
在openstack平台上,起的虚拟机,UbuntuServer14.04,导入ssh key pair,绑定浮动ip




host:希望监控的网络实体(server,switch,vm,app etc)




Debian / Ubuntu

Supported for version: Debian 7 (Wheezy), Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr)

Installing repository configuration package

Install the repository configuration package. This package contains apt configuration files.

Zabbix 2.4 for Debian 7:

# wget
# dpkg -i zabbix-release_2.4-1+wheezy_all.deb
# apt-get update

Zabbix 2.4 for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS:

# wget
# dpkg -i zabbix-release_2.4-1+trusty_all.deb
# apt-get update
Installing Zabbix packages

Install Zabbix packages. dbconfig-common will create the database and populate the initial schema and data automatically. If backend db is located on a different server, please set dbc_remote_questions_default='true' in /etc/dbconfig-common/config.

Example for Zabbix server and web frontend with mysql database.

# apt-get install zabbix-server-mysql zabbix-frontend-php
The zabbix-frontend-php package, during installation, will configure a font, which is used on generated images. If you updated the package from any other repository and text is empty on graphs or maps, please check if a “ttf-dejavu-core” package is installed and try to execute “dpkg-reconfigure zabbix-frontend-php” command.

Example for installing Zabbix agent only.

# apt-get install zabbix-agent
Editing PHP configuration for Zabbix frontend

Apache configuration file for Zabbix frontend is located in /etc/apache2/conf.d/zabbix (For ubuntu 14.04, the file is located in /etc/apache2/conf-available/zabbix.conf). Some PHP settings are already configured.

php_value max_execution_time 300
php_value memory_limit 128M
php_value post_max_size 16M
php_value upload_max_filesize 2M
php_value max_input_time 300
# php_value date.timezone Europe/Riga

It's necessary to uncomment the “date.timezone” setting and set the correct timezone for you. After changing the configuration file restart the apache web server.

# service apache2 restart

Zabbix frontend is available at http://zabbix-frontend-hostname/zabbix in the browser. Default username/password is Admin/zabbix.

!!注意,# php_value date.timezone Europe/Riga,注释去掉,时区改成Asia/Shanghai就行,这样网页安装的时候 时区部分就会ok。


service apache2 restart,运行后会出现Server那么相关的一个问题,mark,还没解决。但是目前看对于安装并没有影响。

利用openstack平台,导入key pair经常用xshell连接不上,显示在远程主机上未注册改密钥,mark,未解决。

Installing frontend
Step 1

In your browser, open Zabbix URL: http://<server_ip_or_name>/zabbix

You should see the first screen of the frontend installation wizard.

Step 2

Make sure that all software prerequisites are met.

Pre-requisiteMinimum valueDescription
PHP version5.3.0 
PHP memory_limit option128MBIn php.ini:
memory_limit = 128M
PHP post_max_size option16MBIn php.ini:
post_max_size = 16M
PHP upload_max_filesize option2MBIn php.ini:
upload_max_filesize = 2M
PHP max_execution_time option300 secondsIn php.ini:
max_execution_time = 300
PHP max_input_time option300 secondsIn php.ini:
max_input_time = 300
PHP session.auto_start optionmust be disabledIn php.ini:
session.auto_start = 0.
Database supportOne of: IBM DB2, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLiteOne of the following modules must be installed:
ibm_db2, mysql, oci8, pgsql, sqlite3
bcmath php-bcmath
mbstring php-mbstring
PHP mbstring.func_overload optionmust be disabledIn php.ini:
mbstring.func_overload = 0.
PHP always_populate_raw_post_data optionmust be set to -1Required only for PHP versions 5.6.0 or newer.
In php.ini:
always_populate_raw_post_data = -1
sockets php-net-socket. Required for user script support.
gd2.0 or higherphp-gd. PHP GD extension must support PNG images (--with-png-dir), JPEG (--with-jpeg-dir) images and FreeType 2 (--with-freetype-dir).
libxml2.6.15php-xml or php5-dom
xmlwriter php-xmlwriter
xmlreader php-xmlreader
ctype php-ctype
session php-session
gettext php-gettext
Since Zabbix 2.2.1, the PHP gettext extension is not a mandatory requirement for installing Zabbix. If gettext is not installed, the frontend will work as usual, however, the translations will not be available.

Optional pre-requisites may also be present in the list. A failed optional prerequisite is displayed in orange and has a Warning status. With a failed optional pre-requisite, the setup may continue.

If there is a need to change the Apache user or user group, permissions to the session folder must be verified. Otherwise Zabbix setup may be unable to continue.
Step 3

Enter details for connecting to the database. Zabbix database must already be created.

Step 4

Enter Zabbix server details.

Step 5

Review a summary of settings.

Step 6

Download the configuration file and place it under conf/.

Providing the webserver user has write access to conf/ directory the configuration file would be saved automatically and it would be possible to proceed to the next step right away.
Step 7

Finish the installation.

Step 8

Zabbix frontend is ready! The default user name is Admin, password zabbix.

Proceed to getting started with Zabbix.






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