

1、去下载eWebEditor V2.80修正版(asp版本),



4、eWebEditor.jsp在文件中增加一行<input type="hidden" ID="ModeEdit" value="">




// 当前模式
var sCurrMode = null;
var bEditMode = null;
// 连接对象
var oLinkField = null;

// 浏览器版本检测
var BrowserInfo = new Object() ;
BrowserInfo.MajorVer = navigator.appVersion.match(/MSIE (.)/)[1] ;
BrowserInfo.MinorVer = navigator.appVersion.match(/MSIE ./.(.)/)[1] ;
BrowserInfo.IsIE55OrMore = BrowserInfo.MajorVer >= 6 || ( BrowserInfo.MajorVer >= 5 && BrowserInfo.MinorVer >= 5 ) ;

var yToolbars = new Array();  // 工具栏数组

// 当文档完全调入时,进行初始化
var bInitialized = false;
function document.onreadystatechange(){
 if (document.readyState!="complete") return;
 if (bInitialized) return;
 bInitialized = true;

 var i, s, curr;

 // 初始每个工具栏
 for (i=0; i<document.body.all.length;i++){
  if (curr.className == "yToolbar"){
   yToolbars[yToolbars.length] = curr;

 oLinkField = parent.document.getElementsByName(sLinkFieldName)[0];
 if (!config.License){
   eWebEditor_License.innerHTML = "&copy; <a href='http://www.eWebSoft.com' target='_blank'><font color=#000000>eWebSoft.com</font></a>";

 // IE5.5以下版本只能使用纯文本模式
 if (!BrowserInfo.IsIE55OrMore){
  config.InitMode = "TEXT";
 if (ContentFlag.value=="0") {
  ContentEdit.value = oLinkField.value;
  ContentLoad.value = oLinkField.value;
  ModeEdit.value = config.InitMode;
  ContentFlag.value = "1";

 setLinkedField() ;

// 初始化一个工具栏上的按钮
function InitBtn(btn) {
 btn.onmouseover = BtnMouseOver;
 btn.onmouseout = BtnMouseOut;
 btn.onmousedown = BtnMouseDown;
 btn.onmouseup = BtnMouseUp;
 btn.ondragstart = YCancelEvent;
 btn.onselectstart = YCancelEvent;
 btn.onselect = YCancelEvent;
 btn.YUSERONCLICK = btn.onclick;
 btn.onclick = YCancelEvent;
 btn.YINITIALIZED = true;
 return true;

//Initialize a toolbar.
function InitTB(y) {
 // Set initial size of toolbar to that of the handle
 y.TBWidth = 0;
 // Populate the toolbar with its contents
 if (! PopulateTB(y)) return false;
 // Set the toolbar width and put in the handle
 y.style.posWidth = y.TBWidth;
 return true;

// Hander that simply cancels an event
function YCancelEvent() {
 return false;

// Toolbar button onmouseover handler
function BtnMouseOver() {
 if (event.srcElement.tagName != "IMG") return false;
 var image = event.srcElement;
 var element = image.parentElement;
 // Change button look based on current state of image.
 if (image.className == "Ico") element.className = "BtnMouseOverUp";
 else if (image.className == "IcoDown") element.className = "BtnMouseOverDown";

 event.cancelBubble = true;

// Toolbar button onmouseout handler
function BtnMouseOut() {
 if (event.srcElement.tagName != "IMG") {
  event.cancelBubble = true;
  return false;

 var image = event.srcElement;
 var element = image.parentElement;
 yRaisedElement = null;
 element.className = "Btn";
 image.className = "Ico";

 event.cancelBubble = true;

// Toolbar button onmousedown handler
function BtnMouseDown() {
 if (event.srcElement.tagName != "IMG") {
  event.cancelBubble = true;
  return false;

 var image = event.srcElement;
 var element = image.parentElement;

 element.className = "BtnMouseOverDown";
 image.className = "IcoDown";

 event.cancelBubble = true;
 return false;

// Toolbar button onmouseup handler
function BtnMouseUp() {
 if (event.srcElement.tagName != "IMG") {
  event.cancelBubble = true;
  return false;

 var image = event.srcElement;
 var element = image.parentElement;

 if (element.YUSERONCLICK) eval(element.YUSERONCLICK + "anonymous()");

 element.className = "BtnMouseOverUp";
 image.className = "Ico";

 event.cancelBubble = true;
 return false;

// Populate a toolbar with the elements within it
function PopulateTB(y) {
 var i, elements, element;

 // Iterate through all the top-level elements in the toolbar
 elements = y.children;
 for (i=0; i<elements.length; i++) {
  element = elements[i];
  if (element.tagName == "SCRIPT" || element.tagName == "!") continue;
  switch (element.className) {
  case "Btn":
   if (element.YINITIALIZED == null) {
    if (! InitBtn(element)) {
     alert("Problem initializing:" + element.id);
     return false;
   element.style.posLeft = y.TBWidth;
   y.TBWidth += element.offsetWidth + 1;
  case "TBGen":
   element.style.posLeft = y.TBWidth;
   y.TBWidth += element.offsetWidth + 1;
  case "TBSep":
   element.style.posLeft = y.TBWidth + 2;
   y.TBWidth += 5;
  case "TBHandle":
   element.style.posLeft = 2;
   y.TBWidth += element.offsetWidth + 7;
   alert("Invalid class: " + element.className + " on Element: " + element.id + " <" + element.tagName + ">");
   return false;

 y.TBWidth += 1;
 return true;

// 设置所属表单的提交或reset事件
function setLinkedField() {
 if (! oLinkField) return ;
 var oForm = oLinkField.form ;
 if (!oForm) return ;
 // 附加submit事件
 oForm.attachEvent("onsubmit", AttachSubmit) ;
 if (! oForm.submitEditor) oForm.submitEditor = new Array() ;
 oForm.submitEditor[oForm.submitEditor.length] = AttachSubmit ;
 if (! oForm.originalSubmit) {
  oForm.originalSubmit = oForm.submit ;
  oForm.submit = function() {
   if (this.submitEditor) {
    for (var i = 0 ; i < this.submitEditor.length ; i++) {
     this.submitEditor[i]() ;
   this.originalSubmit() ;
 // 附加reset事件
 oForm.attachEvent("onreset", AttachReset) ;
 if (! oForm.resetEditor) oForm.resetEditor = new Array() ;
 oForm.resetEditor[oForm.resetEditor.length] = AttachReset ;
 if (! oForm.originalReset) {
  oForm.originalReset = oForm.reset ;
  oForm.reset = function() {
   if (this.resetEditor) {
    for (var i = 0 ; i < this.resetEditor.length ; i++) {
     this.resetEditor[i]() ;
   this.originalReset() ;

// 附加submit提交事件,大表单数据提交,保存eWebEditor中的内容
function AttachSubmit() {
 var oForm = oLinkField.form ;
 if (!oForm) return;
 var html = getHTML();
 ContentEdit.value = html;
 if (sCurrMode=="TEXT"){
  html = HTMLEncode(html);
 splitTextField(oLinkField, html);

// 表单提交
function doSubmit(){
 var oForm = oLinkField.form ;
 if (!oForm) return ;

// 附加Reset事件
function AttachReset() {
  eWebEditor.document.body.innerHTML = ContentLoad.value;
  eWebEditor.document.body.innerText = ContentLoad.value;

// 显示帮助
function onHelp(){
 return false;

// 粘贴时自动检测是否来源于Word格式
function onPaste() {
 if (sCurrMode=="VIEW") return false;

 if (sCurrMode=="EDIT"){
  var sHTML = GetClipboardHTML() ;
  if (config.AutoDetectPasteFromWord && BrowserInfo.IsIE55OrMore) {
   var re = /</w[^>]* class="?MsoNormal"?/gi ;
   if ( re.test(sHTML)){
    if ( confirm( "你要粘贴的内容好象是从Word中拷出来的,是否要先清除Word格式再粘贴?" ) ){
     cleanAndPaste( sHTML ) ;
     return false ;
  eWebEditor.document.selection.createRange().pasteHTML(sHTML) ;
  return false;
  eWebEditor.document.selection.createRange().pasteHTML(HTMLEncode( clipboardData.getData("Text"))) ;
  return false;

// 快捷键
function onKeyDown(event){
 var key = String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode).toUpperCase();

 // F2:显示或隐藏指导方针
 if (event.keyCode==113){
  return false;
 if (event.ctrlKey){
  // Ctrl+Enter:提交
  if (event.keyCode==10){
   return false;
  // Ctrl++:增加编辑区
  if (key=="+"){
   return false;
  // Ctrl+-:减小编辑区
  if (key=="-"){
   return false;
  // Ctrl+1:代码模式
  if (key=="1"){
   return false;
  // Ctrl+2:设计模式
  if (key=="2"){
   return false;
  // Ctrl+3:纯文本
  if (key=="3"){
   return false;
  // Ctrl+4:预览
  if (key=="4"){
   return false;

 case "VIEW":
  return true;
 case "EDIT":
  if (event.ctrlKey){
   // Ctrl+D:从Word粘贴
   if (key == "D"){
    return false;
   // Ctrl+R:查找替换
   if (key == "R"){
    return false;
   // Ctrl+Z:Undo
   if (key == "Z"){
    return false;
   // Ctrl+Y:Redo
   if (key == "Y"){
    return false;
  if(!event.ctrlKey && event.keyCode != 90 && event.keyCode != 89) {
   if (event.keyCode == 32 || event.keyCode == 13){
  return true;
  if (event.keyCode==13){
   var sel = eWebEditor.document.selection.createRange();
   event.cancelBubble = true;
   event.returnValue = false;
   sel.moveEnd("character", 1);
   sel.moveStart("character", 1);
   return false;
  // 屏蔽事件
  if (event.ctrlKey){
   // Ctrl+B,I,U
   if ((key == "B")||(key == "I")||(key == "U")){
    return false;


// 取剪粘板中的HTML格式数据
function GetClipboardHTML() {
 var oDiv = document.getElementById("eWebEditor_Temp_HTML")
 oDiv.innerHTML = "" ;
 var oTextRange = document.body.createTextRange() ;
 oTextRange.moveToElementText(oDiv) ;
 oTextRange.execCommand("Paste") ;
 var sData = oDiv.innerHTML ;
 oDiv.innerHTML = "" ;
 return sData ;

// 清除WORD冗余格式并粘贴
function cleanAndPaste( html ) {
 // Remove all SPAN tags
 html = html.replace(/<//?SPAN[^>]*>/gi, "" );
 // Remove Class attributes
 html = html.replace(/<(/w[^>]*) class=([^ |>]*)([^>]*)/gi, "<$1$3") ;
 // Remove Style attributes
 html = html.replace(/<(/w[^>]*) style="([^"]*)"([^>]*)/gi, "<$1$3") ;
 // Remove Lang attributes
 html = html.replace(/<(/w[^>]*) lang=([^ |>]*)([^>]*)/gi, "<$1$3") ;
 // Remove XML elements and declarations
 html = html.replace(/<//?/?xml[^>]*>/gi, "") ;
 // Remove Tags with XML namespace declarations: <o:p></o:p>
 html = html.replace(/<//?/w+:[^>]*>/gi, "") ;
 // Replace the &nbsp;
 html = html.replace(/&nbsp;/, " " );
 // Transform <P> to <DIV>
 var re = new RegExp("(<P)([^>]*>.*?)(<//P>)","gi") ; // Different because of a IE 5.0 error
 html = html.replace( re, "<div$2</div>" ) ;
 insertHTML( html ) ;

// 在当前文档位置插入.
function insertHTML(html) {
 if (isModeView()) return false;
 if (eWebEditor.document.selection.type.toLowerCase() != "none"){
  eWebEditor.document.selection.clear() ;
 if (sCurrMode!="EDIT"){
 eWebEditor.document.selection.createRange().pasteHTML(html) ;

// 设置编辑器的内容
function setHTML(html) {
 ContentEdit.value = html;
 switch (sCurrMode){
 case "CODE":
 case "EDIT":
  eWebEditor.document.execCommand("MultipleSelection", true, true);
  eWebEditor.document.execCommand("LiveResize", true, true);
  eWebEditor.document.onselectionchange = function () { doToolbar();}
 case "TEXT":
 case "VIEW":

 eWebEditor.document.body.onpaste = onPaste ;
 eWebEditor.document.body.onhelp = onHelp ;
 eWebEditor.document.onkeydown = new Function("return onKeyDown(eWebEditor.event);");
 eWebEditor.document.οncοntextmenu=new Function("return showContextMenu(eWebEditor.event);");

 if ((borderShown != "0")&&bEditMode) {
  borderShown = "0";


// 取编辑器的内容
function getHTML() {
 var html;
  html = eWebEditor.document.body.innerHTML;
  html = eWebEditor.document.body.innerText;
 if (sCurrMode!="TEXT"){
  if ((html.toLowerCase()=="<p>&nbsp;</p>")||(html.toLowerCase()=="<p></p>")){
   html = "";
 return html;

// 在尾部追加内容
function appendHTML(html) {
 if (isModeView()) return false;
  eWebEditor.document.body.innerHTML += html;
  eWebEditor.document.body.innerText += html;

// 从Word中粘贴,去除格式
function PasteWord(){
 if (!validateMode()) return;
 if (BrowserInfo.IsIE55OrMore)
  cleanAndPaste( GetClipboardHTML() ) ;
 else if ( confirm( "此功能要求IE5.5版本以上,你当前的浏览器不支持,是否按常规粘贴进行?" ) )
  format("paste") ;

// 粘贴纯文本
function PasteText(){
 if (!validateMode()) return;
 var sText = HTMLEncode( clipboardData.getData("Text") ) ;

// 检测当前是否允许编辑
function validateMode() {
 if (sCurrMode=="EDIT") return true;
 return false;

// 检测当前是否在预览模式
function isModeView(){
 if (sCurrMode=="VIEW"){
  return true;
 return false;

// 格式化编辑器中的内容
function format(what,opt) {
 if (!validateMode()) return;
 if (opt=="RemoveFormat") {
 if (opt==null) eWebEditor.document.execCommand(what);
 else eWebEditor.document.execCommand(what,"",opt);

// 确保焦点在 eWebEditor 内
function VerifyFocus() {
 if ( eWebEditor )

// 改变模式:代码、编辑、文本、预览
function setMode(NewMode){
 if (NewMode!=sCurrMode){
  if (!BrowserInfo.IsIE55OrMore){
   if ((NewMode=="CODE") || (NewMode=="EDIT") || (NewMode=="VIEW")){
    return false;

  if (NewMode=="TEXT"){
   if (sCurrMode==ModeEdit.value){
    if (!confirm("警告!切换到纯文本模式会丢失您所有的HTML格式,您确认切换吗?")){
     return false;

  var sBody = "";
  case "CODE":
   if (NewMode=="TEXT"){
    eWebEditor_Temp_HTML.innerHTML = eWebEditor.document.body.innerText;
    sBody = eWebEditor_Temp_HTML.innerText;
    sBody = eWebEditor.document.body.innerText;
  case "TEXT":
   sBody = eWebEditor.document.body.innerText;
   sBody = HTMLEncode(sBody);
  case "EDIT":
  case "VIEW":
   if (NewMode=="TEXT"){
    sBody = eWebEditor.document.body.innerText;
    sBody = eWebEditor.document.body.innerHTML;
   sBody = ContentEdit.value;

  // 换图片
   document.all["eWebEditor_CODE"].className = "StatusBarBtnOff";
   document.all["eWebEditor_EDIT"].className = "StatusBarBtnOff";
   document.all["eWebEditor_TEXT"].className = "StatusBarBtnOff";
   document.all["eWebEditor_VIEW"].className = "StatusBarBtnOff";
   document.all["eWebEditor_"+NewMode].className = "StatusBarBtnOn";
  sCurrMode = NewMode;
  ModeEdit.value = NewMode;


// 使工具栏无效
function disableChildren(obj){
 if (obj){
  for (var i=0; i<obj.children.length; i++){


// 显示无模式对话框
function ShowDialog(url, width, height, optValidate) {
 if (optValidate) {
  if (!validateMode()) return;
 var arr = showModalDialog(url, window, "dialogWidth:" + width + "px;dialogHeight:" + height + "px;help:no;scroll:no;status:no");

// 全屏编辑
function Maximize() {
 if (!validateMode()) return;
 window.open("dialog/fullscreen.htm?style="+config.StyleName, 'FullScreen'+sLinkFieldName, 'toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=yes,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,fullscreen=yes');

// 创建或修改超级链接
function createLink(){
 if (!validateMode()) return;
 if (eWebEditor.document.selection.type == "Control") {
  var oControlRange = eWebEditor.document.selection.createRange();
  if (oControlRange(0).tagName.toUpperCase() != "IMG") {
 ShowDialog("dialog/hyperlink.htm", 350, 170, true);

// 替换特殊字符
function HTMLEncode(text){
 text = text.replace(/&/g, "&amp;") ;
 text = text.replace(/"/g, "&quot;") ;
 text = text.replace(/</g, "&lt;") ;
 text = text.replace(/>/g, "&gt;") ;
 text = text.replace(/'/g, "&#146;") ;
 text = text.replace(// /g,"&nbsp;");
 text = text.replace(//n/g,"<br>");
 text = text.replace(//t/g,"&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;");
 return text;

// 插入特殊对象
function insert(what) {
 if (!validateMode()) return;
 var sel = eWebEditor.document.selection.createRange();

 case "excel":  // 插入EXCEL表格
  insertHTML("<object classid='clsid:0002E510-0000-0000-C000-000000000046' id='Spreadsheet1' codebase='file://Bob/software/office2000/msowc.cab' width='100%' height='250'><param name='HTMLURL' value><param name='HTMLData' value='&lt;html xmlns:x=&quot;urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel&quot;xmlns=&quot;http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40&quot;&gt;&lt;head&gt;&lt;style type=&quot;text/css&quot;&gt;&lt;!--tr{mso-height-source:auto;}td{black-space:nowrap;}.wc4590F88{black-space:nowrap;font-family:宋体;mso-number-format:General;font-size:auto;font-weight:auto;font-style:auto;text-decoration:auto;mso-background-source:auto;mso-pattern:auto;mso-color-source:auto;text-align:general;vertical-align:bottom;border-top:none;border-left:none;border-right:none;border-bottom:none;mso-protection:locked;}--&gt;&lt;/style&gt;&lt;/head&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;!--[if gte mso 9]&gt;&lt;xml&gt;&lt;x:ExcelWorkbook&gt;&lt;x:ExcelWorksheets&gt;&lt;x:ExcelWorksheet&gt;&lt;x:OWCVersion&gt;;/x:OWCVersion&gt;&lt;x:Label Style='border-top:solid .5pt silver;border-left:solid .5pt silver;border-right:solid .5pt silver;border-bottom:solid .5pt silver'&gt;&lt;x:Caption&gt;Microsoft Office Spreadsheet&lt;/x:Caption&gt; &lt;/x:Label&gt;&lt;x:Name&gt;Sheet1&lt;/x:Name&gt;&lt;x:WorksheetOptions&gt;&lt;x:Selected/&gt;&lt;x:Height&gt;7620&lt;/x:Height&gt;&lt;x:Width&gt;15240&lt;/x:Width&gt;&lt;x:TopRowVisible&gt;0&lt;/x:TopRowVisible&gt;&lt;x:LeftColumnVisible&gt;0&lt;/x:LeftColumnVisible&gt; &lt;x:ProtectContents&gt;False&lt;/x:ProtectContents&gt; &lt;x:DefaultRowHeight&gt;210&lt;/x:DefaultRowHeight&gt; &lt;x:StandardWidth&gt;2389&lt;/x:StandardWidth&gt; &lt;/x:WorksheetOptions&gt; &lt;/x:ExcelWorksheet&gt;&lt;/x:ExcelWorksheets&gt; &lt;x:MaxHeight&gt;80%&lt;/x:MaxHeight&gt;&lt;x:MaxWidth&gt;80%&lt;/x:MaxWidth&gt;&lt;/x:ExcelWorkbook&gt;&lt;/xml&gt;&lt;![endif]--&gt;&lt;table class=wc4590F88 x:str&gt;&lt;col width=&quot;56&quot;&gt;&lt;tr height=&quot;14&quot;&gt;&lt;td&gt;&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;&lt;/table&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;'> <param name='DataType' value='HTMLDATA'> <param name='AutoFit' value='0'><param name='DisplayColHeaders' value='-1'><param name='DisplayGridlines' value='-1'><param name='DisplayHorizontalScrollBar' value='-1'><param name='DisplayRowHeaders' value='-1'><param name='DisplayTitleBar' value='-1'><param name='DisplayToolbar' value='-1'><param name='DisplayVerticalScrollBar' value='-1'> <param name='EnableAutoCalculate' value='-1'> <param name='EnableEvents' value='-1'><param name='MoveAfterReturn' value='-1'><param name='MoveAfterReturnDirection' value='0'><param name='RightToLeft' value='0'><param name='ViewableRange' value='1:65536'></object>");
 case "nowdate":  // 插入当前系统日期
  var d = new Date();
 case "nowtime":  // 插入当前系统时间
  var d = new Date();
 case "br":   // 插入换行符
 case "code":  // 代码片段样式
  insertHTML('<table width=95% border="0" align="Center" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" style="border: 1px Dotted #CCCCCC; TABLE-LAYOUT: fixed"><tr><td bgcolor=#FDFDDF style="WORD-WRAP: break-word"><font style="color: #990000;font-weight:bold">以下是代码片段:</font><br>'+HTMLEncode(sel.text)+'</td></tr></table>');
 case "quote":  // 引用片段样式
  insertHTML('<table width=95% border="0" align="Center" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" style="border: 1px Dotted #CCCCCC; TABLE-LAYOUT: fixed"><tr><td bgcolor=#F3F3F3 style="WORD-WRAP: break-word"><font style="color: #990000;font-weight:bold">以下是引用片段:</font><br>'+HTMLEncode(sel.text)+'</td></tr></table>');
 case "big":   // 字体变大
  insertHTML("<big>" + sel.text + "</big>");
 case "small":  // 字体变小
  insertHTML("<small>" + sel.text + "</small>");

// 显示或隐藏指导方针
var borderShown = config.ShowBorder;
function showBorders() {
 if (!validateMode()) return;
 var allForms = eWebEditor.document.body.getElementsByTagName("FORM");
 var allInputs = eWebEditor.document.body.getElementsByTagName("INPUT");
 var allTables = eWebEditor.document.body.getElementsByTagName("TABLE");
 var allLinks = eWebEditor.document.body.getElementsByTagName("A");

 // 表单
 for (a=0; a < allForms.length; a++) {
  if (borderShown == "0") {
   allForms[a].runtimeStyle.border = "1px dotted #FF0000"
  } else {
   allForms[a].runtimeStyle.cssText = ""

 // Input Hidden类
 for (b=0; b < allInputs.length; b++) {
  if (borderShown == "0") {
   if (allInputs[b].type.toUpperCase() == "HIDDEN") {
    allInputs[b].runtimeStyle.border = "1px dashed #000000"
    allInputs[b].runtimeStyle.width = "15px"
    allInputs[b].runtimeStyle.height = "15px"
    allInputs[b].runtimeStyle.backgroundColor = "#FDADAD"
    allInputs[b].runtimeStyle.color = "#FDADAD"
  } else {
   if (allInputs[b].type.toUpperCase() == "HIDDEN")
    allInputs[b].runtimeStyle.cssText = ""

 // 表格
 for (i=0; i < allTables.length; i++) {
   if (borderShown == "0") {
    allTables[i].runtimeStyle.border = "1px dotted #BFBFBF"
   } else {
    allTables[i].runtimeStyle.cssText = ""

   allRows = allTables[i].rows
   for (y=0; y < allRows.length; y++) {
     allCellsInRow = allRows[y].cells
     for (x=0; x < allCellsInRow.length; x++) {
      if (borderShown == "0") {
       allCellsInRow[x].runtimeStyle.border = "1px dotted #BFBFBF"
      } else {
       allCellsInRow[x].runtimeStyle.cssText = ""

 // 链接 A
 for (a=0; a < allLinks.length; a++) {
  if (borderShown == "0") {
   if (allLinks[a].href.toUpperCase() == "") {
    allLinks[a].runtimeStyle.borderBottom = "1px dashed #000000"
  } else {
   allLinks[a].runtimeStyle.cssText = ""

 if (borderShown == "0") {
  borderShown = "1"
 } else {
  borderShown = "0"


// 返回页面最上部
function scrollUp() {

// 缩放操作
var nCurrZoomSize = 100;
var aZoomSize = new Array(10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 500);
function doZoom(size) {
 eWebEditor.document.body.runtimeStyle.zoom = size + "%";
 nCurrZoomSize = size;

// 拼写检查
function spellCheck(){
 ShowDialog('dialog/spellcheck.htm', 300, 220, true)

// 查找替换
function findReplace(){
 ShowDialog('dialog/findreplace.htm', 320, 165, true)

// 相对(absolute)或绝对位置(static)
function absolutePosition(){
 var objReference = null;
 var RangeType  = eWebEditor.document.selection.type;
 if (RangeType != "Control") return;
 var selectedRange = eWebEditor.document.selection.createRange();
 for (var i=0; i<selectedRange.length; i++){
  objReference = selectedRange.item(i);
  if (objReference.style.position != 'absolute') {

// 上移(forward)或下移(backward)一层
function zIndex(action){
 var objReference = null;
 var RangeType  = eWebEditor.document.selection.type;
 if (RangeType != "Control") return;
 var selectedRange = eWebEditor.document.selection.createRange();
 for (var i=0; i<selectedRange.length; i++){
  objReference = selectedRange.item(i);
  if (action=='forward'){
   objReference.style.zIndex  +=1;
   objReference.style.zIndex  -=1;

// 是否选中指定类型的控件
function isControlSelected(tag){
 if (eWebEditor.document.selection.type == "Control") {
  var oControlRange = eWebEditor.document.selection.createRange();
  if (oControlRange(0).tagName.toUpperCase() == tag) {
   return true;
 return false;

// 改变编辑区高度
function sizeChange(size){
 if (!BrowserInfo.IsIE55OrMore){
  return false;
 for (var i=0; i<parent.frames.length; i++){
  if (parent.frames[i].document==self.document){
   var obj=parent.frames[i].frameElement;
   var height = parseInt(obj.offsetHeight);
   if (height+size>=300){

// 热点链接
function mapEdit(){
 if (!validateMode()) return;
 var b = false;
 if (eWebEditor.document.selection.type == "Control") {
  var oControlRange = eWebEditor.document.selection.createRange();
  if (oControlRange(0).tagName.toUpperCase() == "IMG") {
   b = true;
 if (!b){

 window.open("dialog/map.htm", 'mapEdit'+sLinkFieldName, 'toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=not,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,width=450,height=300');

// 上传文件成功返回原文件名、保存后的文件名、保存后的路径文件名,提供接口
function addUploadFile(originalFileName, saveFileName, savePathFileName){
 doInterfaceUpload(sLinkOriginalFileName, originalFileName);
 doInterfaceUpload(sLinkSaveFileName, saveFileName);
 doInterfaceUpload(sLinkSavePathFileName, savePathFileName);

// 文件上传成功接口操作
function doInterfaceUpload(strLinkName, strValue){
 if (strValue=="") return;

 if (strLinkName){
  var objLinkUpload = parent.document.getElementsByName(strLinkName)[0];
  if (objLinkUpload){
   if (objLinkUpload.value!=""){
    objLinkUpload.value = objLinkUpload.value + "|";
   objLinkUpload.value = objLinkUpload.value + strValue;

// 大文件内容自动拆分
function splitTextField(objField, html) {
 var strFieldName = objField.name;
 var objForm = objField.form;
 var objDocument = objField.document;
 objField.value = html;

 var FormLimit = 50000 ;

 // 再次处理时,先赋空值
 for (var i=1;i<objDocument.getElementsByName(strFieldName).length;i++) {
  objDocument.getElementsByName(strFieldName)[i].value = "";

 if (html.length > FormLimit) {
  objField.value = html.substr(0, FormLimit) ;
  html = html.substr(FormLimit) ;

  while (html.length > 0) {
   var objTEXTAREA = objDocument.createElement("TEXTAREA") ;
   objTEXTAREA.name = strFieldName ;
   objTEXTAREA.style.display = "none" ;
   objTEXTAREA.value = html.substr(0, FormLimit) ;
   objForm.appendChild(objTEXTAREA) ;

   html = html.substr(FormLimit) ;

// 远程上传
var sEventUploadAfter;
function remoteUpload(strEventUploadAfter) {
 if (config.AutoRemote!="1") return;
 if (sCurrMode=="TEXT") return;
 sEventUploadAfter = strEventUploadAfter;
 var objField = document.getElementsByName("eWebEditor_UploadText")[0];
 splitTextField(objField, getHTML());

 divProcessing.style.top = (document.body.clientHeight-parseFloat(divProcessing.style.height))/2;
 divProcessing.style.left = (document.body.clientWidth-parseFloat(divProcessing.style.width))/2;
 divProcessing.style.display = "";

// 远程上传完成
function remoteUploadOK() {
 divProcessing.style.display = "none";
 if (oLinkField){
  if (sEventUploadAfter){

// 修正Undo/Redo
var history = new Object;
history.data = [];
history.position = 0;
history.bookmark = [];

// 保存历史
function saveHistory() {
 if (bEditMode){
  if (history.data[history.position] != eWebEditor.document.body.innerHTML){
   var nBeginLen = history.data.length;
   var nPopLen = history.data.length - history.position;
   for (var i=1; i<nPopLen; i++){

   history.data[history.data.length] = eWebEditor.document.body.innerHTML;

   if (eWebEditor.document.selection.type != "Control"){
    history.bookmark[history.bookmark.length] = eWebEditor.document.selection.createRange().getBookmark();
   } else {
    var oControl = eWebEditor.document.selection.createRange();
    history.bookmark[history.bookmark.length] = oControl[0];

   if (nBeginLen!=0){

// 初始历史
function initHistory() {
 history.data.length = 0;
 history.bookmark.length = 0;
 history.position = 0;

// 返回历史
function goHistory(value) {
 // undo
 if (value == -1){
  if (history.position > 0){
   eWebEditor.document.body.innerHTML = history.data[--history.position];
 // redo
 } else {
  if (history.position < history.data.length -1){
   eWebEditor.document.body.innerHTML = history.data[++history.position];

// 设置当前书签
function setHistoryCursor() {
 if (history.bookmark[history.position]){
  r = eWebEditor.document.body.createTextRange()
  if (history.bookmark[history.position] != "[object]"){
   if (r.moveToBookmark(history.bookmark[history.position])){
// End Undo / Redo Fix

// 工具栏事件发生
function doToolbar(){
 if (bEditMode){

评论 3




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


