2011-09-14 23:55:01| 分类: 国外大学课程 | 标签:机器学习 |字号 订阅 教师:Andrew Ng http://see.stanford.edu/see/courseinfo.aspx?coll=348ca38a-3a6d-4052-937d-cb017338d7b1 http://www.stanford.edu/class/cs229/materials.html Lecture notes 1 (ps) (pdf) Supervised Learning, Discriminative Algorithms Lecture notes 2 (ps) (pdf) Generative Algorithms Lecture notes 3 (ps) (pdf) Support Vector Machines Lecture notes 4 (ps) (pdf) Learning Theory Lecture notes 5 (ps) (pdf) Regularization and Model Selection Lecture notes 6 (ps) (pdf) Online Learning and the Perceptron Algorithm. (optional reading) Lecture notes 7a (ps) (pdf) Unsupervised Learning, k-means clustering. Lecture notes 7b (ps) (pdf) Mixture of Gaussians Lecture notes 8 (ps) (pdf) The EM Algorithm Lecture notes 9 (ps) (pdf) Factor Analysis Lecture notes 10 (ps) (pdf) Principal Components Analysis Lecture notes 11 (ps) (pdf) Independent Components Analysis Lecture notes 12 (ps) (pdf) Reinforcement Learning and Control