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2018-07-16 21:38:26 1378 1

原创 HDU 6232 Confliction

Problem DescriptionRecently, Alice and Bob are working on a resource-sharing computation model. In this model, there are two processing units, and a memory space which could be represented as unli

2017-11-14 16:39:30 1384

原创 HDU 5992 Finding Hotels

Problem DescriptionThere are N hotels all over the world. Each hotel has a location and a price. M guests want to find a hotel with an acceptable price and a minimum distance from their locations.

2017-11-09 14:50:41 506

原创 PAT (Top Level) Practise 1019 Separate the Animals (35)

1019. Separate the Animals (35)时间限制1000 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制8000 B判题程序Standard作者LIU, RujiaThere are some animals in a zoo whic

2017-11-09 14:47:20 977 1

原创 PAT (Top Level) Practise 1018 Subnumbers (35)

1018. Subnumbers (35)时间限制300 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制8000 B判题程序Standard作者CAO, PengGiven a positive integer N, let us define a "sub

2017-11-09 14:45:53 412

原创 PAT (Advanced Level) Practise 1135 Is It A Red-Black Tree (30)

1135. Is It A Red-Black Tree (30)时间限制400 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者CHEN, YueThere is a kind of balanced binary

2017-11-08 15:58:42 371

原创 PAT (Advanced Level) Practise 1134 Vertex Cover (25)

1134. Vertex Cover (25)时间限制600 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者CHEN, YueA vertex cover of a graph is a set of vertice

2017-11-08 15:57:39 367

原创 PAT (Advanced Level) Practise 1133 Splitting A Linked List (25)

1133. Splitting A Linked List (25)时间限制400 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者CHEN, YueGiven a singly linked list, you ar

2017-11-08 15:56:36 319

原创 PAT (Advanced Level) Practise 1132 Cut Integer (20)

1132. Cut Integer (20)时间限制400 ms内存限制65536 kB代码长度限制16000 B判题程序Standard作者CHEN, YueCutting an integer means to cut a K digits lon

2017-11-08 15:55:16 281

原创 HDU 5930 GCD

Mr. Frog likes generating numbers! He can generate many numbers from a sequence. For a given sequence a1,a2,⋯,ana1,a2,⋯,an Mr. Frog can choose two numbers l and r (1≤l≤r≤n1≤l≤r≤n) and calculat

2017-11-08 15:43:17 331

原创 HDU 5929 Basic Data Structure

Mr. Frog learned a basic data structure recently, which is called stack.There are some basic operations of stack: ∙∙ PUSH x: put x on the top of the stack, x must be 0 or 1. ∙∙ POP: throw th

2017-11-08 15:42:05 278

原创 HDU 5927 Auxiliary Set

Given a rooted tree with n vertices, some of the vertices are important. An auxiliary set is a set containing vertices satisfying at least one of the two conditions: ∙∙It is an important ver

2017-11-08 15:36:46 261

原创 HDU 5925 Coconuts

TanBig, a friend of Mr. Frog, likes eating very much, so he always has dreams about eating. One day, TanBig dreams of a field of coconuts, and the field looks like a large chessboard which has R rows

2017-11-08 15:33:43 276

原创 HDU 5924 Mr. Frog’s Problem

One day, you, a clever boy, feel bored in your math class, and then fall asleep without your control. In your dream, you meet Mr. Frog, an elder man. He has a problem for you. He gives you two pos

2017-11-08 15:32:07 318

原创 HDU 5923 Prediction

There is a graph G=⟨VG,EG⟩G=⟨VG,EG⟩  with  |VG|=n|VG|=n and |EG|=m|EG|=m, and a magic tree T=⟨VT,ET⟩)T=⟨VT,ET⟩) rooted at 1, which contains m vertices. Each vertex of the magic tree correspond

2017-11-08 15:30:05 343

原创 西安,圆梦之旅


2017-11-06 00:00:56 535 1

原创 7月又将逝去


2017-07-29 20:10:37 628

原创 CSU 1569 Wet Tiles

Alice owns a construction company in the town of Norainia, famous for its unusually dry weather. In fact, it only rains a few days per year there. Because of this phenomenon, many residents of Noraini

2017-07-29 20:04:04 397

原创 CSU 1568 Shrine Maintenance

A religious sect has holy sites with shrines placed around a circle of radius 1000. The circle is split into N equal length arcs and the endpoints are numbered in order, 1 through N. The first figure

2017-07-29 20:01:59 323

原创 CSU 1567 Reverse Rot

A very simplistic scheme, which was used at one time to encode information, is to rotate the characters within an alphabet and rewrite them. ROT13 is the variant in which the characters A-Z are rotate

2017-07-29 19:55:40 321

原创 CSU 1566 The Maze Makers

The Maze Makers is a publisher of puzzle books. One of their most popular series is maze books. They have a program that generates rectangular two-dimensional mazes like the one shown in Figure 1. The

2017-07-29 19:49:51 300

原创 CSU 1565 Word Cloud

A word cloud (or tag cloud) is a visual representation of textual data based on a weighted metric. In the above cloud (which is based on this year's list of Mid-Central teams), the font size of each w

2017-07-29 19:46:50 267

原创 CSU 1563 Lexicography

An anagram of a string is any string that can be formed using the same letters as the original. (We consider the original string an anagram of itself as well.) For example, the string ACM has the foll

2017-07-29 19:44:43 281

原创 CSU 1562 Fun House

American Carnival Makers Inc. (ACM) has a long history of designing rides and attractions. One of their more popular attractions is a fun house that includes a room of mirrors. Their trademark is to s

2017-07-29 19:41:23 311

原创 CSU 1561 (More) Multiplication

Educators are always coming up with new ways to teach math to students. In 2011, an educational software company, All Computer Math (ACM), developed an application to display products in a traditional

2017-07-29 19:37:54 297

原创 6月,崭新的日子


2017-06-30 21:20:42 488

原创 5月没有小结


2017-06-10 13:32:25 400

原创 第八届蓝桥杯决赛小结


2017-05-29 19:14:00 887

原创 2017国际大学生程序设计大赛全国邀请赛(陕西)小结


2017-05-22 21:44:54 1470 1

原创 大学生程序设计邀请赛(华东师范大学网赛)

地址昨晚的比赛,最近都没怎么写过题了,本来打算拿这个练练手的,结果打到一半被琐事缠身啊。。。所以只写了四题就撤退了,然后今天来补个题。A. 拼音魔法Time limit per test: 1.0 secondsTime limit all tests: 1.0 secondsMemory limit: 256 megabytesAccept / S

2017-05-13 20:04:17 2450 3

原创 用Cocos2d -android1开发了个2048

最近学习了一波Cocos2d,因为比较懒,所以选择看一波学习视频。 点我视频介绍了一些简单的知识,挺不错的,可惜太短了,后面的都没有,只好自己搞。然后发现现在全是用Cocos2dx的,android1已经淘汰了,尼玛。只能自己摸索这随便瞎搞,目标是模仿一个deemo的简单游戏,不过那个界面太多了,游戏过程又好麻烦,估计还要弄好久。于是先上手搞了一个简单的2048,记得大一的时候用j

2017-05-10 17:56:27 718

原创 四月是谁的谎言啊


2017-05-05 18:58:48 504

原创 ZOJ 1104 Leaps Tall Buildings

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's coming right at us!Although it sometimes seems like it, Superman can't fly (without a plane). Instead, he makes super-human leaps, especially over tall buildings. Sin

2017-04-21 17:49:05 445

原创 ZOJ 1041 Transmitters

In a wireless network with multiple transmitters sending on the same frequencies, it is often a requirement that signals don't overlap, or at least that they don't conflict. One way of accomplishing

2017-04-21 17:48:07 320

原创 ZOJ 1199 Point of Intersection

Given two circles on the same plane which are centered at (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) ,with radiuses r1 and r2, respectively.We can see that they have two common tangent lines in most of the cases.Now you are

2017-04-21 17:46:05 307

原创 ZOJ 2401 Zipper

Given three strings, you are to determine whether the third string can be formed by combining the characters in the first two strings. The first two strings can be mixed arbitrarily, but each must sta

2017-04-19 13:28:32 553

原创 ZOJ 2481 Unique Ascending Array

Given an array of integers A[N], you are asked to decide the shortest array of integers B[M], such that the following two conditions hold.For all integers 0 For all integers 0 =Notice that for e

2017-04-19 13:27:08 277

原创 ZOJ 2418 Matrix

Given an n*n matrix A, whose entries Ai,j are integer numbers ( 0 SHIFT at row i ( 0 <= i < n ) will move the integers in the row one position right, and the rightmost integer will wrap around to the

2017-04-19 13:25:20 324

原创 ZOJ 2417 Lowest Bit

Given an positive integer A (1 For example, given A = 26, we can write A in binary form as 11010, so the lowest bit of A is 10, so the output should be 2.Another example goes like this: given A =

2017-04-19 13:22:55 377

原创 ZOJ 2748 Free Kick

In a soccer game, a direct free kick is also awarded to the opposing team if a player commits any of the offences.A direct free kick in an immediate distance is a nightmare of the goalie. In order

2017-04-19 13:21:44 267



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