EO.WebBrowser 2021 for .NET Crack

EO.WebBrowser - 在您的 .NET 应用程序中嵌入 Chrome 浏览器引擎
用于 .NET 的基于 Chrome 的浏览器引擎Ω578867473
EO.WebBrowser 是一个基于谷歌 Chromium 项目的网络浏览器引擎,但具有原生 .NET 编程接口——别担心,它不是你机器上安装的 Chrome 浏览器的包装器。事实上,EO.WebBrowser 将整个浏览器引擎嵌入在单个 .NET DLL 中。

为什么使用 EO.WebBrowser?
基于谷歌的 Chrome 项目
EO.WebBrowser 使用与 Google 的 Chrome 和 Apple Safari 相同的核心。它不依赖于 IE。发动机更快更安全。

如果用户更新/卸载浏览器怎么办?如果用户在 Internet Explorer 的设置对话框中禁用 JavaScript 会怎样?EO.WebBrowser 不存在这些问题,因为所有内容都嵌入在我们的 DLL 文件中。
用 C# 编写的本机 .NET 组件
因为它是用 .NET 编写的,所以您可以将它与任何基于 .NET 的语言/开发工具一起使用。相同的 DLL 适用于 32 位和 64 位环境;

EO.WebBrowser 提供可用于任何 Windows 应用程序的核心组件,以及适用于 Windows 窗体应用程序和 WPF 应用程序的包装控件;
EO.WebBrowser 提供广泛的自定义选项,允许您自定义上下文菜单、热键、JavaScript 对话框、文件对话框、焦点和窗口控制。这些功能一起使您可以将浏览器引擎无缝集成到您的应用程序中;
.NET 代码 -> JavaScript 代码
将任何网页变成应用程序的一个组成部分——无论是视觉上还是编程上。您可以直接从 .NET 代码执行 JavaScript 代码并访问所有 J​​avaScript 对象。访问它们的属性甚至调用 JavaScript 函数都是您可以使用的不同选项;
JavaScript 代码 -> .NET 代码
事情总是双向的——这也反映在我们的编程界面中。您可以从 .NET 代码调用 JavaScript 代码,反之亦然——您可以从 JavaScript 代码调用 .NET 代码。这允许您的网页与宿主应用程序无缝交互;
想要关注一切?还是想把一切都留给自己?我们为您提供保障。EO.WebBrowser 提供拦截和修改来自浏览器引擎的所有请求的能力。例如,您可以自动拒绝发送到特定主机的所有请求。它还使您能够实现自定义协议或自定义资源处理程序。例如,您可以实现自定义请求处理程序来从您的数据库而不是 Web 服务器加载图像;


Chrome based Browser Engine for .NET EO.WebBrowser is a web browser engine based on Google's Chromium project but with native .NET programming interface --- don't worry, it's not a wrapper around the Chrome browser installed on your machine. In fact EO.WebBrowser has the whole browser engine embedded inside a single .NET DLL. In another word, it has zero external dependency. Just reference and use. Why use EO.WebBrowser? • Based on Google's Chrome Project EO.WebBrowser uses the same core Google's Chrome and Apple Safari uses. It does not rely on IE. The engine is much faster and safer. • Zero External Dependency What if user updates/uninstall their browser? What if user disables JavaScript in Internet Explorer's settings dialog? These questions does not exist with EO.WebBrowser because everything is embedded inside our DLL files. • Native .NET components written in C# Because it's written in .NET, you can use it with any .NET based language/development tool. The same DLL works for both 32 bit and 64 bit environments; • Easy to use Programming Interface EO.WebBrowser offers core components that can be used in any Windows application, as well as wrapper controls for both Windows Forms applications and WPF applications; • Extensive Customization Options EO.WebBrowser offers extensive customization options that allow you to customize context menu, hot keys, JavaScript dialogs, file dialogs, focus and window control. Together these features allow you to seamlessly integrate the browser engine into your application; • .NET code -> JavaScript code Turn any web page into an integral part of your application -- both visually and programmatically. You can execute JavaScript code and access all the JavaScript objects directly from your .NET code. Access their properties or even call a JavaScript function are all different options available to you; • JavaScript code -> .NET code Things always go both ways --- and this is reflected in our programming interface as well. You can call JavaScript code from .NET code, and the other way around is also true --- you can call .NET code from your JavaScript code. This allows your Web page to seamlessly interact with the host application; • Custom Resource Handler Want to keep an eye on everything? Or want to keep everything to yourself? We got you covered. EO.WebBrowser offers ability to intercept and modify all requests that originate from the browser engine. For example, you can automatically deny all request sent to a specific host. It also offers you the ability to implement custom protocols or custom resource handlers. For example, you can implement a custom request handler to load images from your database instead of a Web server;




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