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转载 DB2崩溃后用事务日志恢复的原理和技巧

 在系统崩溃之后,使用DB2的事务日志恢复数据库。 您曾多少次碰到过错误消息“SQL0946C The transaction log for the database is full?” 在尽力解决该问题时,您是否停下来思考如下两个问题:1. 为何存在事务日志;2. 事务日志记录服务的目的是什么呢? 若没有事务,多个用户和应用程序同时与一个数据库进行交互时就必然会破坏数据。而如果没有事务日志记录

2008-09-27 14:26:00 1595

转载 在UltraEdit中使用正则表达式

 正则表达式 (UltraEdit Syntax): % 匹配行首 - 表明要搜索的字符串一定在行首. $ 匹配行尾 - 表明要搜索的字符串一定在行尾 ? 匹配除换行符外的任一单个字符. * 匹配任意个数的字符出现任意次数(不包括换行符) + 匹配前导字符或者表达式出现一次或者更多次(不包括换行符) ++ 匹配前导字符或者表达式不出现或者出现一次以上(不包括换行符

2008-09-27 10:44:00 1144

转载 DataStage 7.x 权限控制

 DataStage 7.x 权限控制 <!-- <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"

2008-09-27 10:16:00 1504

转载 How to Create, Use and Maintain DataStage 8 Parameter Sets

 This is a three part DataStage tutorial on using the new version 8Parameter Set functionality that shows how it works and adds somepractical advice for how to use it.DataStage 8.0.1 came with

2008-09-19 23:30:00 3290

转载 What is new for DataStage 8 on the Information Server

 DataStage 8 on the Information Server looks the same as previousreleases but has some major changes under the hood and a few extrabells and whistles.This post looks at what is new or changed in

2008-09-19 17:26:00 3740

转载 DataStage tip: using job parameters without losing your mind

 A job parameter in the ETL environment is much like a parameter inother products, it lets you change the way your programs behave atrun-time by tweaking or changing parameters to alter the way th

2008-09-19 17:18:00 1653

转载 101 uses for ETL job parameters

 This is my third post in what I am now calling job parameter week. Infuture it will be better if I come up with an idea for a theme week atthe start of the week instead of the end of the week. I

2008-09-19 17:18:00 1063

转载 DataStage Certification - how to pass the exam

 I am officially a certified DataStage something or other. After twohours sitting in a small biege room using nothing but a mouse I pickedup an 88% score and certification. Now I have a headache.

2008-09-19 17:17:00 1351

转载 End of the "Road to DataStage Certification" D

 I feel very happy at the end of my journey :D (So, unfortunate thatthere are no emoticons in blogger ;) ). I finally("finally", because Ihave been planning to take this for a long time now) clear

2008-09-19 17:13:00 1210

转载 DataStage Parallel routines made really easy

 DataStage is a powerful ETL tool with lot of inbuilt stages/routineswhich can do most of the functionalities required; for those thingsDataStage EE can’t do, there are parallel routines which c

2008-09-19 17:11:00 1489

转载 Configure DB2 remote connectivity with WebSphere DataStage Enterprise Edition

 Introduction WebSphere DataStage is one the foremost leaders in the ETL (Extract,Transform, and Load) market space. One of the great advantages of thistool is its scalability, as it is capa

2008-09-19 17:06:00 3861

转载 如何解决Datastage端口不能释放的问题

 今天楼下项目组的manager踢掉了电源,导致正在做开发的几台机突然从主机断开。可惜的是他们没有通过DataStageDirector中杀掉刚才的连接,而是选择重启datastage服务,这样一来,监听端口没有释放,服务再次启动后不可用。   以前经常碰到类似的问题,一般情况下重启机器就可以释放。但是这次工作紧而且服务器上又有其他项目的应用正在被使用,无法重新启动。经过半个多小时的摸

2008-09-18 21:41:00 3866

转载 WebSphere DataStage Enterprise Edition 实践 并行访问多节点 DB2 的配置与实现

  DataStage EE 中的DB2 Stage在DataStage EE中提供了三种关于DB2 的Stage,忽略ODBC,加上Dynamic RDBMSStage,我们有四种Stage可以存取DB2数据库,其中只有DB2/UDB EnterpriseStage支持并行访问带分区功能的数据库,它是通过特别的架构来实现DB2的并行访问,稍候我们会详细介绍。 图1:Dat

2008-09-18 19:51:00 4600

转载 Cognos产品功能介绍

  Cognos 产品构成: 系统物理结构如上图所示:共分为四层1 数据源层:包括业务数据库,数据集市,数据仓库,多维立方体以及其他来源的非关系型数据,作为查询统计分析的数据来源。2 模型定义层:模型定义层可以分为两部份,一部分通过Cognos BI Modeling将数据库在应用层定义为数据查询模型,定义的内容包括,数据库中的表字段在模型层被重新命名,重新组织

2008-09-18 19:50:00 6080

转载 DATASTAGE——Surrogate Key Stage用法

 功能:产生自增字段。        The Surrogate Key stage generates key columnsfor an existing data set. You can specify certain characteristics ofthe key sequence. The stage generates sequentially incrementing

2008-09-18 19:45:00 1889

转载 DATASTAGE——Hashed file stage使用

 原文档:Hashed File stages represent a hashed file, i.e., a file that usesa hashing algorithm for distributing records in one or more groups ondisk. You can use a Hashed File stage to extract or writ

2008-09-18 19:44:00 1310


 一、JOB的分类与作用(?)        1、Server JOB:        最为常用的Job类型,Job可以组合使用,Server Job是Job的最小单位。        原文档:If you have the Web Services pack installed an additional check box, Web Service Enabled, appears. Sele

2008-09-18 19:44:00 2532

原创 DATASTAGE——关于数据分区的概述

 Partitioning       The aim of most partitioning operations is to end up with a set of partitionsthat are as near equal size as possible, ensuring an even load across yourprocessors.       When perfor

2008-09-18 19:42:00 1647

转载 DataStage(ETL)技术总结 -- 介绍篇

 数据整合的核心内容是从数据源中抽取数据,然后对这些数据进行转化,最终加载的目标数据库或者数据仓库中去,这也就是我们通常所说的 ETL 过程(Extract,Transform,  Load)。    IBM WebSphere DataStage(下面简称为DataStage)为整个 ETL 过程提供了一个图形化的开发环境,它是一套专门对多种操作数据源的数据抽取、转换和维护过程进行简化和自动化,

2008-09-18 19:40:00 1412

转载 AIX系统维护大全

 AIX系统维护大全第 1 楼:AIX系统日常管理第 2 楼:AIX的版本号代表什么意思?第 3 楼:AIX资源监控与调制工具第 4 楼:AIX常用命令第 5 楼:常用AIX论坛地址、资料下载地址、FTP地址第 6 楼:AIX操作系统使用心得第 7 楼:AIX环境如何找到活动最频繁的进程第 8 楼:AIX中查看用户对系统资源的使用情况第 9 楼:AIX的系统备份和恢复第 10 楼:AIX如何自动启

2008-09-09 20:46:00 5383








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