官方组件下载地址:下载地址: http://www.zend.com/en/products/studio/downloads
在下载解压后的文件夹中README.txt 文件解释的很好,我们通篇中英对照一下,便自然理解:
Zend Debugger installation instructions
1. Extract the Zend Debugger package.( 让我们解压出文件 )
2. Locate the ZendDebugger.so (Unix) orZendDebugger.dll (Windows) file in the directory which
corresponds to your version of PHP (4.3.x, 4.4.x, 5.0.x, 5.1.x,5.2.x,5.3.x).
(找到相关的 ZendDebugger 与 PHP 版本对应的 dll 文件)
3. Add the following line to your php.inifile:
Linux and Mac OS X: zend_extension=<full_path_to_ZendDebugger.so>
Windows: zend_extension_ts=<full_path_to_ZendDebugger.dll>
Windows non-thread safe:zend_extension=<full_path_to_ZendDebugger.dll>
(选择 Windows 那一项,如当前我写的是: zend_extension_ts="D:/ZendDebugger/5_2_x_comp/ZendDebugger.dll" )
4. Add the following lines to your php.inifile:
(*) hopst_ip_addresses are the IPs of the hosts which will be allowed toinitiate debug sessions
( 确定调试 IP 和权限,当前我写的是:
zend_debugger.expose_remotely=always )
5. Copy the dummy.php file to your documentroot directory.
( 复制 dummy.php 到被调试站点的根目录 )
6. Restart your Web server.
经过上面的配置,我们使用 phpinfo() 可以看到配置成功的效果:
(1) The PHP version (PHP CLI - PHP Version=> 5.2.10).
(2) The location of the php.ini file (PHPCLI - Loaded Configuration File => C:/Program Files/PHP/php.ini).
(3) The Thread Safety flag (PHP CLI -Thread Safety => enabled).
(!) Note if you use the Zend ExtensionManager (PHP CLI - with Zend Extension Manager v1.2.0,Copyright (c) 2003-2007, by Zend Technologies). The Zend Extension Manager canbe installed as part of the Zend Optimizer installation.( 最后这一条,只有在配置 ZendManager 成功的情况下,才会出现。 )