

     Below are some open source tools of different character:

  • MOFScript , an model to text transformation tool, based on one of the OMG MOF Model to Text Transformation submissions.
  • The IBM Model Transformation Framework (MTF) is an EMF based model transformation framework , for now available at alphaWorks.
  • The ATL Engine is a QVT-based transformation language, developed by the INRIA Atlas team. The ATL Engine is currently available as open source under Eclipse GMT. It is developed as a set of Eclipse plugins and works as a development IDE for transformations, with execution and debugging. Currently integrates with EMF and MDR. The ATL Engine will be developed further within the ModelWare IP.
  • UMT -  (UML Model Transformation Tool) - UMT is an open source UML/XMI-based tool for model transformation and code generation purposes.
  • MTL Engine - Another QVT-like implementation, by the INRIA Triskell team. Uses the MTL language. Integrates with Netbeans MDR and Eclipse EMF.
  • ModFact A MOF Repository and QVT-like engine from LIP6, Paris. Based on the TRL language. LIP6 are also working on an open source ModelBus implementation, which will enable MDD tools interoperability.
  • Generative Model Transformer (GMT), an eclipse project that is providing/will provide model transformation technology for the eclipse platform. Currently the FUUT-je tool, a code generator tool, is the primary GMT deliverable. (ATL, mentioned above, provides core transformation technology....)
  • Kent Modelling Framework (KMF), a tool for generation of languages with support for dynamic constraint checking.
  • OpenMDX, an open source MDA environment, which integrates with several tools through XMI and supports code generation towards several target platforms (J2EE, .Net).
  • AndroMDA, an open source template-based tool for J2EE code generation from UML/XMI. Uses VTL (Velocity Template Engine) as scripting language and Netbeans MDR as a model API.
  • XDoclet, an open source, attribute based code generation tool for J2EE. Not really model-based, but can be combined with generation tools such as UMT to achieve good model-based value.
  • Middlegen, an open source, database driven code generator based on JSBC, Velocity, Xdoclet and Ant.
  • OMELET is another, newly started (may 2004), Eclipse project, was originally part of the GMT project. Now, it aims to provide a general framework for plugging in and integrating models, metamodels ant transformations.

Here are some commercial tools:

  • ArcStyler, is a commercial MDA tool from Interactive Objects. It is bundled with MagicDraw UML-tool, but can also support other UML-tools through tool adaptors.
  • MCC (Model Component Compiler), a commercial product from InferData, supporting generation towards J2EE 
  • Codagen Architect , a commercial product, integrates with several commercial UML tools.
  • OptimalJ, a commercial product from Compuware, uses a notation of patterns to achieve PSM transformations. Has an integrated UML tool for analysis, but uses a slightly different notation (structural) for the MDA-part of the tool.
  • Xactium XMF Mosiac, a commercial model-based mapping, generation and execution tool suite
  • SosyInc Modeler and Transformation Engine - The transformation engine provides generation of GUI and server-side, based on models OASIS/UML and rules for application structure and business rules.
  • Model-in-Action, and MDA tool suite from Mia software supporting code generation and model to model transformation in a flexible framework.

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### 回答1: MDA博世工程师标定工具是一种专业的汽车标定设备,在汽车发动机控制系统调试和标定过程中起着关键作用。该工具可用于标定发动机参数、诊断系统故障、调试发动机控制算法、以及通过数据采集和分析来提高发动机性能。 该工程师标定工具采用了先进的软硬件技术,具有强大的计算能力和高速数据采集能力。它可以读取和写入各种类型的发动机控制器内部数据,包括各种引擎参数、PID控制参数、故障码等,通过对这些数据进行分析和处理,可实现发动机控制系统的精确调试和标定。 此外,MDA博世工程师标定工具还具有可靠的故障诊断功能,可以识别和报告各种控制系统故障,帮助技术人员快速定位和解决问题。它还可以与其他测试仪器和诊断软件进行通讯和协作,提高整个调试和标定过程的效率和精度。 总之,MDA博世工程师标定工具是一款功能强大、稳定可靠的汽车标定设备,能够为汽车制造商和维修服务提供商提供高质量的汽车调试和标定服务。 ### 回答2: MDA是博世工程师标定工具的一种。它是一款高性能的自动化标定工具,用于汽车和车身电子控制单元的标定。它主要包括三个模块:测试、采集和分析。测试模块可以测试控制单元的各种参数,以生成测试数据。采集模块可以自动将测试数据传输到控制单元中,以便进行标定。分析模块可以分析和优化标定策略,提高控制单元的效率和性能。 MDA博世工程师标定工具的主要优势在于它的自动化和精确性。它可以显著提高标定的速度和准确性,从而节省时间和成本。它还具有易于使用的界面和实时分析功能,可以帮助工程师及时发现并解决标定问题。此外,它还支持多种标定算法和通信协议,可以适应不同的控制单元和汽车系统。 总之,MDA博世工程师标定工具是一款高性能的标定工具,可以提高控制单元的效率和性能,同时节省时间和成本。它的自动化和精确性使得工程师可以更加专注于标定策略的分析和优化,从而提高整个汽车系统的性能和可靠性。 ### 回答3: MDA是博世工程师所开发的一种标定工具,主要用于测试和校准机器人或汽车的引擎控制单元。该工具结合了高精度测量技术和自动化软件,可以快速而精确地执行标定任务,从而提高系统的可靠性和性能。 MDA的优点在于其高度的适应性和多功能性。它可以适用于各种类型的引擎控制单元,并支持多种通信协议和标定模式。同时,它具有较高的灵活性和可定制性,可以根据用户的实际需求进行自由配置和定制。 除此之外,MDA还具有快速、准确的测量能力和先进的数据处理功能。它能够在短时间内完成大量测量任务,同时精确地记录和分析测试数据,为用户提供准确的校准结果和数据分析报告。 总之,MDA是一种高效、精确、灵活和多功能的标定工具,具有广泛的应用前景和市场需求。它将成为未来工业生产和汽车制造领域的重要技术支撑,为智能制造和数字化工厂提供坚实的技术保障。


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