仁科和Microsoft Active Directory安装单点登录

第一部分 - 实现单点登录ERP应用

Vijayakumar Chinnasamy 仁科仁科2010年2月23日现场手册



  • UNIX单点登录与pam_ldap的nss_ldap
  • 胡马尔资源管理与Sun iPlanet目录服务器创建企业目录
  • 仁科与SiteMinder策略服务器的单点登录
  • 甲骨文EBS单点登录Oracle身份管理和WNA



在我们的客户中,有大约110 Unix服务器,主要是HP Unix服务器,以及一些服务器运行Linux操作系统的。他们把所有的Unix的用户信息在本地的/ etc / password文件和管理单独使用本机UNIX用户和组管理工具,如使用useradd,usermod,则userdel,groupadd的,groupmod和groupdel。他们希望集中在Active Directory中的用户信息数据库。(真是一个奇怪的组合 - UNIX用户在Active Directory)。

我们成功地完成了POC此。此验证工作,有几个组件。PAM和NSS与Active Directory和Kerberos的Windows域控制器侧。
PAM可插拔认证模块,提供了一种机制进行身份验证插件。NSS是NetworkService开关插件,用于对LDAP服务器进行身份验证。HP LDAP-UX有一个免费的产品,其中包括组件的pam_ldap的和nss_ldap是必要的LDAP集成。

在UNIX环境中,提供了单点登录进行身份验证 - 使用PAM插件,在一般情况。当用户输入自己的用户名和密码,验证密码凭据againt Kerberos和Active Directory。一旦认证成功,用户被允许进入到UNIX提示符下。UNIX用户组信息,也可以存储在Active Directory中。然而,这造成的问题,由于Active Directory是不是真的意味着,因为它是建立Windows机器主要用于存储UNIX用户和组信息。然而,它是可以与UNIX登录到Active Directory的集成。


认证包括检查用户凭据,以确保它们是正确的。例如,UNIX登录检查Kerberos和Active Directory中的用户名和密码。授权涉及用户可以对系统做了什么。授权认证后。一旦用户通过身份验证,系统(可以说,仁科)将检查用户是否被授权做的“东西”是什么。



第一部分,仁科和Microsoft Active Directory安装单点登录 

Hi Friends, Its been a long time that I had posted in our Pitstop :-)

May be because I have been kept busy with the work load and also the 2008 Formula One Championship,.. Its was too good to watch the thundering drive to the chequered flag by the team ferrari and hardly was concentrating on the opponents pitstops,…

Here we go,.. I would like to bring in the ‘technical collaboration’ (term taken out of air) between theMicrosoft Active Directory and Oracle-Peoplesoft. You may find a lot of information on this in the Internet and other related material of interest to you. So I thought of listing down some of the basic aspects that needs to be concentrated while we are into a single sign on process.

  • Gathering the correct ‘Connect String’ Information from the Active Directory (LDAP)
  • Selecting a Network Analyzer Tool to be used to trace the data packet movement – Just in case if we head into connectivity problem, and
  • Configuring the Schema Cache on the Peoplesoft Environment.

Do post in queries if you do happen to run into any issues when you are performing single sign on or when you need more information on the procedure.


Part II – Peoplesoft and Microsoft Active Directory Single sign on Setup

by Pon ArunKumar Ramalingam on June 9, 2008 in Enterprise ApplicationsPitstop

Hip Hip Hurray !!!! 2 Lewis Hamilton Fans !!!!!

Its a dream run on monaco for his team. And it is also time for us to hit the fast track to part 2 of the single sign on between Microsoft and Peoplesoft,

Steps to perform on LDAP:
1. Access ldp.exe from within the Microsoft Active Directory
2. Connect to the LDAP server with the default port 389 (click on Connection->connect)
3. Click connection-> bind and enter the user account name and password
4. Click View->TreeView and enter the Base DN (DC=Helix,DC=Hexaware,DC=com)
5. Select the User Group present with the ldap, CN=Users, DC=Helix, DC=Hexaware, DC=com
6. Select the administrator listed down under the selected user group (e.g CN = Hexaware Admin, CN=Users, DC=Helix, DC=Hexaware, DC=com)

Sample Environment Used: DNS- Helix.Hexaware.com

Steps to do on Peoplesoft:
1. Navigate to PeopleTools > Security > Directory > Configure Directory
2. Create a New Directory ID
3. Select the directory product as ‘Microsoft Active Directory’
4. Enter the default connect DN (The steps are listed on the above section, e.g CN = Hexaware Admin, CN=Users, DC=Helix, DC=Hexaware, DC=com)
5. Enter the administrator password for the administrator user id ‘Hadminis’
6. Enter the LDAP Server Name and the default port 389
7. In the Additional Connect DN’s tab, enter the User DN “Helix\Hadminis” and its password
8. Now test the connectivity to get the success on all the sub sections.

Most Common Errors:
1. User who is setting up the single sign on should be aware of the difference between the Administrator User ID and Its Canaonical Name
2. In Connectivity Failure – Use Network Analyzer Tool ( I will bring in more details in my next post)

Hope the start off steps helps ,.. Await more on Peoplesoft Schema Caching in pitstop’s next post.






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