【R】tidyr & purrr - 数据重塑与变量循环,帮助你提高数据清洗效率


    tidyr - 用于数据集的长宽表转换、分列等形状重塑(reshape)

    purrr - 实现了对变量数据的快速循环,让我们可以在对数据集内列变量进行循环时摒弃缓慢的for循环,提高数据处理效率与代码简洁性


> pacman::p_load(data.table, tidyverse) #也可以直接library
> data <- fread("D://contest//transactions.csv")

> #将数据框转换为tibble形式数据框,为dplyr函数加快处理速度
> data <- tbl_df(data)

> #查看行列信息
> names(data)
 [1] "authorized_flag"      "card_id"              "city_id"              "category_1"           "installments"         "category_3"          
 [7] "merchant_category_id" "merchant_id"          "month_lag"            "purchase_amount"      "purchase_date"        "category_2"          
[13] "state_id"             "subsector_id"        

> dim(data)
[1] 185129     14

> data
# A tibble: 185,129 x 14
   authorized_flag card_id     city_id category_1 installments category_3 merchant_category~ merchant_id   month_lag purchase_amount purchase_date    category_2 state_id subsector_id
   <chr>           <chr>         <int> <chr>             <int> <chr>                   <int> <chr>             <int>           <dbl> <chr>                 <int>    <int>        <int>
 1 Y               C_ID_cb34e~      20 N                     0 A                         422 M_ID_f162748~         1          -0.660 2018-03-07 10:5~          3       19           27
 2 Y               C_ID_8a118~     251 N                     0 A                         278 M_ID_00c57ea~         2          -0.624 2017-07-21 12:1~          3        8           37
 3 Y               C_ID_69ed7~     117 N                     0 A                         367 M_ID_1da88fb~         2          -0.714 2017-10-27 20:2~          4       13           16
 4 Y               C_ID_ae6f8~      69 N                     1 B                         383 M_ID_ebbdb42~         2          -0.446 2018-01-26 08:4~          1        9            2
 5 Y               C_ID_07b21~     277 N                     0 A                         278 M_ID_7291e8a~         1          -0.736 2018-03-10 21:4~          4       13           37
 6 Y               C_ID_34521~     291 N                     0 A                         422 M_ID_0649e6e~         2          -0.702 2018-03-11 19:3~          1        9           27
 7 Y               C_ID_5d09f~      69 N                     0 A                         511 M_ID_b794b9d~         2          -0.183 2018-04-21 13:1~          1        9            7
 8 Y               C_ID_a12f5~     331 N                     0 A                         273 M_ID_73d19e5~         1          -0.720 2018-03-21 06:5~          3        3           20
 9 Y               C_ID_88fb2~      69 N                     0 A                          19 M_ID_a79f97e~         1          -0.726 2018-03-01 16:5~          1        9           36
10 Y               C_ID_8ef5e~     261 N                     1 B                         823 M_ID_2059928~         2          -0.509 2018-03-04 03:5~          1        9           25
# ... with 185,119 more rows

#筛选出card_id, category_2, category_3三个列
> data %>% 
    select(card_id, category_2, category_3) %>% 
    slice(1:10)-> category

>  category[3, 3] <- NA

> category
# A tibble: 10 x 3
   card_id         category_2 category_3
   <chr>                <int> <chr>     
 1 C_ID_cb34e13a1e          3 A         
 2 C_ID_8a1184a21e          3 A         
 3 C_ID_69ed7c9177          4 NA        
 4 C_ID_ae6f8dd403          1 B         
 5 C_ID_07b2107875          4 A         
 6 C_ID_34521fce1b          1 A         
 7 C_ID_5d09feb8b0          1 A         
 8 C_ID_a12f57ce14          3 A         
 9 C_ID_88fb23a843          1 A         
10 C_ID_8ef5e8c067          1 B







转长表 - gather


#这里指定category_3, category_2两列为key,重塑后数据集形状如下

> category %>% 
    gather(category_3, category_2, key = "category", value = "cases") -> category_long

> category_long
# A tibble: 20 x 3
   card_id         category   cases
   <chr>           <chr>      <chr>
 1 C_ID_cb34e13a1e category_3 A    
 2 C_ID_8a1184a21e category_3 A    
 3 C_ID_69ed7c9177 category_3 NA   
 4 C_ID_ae6f8dd403 category_3 B    
 5 C_ID_07b2107875 category_3 A    
 6 C_ID_34521fce1b category_3 A    
 7 C_ID_5d09feb8b0 category_3 A    
 8 C_ID_a12f57ce14 category_3 A    
 9 C_ID_88fb23a843 category_3 A    
10 C_ID_8ef5e8c067 category_3 B    
11 C_ID_cb34e13a1e category_2 3    
12 C_ID_8a1184a21e category_2 3    
13 C_ID_69ed7c9177 category_2 4    
14 C_ID_ae6f8dd403 category_2 1    
15 C_ID_07b2107875 category_2 4    
16 C_ID_34521fce1b category_2 1    
17 C_ID_5d09feb8b0 category_2 1    
18 C_ID_a12f57ce14 category_2 3    
19 C_ID_88fb23a843 category_2 1    
20 C_ID_8ef5e8c067 category_2 1 


#cases列内的值为重塑前category_3, category_2列包含的值



转宽表 - spread


> category_long %>% 
    spread(category, cases)
# A tibble: 10 x 3
   card_id         category_2 category_3
   <chr>           <chr>      <chr>     
 1 C_ID_07b2107875 4          A         
 2 C_ID_34521fce1b 1          A         
 3 C_ID_5d09feb8b0 1          A         
 4 C_ID_69ed7c9177 4          NA        
 5 C_ID_88fb23a843 1          A         
 6 C_ID_8a1184a21e 3          A         
 7 C_ID_8ef5e8c067 1          B         
 8 C_ID_a12f57ce14 3          A         
 9 C_ID_ae6f8dd403 1          B         
10 C_ID_cb34e13a1e 3          A


分列 - separate

#将card_id列以"_"为区分进行分列,将分列后产生的3个列分别命名为:"noneed", "noneed2", "id",最后赋值到变量category_sep

> category %>% 
    separate(card_id, sep = "_", into = c("noneed", "noneed2", "id")) -> category_sep
> category_sep
# A tibble: 10 x 5
   noneed noneed2 id         category_2 category_3
   <chr>  <chr>   <chr>           <int> <chr>     
 1 C      ID      cb34e13a1e          3 A         
 2 C      ID      8a1184a21e          3 A         
 3 C      ID      69ed7c9177          4 NA        
 4 C      ID      ae6f8dd403          1 B         
 5 C      ID      07b2107875          4 A         
 6 C      ID      34521fce1b          1 A         
 7 C      ID      5d09feb8b0          1 A         
 8 C      ID      a12f57ce14          3 A         
 9 C      ID      88fb23a843          1 A         
10 C      ID      8ef5e8c067          1 B


变量合并 - unite

#将noneed, noneed2, id合并为一列,命名为"ID",连接符号为":"

> category_sep %>% 
    unite(noneed, noneed2, id, col = "ID", sep = ":")
# A tibble: 10 x 3
   ID              category_2 category_3
   <chr>                <int> <chr>     
 1 C:ID:cb34e13a1e          3 A         
 2 C:ID:8a1184a21e          3 A         
 3 C:ID:69ed7c9177          4 NA        
 4 C:ID:ae6f8dd403          1 B         
 5 C:ID:07b2107875          4 A         
 6 C:ID:34521fce1b          1 A         
 7 C:ID:5d09feb8b0          1 A         
 8 C:ID:a12f57ce14          3 A         
 9 C:ID:88fb23a843          1 A         
10 C:ID:8ef5e8c067          1 B


分列同时转长表 - separate_rows


> category %>% 
    separate_rows(card_id, sep = "_") #分列&转长表
# A tibble: 30 x 3
   card_id    category_2 category_3
   <chr>           <int> <chr>     
 1 C                   3 A         
 2 ID                  3 A         
 3 cb34e13a1e          3 A         
 4 C                   3 A         
 5 ID                  3 A         
 6 8a1184a21e          3 A         
 7 C                   4 NA        
 8 ID                  4 NA        
 9 69ed7c9177          4 NA        
10 C                   1 B         
# ... with 20 more rows





> category %>% 
# A tibble: 9 x 3
  card_id         category_2 category_3
  <chr>                <int> <chr>     
1 C_ID_cb34e13a1e          3 A         
2 C_ID_8a1184a21e          3 A         
3 C_ID_ae6f8dd403          1 B         
4 C_ID_07b2107875          4 A         
5 C_ID_34521fce1b          1 A         
6 C_ID_5d09feb8b0          1 A         
7 C_ID_a12f57ce14          3 A         
8 C_ID_88fb23a843          1 A         
9 C_ID_8ef5e8c067          1 B


> category %>% 
# A tibble: 10 x 3
   card_id         category_2 category_3
   <chr>                <int> <chr>     
 1 C_ID_cb34e13a1e          3 A         
 2 C_ID_8a1184a21e          3 A         
 3 C_ID_69ed7c9177          4 A         
 4 C_ID_ae6f8dd403          1 B         
 5 C_ID_07b2107875          4 A         
 6 C_ID_34521fce1b          1 A         
 7 C_ID_5d09feb8b0          1 A         
 8 C_ID_a12f57ce14          3 A         
 9 C_ID_88fb23a843          1 A         
10 C_ID_8ef5e8c067          1 B


> category %>% 
    replace_na(list(category_3 = "X")) 
# A tibble: 10 x 3
   card_id         category_2 category_3
   <chr>                <int> <chr>     
 1 C_ID_cb34e13a1e          3 A         
 2 C_ID_8a1184a21e          3 A         
 3 C_ID_69ed7c9177          4 X         
 4 C_ID_ae6f8dd403          1 B         
 5 C_ID_07b2107875          4 A         
 6 C_ID_34521fce1b          1 A         
 7 C_ID_5d09feb8b0          1 A         
 8 C_ID_a12f57ce14          3 A         
 9 C_ID_88fb23a843          1 A         
10 C_ID_8ef5e8c067          1 B


#数据准备 - 我们只取data中的数值变量

>data %>% 
   select_if(is.numeric) -> data
> data
# A tibble: 185,129 x 8
   city_id installments merchant_category_id month_lag purchase_amount category_2 state_id subsector_id
     <int>        <int>                <int>     <int>           <dbl>      <int>    <int>        <int>
 1      20            0                  422         1          -0.660          3       19           27
 2     251            0                  278         2          -0.624          3        8           37
 3     117            0                  367         2          -0.714          4       13           16
 4      69            1                  383         2          -0.446          1        9            2
 5     277            0                  278         1          -0.736          4       13           37
 6     291            0                  422         2          -0.702          1        9           27
 7      69            0                  511         2          -0.183          1        9            7
 8     331            0                  273         1          -0.720          3        3           20
 9      69            0                   19         1          -0.726          1        9           36
10     261            1                  823         2          -0.509          1        9           25
# ... with 185,119 more rows


对数据集的所有列循环 - map_df


> data %>% 
# A tibble: 1 x 8
  city_id installments merchant_category_id month_lag purchase_amount category_2 state_id subsector_id
    <dbl>        <dbl>                <dbl>     <dbl>           <dbl>      <dbl>    <dbl>        <dbl>
1    142.        0.627                 426.      1.48          -0.562       2.20     11.6         26.2


> data %>% 
    map_df(function(x) ((x - min(x))/(max(x)-min(x))))

# A tibble: 185,129 x 8
   city_id installments merchant_category_id month_lag purchase_amount category_2 state_id subsector_id
     <dbl>        <dbl>                <dbl>     <dbl>           <dbl>      <dbl>    <dbl>        <dbl>
 1  0.0549       0.0769               0.472          0        0.00238        0.5    0.783         0.65 
 2  0.723        0.0769               0.310          1        0.00336        0.5    0.304         0.9  
 3  0.335        0.0769               0.411          1        0.000893       0.75   0.522         0.375
 4  0.197        0.154                0.429          1        0.00820        0      0.348         0.025
 5  0.798        0.0769               0.310          0        0.000293       0.75   0.522         0.9  
 6  0.838        0.0769               0.472          1        0.00123        0      0.348         0.65 
 7  0.197        0.0769               0.573          1        0.0154         0      0.348         0.15 
 8  0.954        0.0769               0.305          0        0.000737       0.5    0.0870        0.475
 9  0.197        0.0769               0.0191         0        0.000582       0      0.348         0.875
10  0.751        0.154                0.924          1        0.00649        0      0.348         0.6  
# ... with 185,119 more rows


> data %>% 
# A tibble: 185,129 x 8
   city_id installments merchant_category_id month_lag purchase_amount category_2 state_id subsector_id
     <dbl>        <dbl>                <dbl>     <dbl>           <dbl>      <dbl>    <dbl>        <dbl>
 1  -1.23        -0.571              -0.0156    -0.952         -0.166       0.521    1.36        0.0798
 2   1.10        -0.571              -0.604      1.05          -0.105       0.521   -0.662       1.08  
 3  -0.251       -0.571              -0.240      1.05          -0.258       1.17     0.255      -1.02  
 4  -0.733        0.339              -0.175      1.05           0.195      -0.786   -0.479      -2.41  
 5   1.36        -0.571              -0.604     -0.952         -0.296       1.17     0.255       1.08  
 6   1.50        -0.571              -0.0156     1.05          -0.238      -0.786   -0.479       0.0798
 7  -0.733       -0.571               0.348      1.05           0.641      -0.786   -0.479      -1.92  
 8   1.90        -0.571              -0.624     -0.952         -0.268       0.521   -1.58       -0.619 
 9  -0.733       -0.571              -1.66      -0.952         -0.278      -0.786   -0.479       0.978 
10   1.20         0.339               1.62       1.05           0.0894     -0.786   -0.479      -0.120 
# ... with 185,119 more rows


> data %>% 
    map_df(function(x) log(x + 1)) 
# A tibble: 185,129 x 8
   city_id installments merchant_category_id month_lag purchase_amount category_2 state_id subsector_id
     <dbl>        <dbl>                <dbl>     <dbl>           <dbl>      <dbl>    <dbl>        <dbl>
 1    3.04        0                     6.05     0.693          -1.08       1.39      3.00         3.33
 2    5.53        0                     5.63     1.10           -0.977      1.39      2.20         3.64
 3    4.77        0                     5.91     1.10           -1.25       1.61      2.64         2.83
 4    4.25        0.693                 5.95     1.10           -0.591      0.693     2.30         1.10
 5    5.63        0                     5.63     0.693          -1.33       1.61      2.64         3.64
 6    5.68        0                     6.05     1.10           -1.21       0.693     2.30         3.33
 7    4.25        0                     6.24     1.10           -0.203      0.693     2.30         2.08
 8    5.81        0                     5.61     0.693          -1.27       1.39      1.39         3.04
 9    4.25        0                     3.00     0.693          -1.29       0.693     2.30         3.61
10    5.57        0.693                 6.71     1.10           -0.711      0.693     2.30         3.26
# ... with 185,119 more rows


指定数据集中的列做循环 - modify_at


> data %>% 
    modify_at(c("installments"), function(x) log(x + 1)) 

# A tibble: 185,129 x 8
   city_id installments merchant_category_id month_lag purchase_amount category_2 state_id subsector_id
     <int>        <dbl>                <int>     <int>           <dbl>      <int>    <int>        <int>
 1      20        0                      422         1          -0.660          3       19           27
 2     251        0                      278         2          -0.624          3        8           37
 3     117        0                      367         2          -0.714          4       13           16
 4      69        0.693                  383         2          -0.446          1        9            2
 5     277        0                      278         1          -0.736          4       13           37
 6     291        0                      422         2          -0.702          1        9           27
 7      69        0                      511         2          -0.183          1        9            7
 8     331        0                      273         1          -0.720          3        3           20
 9      69        0                       19         1          -0.726          1        9           36
10     261        0.693                  823         2          -0.509          1        9           25
# ... with 185,119 more rows


> data %>% 
    modify_at(c("installments"), function(x) ((x - min(x))/(max(x) - min(x))))

# A tibble: 185,129 x 8
   city_id installments merchant_category_id month_lag purchase_amount category_2 state_id subsector_id
     <int>        <dbl>                <int>     <int>           <dbl>      <int>    <int>        <int>
 1      20       0.0769                  422         1          -0.660          3       19           27
 2     251       0.0769                  278         2          -0.624          3        8           37
 3     117       0.0769                  367         2          -0.714          4       13           16
 4      69       0.154                   383         2          -0.446          1        9            2
 5     277       0.0769                  278         1          -0.736          4       13           37
 6     291       0.0769                  422         2          -0.702          1        9           27
 7      69       0.0769                  511         2          -0.183          1        9            7
 8     331       0.0769                  273         1          -0.720          3        3           20
 9      69       0.0769                   19         1          -0.726          1        9           36
10     261       0.154                   823         2          -0.509          1        9           25
# ... with 185,119 more rows


> data %>% 
    modify_at(c("installments"), scale)

# A tibble: 185,129 x 8
   city_id installments[,1] merchant_category_id month_lag purchase_amount category_2 state_id subsector_id
     <int>            <dbl>                <int>     <int>           <dbl>      <int>    <int>        <int>
 1      20           -0.571                  422         1          -0.660          3       19           27
 2     251           -0.571                  278         2          -0.624          3        8           37
 3     117           -0.571                  367         2          -0.714          4       13           16
 4      69            0.339                  383         2          -0.446          1        9            2
 5     277           -0.571                  278         1          -0.736          4       13           37
 6     291           -0.571                  422         2          -0.702          1        9           27
 7      69           -0.571                  511         2          -0.183          1        9            7
 8     331           -0.571                  273         1          -0.720          3        3           20
 9      69           -0.571                   19         1          -0.726          1        9           36
10     261            0.339                  823         2          -0.509          1        9           25
# ... with 185,119 more rows




> data %>% 
    keep(function(x) mean(x) > 10) 

# A tibble: 185,129 x 4
   city_id merchant_category_id state_id subsector_id
     <int>                <int>    <int>        <int>
 1      20                  422       19           27
 2     251                  278        8           37
 3     117                  367       13           16
 4      69                  383        9            2
 5     277                  278       13           37
 6     291                  422        9           27
 7      69                  511        9            7
 8     331                  273        3           20
 9      69                   19        9           36
10     261                  823        9           25
# ... with 185,119 more rows


> data %>% 
    discard(function(x) mean(x) > 10) #剔除列均值大于10的列

# A tibble: 185,129 x 4
   installments month_lag purchase_amount category_2
          <int>     <int>           <dbl>      <int>
 1            0         1          -0.660          3
 2            0         2          -0.624          3
 3            0         2          -0.714          4
 4            1         2          -0.446          1
 5            0         1          -0.736          4
 6            0         2          -0.702          1
 7            0         2          -0.183          1
 8            0         1          -0.720          3
 9            0         1          -0.726          1
10            1         2          -0.509          1
# ... with 185,119 more rows







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