
urxvt -fg lightgray -bg black -cr 2 -bc -tr -tint lightgray -sh 20 -fn "xft:serif:Regular:pixelsize=16" -tn rxvt -sl 65535 -sr






URxvt.font:xft:AR PL KaitiM GB:Regular:pixelsize=17:antialias=true
URxvt.keysym.C-Up: command:]50;xft:AR PL KaitiM GB:Regular:pixelsize=20:antialias=true
URxvt.keysym.C-Down:command:]50;xft:AR PL KaitiM GB:Regular:pixelsize=17:antialias=true

! bg transparent set
URxvt.inheritPixmap: true
URxvt.tintCddolor: lightgray
URxvt.shading: 10

URxvt.perl-lib: /home/jixiuf/.config/URxvt/

!URxvt.matcher.button:  1
!Control+Shift+c 剪切
!Control+Shift+v paste
URxvt.keysym.Control-C: perl:clipboard:copy
URxvt.keysym.Control-V: perl:clipboard:paste
!M means Alt
URxvt*vim-scrollback: M-s
!URxvt*vim-scrollback-paste: M-p
URxvt*vim-scrollback-bg: 16
URxvt*vim-scrollback-fg: 10

/home/jixiuf/.config/URxvt/ 目录下有 clipboard,vim_scrollback


clipboard 对剪切粘贴操作进行映射但是需要用到xsel(操作剪切板的命令)命令,必须先安装上


#! /usr/bin/perl
#这里做了两件事,一是把selection 复制到primary ,及clipboard 内
#二是字义了copy paste 两个事件 ,可以键绑定
#用法在.Xdefaults 里
#指定perl 文件的存放在,需要把本文件复制到此目录下或者/usr/lib/uxrvt/perl/
#URxvt.perl-lib: /home/jixiuf/.config/URxvt/

#Shift-Control-c copy 到clipboard  大写的C 表示Shift-c
# URxvt.keysym.Control-C: perl:clipboard:copy
#Shift-Control-v paste clipboard 的内容
# URxvt.keysym.Control-V: perl:clipboard:paste

#把selection 复制到primary ,及clipboard 内
sub on_sel_grab {
    my $query = quotemeta $_[0]->selection;
    $query =~ s/
    $query =~ s/ //r/g;
    system( "echo -en " . $query . " | xsel -i -b -p" );

sub copy {
   my ($self) = @_;
   my $pid = open( pout, "| xsel -i -b" ) or die "fork";
   print pout $self->selection;
   close(pout) or die "close";

sub paste {
   my ($self) = @_;
   my $content = `xsel -o -b` ;
   $self->tt_write ($content);

sub on_user_command {
   my ($self, $cmd) = @_;
   if ($cmd eq "clipboard:copy") {
   if ($cmd eq "clipboard:paste") {


vim_scrollback 文件内容如下, 一般用不到这个

Alt+s 键后,会进行vim 操作模式Esc 退出 ,可以用jkhl 等vim 常用操作对urxvt 进行操作

# Usage
# While not in vim scrollback mode
# ctrl-v     - enter vim-scrollback mode
# ctrl-r *   - pastes the primary clipboard onto the command line
# ctrl-r +   - pastes the secondary clipboard onto the command line
# Note: both ctrl-v and ctrl-r can be configured to different values
# (configuration examples further down).
# While in the vim scrollback mode the following key bindings work:
# motions:
# h j k l
# w e b
# 0 _ $
# ctrl-u ctrl-d
# gg G
# f<char> - jump to next occurrence of <char> on the current line
# F<char> - jump to prev occurrence of <char> on the current line
# visual mode:
# V v ctrl-v
# gv - reselect last selection
# yank:
# y - yank to primary clipboard (*)
# Y - yank to secondary clipboard (+)
# paste:
# p - pastes onto the end of the command line
# undo / redo:
# u / ctrl-R - undo / redo pastes to command line
# marks:
# m[a-z] '[a-z] ''
# search:
# / - searches up
# ? - searches down
# n - next in current direction
# N - next in opposite direction
# * - search for word under the cursor
# misc:
# gf - behave like the shipped matcher plugin for urxvt.  allows you to open a
#      url or other configured pattern and launcher.  See matcher docs for info
#      on configuring:
#      http://cvs.schmorp.de/rxvt-unicode/doc/rxvtperl.3.html#PREPACKAGED_EXTENSIONS
# Note: counts can be supplied to most commands like in vim
# Configuration
# Vim scrollback supports various configuration settings which can be supplied
# in your ~/.Xdefaults file.
# ; configure alt-s as the keybinding to enter vim scrollback mode.
# URxvt*vim-scrollback: M-s
# ; configure alt-p as the keybinding to paste mode.
# URxvt*vim-scrollback-paste: M-p
# ; configure the background and foreground colors used for the status bar while
# ; in scrollback mode.
# URxvt*vim-scrollback-bg: 16
# URxvt*vim-scrollback-fg: 10
# ; configure the command used when opening urls. Note, uses the same
# ; configuration as the url launcher script shipped with urxvt.
# urxvt*urlLauncher: firefox

my $DEBUG = 1;
my $DEBUG_FILE = '/tmp/urxvt_vim_scrollback.log';

# copied from matcher
my $url =
         /([a-zA-Z0-9/-/@;//?:&=%/$_.+!*/x27,~#]*/)| # Allow a pair of matched parentheses
         [a-zA-Z0-9/-/@;//?:&=%/$_+*~]  # exclude some trailing characters (heuristic)

sub on_init {
   my ($self) = @_;

   my $hotkey = $self->x_resource("vim-scrollback") || "M-v";
   $self->parse_keysym($hotkey, "perl:vim-scrollback:start")
      or warn "unable to register '$hotkey' as vim scrollback start hotkey/n";

   $hotkey = $self->x_resource("vim-scrollback-paste") || "M-r";
   $self->parse_keysym($hotkey, "perl:vim-scrollback:paste")
      or warn "unable to register '$hotkey' as vim paste hotkey/n";


sub on_user_command {
   my ($self, $cmd) = @_;
   $cmd eq "vim-scrollback:start" and $self->enter;
   $cmd eq "vim-scrollback:paste" and $self->paste;

# entry point for vim mode
sub enter {
   my ($self) = @_;

   return if $self->{overlay};

   if ($DEBUG){
      open($DEBUG_FH, ">$DEBUG_FILE");
      select((select($DEBUG_FH), $| = 1)[0]);

   $self->{view_start} = $self->view_start;
   $self->{pty_ev_events} = $self->pty_ev_events(urxvt::EV_NONE);
      key_press => /&key_press,
      resize_all_windows => /&resize_window

   my ($lnum, $cnum) = $self->screen_cur();
   $self->{orig_nrow} = $self->nrow;
   $self->{orig_lnum} = $lnum;
   $self->{orig_cnum} = $cnum;
   $self->{out_lnum} = $lnum;
   $self->{out_cnum} = $cnum;

   my $end = $self->line($lnum)->end;
   if ($end == $self->nrow - 1){
     $self->screen_cur($end, 0);
     $self->{orig_lnum} = $lnum - 1;
     $self->{out_lnum} = $lnum - 1;
     $self->screen_cur($self->{orig_lnum}, $cnum);

   $self->{term_buffer} = [];
   $self->{term_undo} = [];
   $self->{term_redo} = [];
   $self->{mode} = "normal";
   $self->{mode_info} = "";
   $self->{registers} = {};
   $self->{marks} = {};
   $self->{search_history} = [];
   $self->{key_buffer} = "";

   my $fg_color = $self->x_resource("vim-scrollback-fg");
   my $bg_color = $self->x_resource("vim-scrollback-bg");
   my $style = urxvt::OVERLAY_RSTYLE | urxvt::RS_Bold;
   $style = urxvt::SET_FGCOLOR($style, $fg_color) if $fg_color;
   $style = urxvt::SET_BGCOLOR($style, $bg_color) if $bg_color;
   $self->{msg_style} = $style;

   # modified from matcher
   my $urlLauncher = $self->my_resource("launcher") ||
                       $self->x_resource("urlLauncher") ||
   # handle shell variable
   if ($urlLauncher =~ /^/$/) {
      $urlLauncher =~ s//$//;
      $urlLauncher = $ENV{$urlLauncher};
   $self->{launcher} = $urlLauncher;

   # copied from matcher
   my @defaults = ($url);
   my @matchers;
   for (my $idx = 0; defined (my $res = $self->my_resource("pattern.$idx") || $defaults[$idx]); $idx++) {
      $res = $self->locale_decode($res);
      utf8::encode $res;
      my $launcher = $self->my_resource("launcher.$idx");
      $launcher =~ s//$&|/$/{&/}//${0}/g if ($launcher);
      # handle shell variable
      if ($launcher =~ /^/$/) {
         $launcher =~ s//$//;
         $launcher = $ENV{$launcher};
      push @matchers, [qr($res)x, $launcher];
   $self->{matchers} = /@matchers;


sub leave {
   my ($self, $event) = @_;

   $self->disable("key_press", "resize_all_windows");
   $self->screen_cur($self->{orig_lnum}, $self->{orig_cnum});

   delete $self->{overlay};
   delete $self->{search};
   delete $self->{search_history};
   delete $self->{mode};
   delete $self->{mode_info};
   delete $self->{orig_lnum};
   delete $self->{orig_cnum};
   delete $self->{out_lnum};
   delete $self->{out_cnum};
   delete $self->{term_buffer};
   delete $self->{term_undo};
   delete $self->{term_redo};
   delete $self->{visual_mode};
   delete $self->{launcher};
   delete $self->{matchers};

   if ($DEBUG){

sub resize_window {
   my ($self, $t_width, $t_height) = @_;

   # prompt at bottom of term
   if($self->{orig_lnum} == $self->{orig_nrow} - 2){
      # adjust location of the prompt
      my $adj = $self->nrow - $self->{orig_nrow};
      $self->{orig_lnum} += $adj;

      # adjust location of last visual mode if necessary.
      if ($self->{visual_mode}){
        $self->{visual_slnum} += $adj;
        $self->{visual_elnum} += $adj;
        $self->{visual_clnum} += $adj;

      # adjust all marks
      for my $key (keys %{$self->{marks}}){
         $self->{marks}{$key}[0] += $adj;

      # failed attempt to reposition the cursor.
      #my ($lnum, $cnum) = $self->screen_cur();
      #$self->screen_cur($lnum + $adj, $cnum);
      #$self->debug("adj = $adj lnum = $lnum cnum = $cnum");
      #$self->view_start(List::Util::min 0, $lnum - ($self->nrow >> 1));

   $self->{orig_nrow} = $self->nrow;

sub key_press {
   my ($self, $event, $keysym, $string) =  @_;

   #delete $self->{manpage_overlay};

   if ($self->{mode} eq "search"){
      return $self->key_press_search($event, $keysym, $string);
   }elsif ($self->{mode} =~ /visual/){
      return $self->key_press_visual($event, $keysym, $string);

   return $self->key_press_normal($event, $keysym, $string);

sub key_press_normal {
   my ($self, $event, $keysym, $string) =  @_;

   if ($keysym == 0xff1b ||
      $string =~ /^/cC$/ ||
      ($self->{key_buffer} =~ /^:qa?$/ && $keysym == 0xff0d))
   { # esc, ctrl-c, :q<enter>, :qa<enter>
      if($self->{key_buffer} and $self->{key_buffer} !~ /^:qa?$/){
         $self->{key_buffer} = "";
      return 1;

   # arbitrary limit on the number of keys we'll allow the user to press
   # without matching a command before we just stop recording them.
   if (length($self->{key_buffer}) < 5){
      $self->{key_buffer} .= $string;
   $string = $self->{key_buffer};

   # parse out count if necessary
   $self->{repeat} = 1;
   if ($string =~ /^/d+/D/){
      (my $repeat = $string) =~ s/^(/d+)/D.*$//1/;
      $self->{repeat} = $repeat;
      $string =~ s/^/d+(.*)//1/;

   # searching
   if ($string =~ /^[//?]$/) { # start search mode with / or ?
      ($self->{search_lnum}, $self->{search_cnum}) = $self->screen_cur();
      ($self->{search_slnum}, $self->{search_scnum}) = $self->screen_cur();
      my $line = $self->line($self->{search_lnum});
      $self->{search_cnum} = $line->offset_of($self->{search_lnum}, $self->{search_cnum});
      $self->{search_scnum} = $self->{search_cnum};
      ($self->{search_olnum}, $self->{search_ocnum}) = $self->screen_cur();
      $self->{mode} = "search";
      $self->{search} = "(?i)";
      $self->{search_save} = $self->{search};
      $self->{search_history_index} = -1;
      $self->{search_dir} = $string eq '/' ? -1 : 1;
      $self->{search_wrap} = 0;
   } elsif ($string eq "*") { # find word under the cursor
      my ($lnum, $cnum) = $self->screen_cur();
      my $line = $self->line($lnum);
      my $index = $cnum + ($self->ncol * ($lnum - $line->beg));

      my $prefix = substr($line->t, 0, $index + 1);
      $prefix =~ s/.*/W(/w.*?)//1/;
      my $suffix = substr($line->t, $index + 1);
      $suffix =~ s/(/w.*?)/W.*//1/;
      if ($suffix =~ /^/s/){
        $suffix = '';
      my $word = $prefix . $suffix;
      $self->{search} = "//b$word//b";
      unshift(@{$self->{search_history}}, $self->{search});
      $self->{search_dir} = -1;
      $self->{search_wrap} = 0;
      ($self->{search_lnum}, $self->{search_cnum}) = $self->screen_cur();
      ($self->{search_slnum}, $self->{search_scnum}) = $self->screen_cur();
      my $line = $self->line($self->{search_lnum});
      $self->{search_cnum} = $line->offset_of($self->{search_lnum}, $self->{search_cnum});
      $self->{search_scnum} = $self->{search_cnum};
      $self->search($event, $self->{search_dir}, 1);
      $self->{search_wrap} = 0;

   } elsif ($string eq "n") { # next search result (up)
      ($self->{search_lnum}, $self->{search_cnum}) = $self->screen_cur();
      ($self->{search_slnum}, $self->{search_scnum}) = $self->screen_cur();
      my $line = $self->line($self->{search_lnum});
      $self->{search_cnum} = $line->offset_of($self->{search_lnum}, $self->{search_cnum});
      $self->{search_scnum} = $self->{search_cnum};
      $self->search($event, $self->{search_dir}, 1);
      $self->{search_wrap} = 0;
   } elsif ($string eq "N") { # previous search result (down)
      ($self->{search_lnum}, $self->{search_cnum}) = $self->screen_cur();
      ($self->{search_slnum}, $self->{search_scnum}) = $self->screen_cur();
      my $line = $self->line($self->{search_lnum});
      $self->{search_cnum} = $line->offset_of($self->{search_lnum}, $self->{search_cnum});
      $self->{search_scnum} = $self->{search_cnum};
      $self->search($event, 0 - $self->{search_dir}, 1);
      $self->{search_wrap} = 0;

   # visual mode
   } elsif ($string eq "v") { # start char based visual selection mode
      $self->{mode} = "visual";
      $self->{mode_info} = "-- VISUAL -- ";
      ($self->{visual_lnum}, $self->{visual_cnum}) = $self->screen_cur();
      my ($lnum, $cnum) = $self->screen_cur();
      $self->move_cursor($event, $lnum, $cnum);
   } elsif ($string eq "V") { # start line based visual selection mode
      $self->{mode} = "visual_line";
      $self->{mode_info} = "-- VISUAL LINE -- ";
      ($self->{visual_lnum}, $self->{visual_cnum}) = $self->screen_cur();
      my ($lnum, $cnum) = $self->screen_cur();
      $self->move_cursor($event, $lnum, $cnum);
   } elsif ($string =~ /^/cV$/) { # start block based visual selection mode
      $self->{mode} = "visual_block";
      $self->{mode_info} = "-- VISUAL BLOCK -- ";
      ($self->{visual_lnum}, $self->{visual_cnum}) = $self->screen_cur();
      my ($lnum, $cnum) = $self->screen_cur();
      $self->move_cursor($event, $lnum, $cnum);

   # paste
   } elsif ($string eq "p") {
      $self->term_write($event, $self->{registers}{'"'});

   # motions
   } elsif ($string eq "j") {
      my ($lnum, $cnum) = $self->screen_cur();
      for(my $ii = 0; $ii < $self->{repeat}; $ii++){
         if ($lnum < $self->nrow - 2){
            $self->move_cursor($event, ++$lnum, $cnum);
   } elsif ($string eq "k") {
      my ($lnum, $cnum) = $self->screen_cur();
      for(my $ii = 0; $ii < $self->{repeat}; $ii++){
         if ($lnum > $self->top_row){
            $self->move_cursor($event, --$lnum, $cnum);
   } elsif ($string eq "h") {
      my ($lnum, $cnum) = $self->screen_cur();
      for(my $ii = 0; $ii < $self->{repeat}; $ii++){
         if ($cnum > 0){
            $self->move_cursor($event, $lnum, --$cnum);
   } elsif ($string eq "l") {
      my ($lnum, $cnum) = $self->screen_cur();
      for(my $ii = 0; $ii < $self->{repeat}; $ii++){
         if ($cnum < $self->ncol - 1){
            $self->move_cursor($event, $lnum, ++$cnum);
   } elsif ($string eq "0") {
      my ($lnum, $cnum) = $self->screen_cur();
      my $line = $self->line($lnum);
      $self->move_cursor($event, $line->coord_of(0));
   } elsif ($string eq "_") {
      my ($lnum, $cnum) = $self->screen_cur();
      my $line = $self->line($lnum);
      my $ltrimmed = $line->t;
      $ltrimmed =~ s/^/s+//;
      my $offset = (length($line->t) - length($ltrimmed));
      $self->move_cursor($event, $line->coord_of(0 + $offset));
   } elsif ($string eq '$') {
      my ($lnum, $cnum) = $self->screen_cur();
      my $line = $self->line($lnum);
      $self->move_cursor($event, $line->coord_of($line->l - 1));
   } elsif ($string eq "gg") {
      $self->move_cursor($event, $self->top_row, 0);
   } elsif ($string eq "G") {
      $self->move_cursor($event, $self->{orig_lnum}, $self->{orig_cnum});
   } elsif ($string =~ /^/cD$/) {
      my ($lnum, $cnum) = $self->screen_cur();
      my $row = $lnum + 20;
      $row = $row < $self->{orig_lnum} ? $row : $self->{orig_lnum};
      $self->move_cursor($event, $row, $cnum);
   } elsif ($string =~ /^/cU$/) {
      my ($lnum, $cnum) = $self->screen_cur();
      my $row = $lnum - 20;
      $row = $row > $self->top_row ? $row : $self->top_row;
      $self->move_cursor($event, $row, $cnum);
   } elsif ($string eq "w" or $string eq "e") {
      my $pattern = $string eq "w" ? '/W/w' : '/w/W';
      my $adj = $string eq "w" ? 0 : -1;
      for(my $ii = 0; $ii < $self->{repeat}; $ii++){
         my ($lnum, $cnum) = $self->screen_cur();
         my $line = $self->line($lnum);
         my $index = $cnum + ($self->ncol * ($lnum - $line->beg));
         my $suffix = substr($line->t, $index + 1);
         if($suffix =~ /$pattern/g){
            my $offset = $index + pos($suffix) + $adj;
            $self->move_cursor($event, $line->coord_of($offset));
         }elsif ($lnum < $self->nrow - 2){
            $self->move_cursor($event, $line->end + 1, 0);
   } elsif ($string eq "b") {
      for(my $ii = 0; $ii < $self->{repeat}; $ii++){
         my ($lnum, $cnum) = $self->screen_cur();
         my $line = $self->line($lnum);
         my $index = $cnum - 1 + ($self->ncol * ($lnum - $line->beg));
         if($index > 0){
            my $prefix = substr($line->t, 0, $index);
            if($prefix =~ /.*/W/w/g){
               my $offset = pos($prefix) - 1;
               $self->move_cursor($event, $line->coord_of($offset));
            }elsif($cnum != 0){
               $self->move_cursor($event, $lnum, 0);
            $self->screen_cur($lnum - 1, $self->ncol);
            $self->key_press_normal($event, $keysym, $string);
   } elsif ($string =~ /^f./) {
      for(my $ii = 0; $ii < $self->{repeat}; $ii++){
         my ($lnum, $cnum) = $self->screen_cur();
         (my $char = $string) =~ s/^f(.)//1/;
         $char = quotemeta($char);
         my $line = $self->line($lnum);
         my $index = $cnum + ($self->ncol * ($lnum - $line->beg));
         my $suffix = substr($line->t, $index + 1);
         if($suffix =~ /$char/g){
            my $offset = $index + pos($suffix);
            $self->move_cursor($event, $line->coord_of($offset));
   } elsif ($string =~ /^F./) {
      for(my $ii = 0; $ii < $self->{repeat}; $ii++){
         my ($lnum, $cnum) = $self->screen_cur();
         (my $char = $string) =~ s/^F(.)//1/;
         $char = quotemeta($char);
         my $line = $self->line($lnum);
         my $index = $cnum - 1 + ($self->ncol * ($lnum - $line->beg));
         if($index > 0){
            my $prefix = substr($line->t, 0, $index);
            if($prefix =~ /.*$char/g){
               my $offset = pos($prefix) - 1;
               $self->move_cursor($event, $line->coord_of($offset));

   # undo / redo
   } elsif ($string eq "u") {
      push(@{$self->{term_redo}}, pop(@{$self->{term_buffer}}));
      my ($slnum, $scnum, $elnum, $ecnum) = @{pop(@{$self->{term_undo}})};
      $self->screen_cur($slnum, $scnum);

      my ($beg, $end) = (0, 0);
      for(my $ii = $slnum; $ii <= $elnum; $ii++){
         $beg = ($ii == $slnum) ? $scnum : 0;
         $end = ($ii == $elnum) ? $ecnum : $self->ncol;
         for(my $jj = $beg; $jj <= $end; $jj++){
            $self->scr_add_lines(" ");

      $self->{out_lnum} = $slnum;
      $self->{out_cnum} = $scnum;
      $self->move_cursor($event, $slnum, $scnum);
   } elsif ($string =~ /^/cR$/) {
      $self->term_write($event, pop(@{$self->{term_redo}}));

   } elsif ($string =~ /^/cG$/) {
      if ($DEBUG){
         my ($lnum, $cnum) = $self->screen_cur();

   # marks
   } elsif ($string =~ /^m[a-z']$/) {
      (my $mark = $string) =~ s/^m(.)//1/;
   } elsif ($string =~ /^'[a-z']$/) {
      (my $mark = $string) =~ s/^'(.)//1/;
      my $lnum = $self->{marks}{$mark}[0];
      my $cnum = $self->{marks}{$mark}[1];
      $self->move_cursor($event, $lnum, $cnum);

   # g mappings
   } elsif ($string eq "gv") {
      if ($self->{visual_mode}){
         my ($sl, $sc) = ($self->{visual_slnum}, $self->{visual_scnum});
         my ($el, $ec) = ($self->{visual_elnum}, $self->{visual_ecnum});
         $self->move_cursor($event, $self->{visual_clnum}, $self->{visual_ccnum});
         $self->make_selection($event, $sl, $sc, $el, $ec, $self->{visual_rectangle});
         $self->{mode} = $self->{visual_mode};
   } elsif ($string eq "gf") {
      my ($lnum, $cnum) = $self->screen_cur();
      my @exec = $self->command_for($lnum, $cnum);

      # handle ticket numbers
      # TODO: convert to generic url variable substitution support.
      if (@exec[1] =~ /^#/d+$/){
         (my $ticket = @exec[1]) =~ s/^#//;
         (my $url = @exec[0]) =~ s/<id>/$ticket/;
         @exec = ($self->{launcher}, $url);

      if (@exec){

   }elsif ($string =~ /^([0-9]+|[gm'])$/) {
      return 1;

   $self->{key_buffer} = "";
   return 1;

sub key_press_search {
   my ($self, $event, $keysym, $string) =  @_;

   if ($keysym == 0xff0d || $keysym == 0xff8d) { # enter
      unshift(@{$self->{search_history}}, $self->{search});
      if ($self->{search_found}){
         my ($lnum, $cnum) = ($self->{search_found}[0], $self->{search_found}[1]);
         if ($lnum){
            my $line = $self->line($lnum);
            ($lnum, $cnum) = $line->coord_of($cnum);
            $self->move_cursor($event, $lnum, $cnum);
   } elsif ($keysym == 0xff1b || $string =~ /^/cC$/) { # escape or ctrl-c
      $self->normal_mode($event, 1);
      $self->move_cursor($event, $self->{search_olnum}, $self->{search_ocnum});
   } elsif ($keysym == 0xff08) { # backspace
      substr $self->{search}, -1, 1, "";
      $self->{search_save} = $self->{search};
   } elsif ($string !~ /[/x00-/x1f/x80-/xaf]/) {
      $self->{search} .= $self->locale_decode($string);
      $self->{search_save} = $self->{search};
   } elsif ($keysym == 0xff52) { # up
      my $length = length(@{$self->{search_history}});
      if ($self->{search_history_index} < $length and $length > 0) {
         $self->{search} = @{$self->{search_history}}[$self->{search_history_index}];
   } elsif ($keysym == 0xff54) { # down
      if ($self->{search_history_index} > 0){
         $self->{search} = @{$self->{search_history}}[$self->{search_history_index}];
      } elsif ($self->{search_history_index} == 0){
         $self->{search} = $self->{search_save};


sub key_press_visual {
   my ($self, $event, $keysym, $string) =  @_;

   if ($keysym == 0xff1b || $string =~ /^/cC$/) { # escape or ctrl-c
      $self->normal_mode($event, 1);
   } elsif ($string eq "v") {
      if ($self->{mode} eq "visual") {
         $self->normal_mode($event, 1);
         $self->{mode} = "visual";
         $self->{mode_info} = "-- VISUAL -- ";
         my ($lnum, $cnum) = $self->screen_cur();
         $self->move_cursor($event, $lnum, $cnum);
   } elsif ($string eq "V") {
      if ($self->{mode} eq "visual_line") {
         $self->normal_mode($event, 1);
         $self->{mode} = "visual_line";
         $self->{mode_info} = "-- VISUAL LINE -- ";
         my ($lnum, $cnum) = $self->screen_cur();
         $self->move_cursor($event, $lnum, $cnum);
   } elsif ($string =~ /^/cV$/) {
      if ($self->{mode} eq "visual_block") {
         $self->normal_mode($event, 1);
         $self->{mode} = "visual_block";
         $self->{mode_info} = "-- VISUAL BLOCK -- ";
         my ($lnum, $cnum) = $self->screen_cur();
         $self->move_cursor($event, $lnum, $cnum);
   } elsif ($string eq "y") {
      $self->{registers}{'"'} = $self->selection();
      $self->normal_mode($event, 1);
   } elsif ($string eq "Y") {
      # the act of selecting puts the text on the primary, so just need to copy
      # to secondary.
      if (open(my $process, "| xclip -i -selection clipboard")){
         print $process $self->selection();
      $self->normal_mode($event, 1);
   #} elsif ($string !~ /[/x00-/x1f/x80-/xaf]/) {
      # pass to key_press_normal
      return $self->key_press_normal($event, $keysym, $string);


sub normal_mode {
   my ($self, $event, $clear_selection) =  @_;
   if ($self->{mode} =~ /^visual/){
      ($self->{visual_clnum}, $self->{visual_ccnum}) = $self->screen_cur;
      ($self->{visual_slnum}, $self->{visual_scnum}) = $self->selection_beg;
      ($self->{visual_elnum}, $self->{visual_ecnum}) = $self->selection_end;
      $self->{visual_mode} = $self->{mode};
      $self->{visual_rectangle} = $self->{mode} eq 'visual_block';
   $self->{mode} = "normal";
   $self->{mode_info} = "";
   if ($clear_selection){

sub search {
   my ($self, $event, $dir, $move_cursor) = @_;

   my ($search_row, $search_col) = ($self->{search_lnum}, $self->{search_cnum});
   my ($search_srow, $search_scol) = ($self->{search_slnum}, $self->{search_scnum});
   my ($top_row, $bot_row) = ($self->top_row, $self->nrow);
   my $search = $self->special_encode($self->{search});
   $self->{search_found} = [];

   no re 'eval'; # just to be sure
   if (my $re = eval { qr/$search/ }) {
      while (($dir < 0 and ((not $self->{search_wrap} and $search_row >= $top_row) or
                            $search_row > $search_srow)) or
             ($dir > 0 and ((not $self->{search_wrap} and $search_row <= $bot_row) or
                            $search_row < $search_srow)))
         my $line = $self->line($search_row)
            or last;

         my $text = $line->t;
         if ($text =~ /$re/g) {
            my ($slnum, $selscnum) = $line->coord_of($-[0]);
            my ($elnum, $selecnum) = $line->coord_of($+[0]);
            my $scnum = $-[0];
            my $ecnum = $+[0];

            while ($text =~ /$re/g and
               ($dir < 0 or ($dir > 0 and $scnum <= $search_col)))
              my ($nlnum, $ncnum) = $line->coord_of($-[0]);
              my $ncnum = $-[0];
              if (($dir < 0 and $ncnum < $search_col) or
                  ($dir > 0 and $ncnum > $search_col))
                 ($slnum, $selscnum) = $line->coord_of($-[0]);
                 ($elnum, $selecnum) = $line->coord_of($+[0]);
                 $scnum = $-[0];
                 $ecnum = $+[0];

            if (($dir < 0 and ($scnum < $search_col or $slnum < $search_row)) or
                ($dir > 0 and ($scnum > $search_col or $slnum > $search_row)))
               $self->make_selection($event, $slnum, $selscnum, $elnum, $selecnum);
               $self->{search_found} = [$slnum, $scnum];
               $self->view_start(List::Util::min 0, $slnum - ($self->nrow >> 1));
               if ($move_cursor){
                  $self->{search_lnum} = $slnum;
                  $self->{search_cnum} = $scnum;
                  $self->move_cursor($event, $slnum, $selscnum);

                  if ($dir < 0 and $search_row > $search_srow
                        and not $self->{search_wrap_notify}){
                     $self->msg("search hit TOP, continuing at BOTTOM");
                     $self->{search_wrap_notify} = 1;
                  }elsif ($dir > 0 and $search_row < $search_srow
                        and not $self->{search_wrap_notify}){
                     $self->msg("search hit BOTTOM, continuing at TOP");
                     $self->{search_wrap_notify} = 1;
               return $self->{search_found};
         if ($dir < 0 and $search_row == $top_row){
            $search_row = $bot_row;
            $search_col = $self->line($search_row)->l;
            $self->{search_wrap} = 1;
            $self->{search_wrap_notify} = 0;
         }elsif ($dir > 0 and $search_row == $bot_row){
            ($search_row, $search_col) = ($top_row, 0);
            $self->{search_wrap} = 1;
            $self->{search_wrap_notify} = 0;
            $search_row = $dir < 0 ? $line->beg - 1 : $line->end + 1;
            $search_col = $dir < 0 ? $self->line($search_row)->l : -1;

   return 0;

sub incremental_search {
   my ($self, $event) =  @_;

   $self->{search} =~ s/^/(/?i/)//
      if $self->{search} =~ /^/(.*[[:upper:]]/;

   if(not $self->search($event, $self->{search_dir})){
      my $line = $self->line($self->{search_slnum});
      my ($lnum, $cnum) = $line->coord_of($self->{search_scnum});
      $self->move_cursor($event, $lnum, $cnum);
   $self->{search_lnum} = $self->{search_slnum};
   $self->{search_cnum} = $self->{search_scnum};
   $self->{search_wrap} = 0;


sub search_prompt {
   my ($self) = @_;
   my $key = $self->{search_dir} == -1 ? '/' : '?';

sub move_cursor {
   my ($self, $event, $lnum, $cnum) = @_;
   $self->screen_cur($lnum, $cnum);

   if ($self->{mode} eq "visual"){
      my $vlnum = $self->{visual_lnum};
      my $vcnum = $self->{visual_cnum};
      if ($lnum > $vlnum or ($vlnum == $lnum and $cnum >= $vcnum)){
         $self->make_selection($event, $vlnum, $vcnum, $lnum, $cnum + 1);
         $self->make_selection($event, $lnum, $cnum, $vlnum, $vcnum + 1);
   }elsif ($self->{mode} eq "visual_line"){
      my $vlnum  = $self->{visual_lnum};
      if ($vlnum > $lnum){
         $self->make_selection($event, $lnum, 0, $vlnum, $self->ncol);
         $self->make_selection($event, $vlnum, 0, $lnum, $self->ncol);
   }elsif ($self->{mode} eq "visual_block"){
      my $vlnum = $self->{visual_lnum};
      my $vcnum = $self->{visual_cnum};

      my ($sl, $el) = $lnum < $vlnum ? ($lnum, $vlnum) : ($vlnum, $lnum);
      my ($sc, $ec) = $cnum < $vcnum ? ($cnum, $vcnum + 1) : ($vcnum, $cnum + 1);

      $self->make_selection($event, $sl, $sc, $el, $ec, 1);
   $self->view_start(List::Util::min 0, $lnum - ($self->nrow >> 1));

sub make_selection {
   my ($self, $event, $br, $bc, $er, $ec, $block) = @_;
   $self->selection_beg($br, $bc);
   $self->selection_end($er, $ec);
   $self->selection_make($event->{time}, $block);

sub clear_selection {
   my ($self, $event) = @_;
   $self->make_selection($event, -1, -1, -1, -1);

sub set_mark {
   my ($self, $mark) = @_;
   my ($lnum, $cnum) = $self->screen_cur();
   my @loc = ($lnum, $cnum);
   $self->{marks}{$mark} = /@loc;

sub term_write {
   my ($self, $event, $string) =  @_;

   # detect shell (mysql, postgres, python, etc) and use proper line
   # continuation
   my $shell = $self->line($self->{orig_lnum})->t;
   my $shell_continuation_start = "> ";
   my $shell_continuation_end = " //";
   if ($shell =~ /^(>>>|...) /){ # python
      $shell_continuation_start = ">>> ";
      $shell_continuation_end = "";
   }elsif ($shell =~ /^(mysql>|/s*->) /){ # mysql
      $shell_continuation_start = "    -> ";
      $shell_continuation_end = "";
   }elsif ($shell =~ /^/w+(=|-)(#|/>) /){ # postgres
      ($shell_continuation_start = $shell) =~ s/^(/w+)(=|-)(#|/>).*/$1-$3 /;
      $shell_continuation_end = "";
   }elsif ($shell =~ /^irb.*?(>|/*) /){ # irb
      (my $prefix = $shell) =~ s/^(irb.*?:).*/$1/;
      (my $suffix = $shell) =~ s/^irb.*?:[0-9]+(:.*?)(>|/*).*/$1/;
      (my $irbnum = $shell) =~ s/^irb.*?:([0-9]+):.*/$1/;
      $irbnum = sprintf('%03d', int($irbnum) + 1);
      $shell_continuation_start = "$prefix$irbnum$suffix> ";
      $shell_continuation_end = "";
   }elsif ($shell =~ /^(/?|>)> /){ # irb --simple-prompt
      $shell_continuation_start = ">> ";
      $shell_continuation_end = "";

   $string =~ s/([^//])/n/$1 $shell_continuation_end/n/g;
   push(@{$self->{term_buffer}}, $string);

   my ($undo_slnum, $undo_scnum) = ($self->{out_lnum}, $self->{out_cnum});
   if ($string =~ //n/g) {
      my @lines = split(//n/, $string);
         $self->term_write_line($event, $_);
         $self->move_cursor($event, $self->{out_lnum} + 1, 0);
         $self->{out_lnum} += 1;
         $self->{out_cnum} = length($shell_continuation_start);
      $self->term_write_line($event, $string);
      [$undo_slnum, $undo_scnum, $self->{out_lnum}, $self->{out_cnum}]);

# should only be called by term_write.
sub term_write_line {
   my ($self, $event, $string) =  @_;

   my $data = $self->locale_encode($string);
   my $newline = "";
   $self->move_cursor($event, $self->{out_lnum}, $self->{out_cnum});
   $self->{out_cnum} += length($data);

   # account for edge case where scr_add_lines screws up on the next write if
   # the current data is up to the last column.
   if ($self->{out_cnum} == $self->ncol){
      $newline = "/n";

   # adjust line and column where next write will start.
   while ($self->{out_cnum} >= $self->ncol){
      $self->{out_lnum} += 1;
      $self->{out_cnum} -= $self->ncol;


   # continuation of scr_add_lines edge case.
   if ($newline){
      $self->move_cursor($event, $self->{out_lnum}, $self->{out_cnum});

   # hack to keep last line and cursor visible.
   if ($self->{out_lnum} == $self->nrow - 1){
     $self->{orig_lnum} -= 2;
     $self->{out_lnum} -= 2;
     $self->screen_cur($self->{out_lnum}, $self->{out_cnum});
     $self->view_start(List::Util::min 0, $self->{out_lnum} - ($self->nrow >> 1));


# should only be called by leave.
sub term_write_flush () {
   my ($self) = @_;
   my $data = $self->locale_encode(join('', @{$self->{term_buffer}}));
   my @lines = split(//n/, $data);
   my $length = scalar(@lines);
      if ($length > 1){

sub msg {
   my ($self, $msg) = @_;
   my $mode_info = $self->{mode_info};

   $self->{msg} = $msg;
   $msg = $self->special_encode("$mode_info" . $msg);

   my $start = $self->view_start();
   my $end = $start - $self->nrow;
   my $label = '';
   if ($start == $self->top_row){
      $label = 'Top';
   }elsif ($start == 0){
      $label = 'Bot';
      $label = sprintf("%i%%", (abs($start) / abs($self->top_row)) * 100);
   my $percentage = sprintf(" %3s", $label);

   my $pad = $self->ncol - length($msg) - 3;
   $msg = sprintf("%s %${pad}s", $msg, $self->{key_buffer} . $percentage);

   $self->{overlay} = $self->overlay(0, -1, $self->ncol, 1, $self->{msg_style}, 0);
   $self->{overlay}->set(0, 0, $msg);

# copied from matcher
sub command_for {
   my ($self, $row, $col) = @_;
   my $line = $self->line ($row);
   my $text = $line->t;

   for my $matcher (@{$self->{matchers}}) {
      my $launcher = $matcher->[1] || $self->{launcher};
      while (($text =~ /$matcher->[0]/g)) {
         my $match = $&;
         my @begin = @-;
         my @end = @+;
         if (!defined($col) || ($-[0] <= $col && $+[0] >= $col)) {
            if ($launcher !~ //$/) {
               return ($launcher, $match);
            } else {
               # It'd be nice to just access a list like ($&,$1,$2...),
               # but alas, m//g behaves differently in list context.
               my @exec = map { s//$(/d+)|/$/{(/d+)/}/
                  /egx; $_ } split(//s+/, $launcher);
               return @exec;


# copied from matcher
sub my_resource {
   my $self = shift;
   $self->x_resource ("$self->{name}.$_[0]");

sub debug {
   my ($self, $msg) = @_;
   print $DEBUG_FH "$msg/n";

# Vim like pasting to terminal.

# entry point for paste mode
sub paste {
   my ($self, $selection) = @_;
   $self->enable(key_press => /&key_press_paste);

sub key_press_paste {
   my ($self, $event, $keysym, $string) =  @_;

   if ($string){
      my $selection = '';
      if ($string eq "*"){
         $selection = 'primary';
      }elsif ($string eq "+"){
         $selection = 'clipboard';

      if ($selection){
         # avoid xclip hang when using primary with an active selection in the
         # current terminal.
         my $text = $self->selection();
         if($selection eq "primary" && $text){
            if(open(my $process, "xclip -o -selection $selection |")){
               $text = join('', <$process>);

# vim:shiftwidth=3:tabstop=3





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