
 对于编程爱好者来说,开发软件过程中文字显示处理是一项很重要的内容,它的显示效果的好坏,对程序的界面效果有很大的影响,如果文字显示时能够打破陈规,有所创新,使用一些别致的方式,可以给用户耳目一新的感觉,从而增加程序的亲和力。针对Visual Basic编程,笔者给出了文字"闪入"显示这一特殊显示效果的实现方法,希望能够对读者朋友们开阔思路有所帮助。





Declare Function SetTextCharacterExtra Lib "gdi32" Alias "SetTextCharacterExtraA" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal nCharExtra As Long) As Long



Declare Function DrawTextEx Lib "user32" Alias "DrawTextExA" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal lpsz As String, ByVal n As Long, lpRect As RECT, ByVal un As Long, lpDrawTextParams As DRAWTEXTPARAMS) As Long

  参数hDC是要在其中绘图的一个设备场景的句柄,lpsz 是欲描绘输出的文本字串,n为欲描绘的字符数量,如果要描绘整个字串(直到中止符),则可将这个参数设为-1。lpRect RECT,指定用于绘图的一个格式化矩形(采用逻辑坐标),un是一个标志位。决定了以何种形式执行绘图,例如:DT_EDITCONTROL 对一个多行编辑控件进行模拟;DT_ENDELLIPSES 将在字串不能在矩形里全部容下的情况下就在末尾显示省略号等等。lpDrawTextParams是一个指向DRAWTEXTPARAMS结构的指针,它包含了额外的格式信息。


  了解了实现原理及方法,下面就让我们来动手编程吧。首先,启动Visual Basic生成一单文档应用程序,在Form1上放置Timer控件用来启动定时程序;放置三个Label控件,其中一个用来显示文本信息,二个用来作为按钮分别用来启动文本显示及退出程序。最后添加代码如下:

Option Explicit
Private Type tpeTextProperties
 cbSize As Long
 iTabLength As Long
 iLeftMargin As Long
 iRightMargin As Long
 uiLengthDrawn As Long
End Type

Private Type tpeRectangle
 Left As Long
 Top As Long
 Right As Long
 Bottom As Long
End Type

Private Const DT_CENTER = &H1
Private Const DT_VCENTER = &H4

Private Declare Function DrawTextEx Lib "user32" Alias "DrawTextExA" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal lpsz As String, ByVal n As Long, lpRect As tpeRectangle, ByVal un As Long, lpDrawTextParams As tpeTextProperties) As Long
Private Declare Function SetTextCharacterExtra Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal nCharExtra As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetClientRect Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, lpRect As tpeRectangle) As Long

Public strCharSpace As Integer

Private Sub Form_Load()
 ’ Call the button code which performs the function which
 ’ we want to do here.
 Call cmdStart_Click
End Sub

Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
 Unload frmMain ’ Unload this form from memory
 End ’ End the program
End Sub

Private Sub cmdStart_Click()
 ’ Draw the text with a large space between the characters
 strCharSpace = 240
 Call doAnimationFX
 ’ Start the timer
 tmrProgTimer.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub tmrProgTimer_Timer()
 ’ Take away one of the present value of the spacing
 strCharSpace = strCharSpace - 1
 Call doAnimationFX ’ Draw the new string
 ’ Check the value of ’strCharSpace’
 If strCharSpace = 0 Then tmrProgTimer.Enabled = False
End Sub

Private Sub doAnimationFX()
 ’ Procedure Scope Declarations
 Dim typeDrawRect As tpeRectangle
 Dim typeDrawParams As tpeTextProperties
 Dim strCaption As String
 ’ Set the string which will be animated
 strCaption = "Visual Basic Code"
 ’ Set the area in which the animation will take place.
 ’ Needs to be a control which has the ’.hwnd’ property
 ’ and can be refreshed and cleared easily. So a picture
 ’ box is the best candidate
 GetClientRect picAniRect.hwnd, typeDrawRect
 ’ Now set the properties which will be used in the animation
 With typeDrawParams
  ’ The size of the animation
  .cbSize = Len(typeDrawParams)
  ’ The left and right margins
  .iLeftMargin = 0
  .iRightMargin = 0
 End With
 ’ Clear the picture box
 ’ Set the character spacing which will be used
 SetTextCharacterExtra picAniRect.hdc, Val(strCharSpace)
 ’ Draw the string of text, in the set area with the
 ’ specified options
 DrawTextEx picAniRect.hdc, strCaption, Len(strCaption), _
typeDrawRect, SaveOptions, typeDrawParams
 ’ Refresh the picture box which contains the animation
End Sub
Private Function SaveOptions() As Long
 ’ Procedure Scope Declaration
 Dim MyFlags As Long
 ’ Set the options which will be used in the FX
 MyFlags = MyFlags Or DT_CENTER
 MyFlags = MyFlags Or DT_VCENTER
 ’ Store the flags which we have set above
 SaveOptions = MyFlags
End Function



基于VB文字动画特效代码Private Sub TextEffect( _ ByVal sText As String, _ ByVal lX As Long, ByVal lY As Long, _ Optional ByVal bLoop As Boolean = False, _ Optional ByVal lStartSpacing As Long = 128, _ Optional ByVal lEndSpacing As Long = -1, _ Optional ByVal oColor As OLE_COLOR = vbWindowText _ ) Dim i As Long Dim x As Long Dim lLen As Long Dim lHDC As Long Dim hBrush As Long '定义各种变量 Static tR As RECT Dim iDir As Long Dim bNotFirstTime As Boolean Dim lTime As Long Dim lIter As Long Dim bSlowDown As Boolean Dim lCOlor As Long Dim bDoIt As Boolean iDir = -1 i = lStartSpacing '为变量赋值 tR.left = lX: tR.tOp = lY: tR.Right = lX: tR.Bottom = lY OleTranslateColor oColor, 0, lCOlor hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE)) lLen = Len(sText) lHDC = Me.hdc SetTextColor lHDC, lCOlor '设置文字颜色 bDoIt = True Do While m_bDoEffect And bDoIt lTime = timeGetTime If (i < -3) And Not (bLoop) And Not (bSlowDown) Then bSlowDown = True iDir = 1 lIter = (i + 4) End If If (i > 128) Then iDir = -1 If Not (bLoop) And iDir = 1 Then If (i = lEndSpacing) Then bDoIt = False Else lIter = lIter - 1 If (lIter <= 0) Then i = i + iDir lIter = (i + 4) End If End If Else i = i + iDir End If FillRect lHDC, tR, hBrush '调用FillRect函数 x = 32 - (i * lLen) SetTextCharacterExtra lHDC, i DrawText lHDC, sText, lLen, tR, DT_CALCRECT '调用API函数DrawText tR.Right = tR.Right + 4 If (tR.Right > Me.ScaleWidth \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelX) Then tR.Right = Me.ScaleWidth \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelX DrawText lHDC, sText, lLen, tR, DT_LEFT Me.Refresh '窗体刷新 Do DoEvents '后台运行 Loop While (timeGetTime - lTime) < 20 Loop DeleteObject hBrush End Sub




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