1. 介绍
ClusterControl is an agentless management and automation software for database clusters. It helps deploy, monitor, manage and scale your database server/cluster directly from ClusterControl user interface
2. 特性
ClusterControl is able to handle most of the administration tasks required to maintain database servers or clusters. Here are some of the tasks that ClusterControl can perform on your database infrastructure:
- Monitor host statistics (CPU/RAM/disk/network/swap)
- Provision multiple database server/cluster in a single CMON process
- Monitor database’s stats, variable, log files, queries, for individual node as well as cluster-wide
- Database configuration management
- Database cluster/node recovery
- Trigger alarm and send notifications
- Schedule and perform database backup (mysqldump, Percona Xtrabackup, MariaDB Backup, pg_dumpall, pg_basebackup, pgBackRest, mongodump, mongodb-consistent-backup