2017062820PM-SMC Standalone Setup for HCM

SMC high level overview

  1. HcmCore and Coresetup are merged into EarHcmUIApp
  2. All the service endpoints (e.g TransactionService, Jobservice etc) are deployed in EarHcmServiceApp
  3. All the project jars (model/Ui) will be placed in below paths (under $AVR/fusionapps/hcm/sharedlibs/) based on the project type set on your jpr file.
    1. oracle.apps.fa.model.ear (All the model jars)
    2. oracle.apps.fa.view.war (All the Ui jars)
    3. oracle.apps.fa.rpx.model.war (If the jar name starts with "AdfJarREST" then those Jars are copied to RPX Shared Library)
    4. oracle.apps.fatp.model.ear (All the 3rd party dependent jars)
    5. oracle.apps.fatp.view.war(All the 3rd party dependent jars)
  4. Pre deployment EAR file will be created on $AVR/fusionapps/consolidateApps
  5. All the deployed ear's will be on $MW_HOME_STANDALONE/user_projects/domains/fusion_domain/servers/AdminServer/upload directory. Note that it won't be exploded directory , it will be compressed Ear/War file

Step 1: Prepare the environment

  1. Create a new view on clean Bronze label - Since the shared libs are view specific , make sure to create separate view only for deployment related activities
  2. identify a DB to connect. If you are creating your own zip DB , please follow the steps on ZipDBCreationSteps.doc
  3. Open .cshrc file in your home directory and check for ADE_SKIP_HARDCODED_EXPANDS, make sure the value is set to 0
  4. Run the command - >  ade expand $AVR/fusionapps/ -recurse
  5. cp $ADE_VIEW_ROOT/fatools/tools/wlsconfig/fadev/ps7st/fusion_apps_wls.properties $HOME
  6. Modify properties in $HOME/fusion_apps_wls.properties
        Comment out below line
        Modify below properties
            listenPort=<admin_port> (Ex: 7011)
            dbConnection= (host:port:SID)

Step 2: Configure weblogic server

  1. cd $ADE_VIEW_ROOT/fatools/tools/wlsconfig
  2. sh ./wlsconfig.sh -p $HOME/fusion_apps_wls.properties
  3. Start the weblogic server - > $MW_HOME_STANDALONE/user_projects/domains/fusion_domain/startWebLogic.sh –Xmx4096m –Xms1024m
  4. Import users : Go to WLS console -> security realms -> My realm -> providers -> Default Authenticator -> Migration -> Import -> upload Ldift file -> Choose /net/slc05cvh/scratch/repo/ldift/R13/WLS_Users_and_Groups.ldift for the ldift path.

Step 3: Register environment

  1. This is one time process to register your environment in fre. All the subsequent deployments will be using this environment id
  2. Login to http://fre.us.oracle.com:7777/cgi-bin/freDem using your bug db account and create new environment
  3. Provide a unique Env Name (alias Env ID) and provide the details as highlighted below. Make sure domain(1) is unchecked, also make sure to include http:// in the weblogicadminurl.


  4. Select the 'FABUILDTOOLS_PT.V2MIB_LINUX for 'Label Series'
  5. Click on create
  6. cd to $ADE_VIEW_ROOT, and run the command ant uploadDomainConfig -Denvid= (generated from above steps)

Step 4: Generate manifest

  1. cd $ADE_VIEW_ROOT/fusionapps/hcm/
  2. ant -f build-core.xml sharedlib

  3. ant  -f build-coresetup.xml sharedlib
  4. Manifest files will be generated in the directory:fusionapps/hcm/deploy. (Verify its created)

  5. Manifest files should be generated before proceeding with the next step. Basically this will have list of jar files that needs to be deployed on fa.model and fa.view

Step 5: Generate Ear for deploy

  1. cd $ADE_VIEW_ROOT/fusionapps
  2. ant -DearsToDeploy=EarHcmCore,EarHcmCoreSetup -DskipMergeJars=true  generateAppForLocalDeploy
    Note : This will create shared libraries and pillar apps (Service, UI and ESS) for selected Ear profiles. The location of these generated artifacts as is as below

                            Shared Libraries Manifest File : $ADE_VIEW_ROOT/fusionapps/hcm/deploy/__SharedLibManifest.xml

                           Shared Libraries : $ADE_VIEW_ROOT/fusionapps/sharedLibs/deploy/

                           Pillar Consolidated Apps : $ADE_VIEW_ROOT/fusionapps/consolidatedApps/
        The Shared Libraries and Pillar Apps will deleted and recreated every time when you run the target generateAppForLocalDeploy.

  3. Copy jazn-data.xml - > cp $ADE_VIEW_ROOT/fusionapps/hcm/components/hcmCore/src/META-INF/jazn-data.x* $ADE_VIEW_ROOT/fusionapps/consolidatedApps/EarHcmUIApp.ear/META-INF/

  4. Modify policy store entry - > $ADE_VIEW_ROOT/fusionapps/consolidatedApps/EarHcmServiceApp.ear/META-INF/weblogic-application.xml and $ADE_VIEW_ROOT/fusionapps/consolidatedApps/EarHcmUIApp.ear/META-INF/weblogic-application.xml



Step 6: Deploy HcmUi

  1. setenv ANT_OPTS "-Xms1g -Xmx5g -XX:MaxPermSize=1g"
  2. cp /net/slc12aps/scratch/rnerolu/codeshare/AdfHcmRecCandidateExpJetProtectedModel.jar $AVR/fusionapps/sharedLibs/deploy/oracle.apps.fa.model.ear/APP-INF/lib
  3. cp /net/slc12aps/scratch/rnerolu/codeshare/AdfHcmCompVarCompSetupProtectedModel.jar $AVR/fusionapps/sharedLibs/deploy/oracle.apps.fa.model.ear/APP-INF/lib
  4. cp /net/slc12aps/scratch/rnerolu/codeshare/AdfHcmCompCommonPublicUi.jar $AVR/fusionapps/sharedLibs/deploy/oracle.apps.fa.view.war/WEB-INF/lib
  5. cd $ADE_VIEW_ROOT/fusionapps/
  6. ant -Denvid= -DearsToDeploy=EarHcmCore,EarHcmCoreSetup -DskipMergeJars=true -DmergeJazn=true -DskipGenerateApps=true j2eeConsolidatedDeploy (Note that this is only for the first time deployment)

Your application should be deployed in above command. Note that the build output will always be SUCCESSFUL, even if the deployment is failed. Make sure the lines above build output says the deployment is successful


Step 7: Import the root menu

  1. $MW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/wlst.sh

Step 8: Patching the jars

  1. If you have modified some code and want to patch the jars then copy the particular jar file into $AVR/fusionapps/sharedLibs/deploy/oracle.apps.fa.model.ear/APP-INF/lib or $AVR/fusionapps/sharedLibs/deploy/oracle.apps.fa.view.war/WEB-INF/lib depending on model or view project
  2. Run the below command to re deploy the application. Note that DskipGenerateApps will not generate the sharedLibs again, whatever jars in the sharedLibs directory it will just deploy those
    ant -Denvid= -DearsToDeploy=EarHcmCore,EarHcmCoreSetup -DskipMergeJars=true -DskipGenerateApps=true j2eeConsolidatedDeploy

Step 9: Re deploying HcmUi

  1. cd $ADE_VIEW_ROOT/fusionapps/hcm
  2. ant  -f build-core.xml sharedlib
  3. ant  -f build-coresetup.xml sharedlib
  4. cd $ADE_VIEW_ROOT/fusionapps
  5. ant -DearsToDeploy=EarHcmCore,EarHcmCoreSetup  -DskipMergeJars=true generateAppForLocalDeploy
  6. ant -Denvid= -DearsToDeploy=EarHcmCore,EarHcmCoreSetup -DskipMergeJars=true -DskipGenerateApps=true j2eeConsolidatedDeploy
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