode

downLoadLink = downLoadLink.Replace('"', ' ').Trim(); //"http://xxx/seafhttp/files/d9e9b670-793d-4783-8746-802d732dc4d6/abc.txt" var fileName = downLoadLink.Substring(down...

2019-05-28 17:07:30 320

原创 shader

01、Vertex processing in the OpenGL pipeline02、The actions of the overall graphics pipeline03the modeling and viewing transformations are combined intothe ModelView transformation, and...

2019-04-30 15:33:34 87

转载 js promises 踩坑 填坑 We have a problem with promises

We have a problem with promisespromise 填坑对于promisereturn与否,结果真的不一样哦。By:Nolan LawsonPublished:18 May 2015Fellow JavaScripters, it's time to admit it: we have a problem with promises....

2019-03-27 15:16:39 953

原创 IIS 配置问题

在阿里云里面,配置内网IP能够支持访问的时候,使用外网IP访问也是正常的, 不需要配置外网IP。配置外网IP的时候是不行的。

2018-10-27 12:56:31 130

原创 aliyun ftp

01 cloud filezillaserver: firewall  passive mode port set  02 windows 添加安全组规则允许 自定义 TCP 50000/51000 地址段访问 ftp 1 2018年10月24日 16:30 03 clie...

2018-10-24 17:32:35 175

原创 MFC EasySize - Dialog resizing in no time!

MFC EasySizehttps://www.codeproject.com/Articles/1657/EasySize-Dialog-resizing-in-no-timeUsageNote that all this works exactly the same way with both CDialog and CPropertyPageHide   Copy Code...

2018-09-29 12:43:28 267

原创 MFC-Grid-control-2-27

https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/8/MFC-Grid-control-2-27  踩坑01、x64 位系统 CGridCtrl::OnTimer(UINT_PTR nIDEvent)  踩坑02、WIN10 //- Modify the following defines if you have to target a platfo...

2018-09-07 17:07:02 786

转载 [转]架設 GitLab 作 Git 版本控管(七),Git 指令相關 command

架設 GitLab 作 Git 版本控管(七),Git 指令相關 commandPOSTED ON 2016 年 06 月 04 日LEAVE A COMMENThttps://ssorc.tw/6355建立使用者資訊git config --global user.name "cross"git config --global user.email "cross@ssorc....

2018-08-13 11:50:33 259

转载 OSG+VS2010+win7环境搭建 【转】

OSG+VS2010+win7环境搭建https://www.cnblogs.com/eaglezhao/archive/2011/07/12/eaglezhao.htmlWin7下 osg+vs2010环境搭建一.相关准备a) Osg源码当前最新版:OpenSceneGraph的3.0.0.zip下载链接:http://www.openscenegraph.org/d...

2018-07-21 17:31:21 239

原创 objectarx arxdbg into

01、acedAddDefaultContextMenu 添加右键菜单项Adesk::Boolean acedAddDefaultContextMenu( AcEdUIContext * pContext, const void * appId, const ACHAR* appName = NULL);aced.hParametersDescriptionAcEdU...

2018-07-16 11:31:17 560

转载 Multilevel Undo and Redo Implementation in C# - Part II (Using Command Pattern)

Multilevel Undo and Redo Implementation in C# - Part II (Using Command Pattern)Razan Paul (Raju), 18 Feb 2009   4.86 (50 votes)Rate:vote 1vote 2vote 3vote 4vote 5 How Command Pattern and Stack can be ...

2018-07-13 17:55:52 306

原创 objectarx CAdUi CAcUi

简单说,CAdUi可以用来做AutoCAD及其他的cad平台的Ui AcUi仅供AutoCAD使用,集成有AutoCAD的属性支持ObjectARX has a set of MFC User Interface (UI)-related classes that easily allow you to provide a consistent UI. This means your UI can...

2018-07-13 17:54:37 992

转载 Win10或Win8下ObjectARX* Wizard向导创建项目失败解决方法

http://www.cnblogs.com/edata/p/6796025.htmlWin10或Win8下ObjectARX2015 Wizard向导创建项目失败解决方法[原创]objectARX 2015 Wizard安装向导在Win8/win10下无法创建项目的解决方法总结by edata @2017-5-1objectARX 2015 Wizard安装向导在...

2018-07-10 15:30:49 2024

翻译 undo redo 01 --no design pattern surpport!

Multilevel Undo and Redo Implementation in C# - Part I (Using Single Object Representing Change Approach)Razan Paul (Raju), 18 Feb 2009   4.90 (33 votes)Rate:vote 1vote 2vote 3vote 4vote 5 How single ...

2018-06-28 10:20:06 290

原创 Ifc 人工解析——拿一根梁来举例说明

原始天尊ISO-10303-21;HEADER;FILE_DESCRIPTION(('ViewDefinition [ReferenceView_V1]'),'2;1');FILE_NAME(/* name */ 'C:\\My Work\\Geometry Gym\\documents\\building smart\\github\\ifcscript\\examples\\BeamE...

2018-06-27 16:16:19 5882 5

原创 4. Types

值类型A value type is either a struct type or anenumeration type. C# provides a set of predefined struct types called the simple types. The simple types are identified throughreserved words..1 The Syste...

2018-06-15 11:35:43 167

原创 C# base 子类 访问 父类的 method 和 constructor 及 property 属性

The base keyword is used to access members of the base class from within a derived class:Call a method on the base class that has been overridden by another method.Specify which base-class constructor...

2018-06-15 11:16:41 341

原创 c++ 成员访问

 Member Access Operators: . and -&gt;  值==》   【.】地址==》【-&gt;】postfix-expression   . member  (&amp;e)-&gt;member  === e.member  (e is a class or struct)In the first form, postfix-expression represents ...

2018-06-14 17:27:47 385

原创 项目中所有的构件

var allEles = fecNonType.WhereElementIsNotElementType().Where(ele =&gt; ele.Category != null &amp;&amp; ele.Category.CategoryType == CategoryType.Model &amp;&amp; ele.Category.AllowsBoundParameters ==...

2018-06-12 10:33:42 206

原创 关于log4net 在自己dll里面使用时配置的问题

配置文件 log4net.config内容,关于样式部分参考https://logging.apache.org/log4net/download_log4net.cgi&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;&lt;configuration&gt; &lt;configSections&gt; &lt;section name="lo...

2018-05-24 14:59:41 1079

原创 (C#)Windows Shell 外壳编程系列总结


2018-03-31 15:56:00 3592 1

原创 腾讯云ubuntu服务器搭设里面的坑 /etc/fstab permission denied

https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/213/2042使用 MBR 分区表分区并格式化echo '/dev/vdb1 /mydata ext3 defaults 0 0' &gt;&gt; /etc/fstab"permission denied" writing to data partition. fstab?教程里面的是root账户 所以...

2018-03-16 19:04:36 3262

原创 JSPlugin.3005 KB3008923

JSPlugin.3005http://blog.csdn.net/u014481405/article/details/51205629下载后安装错误:KB3008923 windows update 不支持的硬件 您的电脑使用的处理器为最新版Windows而设计。。。https://www.zhihu.com/question/59831828https://github.com/zeffy/...

2018-02-27 10:55:53 1049

原创 autocAD ObjectARX Documentation H3Viewer help viewer

关于objectarx 进行autocAD的二次开发时候,如果我们能够从vs的F1直接导航到cad的帮助的时候会非常的方便,然而,我们安装了 官网下载的ObjectARX 2013 Documentation - VS2010.msi后F1仍然会看不到帮助。检查vs已经安装的文档我们看不到我们的处理办法为我们手动的重新指定一下msha文件的位置,我的这个文件在C:\Program Fi

2017-12-22 09:17:29 542

原创 ObjectARX Training Guide fatal error LNK1104

在最近学习autocad objectarx的过程中,踩了很久的坑,也怪自己的不仔细,chm直接复制的Select the node "Linker"->"Input". In the "Additional Dependencies" item, add the following libraries:"rxapi.lib acdb19.lib acge19.lib acad

2017-06-09 23:00:15 454

原创 revit二次开发中combox控件的应用

revit二次开发 combox控件的应用 窗体传值:新窗体应用revit文档的信息

2016-03-02 16:02:49 1223

转载 分粥的游戏规则

分粥的游戏规则  7个人煮了一锅粥,可怎么分粥却让大家头疼。因为无论怎么分、让谁分,都不能令所有人满意,总有人抱怨说自己那碗少了。后来大家想了一个办法:每人轮流值日分粥,但是分粥的人最后一个领粥。结果每次7只碗里的粥都是一样多,像用量杯测过一样。这是哲学家罗尔斯在《正义论》中讨论社会财富时做的一个比喻,放在管理学中同样适用。除了这种方法,我们常常还会想到其他方法:一

2015-01-18 20:24:01 1008

原创 新开一个博客,希望常驻,记录下自己的学习历程


2014-12-05 13:42:33 557

ACM 算法 吴昊



Three.js projecting mouse clicks to a 3D scene webgl 交互选择

Three Three.js projecting mouse clicks to a 3D scene - how to do it and how it works


objectarx 2012-2018 x86 64

objectarx 2012-2018 x86 64 autocad &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;


mgddbg tool

2012-2018各个版本 &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt; <RuntimeRequirements OS="Win32|Win64" Platform="AutoCAD*|AutoCAD"






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