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原创 Latest SVN Windows build is always available at: http://www.xverve.com in the downloads section
If anyone interested, latest SVN Windows build is always available at: http://www.xverve.com in the downloads section.
2009-07-31 12:33:00 462
转载 Build OpenOCD
http://www.openplug.org/plugwiki/index.php/Build_OpenOCDBuild OpenOCDFrom PlugWikiJump to: navigation, search1. OpenOCD Linux (version = 0.2.0) a. Change to working directory (cd ~/work/
2009-07-31 12:29:00 1043
转载 How to build OpenOCD for windows
Hello, here is a short tutorial how to build openocd for windows. (Tested with SVN version 2348 of OpenOCD) 1) Install cygwin, but you need some additional tools from the development package like: - a
2009-07-31 12:27:00 5496
转载 STM32环境准备:JLink + OpenOCD
http://blog.arduino.cn/2009/06/06/stm32%E7%8E%AF%E5%A2%83%E5%87%86%E5%A4%87%EF%BC%9Ajlink-openocd/ 终于忍不住要开始玩ARM了!虽然AVR单片机是个好东西,Arduino也是个好东西,但无奈其速度对于某些需要大量计算的应用来讲还是有点低。当然,其实这只是一个借口,因为现在做的项目也没有复杂
2009-07-31 11:48:00 9422 1
转载 Linux内核移植和根文件系统制作
Linux内核移植和根文件系统制作 http://www.ourdev.cn/bbs/bbs_content.jsp?bbs_sn=3480104&bbs_page_no=1&bbs_id=9999第一章 移植内核 1.1 Linux内核基础知识 1.1.1 Linux版本 1.1.2 什么是标准内核 1.1.3
2009-07-29 16:36:00 1191
转载 Linux Kernel学习笔记
http://www.ringkee.com/note/opensource/kernel/kernel.htmLinux Kernel学习笔记整理:Jims of 肥肥世家jims.yang@gmail.com>Copyright © 2007 本文遵从GNU 的自由文档许可证(Free Document License)的
2009-07-28 20:58:00 2502
原创 Install openssh on Debian
1. sudo apt-get install openssh-server2. sudo apt-get install ssh
2009-07-28 20:04:00 1005
原创 Install Samba on Debian
1. sudo apt-get isntall samba 2. Edit /etc/samba/smb.conf and modify follow items:# security = usersecurity = share ...... #temp share dir[tmp share dir] comment = Tmp share dir pat
2009-07-28 19:37:00 340
原创 debian下基本系统和gnome桌面安装
安装X: QUOTE:#apt-get install x-window-system-core桌面和gdm QUOTE:#apt-get install gnome-core gdm重启即可进入gnome桌面 安装GNOME桌面环境QUOTE:#apt-get install gnome
2009-07-28 12:56:00 1513
原创 Mount an ISO image under Linux
Use mount command as follows to mount iso file called disk1.iso:# mount -o loop disk1.iso /mnt/disk
2009-07-28 11:14:00 327
转载 Ubuntu/Debian 之内核模块开发准备
原贴:http://linux.e800.com.cn/articles/2007/827/1188149605814778692_1.html如果你想要升级你的Debian/Ubuntu Linux内核,或者你希望为内核开发新的模块,或者您要为某个硬件写新的驱动程序……这一切都涉及到Debian/Ubuntu Linux内核编程。作为一个内核编程者,有那么几个软件是你必须要有的,看作是你进行
2009-07-28 10:03:00 466
原创 Linux Kernel Developement process base on debian OS
1. Install compile environment#sudo apt-get install build-essential2. Install kernel header#sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)3. Write a kernel module and compile and run itmake
2009-07-27 18:12:00 305
转载 Linux Mount CD-ROM
http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/CDROM-HOWTO/x289.html#AEN9804.5. Mounting, Unmounting, and Ejecting DevicesTo mount a CD-ROM, insert a disc in the drive, and run the mount command as root (this assume
2009-07-27 17:54:00 1787
http://blog.chinaunix.net/u2/78144/showart_1671841.htmlAPT-CDROM(8)名称apt-cdrom - APT CDROM 管理工具概要apt-cdrom [-hvrmfan] [-d=cdrom mount point] [-o=config string] [-c=file] [[add] | [ident]]描述apt-cdr
2009-07-27 17:52:00 2575
转载 c 函数指针
http://blog.chinaunix.net/u2/76292/showart_1878158.html c 函数指针 以前什么函数指针,指针函数仅仅是概念上的理解,最近写个程序有这么个需求,其实也不是有这么个需求,而是这样写可以省去很多事....search了下,找到一篇好文 函数指针是什么? 先来看函数调用是怎么回事。一个函数占用一段连续内存。当调用一个函数时,实际上是跳
2009-07-24 22:12:00 617
转载 uboot传递内核参数全解析(转)
转自http://forum.byr.edu.cn/wForum/boardcon.php?bid=317&id=3584&ftype=3 标 题: uboot传递内核参数全解析(原创) 发信站: 北邮人论坛 (Tue Jan 20 17:54:27 2009), 站内 一:启动参数的传递过程 启动参数是包装在数据结构里的,在linux kernel启动的时候,bootloader把这个数据
2009-07-23 12:25:00 1834
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