


python 的可以参考:



linux 参考:







Expect语言是基于Tcl的。Tcl实际上是一个子程序库,这些子程序库可以嵌入到程序里从而提供语言服务。 最终的语言有点象一个典型的Shell语言。里面有给变量赋值的set命令,控制程序执行的if,for,continue等命令,还能进行普通的数学和字符串操作。








  4 spawn echo "######running to generate a ssh-public-key######"
  5 spawn ssh-keygen -t rsa
  6 expect " Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa):"
  7 send "\r"

  9  expect "Overwrite (y/n)"
 10 send "y\r"
 11 expect "Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):"
 12 send "123456\r"
 13 expect "Enter same passphrase again:"
 14 send "123456\r"
 15 expect eof
 16 exit


Loong:~/ssh_test# ./ssh_modle.sh
spawn echo ######running to generate a ssh-public-key######
spawn ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa):
/root/.ssh/id_rsa already exists.
Overwrite (y/n)? y
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
df:2f:47:5b:49:df:1e:88:97:b4:d2:77:20:d1:c2:30 root@Loong
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ RSA 2048]----+
|          Eo .   |
|           .+ .  |
|             o   |
|            .... |
|        S   +.=.+|
|         . + *.+=|
|          . +..+o|
|            ..o .|
|             o.  |


直接用apt-get install expect  即可;











2、linux man中关于expect的用法说明:


Expect reads cmdfile for a list of commands to execute. Expect may also beinvoked implicitly on systems which support the #! notation by marking the script executable, and making the first line in your script:

#!/usr/local/bin/expect -f

Of course, the path must accurately describe where Expect lives. /usr/local/bin is just an example.

The -c flag prefaces a command to be executed before any in the script. The command should be quoted to prevent being broken up by the shell. Thisoption may be used multiple times. Multiple commands may be executed with a single-c by separating them with semicolons. Commands are executed in theorder they appear. (When using Expectk, this option is specified as-command.)

The -d flag enables some diagnostic output, which primarily reports internal activity of commands such asexpect andinteract. Thisflag has the same effect as "exp_internal 1" at the beginning of anExpect script, plus the version ofExpect is printed. (Thestrace command isuseful for tracing statements, and thetrace command is useful for tracing variable assignments.) (When using Expectk, this option is specified as-diag.)

The -D flag enables an interactive debugger. An integer value should follow. The debugger will take control before the next Tcl procedure if thevalue is non-zero or if a ^C is pressed (or a breakpoint is hit, or other appropriate debugger command appears in the script). See the README file or SEE ALSO(below) for more information on the debugger. (When using Expectk, this option is specified as-Debug.)

The -f flag prefaces a file from which to read commands from. The flag itself is optional as it is only useful when using the #! notation (seeabove), so that other arguments may be supplied on the command line. (When using Expectk, this option is specified as -file.)

By default, the command file is read into memory and executed in its entirety. It is occasionally desirable to read files one line at a time. For example,stdin is read this way. In order to force arbitrary files to be handled this way, use the-b flag. (When using Expectk, this option is specified as-buffer.)Notethatstdio-bufferingmaystilltakeplacehoweverthisshouldn'tcauseproblemswhenreadingfromafifoorstdin.

If the string "-" is supplied as a filename, standard input is read instead. (Use "./-" to read from a file actually named "-".)

The -i flag causes Expect to interactively prompt for commands instead of reading them from a file. Prompting is terminated via theexit command or upon EOF. Seeinterpreter (below) for more information. -i is assumed if neither a command file nor-c is used.(When using Expectk, this option is specified as-interactive.)

-- may be used to delimit the end of the options. This is useful if you want to pass an option-like argument to your script without it beinginterpreted byExpect. This can usefully be placed in the #! line to prevent any flag-like interpretation byExpect. For example, the following willleave the original arguments (including the script name) in the variableargv.

#!/usr/local/bin/expect --

Note that the usual getopt(3) andexecve(2) conventions must be observed when adding arguments to the #! line.

The file $exp_library/expect.rc is sourced automatically if present, unless the-N flag is used. (When using Expectk, this option is specified as-NORC.) Immediately after this, the file ~/.expect.rc is sourced automatically, unless the-n flag is used. If the environment variable DOTDIR isdefined, it is treated as a directory and .expect.rc is read from there. (When using Expectk, this option is specified as-norc.) This sourcing occursonly after executing any -c flags.

-v causes Expect to print its version number and exit. (The corresponding flag in Expectk, which uses long flag names, is -version.)

Optional args are constructed into a list and stored in the variable namedargv.argc is initialized to the length of argv.

argv0 is defined to be the name of the script (or binary if no script is used). For example, the following prints out the name of the script and thefirst three arguments:

send_user "$argv0 [lrange $argv 0 2]\n"


/local/bin/expect –f“,并赋予脚本文件可执行权限,执行脚本文件就可以(隐含方式或是默认)调用Expect。
    -c 选项用来标明需要在执行脚本内容之前来执行的命令。
    -d 选项允许输出调试性信息。这些信息主要报告像expect和interact等命令执行时的内部行为。这个选项与写在脚本开头的”exp_internal1”具有同样的效果,同时还会打印出Expect的版本。(strace命令用在跟踪变量声明,trace命令用于跟踪变量的赋值)(在Expectk中,”-d”相当于”-diag”)
调试器会在进行下一次Tcl Procedure前取得控制权。想了解更多信息请参见README文件或是下面的SEE
    - f 选项指明从哪个文件中读取命令。这个选项是可选的,因为只有当使用”#!”时它才有可能被用到。而其他选项可以写在命令行中。(在Expectk中,它相当于”-file”)。
    如果”-“被一个文件名替代,那么脚本就会用读指定文件的方式来替代从标准输入读的方式。(例如:”./ -“就表示从一个名为”-”的文件中读所需的信息)。
    -- 是用来为划定选项尾的。当你需要像使用选项一样传一个参数,但希望这个参数不要被当作选项解释时,就需要用到这个选项。当阻止其他选项时,可以把它放在”#!”行中。例如:下面的例子会让所有参数(包括脚本文件名)都存储在argv中。
    #!/usr/local/bin/expect --
    -v 选项用来打印出版本号,然后退出。(在Expectk中的相应选项是-version)。
    可选的参数汇成一列,存放在变量argv中。Argc被初始化为argv的长度(变量个数)。Argv0被设置为脚本名称(or binary if no script is used)。例如:下面的例子打印出脚本的名称和前三个参数。
    Send_user “$argv0 [lrang $argv 0 2 ]\n”


Expect uses Tcl (Tool Command Language). Tcl provides control flow (e.g., if, for,break), expression evaluation and several other features such as recursion, procedure definition, etc. Commands used here but not defined (e.g., set, if, exec) are Tcl commands (see tcl(3)). Expect supports additional commands, described below. Unless otherwise specified, commandsreturn the empty string.

Commands are listed alphabetically so that they can be quickly located. However, new users may find it easier to start by reading the descriptions ofspawn,send,expect, andinteract, in that order.

Note that the best introduction to the language (both Expect and Tcl) is provided in the book "Exploring Expect" (see SEE ALSO below). Examples are includedin this man page but they are very limited since this man page is meant primarily as reference material.

Note that in the text of this man page, "Expect" with an uppercase "E" refers to theExpect program while "expect" with a lower-case "e" refers totheexpect command within the Expect program.)

close [-slave] [-onexec 0|1] [-i spawn_id]
closes the connection to the current process. Most interactive programs will detect EOF on their stdin and exit; thus close usually suffices to killthe process as well. The -i flag declares the process to close corresponding to the named spawn_id.

Both expect and interact will detect when the current process exits and implicitly do aclose. But if you kill the process by, say,"exec kill $pid", you will need to explicitly callclose.

The -onexec flag determines whether the spawn id will be closed in any new spawned processes or if the process is overlayed. To leave a spawn idopen, use the value 0. A non-zero integer value will force the spawn closed (the default) in any new processes.

The -slave flag closes the slave associated with the spawn id. (See "spawn -pty".) When the connection is closed, the slave is automatically closedas well if still open.

No matter whether the connection is closed implicitly or explicitly, you should callwait to clear up the corresponding kernel process slot.close does not callwait since there is no guarantee that closing a process connection will cause it to exit. Seewait below for moreinfo.

debug [[-now] 0|1]
controls a Tcl debugger allowing you to step through statements, set breakpoints, etc.

With no arguments, a 1 is returned if the debugger is not running, otherwise a 0 is returned.

With a 1 argument, the debugger is started. With a 0 argument, the debugger is stopped. If a 1 argument is preceded by the-now flag, the debugger isstarted immediately (i.e., in the middle of thedebug command itself). Otherwise, the debugger is started with the next Tcl statement.

The debug command does not change any traps. Compare this to startingExpect with the-D flag (see above).

See the README file or SEE ALSO (below) for more information on the debugger.

disconnects a forked process from the terminal. It continues running in the background. The process is given its own process group (if possible). StandardI/O is redirected to /dev/null.
The following fragment uses
disconnect to continue running the script in the background.
if {[fork]!=0} exit
. . .
The following script reads a password, and then runs a program every hour that demands a password each time it is run. The script supplies the password so thatyou only have to type it once. (See the stty command which demonstrates how to turn off password echoing.)
send_user "password?\ "
expect_user -re "(.*)\n"
for {} 1 {} {
    if {[fork]!=0} 
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