--create database stu --创建数据库
--exec sp_helpdb
--exec sp_databases
--exec sp_helpdb jieTest
--exec sp_helpfile
--exec sp_helpfilegroup
--exec sp_renamedb 'xiugai','xiugai1'
--drop database JieTest
--insert into [JieTest].dbo.AddressInfo values(1,'jie','','');
--create database student
--use student
--create table t_student
-- sno char(10),
-- sname varchar(10),
-- ssex char(4),
-- sage int,
-- sdep char(20),
-- sphone char(15)
--drop table [student].dbo.t_student
--create table t_student
-- sno char(10) primary key,
-- sname varchar(10) not null,
-- ssex char(4) check(ssex='男' or ssex='女') default '男',
-- sage int check(sage>=0 and sage<=150),
-- sdep char(20),
-- sphone char(15) unique,
--exec sp_helpconstraint t_student
--insert into t_student values('01','张三','男',25,'软工','110')
--insert into t_student values('02','聂英鹏','男',21,'软工','119')
--insert into t_student values('03','王鹏','男',17,'软工','17')
--insert into t_student values('04','李书豪','男',22,'网工','11045')
--insert into t_student values('05','溜溜','女',20,'软工','110777')
--create table course
-- cno char(10) primary key,
-- cname varchar(20)-------------课程名字
--insert into course values('01','网站开发')
--insert into course values('02','C语言')
--insert into course values('03','JSP')
--insert into course values('04','JAVA')
--insert into course values('05','C#')
--create table t_score
-- sno char(10),
-- cno char(10),
-- score real check(score>=0 and score<=100),
-- constraint pkk primary key(sno,cno),---------------联合主键
-- constraint fk1 foreign key(sno) references t_student, --外键
-- constraint fk2 foreign key(cno) references course --外键
--insert into t_score values('01','01',98)
--insert into t_score values('01','02',78)
--insert into t_score values('02','01',100)
--insert into t_score values('02','03',75)
--insert into t_score values('10','01',98)----违反了外键约束
--insert into t_score values('01','09',98)----违反了外键约束
--exec sp_help t_student
--exec sp_rename 't_student.sphone','phonenumber'
--1 全部增加信息:按列的顺序增加
--insert into t_student values('06','刘小慧','女',19,'动画','1111')
--insert into t_student(sno,sname ,ssex, phonenumber) values('07','qq','男','123456')
--select top 2 * from t_student
--where sno not in(select top 2 sno from t_student)
--select * from t_student
--select distinct sdep from t_student
--select sdep from t_student group by sdep
--select * from t_student where sdep<>'软工'
--select * from t_student where sage between 22 and 25
--select * from t_student where sdep='软工' or sdep='网工'
--select * from t_student where sdep in('软工' ,'网工')
--select sno+sname as 联合显示 from t_student
--select SUM(sage) as tot from t_student
--select AVG(sage) from t_student
--select MAX(sage) from t_student
--select MIN(sage) from t_student
--select * from t_student
----select * from t_student where sname like '王%'
--select * from t_student where sname like '王_'
--select * from t_student where sname like '_英%'
--select * from t_student order by sage
--select * from t_student order by sage asc
--select * from t_student order by sage desc
--select * from t_student
--select ssex,COUNT(*) as 人数 from t_student group by ssex
--select ssex,AVG(sage) as 人数 from t_student group by ssex
--select ssex,AVG(sage) as 人数 from t_student group by ssex having AVG(sage)>20
--select * from t_student
--select * from t_score
--select t_student.sno,sname,ssex,sage,score from t_student,t_score where t_student.sno = t_score.sno
--select t_student.sno,sname,cno,score from t_score inner join t_student
--on t_score.sno=t_student.sno
--select t_student.sno,sname,cno,score from t_score join t_student
--on t_score.sno=t_student.sno
--左外连接:left join ...on(以左表为主,全显示,右表为辅,不够用空补齐,多余的不显示)
--select * from t_student left join t_score on t_student.sno = t_score.sno
--右外连接:right join ...on(以右表为主,全显示,左表为辅,不够用空补齐,多余的不显示)
--select * from t_student right join t_score on t_student.sno = t_score.sno
--完全连接:full join ...on
--select * from t_student full join t_score on t_score.sno=t_student.sno
--select * from t_student left join t_score on t_score.sno=t_student.sno where score is null
--select * from t_student full join t_score on t_score.sno=t_student.sno where score is null
--select * from t_student right join t_score on t_score.sno=t_student.sno where score is null
--select a.sname,a.sdep from t_student as a join t_student as b on a.sname=b.sname where a.sno<>b.sno
--交叉连接:cross join(笛卡尔积)
--select * from t_student
--select * from course
--select * from t_student cross join course
--select ABS(-12),ABS(12)----求绝对值
--select CEILING (12.5),CEILING (-12.5)
--select FLOOR (12.5),FLOOR (-12.5)
--select PI()
--select RAND()
--select SQRT(144),SQUARE (12)
--非聚集索引:(书的目录) 索引位置和实际存储位置不在同一个页面上。nonclustered
--exec sp_helpindex t_student