
Dell EMC PowerEdge RAID控制器(PERC)命令行界面(CLI)实用程序用于管理RAID卡相关的配置和信息,命令的子命令和选项如下所示:

help - lists all the commands with their usage. E.g. perccli help
<command> help - gives details about a particular command. E.g. perccli add help

List of commands:

Commands   Description
add        Adds/creates a new element to controller like VD,Spare..etc
delete     Deletes an element like VD,Spare
show       Displays information about an element
set        Set a particular value to a property
get        Get a particular value to a property
compare Compares particular value to a property
start      Start background operation
stop       Stop background operation
pause      Pause background operation
resume     Resume background operation
download   Downloads file to given device
expand     expands size of given drive
insert     inserts new drive for missing
transform  downgrades the controller
/cx        Controller specific commands
/ex        Enclosure specific commands
/sx        Slot/PD specific commands
/vx        Virtual drive specific commands
/dx        Disk group specific commands
/fall      Foreign configuration specific commands
/px        Phy specific commands
/[bbu|cv]  Battery Backup Unit, Cachevault commands


1)perccli64.exe show 列出机器当前的RAID卡信息:

Status Code = 0
Status = Success
Description = None

Number of Controllers = 1
Host Name = XXXXX
Operating System  = Windows Server 2008 R2

System Overview :

Ctl Model        Ports PDs DGs DNOpt VDs VNOpt BBU   sPR DS EHS ASOs Hlth
  0 PERCH710Mini     8   8   1     0   2     0 NdAtn On  3  N      0 NdAtn

Ctl=Controller Index|DGs=Drive groups|VDs=Virtual drives|Fld=Failed
PDs=Physical drives|DNOpt=DG NotOptimal|VNOpt=VD NotOptimal|Opt=Optimal
Msng=Missing|Dgd=Degraded|NdAtn=Need Attention|Unkwn=Unknown
sPR=Scheduled Patrol Read|DS=DimmerSwitch|EHS=Emergency Hot Spare
Y=Yes|N=No|ASOs=Advanced Software Options|BBU=Battery backup unit
Hlth=Health|Safe=Safe-mode boot

2)“perccli64.exe /c0/bbu show all”显示电池的信息

Controller = 0
Status = Success
Description = None

BBU_Info :

Property      Value
Type          BBU
Voltage       11 mV
Current       0 mA
Temperature   51 C
Battery State Dgrd-NdAtn

BBU_Firmware_Status :

Property                                   Value
Charging Status                            None
Voltage                                    Low
Temperature                                OK
Learn Cycle Requested                      Yes
Learn Cycle Active                         No
Learn Cycle Status                         OK
Learn Cycle Timeout                        No
I2C Errors Detected                        No
Battery Pack Missing                       No
Replacement required                       Yes
Remaining Capacity Low                     Yes
Periodic Learn Required                    No
Transparent Learn                          No
No space to cache offload                  No
Pack is about to fail & should be replaced No
Cache Offload premium feature required     No
Module microcode update required           No

GasGaugeStatus :

Property                   Value
Fully Discharged           Yes
Fully Charged              Yes
Discharging                No
Initialized                No
Remaining Time Alarm       No
Remaining Capacity Alarm   No
Terminate Discharge Alarm  No
Over Temperature           No
Charging Terminated        No
Over Charged               No
Relative State of Charge   0%
Charger System State       Unknown
Remaining Capacity         0
Full Charge Capacity       35
Is SOH Good                No
Battery backup charge time 0 hour(s)

BBU_Capacity_Info :

Property                 Value
Relative State of Charge 0%
Absolute State of charge 0%
Remaining Capacity       0 mAh
Full Charge Capacity     35 mAh
Run time to empty        Battery is not being charged
Average time to empty    0 min
Average Time to full     Battery is not being charged
Cycle Count              7
Max Error                0%
Remaining Capacity Alarm 0 mAh
Remining Time Alarm      0 minutes(s)

BBU_Design_Info :

Property                Value
Date of Manufacture     18/07/2011
Design Capacity         90 mAh
Design Voltage          0 mV
Specification Info      0
Serial Number           0
Pack Stat Configuration 0
Manufacture Name
Device Name
Device Chemistry
Battery FRU             N/A
Transparent Learn       1
App Data                0
Module Version          0148 03

BBU_Properties :

Property             Value
Auto Learn Period    90d (7776000 seconds)
Next Learn time      2021/05/19  01:06:41 (674701601 seconds)
Learn Delay Interval 0 hour(s)
Auto-Learn Mode      Transparent

perccli64.exe /c0/bbu start learn” 对电池进行校准
perccli64.exe /c0/bbu show learn” 查看校准信息

3)“perccli /cx download file=”升级固件,其中 x 是控制器索引编号, 固件刷新完成后,按照指导重新引导服务器。

perccli /c0 show termlog
perccli /c0/v0 show all > virtualdrivers.txt
perccli /c0 /eall /sall show all > disks.txt
perccli /c0 show eventloginfo > eventloginfo.txt

2)在Linux中,运行rpm -ivh 安装percli RPM,或要升级percli RPM,运行rpm -Uvh 。然后进入目录/opt/MegaRAID/perccli,运行./perccli或./perccli64。
3)在VMware ESXi中,将VMware_PERCCLI_xxxxx_x.x-xxx.xxxx.tar.gz解压到主机上的/vmfs/volume/datastore1,
a. 查看已安装的VIB软件包的列表:esxcli software vib list
b. 安装VIB软件包:esxcli software vib install -v /vmfs/volume/datastore1/vmware-perccli-xxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.vib --no-sig-check,其中/vmfs/volume/datastore1是VIB的路径详情。
c. 删除安装的VIB:esxcli software vib remove -n=vmware-esx-perccli.vib --force
d. 运行:/opt/lsi/perccli/perccli


适用于所有PERC控制器的Windows PERCCLI实用程序

PERCCLI Utility For All PERC9 Controllers

Dell PERC H730/H730P/H830/FD33xS/FD33xD Mini/适配器 RAID 控制器固件版本

Dell EMC PowerEdge RAID Controller CLI Reference Guide

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