
iostat Command


Reports Central Processing Unit (CPU) statistics, asynchronous input/output (AIO) and input/output statistics for the entire system, adapters, TTY devices, disks and CD-ROMs.


iostat [ -a ] [ -l ] [ -s ] [-t ] [ -T ] [ -z ] [ { -A [ -P ] [ -q | -Q ] } | { [-d | -p-D [-R ] }[ -m ] [ Drives ... ] [ Interval] [ Count ]


The iostat command is used to monitor system input/output (I/O) device loading by observing the time the physical disks are active in relation to their average transfer rates. The iostatcommand also generates reports that can be used to change system configuration to better balance the I/O load between physical disks and adapters.

All statistics are reported each time the iostat command is run. The report consists of a TTY and CPU header row followed by a row of TTY or asynchronous I/O and CPU statistics. On multiprocessor systems, CPU statistics are calculated system-wide as averages among all processors.

A header row with Number of CPUs and the Number of disks that are currently active in the system are printed at the beginning of the output. If the -s flag is specified, a system header row is displayed followed by a line of statistics for the entire system. The hostname of the system is printed in the system header row.

If you specify the -a flag, the information is displayed in a report in the following order:

  • An adapter-header row.
  • A line of statistics for the adapter.
  • A disk or tape-header row and the statistics of all the disks, CD-ROMs, or tapes connected to the adapter.

Such reports are generated for all disk or tape adapters that are connected to the system. But if the metrics values of the xfer attributes for the adapter are 0, the readwrite, and queueattributes correspond to that of the disk that the path is associated with.

A disks header row is displayed followed by a line of statistics for each disk that is configured. If the PhysicalVolume parameter is specified, only those names specified are displayed.

If the PhysicalVolume parameter is specified, one or more alphabetic or alphanumeric physical volumes can be specified. If the PhysicalVolume parameter is specified, the TTY and CPU reports are displayed and the disk report contains statistics for the specified drives. If a specified logical drive name is not found, the report lists the specified name and displays the message Drive Not Found. If no Logical Drive Names are specified, the report contains statistics for all configured disks and CD-ROMs. If no drives are configured on the system, no disk report is generated. The first character in the PhysicalVolume parameter cannot be numeric.

The Interval parameter specifies the amount of time in seconds between each report. If the Interval parameter is not specified, the iostat command generates a single report containing statistics for the time since system startup (boot). The Count parameter can be specified in conjunction with the Interval parameter. If the Count parameter is specified, the value of count determines the number of reports generated at Interval seconds apart. If the Interval parameter is specified without the Count parameter, the iostat command generates reports continuously.

The iostat command is useful in determining whether a physical volume is becoming a performance bottleneck and if there is potential to improve the situation. The % utilization field for the physical volumes indicates how evenly the file activity is spread across the drives. A high % utilization on a physical volume is a good indication that there may be contention for this resource. Since the CPU utilization statistics are also available with the iostat report, the percentage of time the CPU is in I/O wait can be determined at the same time. Consider distributing data across drives if the I/O wait time is significant and the disk utilization is not evenly distributed across volumes.

Beginning with AIX 5.3, the iostat command reports number of physical processors consumed (physc) and the percentage of entitlement consumed (% entc) in Micro-Partitioning environments. These metrics will only be displayed on Micro-Partitioning environments.

Some system resource is consumed in maintaining disk I/O history for the  iostat command. Use the  sysconfig subroutine, or the SMIT to stop history accounting. While the  iostatcommand is running for  Count of iterations and if there is a change in system configuration that affects the output of  iostat command, it prints a warning message about the configuration change. It then continues the output after printing the updated system configuration information and the header.

The iostat command generates four types of reports, the TTY and CPU Utilization report, the Disk Utilization report, the System throughput report and the Adapter throughput report.

TTY and CPU Utilization Report

The first report generated by the iostat command is the TTY and CPU Utilization Report. For multiprocessor systems, the CPU values are global averages among all processors. Also, the I/O wait state is defined system-wide and not per processor. The report has the following format:

Column Description
tin Shows the total number of characters read by the system for all TTYs.
tout Shows the total number of characters written by the system to all TTYs.
% user Shows the percentage of CPU utilization that occurred while executing at the user level (application).
% sys Shows the percentage of CPU utilization that occurred while executing at the system level (kernel).
% idle Shows the percentage of time that the CPU or CPUs were idle and the system did not have an outstanding disk I/O request.
% iowait Shows the percentage of time that the CPU or CPUs were idle during which the system had an outstanding disk I/O request.
physc Number of physical processors consumed, displayed only if the partition is running with shared processor.
% entc The percentage of entitled capacity consumed, displayed only if the partition is running with shared processor. Because the time base over which this data is computed can vary, the entitled capacity percentage can sometimes exceed 100%. This excess is noticeable only with small sampling intervals.

This information is updated at regular intervals by the kernel (typically sixty times per second). The TTY report provides a collective account of characters per second received from all terminals on the system as well as the collective count of characters output per second to all terminals on the system.

Methods Used to Compute CPU Disk I/O Wait Time

Operating system version 4.3.3 and later contain enhancements to the method used to compute the percentage of CPU time spent waiting on disk I/O (wio time). The method used in AIX 4.3.2 and earlier versions of the operating system can, under certain circumstances, give an inflated view of wio time on SMPs. The wio time is reported by the commands sar (%wio),vmstat (wa) and iostat (% iowait).

The method used in AIX 4.3.2 and earlier versions is as follows: At each clock interrupt on each processor (100 times a second per processor), a determination is made as to which of the four categories (usr/sys/wio/idle) to place the last 10 ms of time. If the CPU was busy in usr mode at the time of the clock interrupt, then usr gets the clock tick added into its category. If the CPU was busy in kernel mode at the time of the clock interrupt, then the sys category gets the tick. If the CPU was not busy, a check is made to see if any I/O to disk is in progress. If any disk I/O is in progress, the wio category is incremented. If no disk I/O is in progress and the CPU is not busy, the idle category gets the tick. The inflated view of wio time results from all idle CPUs being categorized as wio regardless of the number of threads waiting on I/O. For example, systems with just one thread doing I/O could report over 90 percent wio time regardless of the number of CPUs it has.

The method used in AIX 4.3.3 and later is as follows: The change in operating system version 4.3.3 is to only mark an idle CPU as wio if an outstanding I/O was started on that CPU. This method can report much lower wio times when just a few threads are doing I/O and the system is otherwise idle. For example, a system with four CPUs and one thread doing I/O will report a maximum of 25 percent wio time. A system with 12 CPUs and one thread doing I/O will report a maximum of 8 percent wio time. NFS client reads/writes go through the VMM, and the time that biods spend in the VMM waiting for an I/O to complete is now reported as I/O wait time.

Disk or Tape Utilization Report

The second report generated by the iostat command is the Diskor Tape Utilization Report. By default, the disk Utilization report is displayed, and you must specify the -p flag to display the Tape Utilization Report. The disk report provides statistics on a per-physical-disk basis, and tape utilization report provides statistics on a per-tape basis. The default report has a format similar to the following one:

% tm_act Indicates the percentage of time the physical disk/tape was active (bandwidth utilization for the drive).
Kbps Indicates the amount of data transferred (read or written) to the drive in KB per second.
tps Indicates the number of transfers per second that were issued to the physical disk/tape. A transfer is an I/O request to the physical disk/tape. Multiple logical requests can be combined into a single I/O request to the disk. A transfer is of indeterminate size.
Kb_read The total number of KB read.
Kb_wrtn The total number of KB written.

If you specify the -D flag, the report has the following metrics for disk or tape. Extended metrics for disk are displayed by default and users need to specify the -p option for tape utilization report:

Metrics related to transfers (xfer):  
% tm_act Indicates the percentage of time the physical disk or tape was active (bandwidth utilization for the drive).
bps Indicates the amount of data transferred (read or written) per second to the drive. Different suffixes are used to represent the unit of transfer. Default is in bytes per second.
tps Indicates the number of transfers per second that were issued to the physical disk or tape. A transfer is an I/O request to the physical disk or tape. Multiple logical requests can be combined into a single I/O request to the disk. A transfer is of indeterminate size.
bread Indicates the amount of data read per second, from the drive. Different suffixes are used to represent the unit of transfer. Default is in bytes per second.
bwrtn Indicates the amount of data written per second, to the drive. Different suffixes are used to represent the unit of transfer. Default is in bytes per second.
Read Service Metrics (read):  
rps Indicates the number of read transfers per second.
avgserv Indicates the average service time per read transfer. Different suffixes are used to represent the unit of time. Default is in milliseconds.
minserv Indicates the minimum read service time. Different suffixes are used to represent the unit of time. Default is in milliseconds.
maxserv Indicates the maximum read service time. Different suffixes are used to represent the unit of time. Default is in milliseconds.
timeouts Indicates the number of read timeouts per second.
fails Indicates the number of failed read requests per second.
Write Service Metrics (write):  
wps Indicates the number of write transfers per second.
avgserv Indicates the average service time per write transfer. Different suffixes are used to represent the unit of time. Default is in milliseconds.
minserv Indicates the minimum write service time. Different suffixes are used to represent the unit of time. Default is in milliseconds.
maxserv Indicates the maximum write service time. Different suffixes are used to represent the unit of time. Default is in milliseconds.
timeouts Indicates the number of write timeouts per second.
fails Indicates the number of failed write requests per second.
Wait Queue Service Metrics (queue):
These metrics are not applicable for tapes.
avgtime Indicates the average time spent by a transfer request in the wait queue. Different suffixes are used to represent the unit of time. Default is in milliseconds.
mintime Indicates the minimum time spent by a transfer request in the wait queue. Different suffixes are used to represent the unit of time. Default is in milliseconds.
maxtime Indicates the maximum time spent by a transfer request in the wait queue. Different suffixes are used to represent the unit of time. Default is in milliseconds.
avgwqsz Indicates the average wait queue size.
avgsqsz Indicates the average service queue size.
sqfull Indicates the number of times the service queue becomes full (that is, the disk is not accepting any more service requests) per second.
Legend of suffixes representing different units of representation
Suffix Description
K 1000 bytes
M 1 000 000 bytes if displayed in xfer metrics. Minutes, if displayed in read/write/wait service metrics.
G 1 000 000 000 bytes.
T 1 000 000 000 000 bytes.
S Seconds.
H Hour.
For drives that do not support service time metrics, read, write and wait queue service metrics will not be displayed.

Statistics for CD-ROM devices are also reported.

System Throughput Report

This report is generated if the -s flag is specified. This report provides statistics for the entire system. This report has the following format:

Kbps Indicates the amount of data transferred (read or written) in the entire system in KB per second.
tps Indicates the number of transfers per second issued to the entire system.
Kb_read The total number of KB read from the entire system.
Kb_wrtn The total number of KB written to the entire system.
Adapter Throughput Report

This report is generated if the -a flag is specified. This report provides statistics on an adapter-by-adapter basis (for both physical and virtual adapters). This report has the following format for a physical adapter report:

Kbps Indicates the amount of data transferred (read or written) in the adapter in KB per second.
tps Indicates the number of transfers per second issued to the adapter.
Kb_read The total number of KB read from the adapter.
Kb_wrtn The total number of KB written to the adapter.

The virtual adapter's default throughput report has the following format:

Kbps Indicates the amount of data transferred (read or written) in the adapter in KB per second.
tps Indicates the number of transfers per second issued to the adapter.
bkread Number of blocks received per second from the hosting server to this adapter.
bkwrtn Number of blocks per second sent from this adapter to the hosting server.
partition-id The partition ID of the hosting server, which serves the requests sent by this adapter.

The virtual adapter's extended throughput report (-D option) has the following format:

Metrics related to transfers (xfer:)  
Kbps Indicates the amount of data transferred (read or written) in the adapter in KB per second.
tps Indicates the number of transfers per second issued to the adapter.
bkread Number of blocks received per second from the hosting server to this adapter.
bkwrtn Number of blocks per second sent from this adapter to the hosting server.
partition-id The partition ID of the hosting server, which serves the requests sent by this adapter.
Adapter Read Service Metrics (read:)  
rps Indicates the number of read requests per second.
avgserv Indicates the average time to receive a response from the hosting server for the read request sent. Different suffixes are used to represent the unit of time. Default is in milliseconds.
minserv Indicates the minimum time to receive a response from the hosting server for the read request sent. Different suffixes are used to represent the unit of time. Default is in milliseconds.
maxserv Indicates the maximum time to receive a response from the hosting server for the read request sent. Different suffixes are used to represent the unit of time. Default is in milliseconds.
Adapter Write Service Metrics (write:)  
wps Indicates the number of write requests per second.
avgserv Indicates the average time to receive a response from the hosting server for the write request sent. Different suffixes are used to represent the unit of time. Default is in milliseconds.
minserv Indicates the minimum time to receive a response from the hosting server for the write request sent. Different suffixes are used to represent the unit of time. Default is in milliseconds.
maxserv Indicates the maximum time to receive a response from the hosting server for the write request sent. Different suffixes are used to represent the unit of time. Default is in milliseconds.
Adapter Wait Queue Metrics (queue:)  
avgtime Indicates the average time spent by a transfer request in the wait queue. Different suffixes are used to represent the unit of time. Default is in milliseconds.
mintime Indicates the minimum time spent by a transfer request in the wait queue. Different suffixes are used to represent the unit of time. Default is in milliseconds.
maxtime Indicates the maximum time spent by a transfer request in the wait queue. Different suffixes are used to represent the unit of time. Default is in milliseconds.
avgwqsz Indicates the average wait queue size.
avgsqsz Indicates the average service queue size.
sqfull Indicates the number of times the service queue becomes full (that is, the hosting server is not accepting any more service requests) per second.
Legend of suffixes representing different units of representation
Suffix Description
K 1000 bytes.
M 1 000 000 bytes if displayed in xfer metrics. Minutes, if displayed in read/write/wait service metrics.
G 1 000 000 000 bytes.
T 1 000 000 000 000 bytes.
S Seconds.
H Hours.
Asynchronous I/O report

The asynchronous I/O report has the following column headers :

avgc Average global AIO request count per second for the specified interval.
avfc Average fastpath request count per second for the specified interval.
maxgc Maximum global AIO request count since the last time this value was fetched.
maxfc Maximum fastpath request count since the last time this value was fetched.
maxreqs Maximum AIO requests allowed.
Disk Input/Output History

To improve performance, the collection of disk input/output statistics has been disabled. To enable the collection of this data, type:

chdev -l sys0 -a iostat=true

To display the current settings, type:

lsattr -E -l sys0 -a iostat

If the collection of disk input/output history is disabled and iostat is called without an interval, the iostat output displays the message Disk History Since Boot Not Available instead of disk statistics.


-a Specifies the Adapter Throughput Report. The readwrite, and queue attributes correspond to that of the disk. The xfer attributes correspond to the path. The -aflag can be specified with the -A flag, but not when -q or -Q flags are specified.
-A Displays the AIO statistics for the specified interval and count.
-d Specifies drive report only.
-D Specifies the extended disk or tape report. If neither the -p flag nor the -d flag is specified along with the -D flag, then the default is disk only.
-l Displays the output in long listing mode. The default column width is 80.
-m Specifies the statistics for paths.
-p Displays the tape statistics.
Only the Atape device statistics are reported.
-P Displays the Adapter Throughput report, using the POSIX AIO calls.
-q Specifies AIO queues and their request counts. The -q flag can be specified only with the -A flag.
-Q Displays a list of all the mounted filesystems and the associated queue numbers with their request counts. The -Q flag can be specified only with the -A flag.
-R Specifies that the reset of min* and max* values should happen at each interval. The default is to reset the values once when iostat is started. The -R flag can be specified only with the -D flag.
-s Specifies the system throughput report. The -s flag can be specified with the -A flag, but not when -q or -Q flags are specified.
-t Specifies TTY/CPU report only. The -t flag is mutually exclusive with the -d or -D flags.
-T Specifies the time stamp.
-z Resets the disk input/output statistics. Only root users can use this option.





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