
1. 用户视图下可以执行的命令

Exec commands:
  access-enable    Create a temporary Access-List entry
  access-profile   Apply user-profile to interface
  clear            Reset functions
  connect          Open a terminal connection
  credential       load the credential info from file system
  crypto           Encryption related commands.
  disable          Turn off privileged commands
  disconnect       Disconnect an existing network connection
  do-exec          Mode-independent "do-exec" prefix support
  enable           Turn on privileged commands
  ethernet         Ethernet parameters
  exit             Exit from the EXEC
  help             Description of the interactive help system
  ips              Intrusion Prevention System
  lat              Open a lat connection
  lig              LISP Internet Groper
  lock             Lock the terminal
  login            Log in as a particular user
  logout           Exit from the EXEC
  modemui          Start a modem-like user interface
  mrinfo           Request neighbor and version information from a multicast
  mstat            Show statistics after multiple multicast traceroutes
  mtrace           Trace reverse multicast path from destination to source
  name-connection  Name an existing network connection
  pad              Open a X.29 PAD connection
  ping             Send echo messages
  ppp              Start IETF Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
  release          Release a resource
  renew            Renew a resource
  resume           Resume an active network connection
  rlogin           Open an rlogin connection
  set              Set system parameter (not config)
  show             Show running system information
  slip             Start Serial-line IP (SLIP)
  ssh              Open a secure shell client connection
  systat           Display information about terminal lines
  tclquit          Quit Tool Command Language shell
  telnet           Open a telnet connection
  terminal         Set terminal line parameters
  tn3270           Open a tn3270 connection
  traceroute       Trace route to destination
  tunnel           Open a tunnel connection
  udptn            Open an udptn connection
  waas             IOS Wide Area Application Services
  where            List active connections
  x28              Become an X.28 PAD
  x3               Set X.3 parameters on PAD

2. enable视图下执行的命令

Exec commands:
  access-enable    Create a temporary Access-List entry
  access-profile   Apply user-profile to interface
  access-template  Create a temporary Access-List entry
  alps             ALPS exec commands
  archive          manage archive files
  audio-prompt     load ivr prompt
  auto             Exec level Automation
  beep             Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol commands
  bfe              For manual emergency modes setting
  calendar         Manage the hardware calendar
  call             Voice call
  ccm-manager      Call Manager Application exec commands
  cd               Change current directory
  clear            Reset functions
  clock            Manage the system clock
  cns              CNS agents
  configure        Enter configuration mode
  connect          Open a terminal connection
  copy             Copy from one file to another
  credential       load the credential info from file system
  crypto           Encryption related commands.

3. 特权视图

Configuring from terminal, memory, or network [terminal]? 
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
Configure commands:
  aaa                         Authentication, Authorization and Accounting.
  access-list                 Add an access list entry
  alias                       Create command alias
  alps                        Configure Airline Protocol Support
  appfw                       Configure the Application Firewall policy
  application                 Define application
  archive                     Archive the configuration
  arp                         Set a static ARP entry
  async-bootp                 Modify system bootp parameters
  authentication              Auth Manager Global Configuration Commands
  auto                        Configure Automation
  backhaul-session-manager    Configure Backhaul Session Manager
  banner                      Define a login banner
  bba-group                   Configure BBA Group
  beep                        Configure BEEP (Blocks Extensible Exchange
  bfd                         BFD configuration commands
  bfd-template                BFD template configuration
  boot                        Modify system boot parameters
  bridge                      Bridge Group.
  bstun                       BSTUN global configuration commands

buffers                     Adjust system buffer pool parameters
  busy-message                Display message when connection to host fails
  call                        Configure Call parameters
  call-history-mib            Define call history mib parameters
  call-manager-fallback       SRST for Cisco Call Manager fallback. For Cisco
                              Unified Communications Manager Express
                              configuration use the 'telephony-service' command
  capf-server                 CAPF Server
  carrier-id                  Name of the carrier associated with this trunk
  ccm-manager                 Call Manager
  cdp                         Global CDP configuration subcommands
  cef                         Cisco Express Forwarding
  chat-script                 Define a modem chat script
  class-map                   Configure CPL Class Map
  clns                        Global CLNS configuration subcommands
  clock                       Configure time-of-day clock
  cns                         CNS agents
  config-register             Define the configuration register
  configuration               Configuration access
  connect                     cross-connect two interfaces
  content-scan                Content-Scan
  control-plane               Configure control plane services
  credentials                 credentials service
  crypto                      Encryption module
  csdb                        Common Session Database
  ctl-client                  CTL Client
  cts                         Cisco Trusted Security commands
  dcm                         Enter Data Collection Manager Mode
  decnet                      Global DECnet configuration subcommands
  default                     Set a command to its defaults
  default-value               Default character-bits values
  define                      interface range macro definition
  dial-control-mib            Define Dial Control Mib parameters
  dial-peer                   Dial Map (Peer) configuration commands
  dialer                      Dialer commands

dialer-list                 Create a dialer list entry
  dlsw                        Data Link Switching global configuration commands
  dnsix-dmdp                  Provide DMDP service for DNSIX
  dnsix-nat                   Provide DNSIX service for audit trails
  do-exec                     To run exec commands in config mode
  dot1x                       IEEE 802.1X Global Configuration Commands
  downward-compatible-config  Generate a configuration compatible with older
  dspfarm                     Enable the dspfarm service
  dspu                        DownStream Physical Unit Command
  eap                         EAP Global Configuration Commands
  enable                      Modify enable password parameters
  end                         Exit from configure mode
  eou                         EAPoUDP Global Configuration Commands
  ephone-type                 define ethernet phone type
  epm                         EPM Global Configuration Commands
  ethernet                    Ethernet configuration
  event                       Event related configuration commands
  exception                   Exception handling
  exit                        Exit from configure mode
  fhrp                        Configure First Hop Redundancy Protocols
  file                        Adjust file system parameters
  flow                        Global Flow configuration subcommands
  flow-sampler-map            Flow sampler configuration
  format                      Format the output
  frame-relay                 global frame relay configuration commands
  gateway                     Gateway
  global-address-family       Enter address-family base routing topology mode
  gw-accounting               Enable voip gateway accounting.
  help                        Description of the interactive help system
  hostname                    Set system's network name
  http                        HTTP Config
  ida-client                  IDA Client provides infra for communication with
                              IDA on cisco server
  identity                    Identity Configuration Commands
  interface                   Select an interface to configure
  ip                          Global IP configuration subcommands
  ipc                         Configure IPC system
  iphc-profile                Configure IPHC profile
  ipv6                        Global IPv6 configuration commands
  isis                        Global ISIS configuration subcommands
  iua                         Configure ISDN user Adaptation Layer

ivr                         ivr utility command
  ixi                         IXI Config command
  kerberos                    Configure Kerberos
  key                         Key management
  keymap                      Define a new keymap
  kron                        Kron interval Facility
  l2                          Layer 2 configuration
  l2tp                        Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) parameters
  l2tp-class                  l2tp-class configuration
  l3vpn                       l3vpn encapsulation ip commands
  lat                         DEC Local Area Transport (LAT) transmission
  li-view                     LI View
  line                        Configure a terminal line
  lldp                        Global LLDP configuration subcommands
  locaddr-priority-list       Establish queueing priorities based on LU address
  logging                     Modify message logging facilities
  login                       Enable secure login checking
  login-string                Define a host-specific login string
  mab                         MAC Authentication Bypass Global Configuration
  mace                        Measurement Aggregation and Correlation Engine
  map-class                   Configure static map class
  map-list                    Configure static map list
  media-proxy                 Global media proxy configuration
  mediatrace                  Mediatrace Application
  memory                      Configure memory management
  menu                        Define a user-interface menu
  metadata                    Metadata Application
  microcode                   configure microcode
  mmi                         Configure mmi for auto provisioning
  modemcap                    Modem Capabilities database
  monitor                     Monitoring different system events
  mop                         Configure the DEC MOP Server
  mpls                        Configure MPLS parameters
  multilink                   PPP multilink global configuration
  ncia                        Native Client Interface Architecture
  netbios                     NETBIOS access control filtering
  netconf                     Configure NETCONF
  no                          Negate a command or set its defaults
  ntp                         Configure NTP
  num-exp                     Dial Map Number Expansion configuration commands
  object-group                Configure ACL Object Group

parameter-map               parameter map
  parser                      Configure parser
  password                    Configure encryption password (key)
  per-call                    Per call debug
  pfr                         Performance Routing configuration submodes
  pfr-map                     Create pfr-map and enter pfr-map command mode
  policy-map                  Configure Policy Map
  ppp                         PPP global configuration
  printer                     Define an LPD printer
  privilege                   Command privilege parameters
  process                     Configure process
  process-max-time            Maximum time for process to run before
                              voluntarily relinquishing processor
  profile                     MSP Profile
  prompt                      Set system's prompt
  pseudowire-class            Pseudowire-class configuration
  qos                         Global QoS configuration subcommands
  rbe                         Commands for Routing RFC 1483 Ethernet
                              encapsulated packets
  redundancy                  Enter redundancy mode
  regexp                      regexp commands
  resource                    Configure Embedded Resource Manager (ERM)
  resume-string               Define a host-specific resume string
  rif                         Source-route RIF cache
  rlogin                      Rlogin configuration commands
  rmon                        Remote Monitoring
  route-map                   Create route-map or enter route-map command mode
  route-tag                   Route Tag
  router                      Enable a routing process
  rsrb                        RSRB LSAP/DSAP filtering
  sampler                     Define a Sampler
  sap-priority-list           Establish queueing priorities based on SAP and/or
                              MAC address(es)
  sasl                        Configure SASL
  sccp                        Enable Skinny Client Control Protocol
  scheduler                   Scheduler parameters
  scripting                   Configure options for scripting languages
  secure                      Secure image and configuration archival commands
  security                    Infra Security CLIs
  service                     Modify use of network based services
  service-routing             Configure service-routing 
  shell                       Configure shell command
  signaling-class             Configure signaling class
  sip-ua                      SIP User Agent (UA)
  sna                         Network Management Physical Unit Command
  snmp                        Modify non engine SNMP parameters

snmp-server                 Modify SNMP engine parameters
  source-bridge               Source-route bridging ring groups
  spanning-tree               Spanning Tree Subsystem
  stackmaker                  Specify stack name and add its member
  stacks                      Configure stacks
  standby                     Global HSRP configuration commands
  state-machine               Define a TCP dispatch state machine
  stun                        STUN global configuration commands
  subscriber                  Subscriber configuration
  subscriber-policy           Subscriber policy
  subscription                ASNL based Subscriptions configuration
  table-map                   Configure Table Map
  tacacs-server               Modify TACACS query parameters
  tarp                        Global TARP configuration subcommands
  telephony-service           Configure Cisco Unified Communications Manager
  template                    Select a template to configure
  terminal-queue              Terminal queue commands
  tftp-server                 Provide TFTP service for netload requests
  tgrep                       Enable TGREP
  time-range                  Define time range entries
  tn3270                      tn3270 configuration command
  track                       Object tracking configuration commands
  translate                   Translate global configuration commands
  translation-rule            Global digit manipulation and translation
  trunk                       Global trunk configuration
  ttycap                      Define a new termcap
  user-group                  User Group Configuration Commands
  username                    Establish User Name Authentication
  vc-group                    Define a Frame Relay VC group
  virtual-profile             Virtual Profile configuration
  virtual-template            Virtual Template configuration
  vlan                        VLAN commands
  vm-integration              enable in-band DTMF integration with voicemail
  voice                       Global voice configuration
  voice-card                  Configure a specific voice-card
  voicecap                    Add a voicecap entry
  voip-incoming               Global incoming VoIP configuration
  vpdn                        Virtual Private Dialup Network

 vpdn-group                  VPDN group configuration
  vpdn-template               vpdn-template configuration
  vrf                         VRF commands
  vty-async                   Enable virtual async line configuration
  waas                        IOS Wide Area Application Services
  wsma                        Configure Web Services Management Agents
  x25                         X.25 Level 3
  x29                         X29 commands
  xconnect                    Xconnect config commands
  xot                         Global XOT commands
  xsm                         Configure XSM
  zone                        FW with zoning
  zone-pair                   Zone pair command

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