Spire.Office for Java 9.9.0 FIX

Spire.Office for Java is a combination of Enterprise-Level Office Java APIs offered by E-iceblue. It includes Spire.Doc for Java, Spire.XLS for Java, Spire.Presentation for Java, Spire.PDF for Java and Spire.Barcode for Java.

Developers can use Spire.Office for Java to perform a wide range of office document operations in Java applications, such as opening, creating, modifying, converting and printing Word, Excel, PowerPoint and PDF documents, generating and scanning 1D&2D barcodes.

As an independent Office Java library, Spire.Office for Java doesn't need Microsoft Office to be installed on either the development or target systems.

Spire.Doc for Java

New featureSPIREDOC-7237Supports determining if a bookmark is hidden with the new method, "bookmark.isHidden()".
New featureSPIREDOC-10287Supports updating the character count with the new method, "document.updateWordCount()".
New featureSPIREDOC-10771Supports embedding font files into the document when converting Word documents to HTML documents with the new method, "document.getHtmlExportOptions().setFontEmbedded(true)".
BugSPIREDOC-10641Fixes the issue that line spacing became inconsistent after replacing bookmark content.
BugSPIREDOC-10671Fixes the issue that regular format Latex formula code added to the document was converted into italic style.
BugSPIREDOC-10676Fixes the issue that removing the italic style from Latex formulas did not take effect.
BugSPIREDOC-10739Fixes the issue that the set edit restriction password did not work in MS Word or WPS tools.
BugSPIREDOC-10757Fixes the issue that garbled content appeared when converting Word documents to PDF documents.
BugSPIREDOC-10769Fixes the issue that the program hung when converting Markdown documents to Word documents.
BugSPIREDOC-10771Fixes the issue that an occasional exception occurred during stress testing of the merge mail function.
BugSPIREDOC-10740Optimizes the speed of converting Word documents to PDF documents.
BugSPIREDOC-10457Fixes the issue that the text layout was incorrect after converting Word documents to PDF documents.
BugSPIREDOC-10791Fixes the issue that the created table of contents field was not updated correctly.
BugSPIREDOC-10813Fixes the issue that SimSun font was replaced with Times New Roman font after converting Word documents to PDF documents.
BugSPIREDOC-10821Fixes the issue that the program threw "Cannot find any fonts in specified font sources" exception when converting Word documents to PDF documents under the system environment where fonts were not installed.
BugSPIREDOC-10825Fixes the issue that the program threw java.lang.NullPointerException when using Map type parameters in MailMergeDataTable class.

Spire.PDF for Java

New featureSPIREPDF-6920Adds the PreserveAllowedMetadata property to support preserving XMP data when converting PDF to PDF/A format documents.
PdfStandardsConverter convert= new PdfStandardsConverter(outputFile_pdf);
New featureSPIREPDF-6977Add a new interface 'PdfTextReplaceOptions.setReplacementArea(Rectangle2D rect)' to support extracting text from specified areas.
PdfPageBase page = pdf.getPages().get(0);
PdfTextReplacer replacer= new PdfTextReplacer (page);
replacer.getOptions().setReplacementArea(new Rectangle2D.Float(10, 0, 841, 150));
replacer.replaceAllText("SQL","Now SQL");
New featureSPIREPDF-6962Adds a deprecation status indicator to the 'PdfDocument.isPasswordProtected(filename)' method.
BugSPIREPDF-6959Fixes the issue that the program threw a 'java.lang.NullPointerException' when replacing text.
BugSPIREPDF-6973Fixes the issue that the program threw a 'java.lang.NullPointerException' when extracting text.
BugSPIREPDF-6976Fixes the issue that the program threw a 'java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException' when extracting text.
BugSPIREPDF-6992Fixes the issue that the program threw a 'java.lang.OutOfMemoryError' when determining if a PDF document was password protected.
BugSPIREPDF-6994Fixes the issue that the program threw a 'java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError' when compressing images.
BugSPIREPDF-7001Fixes the issue that the program threw a 'java.lang.OutOfMemoryError' when merging documents after replacing text.

Spire.XLS for Java

New featureSPIREXLS-5371Supports the revision function.
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
workbook.saveToFile("output.xlsx", ExcelVersion.Version2013);
New featureSPIREXLS-5362Optimizes the speed of converting Excel documents to HTML documents.
BugSPIREXLS-5149Fixes the issue that print area settings are not fully copied when duplicating worksheets.
BugSPIREXLS-5295Fixes the issue that some data is incorrect when converting Excel documents to PDF documents.
BugSPIREXLS-5368Fixes the issue that chart contents are lost when converting worksheets to images.
BugSPIREXLS-5368Fixes the issue that the program throws an exception "Input string was not in the correct format." when converting charts to images.
BugSPIREXLS-5432Fixes the issue that the program throws a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException exception when loading Excel documents.
BugSPIREXLS-5435Fixes the issue that conditional formatting is lost when converting Excel documents to XML documents and then back to Excel documents.
BugSPIREXLS-5441Fixes the issue that the program throws a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError exception when converting Excel documents to PDF documents.
BugSPIREXLS-5442Fixes the issue that fonts are incorrect when converting Excel documents to PDF documents.

Spire.Presentation for Java

New featureSPIREPPT-2602Supports getting the names of all embedded fonts in a PowerPoint file.
ArrayList<String> embedFonts = ppt.getEmbedFonts();
BugSPIREPPT-2597Fixes the issue that the program threw java.lang.ClassCastException when converting a PPTX document to a PPT document.
BugSPIREPPT-2599Fixes the issue that the program threw java.lang.ClassCastException when calling table.distributeRows(0,1) method after adding a formula to a table cell.
BugSPIREPPT-2601Fixes the issue that the program suspended when loading a PPTX document.
### 回答1: Spire.Office for Java是一款专业的Java Office组件,它包含了Spire.Doc for JavaSpire.XLS for JavaSpire.PDF for JavaSpire.Presentation for Java四个组件,可以帮助Java开发人员快速、高效地处理Word、Excel、PDF和PowerPoint文档。Spire.Office for Java具有丰富的API和功能,支持多种文档格式的读写、编辑、转换和打印,可以满足各种办公自动化需求。 ### 回答2: Spire.Office for Java是一个强大的Java办公组件套件,包括Spire.Doc for JavaSpire.XLS for JavaSpire.PDF for JavaSpire.BarCode for Java四个组件。它们可以帮助 Java 开发人员创建和编辑 Word、Excel、PDF 和条形码等文档格式,同时也支持在Java应用程序中读取、编辑和操作这些文档。 Spire.Doc for Java可以帮助Java开发人员对Word文档进行格式处理、页眉页脚、表格、图片、水印、批注等功能的添加,其支持Word 97-2016和Word for Office 365,还支持保存为PDF、HTML、EPUB等格式。 Spire.XLS for Java则是用于对Excel文件的读取、编辑和操作,支持Excel 97-2016和Excel for Office 365版本,能够操作各种Excel控件,在其中插入图表、公式、超链接、PivotTable等。不仅如此,它还支持写入数据和读取Excel文件的常见文件格式。 Spire.PDF for Java是一个功能强大的PDF组件,可用于创建、编辑、转换、打印、填充PDF表单等,同时还支持在PDF文件中添加和删除书签、注释、水印、图像等。 Spire.BarCode for Java可用于在Java应用程序中快速生成标准和自定义的条形码,包括二维码、一维码、PDF417、Data Matrix等条码,提供了大量的条码属性和功能,以满足开发人员的各种需求。 综上所述,Spire.Office for JavaJava开发人员提供了强大的文档处理功能,可用于实现各种文档编辑和生成需求,提高开发效率,同时也提高了文档处理的质量和准确性。 ### 回答3: Spire.Office for Java是一款Java开发平台的多功能办公套件,由E-iceblue公司开发,充分利用了Java的跨平台性,支持基于Windows,Linux等平台的Java开发环境。它包含了Word、Excel、PowerPoint、PDF等几十种最常用的功能,如文本管理,格式化,页面设计,图形处理,表格生成,公式计算等。 Spire.Office for Java不仅可以轻松实现Office文件的读写,同时还支持Office文件的转换、编辑、合并、分割、水印、签名等多种操作。用户可以在Java环境下创建和修改PDF文档和PDF表单,添加或删除文本、图片,调整表格格式,加密或解密文档等。 Spire.Office for Java除了提供丰富的API文档和示例代码,还有一个用户友好的可视化设计界面,帮助开发者轻松实现任何具体的应用场景。通过Spire.Office的一系列操作,开发人员可以快速构建高性能、易维护和灵活的Java应用程序,提高工作效率。 总之,Spire.Office for Java是一款适用于Java开发用户的全功能办公套件,能够轻松实现所有Office文件的操作,包括读写、转换、编辑、合并、分割、水印、签名等多种操作,同时还支持PDF文档和表单的创建和修改,使得Java开发者能够更加轻松地实现任何具体的应用场景。




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