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从阿里云DATAV GeoAtlas接口抽取行政区划数据,包括省市县三级GeoJSON,打包分享(侵删),参考地址: http://datav.aliyun.com/tools/atlas



目录 1. 简介 2. 开始学习 3. 配置 4. Activiti API 5. Spring集成 6. 部署 7. BPMN 2.0介绍 8. BPMN 2.0结构 9. 表单 10. JPA 11. 历史 12. Eclipse Designer 13. Activiti Explorer 14. Activiti Modeler 15. REST API 16. 集成CDI 17. 集成LDAP 18. 高级功能 19. 使用Activiti-Crystalball进行流程仿真(实验)



SVN分级授权工具部署手册--Windows用户认证--Visual-SVN-权限 SVN分级授权工具部署手册--Windows用户认证--Visual-SVN-权限



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DBGrid ADOQuery分页查询

DBGrid ADOQuery分页查询,自己写的,不够完善,仅供交流。 DBGrid ADOQuery分页查询,自己写的,不够完善,仅供交流。


中兴无线网卡 ZTE-T-A371驱动

中兴无线网卡 ZTE-T-A371驱动,老驱动了,估计不容易找到。分享在这以备不时之需。有需要的直接拿走


ArcGIS API for Flex 3.0

======================= ArcGIS API for Flex 3.0 build date 2012-06-06 ======================= This file contains the ArcGIS Flex API Library (the swc file), skins and sample code. =============== Getting Started =============== 1. In Adobe Flash Builder, create a new Flex project (File -> New -> Flex project). 2. Copy all the contents of the ArcGIS_Flex\samples\src folder to src folder of the Flex project created above. 3. In Adobe Flash Builder, add the API Library to the project through Project -> Properties -> Flex Build Path -> Library Path -> Add SWC (and locate the "agslib-3.0-2012-06-06.swc") 4. In Adobe Flash Builder, right-click on any of the sample mxml applications and click "Set as Default Application". 5. In Adobe Flash Builder, right-click on any of the sample mxml applications and click "Run Application". ================ More Information ================ For more information go to http://help.arcgis.com/en/webapi/flex/ License agreement at http://www.esri.com/legal/pdfs/mla_e204_e300/english.pdf.


ArcGIS API for Flex 2.5

======================= ArcGIS API for Flex 2.5 build date 2011-11-30 ======================= This file contains the ArcGIS Flex API Library (the swc file), skins and sample code. =============== Getting Started =============== 1. In Adobe Flash Builder, create a new Flex project (File -> New -> Flex project). 2. Copy all the contents of the ArcGIS_Flex\samples\src folder to src folder of the Flex project created above. 3. In Adobe Flash Builder, add the API Library to the project through Project -> Properties -> Flex Build Path -> Library Path -> Add SWC (and locate the "agslib-2.5-2011-11-30.swc") 4. In Adobe Flash Builder, right-click on any of the sample mxml applications and click "Set as Default Application". 5. In Adobe Flash Builder, right-click on any of the sample mxml applications and click "Run Application". ================ More Information ================ For more information go to http://help.arcgis.com/en/webapi/flex/ License agreement at http://www.esri.com/legal/pdfs/mla_e204_e300/english.pdf.


ArcGIS API for Flex 2.4

======================= ArcGIS API for Flex 2.4 build date 2011-07-25 ======================= This file contains the ArcGIS Flex API Library (the swc file), skins and sample code. =============== Getting Started =============== 1. In Adobe Flash Builder, create a new Flex project (File -> New -> Flex project). 2. Copy all the contents of the ArcGIS_Flex\samples\src folder to src folder of the Flex project created above. 3. In Adobe Flash Builder, add the API Library to the project through Project -> Properties -> Flex Build Path -> Library Path -> Add SWC (and locate the "agslib-2.4-2011-07-25.swc") 4. In Adobe Flash Builder, right-click on any of the sample mxml applications and click "Set as Default Application". 5. In Adobe Flash Builder, right-click on any of the sample mxml applications and click "Run Application". ================ More Information ================ For more information go to http://help.arcgis.com/en/webapi/flex/ License agreement at http://resources.esri.com/arcgisserver/apis/flex/display/esri.html


ArcGIS API for Flex 2.3

======================= ArcGIS API for Flex 2.3 build date 2011-04-14 ======================= This file contains the ArcGIS Flex API Library (the swc file), skins and sample code. =============== Getting Started =============== 1. In Adobe Flash Builder, create a new Flex project (File -> New -> Flex project). 2. Copy all the contents of the ArcGIS_Flex\samples\src folder to src folder of the Flex project created above. 3. In Adobe Flash Builder, add the API Library to the project through Project -> Properties -> Flex Build Path -> Library Path -> Add SWC (and locate the "agslib-2.3-2011-04-14.swc") 4. In Adobe Flash Builder, right-click on any of the sample mxml applications and click "Set as Default Application". 5. In Adobe Flash Builder, right-click on any of the sample mxml applications and click "Run Application". ================ More Information ================ For more information go to http://help.arcgis.com/en/webapi/flex/ License agreement at http://resources.esri.com/arcgisserver/apis/flex/display/esri.html


ArcGIS API for Flex 2.2

======================= ArcGIS API for Flex 2.2 build date 2010-12-08 ======================= This file contains the ArcGIS Flex API Library (the swc file), skins and sample code. =============== Getting Started =============== 1. In Adobe Flash Builder, create a new Flex project (File -> New -> Flex project). 2. Copy all the contents of the ArcGIS_Flex\samples\src folder to src folder of the Flex project created above. 3. In Adobe Flash Builder, add the API Library to the project through Project -> Properties -> Flex Build Path -> Library Path -> Add SWC (and locate the "agslib-2.2-2010-12-08.swc") 4. In Adobe Flash Builder, right-click on any of the sample mxml applications and click "Set as Default Application". 5. In Adobe Flash Builder, right-click on any of the sample mxml applications and click "Run Application". ================ More Information ================ For more information go to http://help.arcgis.com/en/webapi/flex/ License agreement at http://resources.esri.com/arcgisserver/apis/flex/display/esri.html


ArcGIS API for Flex 2.0

======================= ArcGIS API for Flex 2.0 build date 2010-06-25 ======================= This file contains the ArcGIS Flex API Library (the swc file), skins and sample code. =============== Getting Started =============== 1. In Adobe Flash Builder, create a new Flex project (File -> New -> Flex project). 2. Copy all the contents of the ArcGIS_Flex\samples\src folder to src folder of the Flex project created above. 3. In Adobe Flash Builder, add the API Library to the project through Project -> Properties -> Flex Build Path -> Library Path -> Add SWC (and locate the "agslib-2.0-2010-06-25.swc") 4. In Adobe Flash Builder, right-click on any of the sample mxml applications and click "Set as Default Application". 5. In Adobe Flash Builder, right-click on any of the sample mxml applications and click "Run Application". ================ More Information ================ For more information go to http://help.arcgis.com/en/webapi/flex/ License agreement at http://resources.esri.com/arcgisserver/apis/flex/display/esri.html


ArcGIS API for Flex 3.0 官方离线文档

ArcGIS API for Flex 3.0 官方离线文档 该版本是目前官方最新版本 本文档来源:http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/flex-api/apiref/index.html 个人整理的离线版本,再也不用在像老牛车样的网上看了,分享给大家O(∩_∩)O哈哈~


ArcGIS API for Flex 2.2官方离线文档

ArcGIS API for Flex 2.2官方离线文档 个人整理的离线版本,再也不用在像老牛车样的网上看了,分享给大家O(∩_∩)O哈哈~ 这个版本貌似是官方2.x的中间版本,最终版本建议下载ArcGIS API for Flex 2.5,地址:http://download.csdn.net/download/jijikey/4393679


ArcGIS API for Flex 2.5官方离线文档

ArcGIS API for Flex 2.5官方离线文档 本文档来源:http://help.arcgis.com/en/webapi/flex/apiref/index.html 个人整理的离线版本,再也不用在像老牛车样的网上看了,分享给大家O(∩_∩)O哈哈~


ArcGIS API for Flex 1.3 官方离线文档(免费版)

ArcGIS API for Flex 1.3 官方离线文档(免费版) 本文档来源:http://resources.esri.com/help/9.3/arcgisserver/apis/flex/apiref/index.html


离线API:ArcGIS API for Flex 2.2

离线API:ArcGIS API for Flex 2.2


flexviewer-2.1 源码

======================= ArcGIS Viewer for Flex 2.1 build date 2010-09-21 ======================= This file contains the complete source code for the ArcGIS Viewer for Flex.


arcgis api for flex 2.1

老资源了,趁可以修改所需积分,都改成0供大家学习 arcgis api for flex 2.1 libs+samples


ArcGIS Server开发框架——FlexViewer

COPYRIGHT 2008 - 2009 ESRI All Rights Reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ESRI OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) SUSTAINED BY YOU OR A THIRD PARTY, HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. For additional information contact: Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. Attn: Contracts and Legal Services 380 New York Street Redlands, California, U.S.A. 92373 Email: contracts@esri.com


基于ESRI Flex Viewer框架的ArcGIS Server开发

基于ESRI Flex Viewer框架的ArcGIS Server开发 框架结构 Flex Builder Project设置 Widget开发部署 Sample Flex Viewer核心编程 Flex Viewer 和Widget 部署 应用案例


ArcGIS API for Flex 1.3官方离线文档

ArcGIS API for Flex 1.3官方离线文档 本文档来源:http://resources.esri.com/help/9.3/arcgisserver/apis/flex/apiref/index.html 个人整理的离线版本,再也不用上网看了,O(∩_∩)O哈哈~ com.esri.ags——This package contains the main mapping classes: Map, Graphic, SpatialReference and Units. com.esri.ags.controls——This package contains the InfoWindow, Navigation and ScaleBar control classes. com.esri.ags.controls.infoClasses ——This package contains the InfoWindow and InfoSymbol supporting classes. com.esri.ags.controls.navigationClasses——This package contains the classes for styling the navigation control. com.esri.ags.events Event——classes for map navigation, loading layers, geoprocessing tasks and toolbars. com.esri.ags.geometry——MapPoint, Multipoint, Polyline, and Polygon are the main geometry classes. com.esri.ags.layers——Supported map layers include ArcGIS (dynamic or tiled), ArcIMS, and Graphics. com.esri.ags.renderers——Renderers help symbolize graphics according to their attributes. Useful for thematic mapping. [Added in version 1.2] com.esri.ags.symbol——Symbols are used to represent "geometries" on the map. Marker symbols are available for point and multipoint geometries. Line symbols are available for polyline geometries. Fill symbols are available for polygon geometries. com.esri.ags.tasks——This package contains classes related to ArcGIS Server tasks: find, geometry, geoprocessor, identify, locator, query and route services. com.esri.ags.toolbars——This package contains non-UI toolbar classes. Use them to create your own toolbar implementations. com.esri.ags.utils——This package contains utility classes for the ArcGIS API for Flex, such as getting the extent of several graphics, or converting data between geographic and web mercator projections. [Added in version 1.2] com.esri.ags.virtualearth——This package contains classes related to Bing Maps and Bing Maps geocoding (formerly Microsoft Virtual Earth). [Added in version 1.2]



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