





#!/usr/bin/env python
## @ BuildLoader.py
# Build bootloader main script
# Copyright (c) 2016 - 2021, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
#  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent

# Import Modules
import os
import sys

# BootloaderCorePkg\Tools的绝对路径,里面包含SBL需要使用的Python脚本
tool_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname (os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'BootloaderCorePkg', 'Tools')
# 为了不生成.pyc文件,跟功能无关
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
# 添加到环境变量,这样SBL需要使用的Python脚本就可以直接访问了BuildUtility.py
sys.path.append (tool_dir)

import re
import errno
import shutil
import argparse
import subprocess
import multiprocessing
from   ctypes import *
# 这里的BuildUtility就来自BootloaderCorePkg\Tools目录下的Python文件BuildUtility.py
from   BuildUtility import *

import glob

# 检查是否有BaseTools,如果没有就构建
def rebuild_basetools ():
    exe_list = 'GenFfs  GenFv  GenFw  GenSec  Lz4Compress  LzmaCompress'.split()
    ret = 0
    sblsource = os.environ['SBL_SOURCE'] # 在main()中设置,SBL根目录

    if os.name == 'posix': # Linux
        if not check_files_exist (exe_list, os.path.join(sblsource, 'BaseTools', 'Source', 'C', 'bin')):
            ret = run_process (['make', '-C', 'BaseTools'])

    elif os.name == 'nt': # Windows
        # 如果没有构建工具(就是exe_list定义的工具),就创建
        if not check_files_exist (exe_list, os.path.join(sblsource, 'BaseTools', 'Bin', 'Win32'), '.exe'):
            print ("Could not find pre-built BaseTools binaries, try to rebuild BaseTools ...")
            ret = run_process (['BaseTools\\toolsetup.bat', 'forcerebuild'])

    if ret:
        print ("Build BaseTools failed, please check required build environment and utilities !")

# 创建Conf目录及其下文件
def create_conf (workspace, sbl_source):
    # create conf and build folder if not exist
    workspace = os.environ['WORKSPACE'] # 也在main()下设置,值就是跟'SBL_SOURCE'一样,都是SBL根目录
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(workspace, 'Conf')):
        os.makedirs(os.path.join(workspace, 'Conf')) # 创建Conf目录
    for name in ['target', 'tools_def', 'build_rule']: # 拷贝基本配置文件
        txt_file = os.path.join(workspace, 'Conf/%s.txt' % name)
        if not os.path.exists(txt_file):
            shutil.copy (
                os.path.join(sbl_source, 'BaseTools/Conf/%s.template' % name),
                os.path.join(workspace, 'Conf/%s.txt' % name))

# 设置环境变量
#   PATH
def prep_env (toolchain_preferred = ''):
    sblsource = os.environ['SBL_SOURCE']

    # Verify toolchains first
    # 检测各类工具的版本是否满足要求
    # 大致检测的内容:
    # Checking Toolchain Versions...
    # - C:\Python36\python.exe: Version 3.6.8 (>= 3.6.0) [PASS]
    # - C:\Openssl\openssl.exe: Version 1.1.1h (>= 1.1.0g) [PASS]
    # - C:\Nasm\nasm: Version 2.13.03 (>= 2.12.02) [PASS]
    # - C:\ASL\iasl: Version 20210930 (>= 20160422) [PASS]
    # - git: Version 2.21.0. (>= 2.20.0) [PASS]
    # - vs: Version 2019 (>= 2015) [PASS]

    # Update Environment vars
    if os.name == 'nt':
        os.environ['PATH'] = os.environ['PATH'] + ';' + os.path.join(sblsource, 'BaseTools', 'Bin', 'Win32')
        os.environ['PATH'] = os.environ['PATH'] + ';' + os.path.join(sblsource, 'BaseTools', 'BinWrappers', 'WindowsLike')
        os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = os.path.join(sblsource, 'BaseTools', 'Source', 'Python')
        os.environ['PATH'] = os.environ['PATH'] + ':' + os.path.join(sblsource, 'BaseTools', 'BinWrappers', 'PosixLike')

    os.environ['EDK_TOOLS_PATH'] = os.path.join(sblsource, 'BaseTools')
    os.environ['BASE_TOOLS_PATH'] = os.path.join(sblsource, 'BaseTools')
    os.environ['CONF_PATH'] = os.path.join(os.environ['WORKSPACE'], 'Conf')

    if 'SBL_KEY_DIR' not in os.environ:
        os.environ['SBL_KEY_DIR'] = os.path.join(sblsource, '..', 'SblKeys')

    create_conf (os.environ['WORKSPACE'], sblsource) # 创建Conf目录

    # Check if BaseTools has been compiled
    rebuild_basetools () # 生成构建工具

# 返回所有的BoardConfig*.py文件(比如BoardConfig.py和BoardConfigOverride.py),并放到board_cfgs中
# 注意返回的是绝对路径
# 下面是一种结果:
# [
# 'F:\\Gitee\\slimbootloader\\Platform\\ApollolakeBoardPkg\\BoardConfig.py',
# 'F:\\Gitee\\slimbootloader\\Platform\\CoffeelakeBoardPkg\\BoardConfig.py',
# 'F:\\Gitee\\slimbootloader\\Platform\\CometlakeBoardPkg\\BoardConfig.py',
# 'F:\\Gitee\\slimbootloader\\Platform\\CometlakevBoardPkg\\BoardConfig.py',
# 'F:\\Gitee\\slimbootloader\\Platform\\ElkhartlakeBoardPkg\\BoardConfig.py',
# 'F:\\Gitee\\slimbootloader\\Platform\\QemuBoardPkg\\BoardConfig.py',
# 'F:\\Gitee\\slimbootloader\\Platform\\QemuBoardPkg\\BoardConfigOverride.py',
# 'F:\\Gitee\\slimbootloader\\Platform\\TigerlakeBoardPkg\\BoardConfig.py'
# ]
def get_board_config_file (check_dir, board_cfgs):
    # 指定platform_dir为根目录下的Platform目录,正常情况下,SBL根目录下就有一个Platform目录
    platform_dir = os.path.join (check_dir, 'Platform')
    if not os.path.isdir (platform_dir):
        if os.path.basename(check_dir) == 'Platform':
            platform_dir = check_dir
    # 指定Platform目录下支持的所有平台
    board_pkgs = os.listdir(platform_dir)
    for pkg in board_pkgs:
        # Allow files starting with 'BoardConfig' only
        for cfgfile in glob.glob(os.path.join(platform_dir, pkg, 'BoardConfig*.py')):
            # board_cfgs指定所有平台下的BoardConfig.py文件

# 单板基本配置项,会写到Platform.dsc,并最终在dsc中使用
class BaseBoard(object):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

        # NOTE: Variables starting with '_' will not be exported to Platform.dsc

        self.LOGO_FILE              = 'Platform/CommonBoardPkg/Logo/Logo.bmp'

        self._RSA_SIGN_TYPE          = 'RSA2048'
        self._SIGN_HASH              = 'SHA2_256'
        self.SIGN_HASH_TYPE          = HASH_TYPE_VALUE[self._SIGN_HASH]
        self._SIGNING_SCHEME         = 'RSA_PSS'

        # Default key dir is set by SBL_KEY_DIR. _KEY_DIR is set to NULL.
        self._KEY_DIR = ''
        self._MASTER_PRIVATE_KEY    = 'KEY_ID_MASTER' + '_' + self._RSA_SIGN_TYPE
        self._CFGDATA_PRIVATE_KEY   = 'KEY_ID_CFGDATA' + '_' + self._RSA_SIGN_TYPE

        self.KEY_GEN                 = 0

        self.VERINFO_IMAGE_ID       = 'SB_???? '
        self.VERINFO_PROJ_ID        = 1
        self.VERINFO_CORE_MAJOR_VER = 1
        self.VERINFO_CORE_MINOR_VER = 0

        self.VERINFO_PROJ_MAJOR_VER = 0
        self.VERINFO_PROJ_MINOR_VER = 1
        self.VERINFO_SVN            = 1
        self.VERINFO_BUILD_DATE     = '01/01/2018'

        self.LOWEST_SUPPORTED_FW_VER = 1

        self.FLASH_BLOCK_SIZE       = 0x1000
        self.FLASH_LAYOUT_START     = 0x100000000
        self.FLASH_BASE             = 0
        self.FLASH_SIZE             = 0

        self.PCI_EXPRESS_BASE       = 0xE0000000
        self.ACPI_PM_TIMER_BASE     = 0x0408
        self.USB_KB_POLLING_TIMEOUT = 1

        self.VERIFIED_BOOT_STAGE_1B   = 0x0
        self.FILE_SYSTEM_SUPPORT_MASK = 0x00000003
        self.DEBUG_OUTPUT_DEVICE_MASK = 0x00000003
        self.DEBUG_PORT_NUMBER        = 0x00000002
        self.CONSOLE_IN_DEVICE_MASK   = 0x00000001
        self.CONSOLE_OUT_DEVICE_MASK  = 0x00000001

        self.HAVE_VBT_BIN          = 0
        self.HAVE_FIT_TABLE        = 0
        self.HAVE_VERIFIED_BOOT    = 0
        self.HAVE_MEASURED_BOOT    = 0
        self.HAVE_FSP_BIN          = 1
        self.HAVE_ACPI_TABLE       = 1
        self.HAVE_PSD_TABLE        = 0
        self.HAVE_SEED_LIST        = 0

        self.FIT_ENTRY_MAX_NUM     = 10

        self.ENABLE_PCI_ENUM       = 1
        self.ENABLE_SMP_INIT       = 1
        self.ENABLE_FSP_LOAD_IMAGE = 0
        self.ENABLE_SPLASH         = 0
        self.ENABLE_PRE_OS_CHECKER = 0
        self.ENABLE_FWU            = 0
        self.ENABLE_SOURCE_DEBUG   = 0
        self.ENABLE_GRUB_CONFIG    = 0
        self.ENABLE_SMBIOS         = 0
        self.ENABLE_LINUX_PAYLOAD  = 0
        self.ENABLE_CONTAINER_BOOT = 1
        self.ENABLE_CSME_UPDATE    = 0
        self.ENABLE_EMMC_HS400     = 1
        self.ENABLE_DMA_PROTECTION = 0
        self.ENABLE_MULTI_USB_BOOT_DEV = 0
        self.ENABLE_SBL_SETUP      = 0
        self.ENABLE_PAYLOD_MODULE  = 0
        self.ENABLE_FAST_BOOT      = 0
        self.ENABLE_LEGACY_EF_SEG  = 1
        # 0: Disable  1: Enable  2: Auto (disable for UEFI payload, enable for others)
        self.ENABLE_SMM_REBASE     = 0

        self.SUPPORT_ARI           = 0
        self.SUPPORT_SR_IOV        = 0
        self.SUPPORT_X2APIC        = 0

        self.BUILD_CSME_UPDATE_DRIVER    = 0


        self.ACM_SIZE              = 0
        self.DIAGNOSTICACM_SIZE    = 0
        self.UCODE_SIZE            = 0
        self.CFGDATA_SIZE          = 0
        self.MRCDATA_SIZE          = 0
        self.VARIABLE_SIZE         = 0
        self.UEFI_VARIABLE_SIZE    = 0
        self.FWUPDATE_SIZE         = 0

        self.SPI_IAS1_SIZE         = 0
        self.SPI_IAS2_SIZE         = 0

        self.KM_SIZE               = 0x1000 # valid only if ACM_SIZE > 0
        self.BPM_SIZE              = 0x1000 # valid only if ACM_SIZE > 0
        self.CFG_DATABASE_SIZE     = 0

        self.FSP_M_STACK_TOP       = 0
        self.STAGE1A_XIP           = 1
        self.STAGE1B_XIP           = 1
        self.STAGE1_STACK_BASE_OFFSET = 0
        self.STAGE2_XIP            = 0
        self.STAGE2_LOAD_HIGH      = 1
        self.PAYLOAD_LOAD_HIGH     = 1
        self.PAYLOAD_EXE_BASE      = 0x00800000

        #     0: Direct access from flash
        # other: Load image into memory address
        self.PAYLOAD_LOAD_BASE     = 0
        self.FWUPDATE_LOAD_BASE    = 0

        # OS Loader FD/FV sizes
        self.OS_LOADER_FD_SIZE     = 0x0004E000


        self.PLD_HEAP_SIZE         = 0x02000000
        self.PLD_STACK_SIZE        = 0x00010000
        self.PLD_RSVD_MEM_SIZE     = 0x00004000

        # These memory sizes need to be page aligned
        self.LOADER_RSVD_MEM_SIZE         = 0x0038C000
        self.LOADER_ACPI_NVS_MEM_SIZE     = 0x00008000
        self.LOADER_ACPI_RECLAIM_MEM_SIZE = 0x00068000


        self.RELEASE_MODE          = 0
        self.NO_OPT_MODE           = 0
        self.FSPDEBUG_MODE         = 0
        self.MIN_FSP_REVISION      = 0
        self.FSP_IMAGE_ID          = ''

        self.TOP_SWAP_SIZE         = 0
        self.REDUNDANT_SIZE        = 0

        self._PAYLOAD_NAME         = ''
        self._FSP_PATH_NAME        = ''
        self._EXTRA_INC_PATH       = []

        self._PLATFORM_ID          = None
        self._MULTI_VBT_FILE       = {}
        self._CFGDATA_INT_FILE     = []
        self._CFGDATA_EXT_FILE     = []


        self.HASH_STORE_SIZE       = 0x400  #Hash store size to be allocated in bootloader

        self.PCI_MEM64_BASE        = 0
        self.BUILD_ARCH            = 'IA32'
        self.KEYH_SVN              = 0
        self.CFGDATA_SVN           = 0

        for key, value in list(kwargs.items()):
            setattr(self, '%s' % key, value)

# 将构建操作作为一个类来处理
class Build(object):
    # 构造函数,初始化使用Build(board),board的类型是BaseBoard及其子类
    def __init__(self, board):
        self._toolchain                    = os.environ['TOOL_CHAIN'] # 在BuildUtility.py中设置
        self._workspace                    = os.environ['WORKSPACE']
        self._board                        = board
        self._image                        = "SlimBootloader.bin"
        self._arch                         = board.BUILD_ARCH
        self._target                       = 'RELEASE' if board.RELEASE_MODE  else 'NOOPT' if board.NO_OPT_MODE else 'DEBUG'
        self._fsp_basename                 = 'FspDbg'  if board.FSPDEBUG_MODE else 'FspRel'
        self._fv_dir                       = os.path.join(self._workspace, 'Build', 'BootloaderCorePkg', '%s_%s' % (self._target, self._toolchain), 'FV')
        self._key_dir                      = self._board._KEY_DIR
        self._img_list                     = board.GetImageLayout()
        # pld就是Payload,如果没有指定payload参数,则默认的值是OsLoader.efi
        self._pld_list                     = get_payload_list (board._PAYLOAD_NAME.split(';'))
        self._comp_list                    = []
        self._region_list                  = []

        # enforce feature configs rules
        if self._board.ENABLE_SBL_SETUP:
            self._board.ENABLE_PAYLOD_MODULE = 1
        # Python可以增加新的成员在类实例中
        if not hasattr(self._board, 'MICROCODE_INF_FILE'):
            self._board.MICROCODE_INF_FILE  = 'Silicon/%s/Microcode/Microcode.inf' % self._board.SILICON_PKG_NAME
        if not hasattr(self._board, 'ACPI_TABLE_INF_FILE'):
            self._board.ACPI_TABLE_INF_FILE = 'Platform/%s/AcpiTables/AcpiTables.inf' % self._board.BOARD_PKG_NAME

        for stage in ['1A', '1B', '2']:
            soc_inf = 'SOC_INIT_STAGE%s_LIB_INF_FILE' % stage
            if not hasattr(self._board, soc_inf):
                soc_init_lib = 'Silicon/%s/Library/Stage%sSocInitLib/Stage%sSocInitLib.inf' % (self._board.SILICON_PKG_NAME, stage, stage)
                setattr(self._board, 'SOC_INIT_STAGE%s_LIB_INF_FILE' % stage, soc_init_lib)
            brd_inf = 'BRD_INIT_STAGE%s_LIB_INF_FILE' % stage
            if not hasattr(self._board, brd_inf):
                brd_init_lib = 'Platform/%s/Library/Stage%sBoardInitLib/Stage%sBoardInitLib.inf' % (self._board.BOARD_PKG_NAME, stage, stage)
                setattr(self._board, 'BRD_INIT_STAGE%s_LIB_INF_FILE' % stage, brd_init_lib)

        if not hasattr(self._board, 'SOC_FWU_LIB_INF_FILE'):
            self._board.SOC_FWU_LIB_INF_FILE = 'Silicon/%s/Library/FirmwareUpdateLib/FirmwareUpdateLib.inf' % self._board.SILICON_PKG_NAME

    # BoardConfig.py中如果有定义PlatformBuildHook函数,这会执行
    def board_build_hook (self, phase):
        if getattr(self._board, "PlatformBuildHook", None):
            self._board.PlatformBuildHook (self, phase)

    def update_fit_table (self):

        if not self._board.HAVE_FIT_TABLE:

        print('Updating FIT')
        # self._fv_dir就是Build\BootloaderCorePkg\DEBUG_VS2019\FV(根据编译器可能会有不同)
        # self._image就是SlimBootloader.bin
        img_file = os.path.join (self._fv_dir, self._image)
        fi = open(img_file,'rb')
        rom = bytearray(fi.read()) # 得到字节数组

        # Find FIT pointer @ 0xFFFFFFC0
        # FIT_ENTRY.FIT_OFFSET来自BootloaderCorePkg\Tools\IfwiUtility.py,值是-40
        fit_address = c_uint32.from_buffer(rom, len(rom) + FIT_ENTRY.FIT_OFFSET)
        print('  FIT Address: 0x%08X' % fit_address.value)

        # 如果支持ACM,则地址必须是64字节对齐的
        if self._board.ACM_SIZE > 0:
            # Check FIT address alignment for 64 bytes if ACM is used
            # because BIOS IBB segments base/size require 64 bytes alignment.
            if fit_address.value & ~0x3F != fit_address.value:
                raise Exception ('  FIT address (0x%08X) is not 64-byte aligned' % fit_address.value)

        # Check FIT address range
        # 4G以下的BIOS基址。FIT地址从基址到4G之间
        base = 0x100000000 - len(rom);
        if (fit_address.value < base) or (fit_address.value > (base + len(rom))):
            raise Exception('  FIT address (0x%08X) out of range' % fit_address.value)

        # Check FIT signature
        fit_offset = fit_address.value - base
        fit_header = FIT_ENTRY.from_buffer(rom, fit_offset)
        if fit_header.address != bytes_to_value (bytearray(FIT_ENTRY.FIT_SIGNATURE)):
            raise Exception('  FIT signature not found')

        num_fit_entries = 0
        if self._board.UCODE_SIZE > 0:
            ucode_base = self._board.UCODE_BASE
            ucode_offset = ucode_base - base;
            if (ucode_offset < 0):
                raise Exception ('  UCODE %x\n  UCODE address (0x%08X) out of range' % (base, ucode_base))

            # Collect all CPU uCode images
            u_code_images = []
            while ucode_offset < len(rom):
                ucode_hdr = UCODE_HEADER.from_buffer(rom, ucode_offset)
                if ucode_hdr.header_version == 1:
                    if ucode_hdr.total_size:
                        ucode_size = ucode_hdr.total_size
                        ucode_size = 0x0800
                    u_code_images.append((ucode_offset, ucode_size))
                    ucode_offset += ucode_size
                    num_fit_entries += 1

            # Patch FIT with addresses of uCode images
            for i in range(0, num_fit_entries):
                fit_entry = FIT_ENTRY.from_buffer(rom, fit_offset + (i+1)*16)
                # uCode Update
                if len(u_code_images) > 0:
                    offset, size = u_code_images.pop(0)
                    fit_entry.set_values(base + offset, 0, 0x100, 0x1, 0)
                    print ('  Patching entry %d with 0x%08X - uCode' % (i, fit_entry.address))
                    print ('  Nullifying unused uCode patch entry %d' % i)
                    fit_entry.type      = 0x7f

            if len(u_code_images) > 0:
                raise Exception('  Insufficient uCode entries in FIT. Need %d more.' % len(u_code_images))

            # ACM
        if self._board.ACM_SIZE > 0:
            fit_entry = FIT_ENTRY.from_buffer(rom, fit_offset + (num_fit_entries+1)*16)
            fit_entry.set_values(self._board.ACM_BASE, 0, 0x100, 0x2, 0)
            print ('  Patching entry %d with 0x%08X:0x%08X - ACM' % (num_fit_entries, fit_entry.address, fit_entry.size))
            num_fit_entries     += 1

            # Diagnostic ACM Fit entry should be in sequential order with/without BTG enabled
            # Save the next FIT entry for Diagnostic ACM here and set it later below
            if self._board.DIAGNOSTICACM_SIZE > 0:
                diagnosticacm_index      = num_fit_entries
                num_fit_entries          += 1

            # BIOS Module (IBB segment 0): from FIT table end to 4GB
            # Record it now and update later since the FIT size is unknown yet
            patch_entry = num_fit_entries
            num_fit_entries     += 1

            # BIOS Module (IBB segment 1): from Stage1A base to FIT table start
            addr = self._board.STAGE1A_BASE
            module_size =  (fit_address.value - addr) >> 4
            fit_entry = FIT_ENTRY.from_buffer(rom, fit_offset + (num_fit_entries+1)*16)
            fit_entry.set_values(addr, module_size, 0x100, 0x7, 0)
            print ('  Patching entry %d with 0x%08X:0x%08X - BIOS Module(Stage1A base to FIT table start)' % (num_fit_entries, fit_entry.address, fit_entry.size))
            num_fit_entries     += 1

            # BIOS Module (IBB segment 2): full Stage1B
            addr = self._board.STAGE1B_BASE
            module_size = self._board.STAGE1B_SIZE >> 4
            fit_entry = FIT_ENTRY.from_buffer(rom, fit_offset + (num_fit_entries+1)*16)
            fit_entry.set_values(addr, module_size, 0x100, 0x7, 0)
            print ('  Patching entry %d with 0x%08X:0x%08X - BIOS Module(Stage1B)' % (num_fit_entries, fit_entry.address, fit_entry.size))
            num_fit_entries     += 1

            # KM
            addr = self._board.ACM_BASE + self._board.ACM_SIZE - (self._board.KM_SIZE + self._board.BPM_SIZE)
            fit_entry = FIT_ENTRY.from_buffer(rom, fit_offset + (num_fit_entries+1)*16)
            fit_entry.set_values(addr, self._board.KM_SIZE, 0x100, 0xb, 0)
            print ('  Patching entry %d with 0x%08X:0x%08X - KM' % (num_fit_entries, fit_entry.address, fit_entry.size))
            num_fit_entries     += 1

            # BPM
            addr = self._board.ACM_BASE + self._board.ACM_SIZE - self._board.BPM_SIZE
            fit_entry = FIT_ENTRY.from_buffer(rom, fit_offset + (num_fit_entries+1)*16)
            fit_entry.set_values(addr, self._board.BPM_SIZE, 0x100, 0xc, 0)
            print ('  Patching entry %d with 0x%08X:0x%08X - BPM' % (num_fit_entries, fit_entry.address, fit_entry.size))
            num_fit_entries     += 1

            # Patch the entry 'FIT table end to 4GB' since FIT table size is known now
            # The size of the FIT table end address needs to be adjusted to align with 64
            # bytes so that IBB segment start address is 64 byte aligned as per required.
            addr = fit_address.value + (num_fit_entries + 1) * 16
            addr = (addr + 0x3F) & 0xFFFFFFC0
            module_size = (0x100000000 - addr) >> 4
            fit_entry = FIT_ENTRY.from_buffer(rom, fit_offset + (patch_entry+1)*16)
            fit_entry.set_values(addr, module_size, 0x100, 0x7, 0)
            print ('  Patching entry %d with 0x%08X:0x%08X - BIOS Module(FIT table end to 4GB)' % (patch_entry, fit_entry.address, fit_entry.size))

        else :
            if self._board.DIAGNOSTICACM_SIZE > 0:
                diagnosticacm_index       = num_fit_entries
                num_fit_entries           += 1

            addr = fit_address.value + (num_fit_entries + 1) * 16

        # Add Diagnostic ACM with the reserved fit entry saved
        if self._board.DIAGNOSTICACM_SIZE > 0:
            fit_entry = FIT_ENTRY.from_buffer(rom, fit_offset + (diagnosticacm_index+1)*16)
            fit_entry.set_values(self._board.DIAGNOSTICACM_BASE, self._board.DIAGNOSTICACM_SIZE, 0x100, 0x3, 0)
            print('  Patching entry %d with 0x%08X:0x%08X - Diagnostic ACM' % (diagnosticacm_index, fit_entry.address, fit_entry.size))

        # Check FIT length
        spaceleft = addr - (fit_address.value + fit_header.size)
        if spaceleft > 0:
                raise Exception('  Insufficient FIT entries in FIT table, need %d more entries !' %  ((spaceleft + 15) // 16))

        print ('  FIT %d entries added' % num_fit_entries)

        # Update FIT checksum
        print('  Updating Checksum')
        fit_header.size      = num_fit_entries + 1
        fit_header.type      = 0x80 # Valid checksum
        fit_header.version   = 0x0100
        fit_header.checksum  = 0
        fit_sum = sum(rom[fit_offset:fit_offset+fit_header.size*16])
        fit_header.checksum = (0 - fit_sum) & 0xff
        fit_data = rom[fit_offset:fit_offset+fit_header.size*16]

        fo  = open(img_file,'r+b')


        if self._board.REDUNDANT_SIZE != 0:
            # Update FIT table in STAGE1A_B
            print('Updating FIT in STAGE1A_B')
            fit_offset -= self._board.TOP_SWAP_SIZE
            rom[fit_offset:fit_offset+fit_header.size*16] = fit_data

            # Update components base in Fit table.
            fit_data = rom[fit_offset:fit_offset+fit_header.size*16]
            for i in range(0, num_fit_entries):
                fit_entry = FIT_ENTRY.from_buffer(fit_data, (i+1)*16)
                if (0x100000000 - fit_entry.address) > self._board.TOP_SWAP_SIZE * 2:
                    fit_entry.address  -= self._board.REDUNDANT_SIZE
                    print('  Patching entry %d from 0x%08X with 0x%08X size:0x%08X ' %
                        (i, fit_entry.address + self._board.REDUNDANT_SIZE, fit_entry.address, fit_entry.size))
            fit_header = FIT_ENTRY.from_buffer(fit_data)
            fit_header.checksum  = 0
            fit_sum = sum(fit_data)
            fit_header.checksum = (0 - fit_sum) & 0xff


    def update_hash_table (self, img_file):

        if not self._board.HAVE_VERIFIED_BOOT:

        print('Updating HashStore %s' % os.path.basename (img_file))

        fi = open(img_file,'rb')
        stage1_bins = bytearray(fi.read())

        hs_offset = stage1_bins.find (HashStoreTable.HASH_STORE_SIGNATURE)
        if hs_offset < 0:
            raise Exceptoin ("HashStoreTable not found in '%s'!" % os.path.basename(img_file))

        comp_name, part_name = get_redundant_info (img_file)
        if part_name:
            part_name = '_' + part_name

        hash_file_list = [
           ('STAGE1B%s.hash' % part_name, HASH_USAGE['STAGE_1B']),
           ('STAGE2.hash',                HASH_USAGE['STAGE_2']),
           ('PAYLOAD.hash',               HASH_USAGE['PAYLOAD'])
        if self._board.ENABLE_FWU:
            hash_file_list.append (('FWUPDATE.hash', HASH_USAGE['PAYLOAD_FWU']))

        hash_file_list.append (('MSTKEY.hash', HASH_USAGE['PUBKEY_MASTER']))

        if len(hash_file_list) > HashStoreTable.HASH_STORE_MAX_IDX_NUM:
            raise Exception ('Insufficant hash entries !')

        hash_idx   = 0
        hash_store = HashStoreTable.from_buffer(stage1_bins, hs_offset)
        hash_len   = HASH_DIGEST_SIZE[HASH_VAL_STRING[self._board.SIGN_HASH_TYPE]]
        hash_store_data_buf = bytearray()
        hash_store.UsedLength = sizeof(HashStoreTable())
        for hash_file, usage in hash_file_list:
            # If the hash verification is not required for certain stage, skip it
            if hash_file == 'PLDDYN':
                hash_data = bytearray(b'\x00' * hash_len)
                src_path = os.path.join(self._fv_dir, hash_file)
                if not os.path.exists(src_path):
                    raise Exception ("Hash data file '%s' not found !" % hash_file )
                fh = open(src_path,'rb')
                hash_data = bytearray(fh.read())
                if hash_len != len (hash_data):
                    raise Exception ("Hash data file '%s' length is incorrect !" % hash_file )

            # update hash data
            hashstoredata = HashStoreData()
            hashstoredata.Usage   = usage
            hashstoredata.HashAlg = self._board.SIGN_HASH_TYPE
            hashstoredata.DigestLen = hash_len

            hash_store.UsedLength += hash_len + sizeof(HashStoreData())

            #Append hash store data entries
            hash_store_data_buf = hash_store_data_buf + bytearray(hashstoredata) + hash_data
            print(' Update HashStore entry %d with file %s' % (hash_idx, hash_file))
            hash_idx += 1

        #Update Hash store Table
        fo = open(img_file,'r+b')
        #Update Hash store data
        fo.seek(hs_offset + sizeof(hash_store))

    def update_component_list (self):

        def process_image_list (idx, offset):

            region_name, part_name = get_redundant_info (img_list[idx][0])
            redundant   = True if part_name == 'B' else False

            flags  = 0
            if redundant:
                flags |= FLASH_MAP.FLASH_MAP_DESC_FLAGS['BACKUP']
            if region_name in ['TOP_SWAP', 'REDUNDANT', 'NON_REDUNDANT', 'NON_VOLATILE']:
                flags |= FLASH_MAP.FLASH_MAP_DESC_FLAGS[region_name]

            oldidx         = len (comp_list)
            parent_size    = getattr(self._board, '%s_SIZE' % region_name, 0)
            remaining_size = parent_size
            for comp in img_list[idx][1]:
                if comp[3] & STITCH_OPS.MODE_FILE_IGNOR:
                compress = FLASH_MAP.FLASH_MAP_DESC_FLAGS['COMPRESSED'] if comp[1] else 0
                if comp[0] in region_name_list:
                    idx = region_name_list.index (comp[0])
                    region_size = process_image_list (idx, offset)
                    region_list.append ({'name':comp[0], 'offset':offset, 'size':region_size})
                    offset += region_size
                    comp_list.append ({'name':comp[0], 'size':comp[2], 'flag':flags | compress})
                remaining_size -= comp[2]

            if remaining_size > 0:
                comp_node = find_component_in_image_list (img_list[idx][0], img_list)
                pos  = STITCH_OPS.MODE_POS_HEAD if comp_node is None else comp_node[4]
                comp = {'name':'EMPTY.bin', 'size':remaining_size, 'flag':flags}
                if pos == STITCH_OPS.MODE_POS_HEAD:
                    comp_list.insert (oldidx, comp)
                    comp_list.append (comp)
            elif remaining_size < 0:
                if parent_size == 0:
                    parent_size = -remaining_size
                    raise Exception ('Insufficant space, please adjust %s_SIZE (0x%X more is requried) !' % (region_name, -remaining_size))

            return parent_size

        # Create compoent list and update base and offset
        img_list         = self._img_list
        region_name_list = [img[0] for img in img_list]
        comp_list        = []
        region_list      = []

            master_name = self._image
            master_idx  = region_name_list.index(master_name)
            process_image_list (master_idx, 0)
            image_size = sum (comp['size'] for comp in comp_list)
            image_base = self._board.FLASH_LAYOUT_START - image_size
            image_offs = 0
            for comp in comp_list:
                comp['bname']  = get_redundant_info (comp['name'])[0]
                comp['offset'] = image_offs
                comp['base']   = image_base + image_offs
                image_offs    += comp['size']

            for rgn in region_list:
                rgn['base'] = image_base + rgn['offset']

        except ValueError:
            print("Warning: No '%s' component in image list !" % master_name)

        #print_component_list (comp_list)

        self._comp_list   = comp_list
        self._region_list = region_list

    def patch_stages (self):

        print('Patching STAGE1A')
        extra_cmd = [
            "0xFFFFFFFC,            _BASE_STAGE1A_,                    @Patch BFV",
            "_OFFS_STAGE1A_,        Stage1A:__ModuleEntryPoint,        @Patch Stage1A Entry",
            "_OFFS_STAGE1A_+4,      Stage1A:BASE,                      @Patch Module Base",
            "<Stage1A:__gPcd_BinaryPatch_PcdVerInfoBase>,  {3473A022-C3C2-4964-B309-22B3DFB0B6CA:0x1C}, @Patch VerInfo",
            "<Stage1A:__gPcd_BinaryPatch_PcdFileDataBase>, {EFAC3859-B680-4232-A159-F886F2AE0B83:0x1C}, @Patch PcdBase"

        if self._arch == 'X64':
            # Find signature at top 4KB
            vtf_patch_data_base = get_vtf_patch_base (os.path.join(self._fv_dir, 'STAGE1A.fd'))
            page_table_len = 0x8000
            if self._board.STAGE1_DATA_SIZE < page_table_len:
                raise Exception ("STAGE1_DATA_SIZE is too small to build x64 page table, "
                                 "it requires at least 0x%X !" % page_table_len)
            page_tbl_off = self._board.STAGE1_STACK_BASE_OFFSET + self._board.STAGE1_STACK_SIZE + \
                           self._board.STAGE1_DATA_SIZE - page_table_len
            extra_cmd.extend ([
                "0x%08X, 0x%08X,                                        @Page Table Offset" % (vtf_patch_data_base + 0x00, page_tbl_off),
                "0x%08X, _BASE_STAGE1A_ - _OFFS_STAGE1A_,                    @FSP-T Base" % (vtf_patch_data_base + 0x04),
                "0x%08X, Stage1A:_TempRamInitParams,                         @FSP-T UPD"  % (vtf_patch_data_base + 0x0C),

        extra_cmd.append (
            "0xFFFFFFF8, {3CEA8EF3-95FC-476F-ABA5-7EC5DFA1D77B:0x1C}, @Patch FlashMap",

        if self._board.HAVE_FIT_TABLE:
            if self._board.ACM_SIZE > 0:
                extra_cmd.append (
                    "0xFFFFFFC0,        ({CD17FF5E-7731-4D16-8441-FC7A113C392F:0x1C} + 0x3F) & ~0x3F,  @FIT table"
                extra_cmd.append (
                    "0xFFFFFFC0,        {CD17FF5E-7731-4D16-8441-FC7A113C392F:0x1C},                   @FIT table"
            extra_cmd.extend ([
                    "<[0xFFFFFFC0]>+0,  0x5449465F,                                                    @FIT Signature Low" ,
                    "<[0xFFFFFFC0]>+4,  0x2020205F,                                                    @FIT Signature High",
                    "<[0xFFFFFFC0]>+8,  [CD17FF5E-7731-4D16-8441-FC7A113C392F:0x18] & 0xFFFFFF ,       @FIT FFS section length",
                    "<[0xFFFFFFC0]>+8,  {CD17FF5E-7731-4D16-8441-FC7A113C392F:0x1C} + [[0xFFFFFFC0] + 8] - [0xFFFFFFC0],  @FIT table max length",
        if self._board.HAVE_VERIFIED_BOOT:
            extra_cmd.append (
                "<Stage1A:__gPcd_BinaryPatch_PcdHashStoreBase>, {18EDB1DF-1DBE-4EC5-8E26-C44808B546E1:0x1C}, @Patch HashStore",
        patch_fv(self._fv_dir, *extra_cmd)

        print('Patching STAGE1B')
                "_OFFS_STAGE1B_,        Stage1B:__ModuleEntryPoint,        @Patch Stage1B Entry",
                "_OFFS_STAGE1B_+4,      Stage1B:BASE,                      @Patch Stage1B Base",
                "<Stage1B:__gPcd_BinaryPatch_PcdCfgDataIntBase>, {016E6CD0-4834-4C7E-BCFE-41DFB88A6A6D:0x1C}, @Patch Internal CfgDataBase"

        print('Patching STAGE2')
        extra_cmd = []
        if self._board.HAVE_VBT_BIN:
            extra_cmd.append (
                "<Stage2:__gPcd_BinaryPatch_PcdGraphicsVbtAddress>, {E08CA6D5-8D02-43AE-ABB1-952CC787C933:0x1C}, @Patch VBT"
        if self._board.HAVE_ACPI_TABLE:
            extra_cmd.append (
                "<Stage2:__gPcd_BinaryPatch_PcdAcpiTablesAddress>, {7E374E25-8E01-4FEE-87F2-390C23C606CD:0x1C}, @Patch ACPI",
        if self._board.ENABLE_SPLASH:
            extra_cmd.append (
                "<Stage2:__gPcd_BinaryPatch_PcdSplashLogoAddress>, {5E2D3BE9-AD72-4D1D-AAD5-6B08AF921590:0x1C}, @Patch Logo",
            "_OFFS_STAGE2_,     Stage2:__ModuleEntryPoint, @Patch Stage2 Entry",
            "_OFFS_STAGE2_+4,   Stage2:BASE,               @Patch Stage2 Base",

    # 自动生成dsc文件,生成的主要是Platform.dsc文件
    def create_dsc_inc_file (self, file):
        lines = []

        lines.append('%s\n' % AUTO_GEN_DSC_HDR) # 一些注释的头部,用来说明不要自定生成的文件
        lines.append('# Platform specific macro definitions\n')
        # vars()函数返回BaseBoard对象的属性及其值,是一个字典
        for attr in sorted(vars(self._board)):
            # _开头的属性不管
            if attr.startswith('_'):
            value = getattr(self._board, attr)
            if type(value) is not str:
                if value == 0 or value == 1:
                    value = '0x%x' % value
                    value = '0x%08X' % value
            lines.append('  DEFINE %-24s = %s\n'   % (attr, value))

        if getattr(self._board, "GetPlatformDsc", None):
            dsc_dict = self._board.GetPlatformDsc()

            # add extra include searching path
            if len(self._board._EXTRA_INC_PATH) > 0:
                inc_dir = []
                for each in self._board._EXTRA_INC_PATH:
                    inc_dir.append(('-I$(WORKSPACE)/%s' % each).replace('/', os.sep))
                dsc_dict['BuildOptions.Common.EDKII'] = ['*_*_*_CC_FLAGS = ' + ' '.join(inc_dir)]

            for sect in dsc_dict:
                lines.append('\n# Platform specific sections\n')
                lines.append('[%s]\n' % sect)
                for line in dsc_dict[sect]:
                    lines.append('  %s\n' % line)

        elif getattr(self._board, "GetDscLibrarys", None):
            # Deprecated, please use GetPlatformDsc instead
            libsdict = self._board.GetDscLibrarys()
            for arch in libsdict:
                lines.append('\n# Platform specific libraries\n')
                lines.append('[LibraryClasses.%s]\n' % arch)
                for lib in libsdict[arch]:
                    lines.append('  %s\n' % lib)

        update = True
        text = ''.join(lines)
        # 如果原本就存在,可以不更新
        if os.path.exists(file):
                old_text = get_file_data (file, 'r')
                if text == old_text:
                        update = False

        if update:
                open (file, 'w').write(text)

    def create_platform_vars (self):
        for comp in self._comp_list: # FLASH_MAP是定义在IfwiUtility.py中的类
            if comp['flag'] & FLASH_MAP.FLASH_MAP_DESC_FLAGS['BACKUP'] or comp['bname'] == 'EMPTY':
            setattr(self._board, '%s_BASE' % comp['bname'], comp['base'])

        image_base = self._board.FLASH_LAYOUT_START
        for idx, comp_name in enumerate(['STAGE1A', 'STAGE1B', 'STAGE2']):
            if not hasattr(self._board, '%s_BASE' % comp_name):
                image_base -= getattr(self._board, '%s_SIZE' % comp_name)
                if idx > 0:
                    image_base &= ~0xFFFFF
                setattr(self._board, '%s_BASE' % comp_name, image_base)

            if getattr(self._board, '%s_XIP' % comp_name) or comp_name == 'STAGE1A':
                setattr(self._board, '%s_FD_SIZE' % comp_name, getattr(self._board, '%s_SIZE' % comp_name))
                setattr(self._board, '%s_FD_BASE' % comp_name, getattr(self._board, '%s_BASE' % comp_name))

            if getattr(self._board, '%s_XIP' % comp_name):
                setattr(self._board, '%s_LOAD_BASE' % comp_name, getattr(self._board, '%s_BASE' % comp_name))
                var_name = '%s_LOAD_BASE' % comp_name
                if not hasattr(self._board, var_name):
                    setattr(self._board, var_name, getattr(self._board, '%s_BASE' % comp_name))
                for var in ['%s_FD_SIZE', '%s_FD_BASE', '%s_LOAD_BASE']:
                    var_name = var % comp_name
                    if not hasattr(self._board, var_name):
                        raise Exception ('%s needs to be defined' % var_name)

            fd_size = getattr(self._board, '%s_FD_SIZE' % comp_name)
            setattr(self._board, '%s_FD_NUMBLK' % comp_name, fd_size // self._board.FLASH_BLOCK_SIZE)

        pld_list = ['PAYLOAD']
        if self._board.ENABLE_FWU:
            pld_list.append ('FWUPDATE')
        for pld in pld_list:
            if not hasattr(self._board, '%s_LOAD_BASE' % pld):
                if not hasattr(self._board, '%s_BASE' % pld):
                    raise Exception ('%s_BASE or %s_LOAD_BASE needs to be defined !' % (pld, pld))
                setattr(self._board, '%s_LOAD_BASE' % pld, getattr(self._board, '%s_BASE' % pld))

        setattr(self._board, 'FSP_T_OFFSET'       , 0)
        setattr(self._board, 'STAGE1A_FV_OFFSET'  , getattr(self._board, 'FSP_T_OFFSET')      + getattr(self._board, 'FSP_T_SIZE'))
        setattr(self._board, 'STAGE1A_FV_SIZE'    , getattr(self._board, 'STAGE1A_FD_SIZE')   - getattr(self._board, 'FSP_T_SIZE'))
        setattr(self._board, 'STAGE1B_FV_OFFSET'  , 0)
        setattr(self._board, 'STAGE1B_FV_SIZE'    , getattr(self._board, 'STAGE1B_FD_SIZE')   - getattr(self._board, 'FSP_M_SIZE'))
        setattr(self._board, 'STAGE2_FV_OFFSET'   , 0)
        setattr(self._board, 'STAGE2_FV_SIZE'     , getattr(self._board, 'STAGE2_FD_SIZE')    - getattr(self._board, 'FSP_S_SIZE'))
        setattr(self._board, 'FSP_S_OFFSET'       , getattr(self._board, 'STAGE2_FV_OFFSET')  + getattr(self._board, 'STAGE2_FV_SIZE'))
        setattr(self._board, 'FSP_M_OFFSET'       , getattr(self._board, 'STAGE1B_FV_OFFSET') + getattr(self._board, 'STAGE1B_FV_SIZE'))
        setattr(self._board, 'FSP_T_BASE'         , getattr(self._board, 'STAGE1A_FD_BASE')   + getattr(self._board, 'FSP_T_OFFSET'))
        setattr(self._board, 'FSP_M_BASE'         , getattr(self._board, 'STAGE1B_FD_BASE')   + getattr(self._board, 'FSP_M_OFFSET'))
        setattr(self._board, 'FSP_S_BASE'         , getattr(self._board, 'STAGE2_FD_BASE')    + getattr(self._board, 'FSP_S_OFFSET'))

        for stage_c, fsp_c in [('1A', 'T'), ('1B', 'M'), ('2', 'S')]:
          fv_size = getattr(self._board, 'STAGE%s_FV_SIZE' % stage_c)
          if fv_size < 0:
            raise Exception ('STAGE%s_FD_SIZE is too small, please adjust it to be at least 0x%x in BoardConfig.py !' %
                            (stage_c, getattr(self._board, 'FSP_%s_SIZE' % fsp_c)))

        if getattr(self._board, 'FLASH_SIZE') == 0:
            if not hasattr (self._board, 'SLIMBOOTLOADER_SIZE'):
                raise Exception ('FLASH_SIZE needs to be defined !')
                setattr(self._board, 'FLASH_SIZE' , getattr(self._board, 'SLIMBOOTLOADER_SIZE'))
        setattr(self._board, 'FLASH_BASE' , 0x100000000 - getattr(self._board, 'FLASH_SIZE'))

        if getattr(self._board, 'ACM_SIZE') > 0:
            acm_base = getattr(self._board, 'ACM_BASE')
            if acm_base & 0x7FFF:
                raise Exception ('ACM base[FSP-T+CAR:0x%x] must be 32KB aligned!' % acm_base)

        if getattr(self._board, 'DIAGNOSTICACM_SIZE') > 0:
            diagnosticacm_base = getattr(self._board, 'DIAGNOSTICACM_BASE')
            if diagnosticacm_base & 0x0FFF:
                raise Exception ('Diagnostic ACM base[FSP-T+CAR:0x%x] must be 4KB aligned!' % diagnosticacm_base)

        # Generate Pci Enum Policy Info
        pci_enum_policy_list = [
        pci_enum_policy_dict = {}
        for policy_list in pci_enum_policy_list:
            policy_name = '_PCI_ENUM_%s' % policy_list
            policy_value = None
            if not hasattr(self._board, policy_name):
                if policy_list == 'BUS_SCAN_ITEMS':
                    policy_value = '0'
                elif 'DOWNGRADE' in policy_list:
                    policy_value = 1
                    policy_value = 0
                policy_value = getattr(self._board, policy_name)
            pci_enum_policy_dict[policy_list] = policy_value
        self._board.PCI_ENUM_POLICY_INFO = gen_pci_enum_policy_info(pci_enum_policy_dict)

    def create_redundant_components (self):
        if self._board.REDUNDANT_SIZE == 0:

        print("Generating redundant components")

            os.path.join(self._fv_dir, 'STAGE1A.fd'),
            os.path.join(self._fv_dir, 'STAGE1A_A.fd'))

            os.path.join(self._fv_dir, 'STAGE1A.fd'),
            os.path.join(self._fv_dir, 'STAGE1A_B.fd'))

        # Patch flashmap to indicate boot parititon
        fo = open(os.path.join(self._fv_dir, 'STAGE1A_B.fd'), 'r+b')
        bins = bytearray(fo.read())
        fmapoff = bytes_to_value(bins[-8:-4]) - bytes_to_value(bins[-4:]) + self._board.STAGE1A_FV_OFFSET
        fmaphdr = FLASH_MAP.from_buffer (bins, fmapoff)
        if fmaphdr.sig != FLASH_MAP.FLASH_MAP_SIGNATURE:
            raise Exception ('Failed to locate flash map in STAGE1A_B.fd !')
        fmaphdr.attributes |=  fmaphdr.FLASH_MAP_ATTRIBUTES['BACKUP_REGION']

        # Patch microcode base in FSP-T UPD
        if self._board.HAVE_FSP_BIN and self._board.TOP_SWAP_SIZE > 0:
            fspt_bin = os.path.join(self._fv_dir, 'FSP_T.bin')
            upd_sig  = get_fsp_upd_signature (fspt_bin)
            upd_off  = bins.find (upd_sig, self._board.STAGE1A_FV_OFFSET)
            if upd_off < 0:
                raise Exception ('Could not find FSP-T UPD signatures in STAGE1A_B.fd !')
            if bins.find (upd_sig, upd_off + 1) > 0:
                raise Exception ('Found multiple FSP-T UPD signatures in STAGE1A_B.fd !')
            ucode_upd_off = upd_off + 0x20
            ucode_base = bytes_to_value (bins[ucode_upd_off + 0 : ucode_upd_off + 4])
            if ucode_base == 1:
                # APL/QEMU FSP-T UPD has revision 1 format
                ucode_upd_off = upd_off + 0x24
                ucode_base = bytes_to_value (bins[ucode_upd_off + 0 : ucode_upd_off + 4])
            ucode_size = bytes_to_value (bins[ucode_upd_off + 4 : ucode_upd_off + 8])
            if ucode_size > 0 and ucode_base > 0:
                if ucode_base != self._board.UCODE_BASE:
                    raise Exception ('Incorrect microcode region base in FSP-T UPD parameter !')
                if ucode_base < 0x100000000 - self._board.TOP_SWAP_SIZE * 2:
                    # Microcode is located outside of top swap region, patch it
                    ucode_base -= self._board.REDUNDANT_SIZE
                    print ('Patching UCODE base in FSP-T UPD parameter to 0x%08X for STAGE1A_B.fd' % ucode_base)
                    fo.seek (ucode_upd_off)
                    fo.write (value_to_bytes (ucode_base, 4))


        # Stage 1B_B will be created during rebasing
            os.path.join(self._fv_dir, 'STAGE1B.fd'),
            os.path.join(self._fv_dir, 'STAGE1B_A.fd'))

        stage1b_path   = os.path.join(self._fv_dir, 'STAGE1B.fd')
        stage1b_b_path = os.path.join(self._fv_dir, 'STAGE1B_B.fd')

        if self._board.STAGE1B_XIP:
            # Rebase stage1b.fd
            print("Rebasing STAGE1B_B")
            rebase_stage (stage1b_path, stage1b_b_path, -self._board.REDUNDANT_SIZE)

            # rebase FSPM in Stage1B and update stage1B hash in key store
            if self._board.HAVE_FSP_BIN:
                fsp_path = os.path.join(self._fv_dir, 'Fsp.bin')
                rebase_fsp (fsp_path, self._fv_dir, self._board.FSP_T_BASE, self._board.FSP_M_BASE - self._board.REDUNDANT_SIZE, self._board.FSP_S_BASE)
                split_fsp (fsp_path, self._fv_dir)

                # write rebased fspm to second firmware
                di = open(os.path.join(self._fv_dir, 'FSP_M.bin'), 'rb').read()
                fo = open(stage1b_b_path,'r+b')
            shutil.copy(stage1b_path, stage1b_b_path)

    def create_bootloader_image (self, layout_name):

        layout_file = open(os.path.join(self._fv_dir, layout_name), 'w')
        layout_file.write("BOARD_INFO = ['%s']\n" % self._board.BOARD_NAME)

        rgn_name_list = [rgn['name'] for rgn in self._region_list]

        for idx, (comp_name, file_list)  in enumerate(self._img_list):
            if (self._board.ENABLE_FWU == 0) and (comp_name == 'Stitch_FWU.bin') :
                print("No firmware update payload specified, skip firmware update.")
            out_file = comp_name
            out_path = os.path.join(self._fv_dir, out_file)
            bins = bytearray()
            new_list = []
            for src, algo, val, mode, pos in file_list:
                if mode & STITCH_OPS.MODE_FILE_IGNOR:
                new_list.append((src, algo, val, mode, pos))
                if src == 'EMPTY':
                    bins.extend (b'\xff' * val)
                src_path = os.path.join(self._fv_dir, src)
                bas_path = os.path.splitext(src_path)[0]
                if not os.path.exists(src_path):
                    raise Exception ("Component '%s' could not be found !" % src)

                if algo:
                    compress(src_path, algo)
                    src_path = bas_path + '.lz'
                    if src == 'STAGE2.fd':
                        raise Exception ("STAGE2.fd must be compressed, please change BoardConfig.py file !")
                if src not in rgn_name_list:
                    gen_hash_file (src_path, HASH_VAL_STRING[self._board.SIGN_HASH_TYPE], '', False)

                if mode != STITCH_OPS.MODE_FILE_NOP:
                    dst_path = bas_path + '.pad'
                    align_pad_file(src_path, dst_path, val, mode, pos)
                    src_path = dst_path
                    if val and (val != os.path.getsize(src_path)):
                        raise Exception ("Size of file '%s' does not match expected 0x%X !" % (src_path, val))
                if 'STAGE1A' in src :
                    self.update_hash_table (src_path)

                fi = open(src_path, 'rb')

            if comp_name == self._image:
                bins = b'\xff' * (self._board.SLIMBOOTLOADER_SIZE - len(bins)) + bins

            fo = open(out_path,'wb')

            comp_file = out_file
            comp_node = find_component_in_image_list (comp_name, self._img_list)
            if comp_node:
                space = comp_node[2] - len(bins)
                if space > 0:
                    empty = ('EMPTY', '', space, STITCH_OPS.MODE_FILE_NOP, STITCH_OPS.MODE_POS_HEAD)
                    if comp_node[4] == STITCH_OPS.MODE_POS_HEAD:
                        new_list.insert (0, empty)
                        new_list.append (empty)
                    comp_file = os.path.splitext(comp_name)[0] + '.pad'

            image_base = self._board.FLASH_LAYOUT_START
            comp_name  = comp_name.replace ('TOP_SWAP_B.', 'TOP_SWAP_A.')

            if comp_name in rgn_name_list:
                idx = rgn_name_list.index(comp_name)
                image_base = self._region_list[idx]['base'] + self._region_list[idx]['size']

            layout_file.write("IMAGE_INFO = ['%s', 0x%X, %d]\n" % (comp_file, image_base, True))
            layout_file.write("IMAGE_LIST = %s\n" % new_list)


        self.update_fit_table ()

        # generate flash layout file
        layout_file = os.path.splitext(self._image)[0] + '.txt'
        report_image_layout (self._fv_dir, layout_name, layout_file)

        # copy files to staging directory for stitching
        if getattr(self._board, "GetOutputImages", None):
            extra_list = self._board.GetOutputImages()
            extra_list = []
        out_file = os.path.join("Outputs", self._board.BOARD_NAME, 'Stitch_Components.zip')
        copy_images_to_output (self._fv_dir, out_file, self._img_list, rgn_name_list, extra_list)

    def pre_build(self):
        # Update search path
        sbl_dir = os.environ['SBL_SOURCE']
        plt_dir = os.environ['PLT_SOURCE']
        os.environ['PACKAGES_PATH'] = plt_dir
        if plt_dir != sbl_dir:
            os.environ['PACKAGES_PATH'] += os.pathsep + sbl_dir

        # Generate SblKeys
        if self._board.KEY_GEN:
            if not os.path.exists(os.environ.get('SBL_KEY_DIR')):
                print ("Generating default Sbl Keys to %s !!" % os.environ.get('SBL_KEY_DIR'))
                key_gen_tool = os.path.join(sbl_dir, 'BootloaderCorePkg', 'Tools', 'GenerateKeys.py')
                args_list = ['python', key_gen_tool, '-k', os.environ['SBL_KEY_DIR']]
                ret = subprocess.call(args_list)
                if ret:
                    raise Exception  ('Failed to generate keys !!')
                print ("WARNING: Key generation option is set but directory with Sbl Keys exists at %s!!" % os.environ.get('SBL_KEY_DIR'))
                print ("Skip keys generation!!")

        # Check for SBL Keys directory

        # create build folder if not exist
        if not os.path.exists(self._fv_dir):

        # Validate HASH_TYPE_VALUE config
        if (HASH_TYPE_VALUE[self._board._SIGN_HASH] != self._board.SIGN_HASH_TYPE):
            raise Exception  ('SIGN_HASH_TYPE is not set correctly!!')

        # Validate IPP_HASH_LIB_SUPPORTED_MASK config
        if(IPP_CRYPTO_ALG_MASK[self._board._SIGN_HASH] & self._board.IPP_HASH_LIB_SUPPORTED_MASK) == 0:
            raise Exception  ('IPP_HASH_LIB_SUPPORTED_MASK is not set correctly!!')

        # check if FSP binary exists
        if self._board._FSP_PATH_NAME != '':
            fsp_path_name = self._board._FSP_PATH_NAME
            fsp_path_name = os.path.join('Silicon', self._board.SILICON_PKG_NAME, "FspBin")

        fsp_dir  = os.path.join(plt_dir,  fsp_path_name)
        work_dir = plt_dir
        if not os.path.exists(fsp_dir):
            fsp_dir  = os.path.join(sbl_dir, fsp_path_name)
            work_dir = sbl_dir
        fsp_path = os.path.join(fsp_dir, self._fsp_basename + '.bin')

        if self._board.HAVE_FSP_BIN:
            check_build_component_bin = os.path.join(tool_dir, 'PrepareBuildComponentBin.py')
            if os.path.exists(check_build_component_bin):
                ret = subprocess.call([sys.executable, check_build_component_bin, work_dir, self._board.SILICON_PKG_NAME, '/d' if self._board.FSPDEBUG_MODE else '/r'])
                if ret:
                    raise Exception  ('Failed to prepare build component binaries !')

        # create FSP size and UPD size can be known
        fsp_list = ['FSP_T', 'FSP_M', 'FSP_S']
        if self._board.HAVE_FSP_BIN:
            split_fsp (fsp_path, self._fv_dir)
            # create dummy FSP files
            for each in fsp_list:
                open(os.path.join(self._fv_dir, each + '.bin'),'wb').close()
        # generate size variables
        for each in fsp_list:
            fsp_bin  = os.path.join(self._fv_dir, "%s.bin" % each)
            if self._board.HAVE_FSP_BIN:
                if self._board.FSP_IMAGE_ID:
                    imageid = get_fsp_image_id (fsp_bin)
                    if self._board.FSP_IMAGE_ID != imageid:
                        raise Exception ('Expecting FSP ImageId: %s, but got %s !' % (self._board.FSP_IMAGE_ID, imageid))
                revision = get_fsp_revision (fsp_bin)
                if revision < self._board.MIN_FSP_REVISION:
                    raise Exception ('Required minimum FSP revision is 0x%08X, but current revision is 0x%08X !' %
                                    (self._board.MIN_FSP_REVISION, revision))
            setattr(self._board, '%s_SIZE' % each, get_fsp_size(fsp_bin) if self._board.HAVE_FSP_BIN else 0)
            setattr(self._board, '%s_UPD_SIZE' % each, get_fsp_upd_size(fsp_bin) if self._board.HAVE_FSP_BIN else 1)

        if self._board.BUILD_CSME_UPDATE_DRIVER:
            if os.name != 'nt':
                raise Exception  ('BUILD_CSME_UPDATE_DRIVER is enabled, build only works in WINDOWS !')

        # create component base/size variables
        self.update_component_list ()
        self.create_platform_vars ()

        # generate a padding file
        gen_file_with_size (os.path.join(self._fv_dir, 'PADDING.bin'),  0)

        # create flashmap file
        comp_list = self._comp_list
        if len(self._comp_list) == 0 and getattr(self._board, "GetFlashMapList", None):
            comp_list = self._board.GetFlashMapList()
        gen_flash_map_bin (os.path.join(self._fv_dir, 'FlashMap.bin'), comp_list)

        if not self._board.HAVE_VERIFIED_BOOT and self._board.HAVE_MEASURED_BOOT:
            raise Exception ('Verified Boot must also enabled to enable Measured Boot!')

        # create hashstore file
        key_hash_list = []
        mst_key = self._board._MASTER_PRIVATE_KEY
        if self._board.HAVE_VERIFIED_BOOT:
            hash_store_size = sizeof(HashStoreTable) + (sizeof(HashStoreData) + HASH_DIGEST_SIZE[HASH_VAL_STRING[self._board.SIGN_HASH_TYPE]]) * HashStoreTable().HASH_STORE_MAX_IDX_NUM
            gen_file_with_size (os.path.join(self._fv_dir, 'HashStore.bin'), hash_store_size)

            #Intialize with HashStoreTable
            fo = open(os.path.join(self._fv_dir, 'HashStore.bin'),'r+b')
            hash_store_table = HashStoreTable()
            hash_store_table.TotalLength = hash_store_size

            # create key hash file
            if getattr(self._board, "GetKeyHashList", None):
                key_hash_list = self._board.GetKeyHashList ()

        svn = self._board.KEYH_SVN
        gen_pub_key_hash_store (mst_key, key_hash_list, HASH_VAL_STRING[self._board.SIGN_HASH_TYPE],
                                self._board._SIGNING_SCHEME, svn, self._key_dir, os.path.join(self._fv_dir, 'KEYHASH.bin'))

        # create fit table
        if self._board.HAVE_FIT_TABLE:
            FitSize = sizeof(FIT_ENTRY) * (self._board.FIT_ENTRY_MAX_NUM - 1)
            if self._board.ACM_SIZE > 0:
                # Make sure FIT table start address and end address are 64 bytes aligned.
                FitSize = ((FitSize + 0x3F) & ~0x3F) + 0x3F
            gen_file_with_size (os.path.join(self._fv_dir, 'FitTable.bin'),  FitSize)

        # create bootloader version info file
        ver_info_name = 'VerInfo'
        ver_bin_file = os.path.join(self._fv_dir, ver_info_name + '.bin')
        ver_txt_file = os.path.join(os.environ['PLT_SOURCE'], 'Platform', self._board.BOARD_PKG_NAME, ver_info_name + '.txt')

        ver_dict = {}
        for key in keys:
            ver_dict[key] = getattr (self._board, key)
        if self._board.USE_VERSION:
            ver_info = get_verinfo_via_file (ver_dict, ver_txt_file)
            ver_info = get_verinfo_via_git  (ver_dict, os.environ['PLT_SOURCE'])
            gen_ver_info_txt (ver_txt_file, ver_info)
        gen_file_from_object (ver_bin_file, ver_info)

        # create VBT file
        if self._board.HAVE_VBT_BIN:
            gen_vbt_file (self._board.BOARD_PKG_NAME, self._board._MULTI_VBT_FILE, os.path.join(self._fv_dir, 'Vbt.bin'))

        # create platform include dsc file
        # 生成Platform.dsc文件
        platform_dsc_path = os.path.join(sbl_dir, 'BootloaderCorePkg', 'Platform.dsc')
        self.create_dsc_inc_file (platform_dsc_path)

        # rebase FSP accordingly
        if self._board.HAVE_FSP_BIN:
            rebase_fsp(fsp_path, self._fv_dir, self._board.FSP_T_BASE, self._board.FSP_M_BASE, self._board.FSP_S_BASE)
            split_fsp(os.path.join(self._fv_dir, 'Fsp.bin'), self._fv_dir)

        # create master key hash
        if self._board.HAVE_VERIFIED_BOOT:
            mst_priv_key     = self._board._MASTER_PRIVATE_KEY
            mst_pub_key_file = os.path.join(self._fv_dir, "MSTKEY.bin")
            gen_pub_key (mst_priv_key, mst_pub_key_file)
            gen_hash_file (mst_pub_key_file, HASH_VAL_STRING[self._board.SIGN_HASH_TYPE], '', True)

        # create configuration data
        if self._board.CFGDATA_SIZE > 0:
            svn = self._board.CFGDATA_SVN
            # create config data files
            gen_config_file (self._fv_dir, self._board.BOARD_PKG_NAME, self._board._PLATFORM_ID,
                             self._board._CFGDATA_PRIVATE_KEY, self._board.CFG_DATABASE_SIZE, self._board.CFGDATA_SIZE,
                             self._board._CFGDATA_INT_FILE, self._board._CFGDATA_EXT_FILE,
                             self._board._SIGNING_SCHEME, HASH_VAL_STRING[self._board.SIGN_HASH_TYPE], svn)

        # rebuild reset vector
        vtf_dir = os.path.join('BootloaderCorePkg', 'Stage1A', 'Ia32', 'Vtf0')
        x = subprocess.call([sys.executable, 'Build.py', self._arch.lower()],  cwd=vtf_dir)
        if x: raise Exception ('Failed to build reset vector !')

    def build(self):
        print("Build [%s] ..." % self._board.BOARD_NAME)

        # Run pre-build
        # self.board_build_hook都是在特定单板定义的
        self.board_build_hook ('pre-build:before')
        self.board_build_hook ('pre-build:after')

        # Run build
        cmd_args = [
            "build" if os.name == 'posix' else "build.bat",
            "--platform", os.path.join('BootloaderCorePkg', 'BootloaderCorePkg.dsc'),
            "-b",         self._target,
            "--arch",     self._arch,
            "--tagname",  self._toolchain,
            "-n",         str(multiprocessing.cpu_count()),
            "-y",         "Report.log",
            "-Y",         "PCD",
            "-Y",         "FLASH",
            "-Y",         "LIBRARY"]
        run_process (cmd_args)

        # Run post-build
        self.board_build_hook ('post-build:before')
        self.board_build_hook ('post-build:after')

        print("Done [%s] !" % self._board.BOARD_NAME)

    def post_build(self):

        # create bootloader reserved binary of 4K size
        # 这里创建的文件都是全FF,而没有实际内容
        gen_file_with_size (os.path.join(self._fv_dir, 'SBLRSVD.bin'), 0x1000)

        # create variable region for UEFI payload
        # 上面似乎写错了,应该是不Payload,而是UEFI变量
        if self._board.UEFI_VARIABLE_SIZE > 0:
            gen_file_with_size (os.path.join(self._fv_dir, 'UEFIVARIABLE.bin'), self._board.UEFI_VARIABLE_SIZE)

        # create ACM binary
        if self._board.ACM_SIZE > 0:
            gen_file_with_size (os.path.join(self._fv_dir, 'ACM.bin'), self._board.ACM_SIZE)

        # create Diagnostic ACM binary
        if self._board.DIAGNOSTICACM_SIZE > 0:
            gen_file_with_size (os.path.join(self._fv_dir, 'DIAGNOSTICACM.bin'), self._board.DIAGNOSTICACM_SIZE)

        # create MRC data
        if self._board.MRCDATA_SIZE:
            gen_file_with_size (os.path.join(self._fv_dir, 'MRCDATA.bin'), self._board.MRCDATA_SIZE)

        # create variable binary
        if self._board.VARIABLE_SIZE:
            # VariableRegionHeader类在BuildUtility.py定义,继承自Structure,可以使用from_buffer得到结构体数据
            varhdr = VariableRegionHeader.from_buffer(bytearray(b'\xFF' * sizeof(VariableRegionHeader)))
            varhdr.Signature = b'VARS'
            varhdr.Size      = self._board.VARIABLE_SIZE >> 1
            varhdr.State     = 0xFE
            varfile = open (os.path.join(self._fv_dir, "VARIABLE.bin"), "wb")
            varfile.write(b'\xFF' * (self._board.VARIABLE_SIZE - sizeof(varhdr)));

        # create microcode binary
        if self._board.UCODE_SIZE > 0:
            shutil.copy (
                os.path.join(self._fv_dir, '../%s/Microcode.bin' % self._arch),
                os.path.join(self._fv_dir, "UCODE.bin"))

        # generate payload
        gen_payload_bin (self._fv_dir, self._arch, self._pld_list,
                         os.path.join(self._fv_dir, "PAYLOAD.bin"),
                         self._board._CONTAINER_PRIVATE_KEY, HASH_VAL_STRING[self._board.SIGN_HASH_TYPE],
                         self._board._SIGNING_SCHEME, self._board.BOARD_PKG_NAME)

        # create firmware update key
        if self._board.ENABLE_FWU:
            srcfile = "../%s/PayloadPkg/FirmwareUpdate/FirmwareUpdate/OUTPUT/FirmwareUpdate.efi" % self._arch
                os.path.join(self._fv_dir, srcfile),
                os.path.join(self._fv_dir, "FWUPDATE.bin"))

        # create SPI IAS image if required
        if self._board.SPI_IAS1_SIZE > 0 or self._board.SPI_IAS2_SIZE > 0:
            for idx in range (1, 3):
                file_path  = os.path.join('Platform', self._board.BOARD_PKG_NAME, 'SpiIasBin', 'iasimage%d.bin' % idx)
                file_space = getattr(self._board, 'SPI_IAS%d_SIZE' % idx)
                gen_ias_file (file_path, file_space, os.path.join(self._fv_dir, "SPI_IAS%d.bin" % idx))

        # generate container images
        if getattr(self._board, "GetContainerList", None):
            container_list = self._board.GetContainerList ()
            component_dir = os.path.join(os.environ['PLT_SOURCE'], 'Platform', self._board.BOARD_PKG_NAME, 'Binaries')
            gen_container_bin (container_list, self._fv_dir, component_dir, self._key_dir , '')

        # patch stages
        self.patch_stages ()

        # create redundant components
        self.create_redundant_components ()

        # stitch all components
        layout_name = 'ImgStitch.txt'
        self.create_bootloader_image (layout_name)

        # print flash map
        if len(self._comp_list) > 0:
            print_addr = False if getattr(self._board, "GetFlashMapList", None) else True
            flash_map_text = decode_flash_map (os.path.join(self._fv_dir, 'FlashMap.bin'), print_addr)
            print('%s' % flash_map_text)
            fd = open (os.path.join(self._fv_dir, 'FlashMap.txt'), 'w')
            fd.write (flash_map_text)
            fd.close ()

def main():

    # Set SBL_SOURCE and WORKSPACE Environment variable at first
    # SBL_SOURCE和WORKSPACE的值都是当前文件所在的目录,且是绝对路径
    os.environ['SBL_SOURCE'] = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    if 'WORKSPACE' not in os.environ:
        os.environ['WORKSPACE'] = os.environ['SBL_SOURCE']

    board_cfgs   = []
    board_names  = []
    module_names = []

    # Find all boards
    # search_dir也是当前文件所在路径
    search_dir = os.environ['SBL_SOURCE']
    # PLT_SOURCE默认应该是没有的,所以不会进入if分支
    if 'PLT_SOURCE' in os.environ:
        search_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(search_dir, os.path.pardir))
    # 就是根目录下所有的目录和文件,注意listdir()还会返回文件
    board_pkgs = os.listdir (search_dir)
    for pkg in board_pkgs:
        get_board_config_file (os.path.join (search_dir, pkg), board_cfgs)

    for cfgfile in board_cfgs:
        # 就是Board
        module_name = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(cfgfile))[:-8] + os.path.basename(cfgfile)[:-3]
        # 获得的就是平台Package中的BoardConfig.py导入的模块,里面有Board类,它是BaseBoard的子类
        brdcfg = load_source(module_name, cfgfile)
        # 在BoardConfig.py中定义的BOARD_NAME,比如'apl'、'qemu'等

    # 开始处理命令参数,参数有对应的执行函数,比如build参数就对应这里的cmd_build函数,以此类推
    ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    sp = ap.add_subparsers(help='command')

    # 参数build对应执行的函数
    def cmd_build(args):
        prep_env (args.toolchain)

        for index, name in enumerate(board_names):
            if args.board == name:
                brdcfg = module_names[index]
                # 来自BoardConfig.py中的Board类,USE_VERSION这个参数没有用到,不过Python可以增加新的成员在类实例中,只是最终似乎也没有用到
                board  = brdcfg.Board( # =前面的是BaseBoard类的成员,后面的是参数值
                                        BUILD_ARCH        = args.arch.upper(), \
                                        RELEASE_MODE      = args.release,     \
                                        NO_OPT_MODE       = args.noopt,       \
                                        FSPDEBUG_MODE     = args.fspdebug,    \
                                        USE_VERSION       = args.usever,      \
                                        _PAYLOAD_NAME     = args.payload,     \
                                        _FSP_PATH_NAME    = args.fsppath,     \
                                        KEY_GEN           = args.keygen
                os.environ['PLT_SOURCE']  = os.path.abspath (os.path.join (os.path.dirname (board_cfgs[index]), '../..'))

    buildp = sp.add_parser('build', help='build SBL firmware')
    buildp.add_argument('-r',  '--release', action='store_true', help='Release build')
    buildp.add_argument('-v',  '--usever',  action='store_true', help='Use board version file')
    buildp.add_argument('-fp', dest='fsppath', type=str, help='FSP binary path relative to FspBin in Silicon folder', default='')
    buildp.add_argument('-fd', '--fspdebug', action='store_true', help='Use debug FSP binary')
    buildp.add_argument('-a',  '--arch', choices=['ia32', 'x64'], help='Specify the ARCH for build. Default is to build IA32 image.', default ='ia32')
    buildp.add_argument('-no', '--noopt', action='store_true', help='No compile/link optimization for debugging purpose. Not enabled in Release build.')
    buildp.add_argument('-p',  '--payload' , dest='payload', type=str, help='Payload file name', default ='OsLoader.efi')
    buildp.add_argument('board', metavar='board', choices=board_names, help='Board Name (%s)' % ', '.join(board_names))
    buildp.add_argument('-k', '--keygen', action='store_true', help='Generate default keys for signing')
    buildp.add_argument('-t', '--toolchain', dest='toolchain', type=str, default='', help='Perferred toolchain name')

    # 参数clean对应执行的函数
    def cmd_clean(args):
        workspace = os.environ['WORKSPACE']
        sbl_dir   = os.environ['SBL_SOURCE']
        dirs  = ['Build', 'Conf']
        files = [
            os.path.join (sbl_dir, 'BootloaderCorePkg/Stage1A/Ia32/Vtf0/Bin/ResetVector.ia32.raw'),
            os.path.join (sbl_dir, 'BootloaderCorePkg/Platform.dsc'),
            os.path.join (workspace, 'Report.log')

        if args.distclean:
            dirs.extend ([

            files.extend ([

        for dir in dirs:
            dirpath = os.path.join (workspace, dir)
            print('Removing %s' % dirpath)
            shutil.rmtree(dirpath, ignore_errors=True)

        for file in files:
            if os.path.exists(file):
                print('Removing %s' % file)

        if os.path.exists(os.path.join (sbl_dir, '.git')):
            cmd = 'git clean -xdf BaseTools'
            x = subprocess.call(cmd.split(' '), cwd=sbl_dir)
            if x: raise Exception ('Failed to run clean-up commands !')

        print('Clean Done !')

    cleanp = sp.add_parser('clean', help='clean build dir')
    cleanp.add_argument('-d',  '--distclean', action='store_true', help='Distribution clean')

    # 参数build_dsc执行的主体
    def cmd_build_dsc(args):
        prep_env (args.toolchain)

        # Build a specified DSC file
        def_list = []
        if args.define is not None:
            for each in args.define:
                def_list.extend (['-D', '%s' % each])

        cmd_args = [
            "build" if os.name == 'posix' else "build.bat",
            "--platform", args.dsc,
            "-b",         'RELEASE' if args.release else 'DEBUG',
            "--arch",     args.arch.upper(),
            "--tagname",  os.environ['TOOL_CHAIN'],
            "-n",         str(multiprocessing.cpu_count()),
            ] + def_list

        run_process (cmd_args)

    build_dscp = sp.add_parser('build_dsc', help='build a specified dsc file')
    build_dscp.add_argument('-r',  '--release', action='store_true', help='Release build')
    build_dscp.add_argument('-a',  '--arch', choices=['ia32', 'x64'], help='Specify the ARCH for build. Default is to build IA32 image.', default ='ia32')
    build_dscp.add_argument('-d',  '--define', action='append', help='Specify macros to be passed into DSC build')
    build_dscp.add_argument('-p',  '--dsc', type=str, required=True, help='Specify a DSC file path to build')
    build_dscp.add_argument('-t',  '--toolchain', dest='toolchain', type=str, default='', help='Perferred toolchain name')

    args = ap.parse_args()
    if len(args.__dict__) <= 1:
        # No arguments or subcommands were given.


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  • 1
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bootloader阶段是启动计算机的第一个阶段,主要负责硬件的初始化和加载操作系统。在实际的系统bootloader阶段可以分为多个部分,例如xloaderUEFI、BL2和BL3等。下面分别对它们进行简单的介绍: 1. xloader:xloader是ARM架构下的一种bootloader,主要负责初始化硬件和加载操作系统。xloader一般由开发者编写,可以根据需要进行定制。在启动过程,xloader会首先运行,然后将控制权交给操作系统内核。 2. UEFIUEFI是一种新型的固件标准,可以替代传统的BIOS。UEFI提供了更强大的功能和更高的安全性,可以在启动阶段提供更多的可选项和更好的用户体验。在ARM架构UEFI也可以作为bootloader的一部分。UEFI的启动方式与传统BIOS不同,需要重新编写启动程序。 3. BL2:BL2是bootloader的第二个阶段,也是xloader的一部分。BL2主要负责初始化硬件和加载操作系统,与xloader的功能类似。BL2一般由开发者编写,可以根据需要进行定制。 4. BL3:BL3是操作系统内核,也是bootloader的最后一个阶段。BL3负责启动操作系统和管理硬件资源,是整个系统的核心部分。在ARM架构,BL3一般由操作系统厂商或开发者编写。 综上所述,bootloader阶段可以分为多个部分,例如xloaderUEFI、BL2和BL3等。不同部分的功能和作用略有不同,但它们都是启动计算机的必要组成部分。


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