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EPSON ME OFFICE 70 清零軟件破解版 无木马。



InterSystems的旗舰产品Caché多维对象数据库由于具有高响应性能、高可靠性、 高伸缩性、面向对象和面向Web服务、便于快速开发和便于维护等特点,已日益得到我 国IT企业,特别是医疗卫生、工程管理、金融行业系统开发商的青睐,目前用Caché开 发的各种应用软件在我国正在增多,正在成为一个热门亮点。 为了帮助中国的用户熟悉和掌握Caché数据库的使用,在InterSystems公司培训部 及技术部等部门的共同努力下,经过长时间的筹划,这本Caché5.0使用及维护手册, 终于与InterSystems的朋友们见面了。 本手册主要是针对Caché5.0,在Windows环境下的数据库管理和维护操作编写的 使用指南。 本书内容广泛而深入, 它涵盖涉及了Caché提供的基本使用工具和日常维护的各个 主要方面,包括正确安装、配置、日志、镜像服务、数据保护、备份、恢复、ECP缓存 协议配置和使用等Caché数据库的管理和维护的基本操作。


ASP.NET Web应用开发(C#版)

对于安装了Visual Studio 2005的读者,先把光盘上章节目录(第X章)下的内容复制到硬盘某一个目录中,目录名最好只含英文字母和数字,不含特殊字符。然后在Visual Studio 2005中以打开网站的方式打开该目录。 对于没有安装Visual Studio 2005的读者,需要安装IIS和.NET Framework 2.0 才能运行本光盘中的代码。对于代码中含有数据库的实例,需要安装SQL Express。具体安装方法请参看本书第二章。 在安装好IIS以后,建立虚拟目录,并把光盘中章节目录下的文件复制到虚拟目录下,就可以在IE中访问了。 有关本书的意见反馈和咨询,读者可在希赛网社区(http://bbs.csai.cn)“书评在线” 版块中的“机械工业出版社” 栏目中与作者进行交流。 本书配套光盘中的内容,读者也可以在希赛网下载中心(http://data.csai.cn)下载


MicrosoftSQlServer2005 技术内幕

本书是Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2000的作者Kalen Delaney的又一经典著作,是Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2005系列四本著作中的一本。本书对SQL Server 2005存储引擎方面的知识进行了全面而详细的阐述,包括数据库文件、日志和恢复、表、索引及其管理、锁定和并发等内容。除了解释设计理念与运作原理外,书中还辅之以大量简短而有力的实例。您将跟随一位广受欢迎的作家同时也是SQL Server资深专家一起深入探索SQL Server存储引擎的技术内幕。





ramin 2.2 for xp

---------------------------------------------------------------------- Remote Administrator 2.2 for Win9X/ME/NT4.0/2000/XP Software and all its components Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Dmitri Znosko. All rights reserved. Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Famatech International Corp. and its licensors. All rights reserved. Date: June 15th, 2004 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- You can find complete help in 'help.hlp' file ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Radmin ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents: * What is Radmin? - What makes it different from other systems? - Features * System requirements * Installation * Radmin Security * How to contact us ---------------------------------------------------------------------- What is Radmin? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Radmin is a remote control program that lets you work on another computer remotely through your own. You see the remote computer's screen in a resizable window on your own monitor or as the full screen. Your mouse and keyboard control the remote computer so you can work on the remote computer just as if you were sitting right at it. The remote computer can be anywhere on the Internet or in your local network. You don't need a fast network connection. Even with a MODEM the screen update speed is an acceptable 5-10 screen updates per second. If the remote computer is on your LOCAL NETWORK the typical speed is from 100 to 500 screen updates per second. Often while working in Radmin's full-screen mode, you forget that you are working on a REMOTE computer! Radmin consists of two parts: * The server on the remote computer that sends the remote computer's screen display. * The client - also called the viewer - that shows the remote screen display on your own monitor. To get started you need to run Radmin server on the remote computer. Then run Radmin client on your own computer. The current version of Radmin requires a TCP/IP connection between both computers, so you'll need to set this up if they are not already connected. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- What makes it different from other systems? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Radmin outperforms all other remote control software in speed, security and usability. Speed: Radmin is the fastest remote control software available. It is optimized for low-bandwidth connections such as modems. Connecting via modem, screen refreshment rate reaches 5-10 updates per second. If connected to a LAN you can work on remote computer with real-time speed, reaching over 100 screen updates per second. Security is a critical consideration when implementing the remote control software. To maintain the security of data and corporate network resources, Radmin supports the existing level of environment security and provide its own level as well. Radmin offers the highest levels of encryption available in its category. Usability: Radmin simple interface is devoid of useless 'value added features' that bloat software and make it hard to work with. Radmin is extremely easy to learn and use. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Features ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Run as a Service Radmin server can work as a SERVICE under Win9x, ME, NT4.0, Win2000 and Winsows XP. This lets you log a user on or off remotely. NOTE: If Radmin server is started on Windows XP, the "Switch User" feature cannot be used. Multiple Connections Support Radmin server supports simultaneous multiple connections to the same remote screen. Full-Screen, Scaled and Windowed View Modes Full-screen mode shows the remote screen full-size on your own monitor Scaled mode lets you see the remote screen in a window on your monitor scaled to the remote screen's defined size. Video Hook Driver Technology is Used Radmin uses video hook kernel mode drivers under Windows NT to capture screen changes. This boosts the speed to hundreds of screen updates per second. File Transfer Current version lets you transfer files (less than 2Gb) between computers with Windows Explorer like interface. Remote Shutdown Now you don't have to connect in the Full Control mode. Telnet Server Radmin server provides Telnet access to remote computers (except on Win9x). Windows NT Security Support You can allow remote control, remote view, telnet and file transfer access to specific users or user groups from an NT domain. If a user logged into a WinNT domain connects to Radmin server, the user's current username/password are employed by Radmin viewer to authorize a connection to the Radmin server. Password Protection If Windows NT security support is switched off, access to a remote computer is controlled by a password. Radmin uses a challenge-response password authentication method based on 128 bit strong encryption. 128 Bit Strong Encryption of All Data Streams. In the version 2.2 encryption is always enabled, it causes just 5% performance loss. IP Filter Allows an access to the Radmin server only from specified IP addresses and subnets. Radmin Supports High-Resolution Modes Display resolutions up to 2048 X 2048 X 32 bit color are supported by Radmin. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- System requirements. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- No special requirements for hardware. Required software is Windows 95/ME/NT4.0/2000/XP with TCP/IP protocol installed. NOTE: If Radmin server is started on Windows XP, the "Switch User" feature cannot be used. NOTE: Radmin still operates successfully when the display, mouse and keyboard are disconnected from the remote computer, however some computers do not boot successfully without a keyboard plugged in. For All Operating Systems (Win9x/ME/NT/2000/XP): The computer must have TCP/IP installed, the most-used protocol for networking computers. Windows NT 4.0: Service pack 4 or higher is required. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Two computers need to be connected by TPC/IP, either on a local network or the Internet. Radmin must be installed on each computer. Before Installation For All Users: Uninstall any earlier version of Radmin, before installing a newer version. Before Installation For All Users: * Uninstall any earlier version of Radmin, before installing a newer version. For Windows 2000/XP Users: * You need administrator rights to install Radmin Server as a service. For Windows NT 4.0 Users: * You need administrator rights to install Radmin Server as a service and install the driver. * Before installing Radmin's video hook driver be sure that any other Remote Control software that uses video hook driver technology has been removed. Running more than one video hook driver can lead to a system crash while booting. Sample applications that use a video hook driver: NetMeeting 3.0+, SMS, Timbuktu. If a problem occurs while booting with the Radmin driver, you can press the '1' (number one) key repeatedly during booting and the Radmin driver will not load. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Limitations ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Radmin file transfer feature supports files up to 2Gb and folders with up to 20,000 files. Radmin may fail to operate correctly together with some applications causing high CPU usage, also with some specific antiviral software and firewalls. The product may be not compatible with some particular models of hardware, such as routers. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Radmin Security ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A lot of attention was paid to security issues in the Radmin design from the outset. Here are some reasons that Radmin's operations are completely secure: * Radmin 2.2 supports Windows NT/2000/XP user level security. You can allow remote control to specific users or user groups. * If Windows NT security support is switched off, access to a remote computer is restricted by password. Remote Administrator uses a challenge-response password authentication method (MD5 and Twofish crypto algorithms are used). This method is similar to the authentication method used in Windows NT, but uses more powerful security keys. * Radmin works in encrypted mode, where all data, including screen images, mouse movements and keypresses are encrypted. 128 bit Twofish encryption is used. Twofish crypto is distinguished for its combination of speed, flexibility and conservative design. * Radmin server has a logging feature. All actions are written to the log file. Event Log support is also included. * Radmin server has an IP filter table that restricts remote access to IP addresses and networks you specify. * Radmin has a self testing code defence that protects the code from being altered. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- How to contact us ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Feel free to contact us. All registered users of Radmin can get full technical support. You can also clear up any questions about Radmin purchasing or offer suggestions. If you have something of interest about how you use Radmin, we'd be very happy to hear from you. If you simply want to express an opinion about our site, this is how to contact us. General - radmin@radmin.com Purchasing questions - sales@radmin.com Technical support - support@radmin.com Visit our site for the latest news, versions and updates www.radmin.com You can find complete help in 'help.hlp' file ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Software and all its components Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Dmitri Znosko. All rights reserved. Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Famatech International Corp. and its licensors. All rights reserved.



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