
1. How can I edit the project homepage (html files) of my project?

CVS/Subversion are used to edit, update and add content of project's web pages on ontoware.org. Web pages are contained in the CVS's "www" directory for each project, so to start making changes to your pages you first need to check out your project from CVS. Using a command line CVS client, you would do the following:

cvs -d :ext:developername @ontoware.org:/cvsroot/projectname checkout www

or if you use Subversion
svn checkout svn+ssh://developername @ontoware.org/svnroot/projectname /trunk/www

After modifying files locally, you can commit these changes back to your project and they will show up on the site.
A cron job will automatically (every 30 minutes) pull the modified pages several times a day over to the place where the publicly accessible, to http://projectname.ontoware.org.

2. How can I create a namespace for my ontology (redirection service)?
To create a namespace for your ontology, log into ontoware, select the project from your personal page. Go to the project's admin page which is available by clicking on the "Admin" tab. Select the "Redirect options" tab. Insert here the source and destination addreses.

For example if you want that all requests will be redirected from

http://yourproject .ontoware.org/neededname

to a released file


fill the "Redirect from:" form with


and "Redirect to:" with


3. How to import source code into your SVN repository via SSH?

On your local machine, change to the directory whose files (and subdirectories) you want to import. If you use a command line client, type:

svn -m "import comment" import svn+ssh://developername @ontoware.org/svnroot/projectname /trunk/modulename

or if you most likely use TortoiseSVN, then type:

svn+ssh://developername @ontoware.org/svnroot/projectname /trunk/modulename

4. How do I avoid having to type the password for SVN/CVS so often?

To avoid having to type your password every time for your CVS/SVN/SSH developer account, you may upload your public key using the web based account manager (My Page -> Account Maintenance -> Edit Keys) and they will be placed on the CVS/SVN/Shell server in your ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file.

You will also need 4 pieces of software installed:

PuTTY utilities can be found here .

PuTTY is used to create the session and store it in the registry.
PuTTYGen is used to take the private key of the pair we create on the Unix machine and converty it to the PuTTY format.
Pageant is used to store that key when we actually want ssh-agent functionality.

1) Use PuTTY Generator to generate and save your private/public keys.
2) Copy the public key and paste it into the "My Page -> Account Maintenance -> Edit Keys" form. Wait for the next cron job (in the worst case, 1 hour).
3) Run Pageant, add the private key.

Untill you close Pageant, or remove your key from it, you can operate over the SSH connection without needing to enter your password everytime.

5. I want to check out my sources using TortoiseSVN but no password dialog appears.

If you are using TortoiseSVN version 1.5.* uninstall it and try to install 1.4.8

6. How do I configure Tortoise svn+ssh without having to type in my password everytime?

Download and install OpenSSH for Windows
Open the command prompt from "Start" -> "Run" -> "cmd"
Generate public/private keys using ssh-keygen
ssh-keygen -t dsa -f C:\key.dsa

Open the public key key.dsa.pub with notepad, copy it into the buffer.
Log in to ontoware.org
Go to http://ontoware.org/account/editsshkeys.php page.
Paste your public key.

Wait 30 minutes until it has been copied by cronjob to /.ssh/authorized_keys in your ontoware home directory.

Run command prompt again, "Start" -> "Run" -> "cmd"
Check the connection, just try to log in to ontoware.org using the private key.
ssh -i C:\key.dsa username @ontoware.org
If the system still requires a password, something went wrong.

Open Windows Explorer, do right mouse click on some folder inside.
You will see a menu item called TortoiseSVN, go to "Settings" -> "Network" -> "ssh client", paste this string
ssh -i C:\key.dsa username @ontoware.org

Now you can connect to the svn+ssh server by just using this URL inside TortoiseSVN:
svn+ssh:///svnroot/yourproject /trunk
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