Scale your business and simplify operations with AWS Marketplace

by show of hands. how many partners do we have in the room? now, keep your hand up if you're also a customer of aws. wow, you can put your hands down. i'll explain why i asked that question in a minute. but the number one thing that we hear from partners is that they want to have access to more customers and they want aws to help, help them access more customers.

this leads to one big question that every partner wants to figure out with aws. how do i enable the aws field teams to position my solution? and where is the magic switch at aws that will help turn opportunities? my way, i'll let you in in a secret. there's no magic switch.

the key to scaling your business is by leveraging the tools aws is building for partners with marketplace and partner central is a force multiplier to help collaborate with the aws field teams.

my name is rachel raki and joining me today, i have chavi bazin, we are both from the aws marketplace. we also have customer and partners. so we have mike viola from nasdaq and vikram koa from kohi. and the reason why i asked earlier about, you know, whose partners and whose customers is both nasdaq and cohee are customers and partners of aws. and i got to thinking how common is this with aws at aws? we always work back from the customer. so customers and partners are really important to us. even if a partner is not a customer today, they may be one in the near future. we want our partners to be successful today, we're gonna talk about the benefits of aws marketplace. we're gonna talk through how isvs and channel partners work together. we're gonna have join uh be joined with cosi and nasdaq for the car, the customer and partner discussion. they're gonna talk through some of the benefits that they have at aws marketplace and then x is gonna join us to talk through the features of aws marketplace.

partners are all facing similar challenges whether it be staffing and retention companies, wanna know, how do they maintain continuity in an ever evolving job market? there's security concerns and risks. partners want to reach more customers and reduce redundant processes. customers want to procure software that they can trust in my tightening budgets. every company needs to do more with less resources and less money. there's infrastructure complexity as customers are moving to the cloud, they have, they have a common challenge and they need and they need to manage environments both in the cloud and on premises and how do they do that? how do they find the software that they need? how can aws help in may of 2022 aws consulted with forrester consulting. commissioned a study. we wanted to understand what is the trend and the emergence of online marketplaces. and what we found is that today's top business priorities require organizations to be responsive to customer needs. they need to be agile to change and resilient in the face of risk to do this. organizations need to access the right software and data. at the right time, overwhelmingly, 85% of procurement decision makers are turning to online marketplaces to improve business agility and speed the procurement process for cloud software and data. this this res the respondents here show that 48% found online marketplaces made it easier to implement the right level of governance and control. 5 45% saw more trusted data through online marketplaces. 43% noted better vendor quality and also about 40% experience faster procurement. this means shorter sale cycles for partners and nearly 70% of survey respondents noted that their organization does not have enough staffing with their risk compliance functions. and 76% said that organizations lack the subject matter knowledge to effectively manage risk.

so how does aws marketplace help with this? at aws, as i mentioned before, everything starts with the customer needs and we work back from that. it's how we decide what to build, where to invest and how to innovate. we hear from our customers rarely that they want to help. they want help with finding products. ad os marketplace offers a broad selection of products from vendors. you can trust giving your organization access to it, infrastructure, software like security and dev ops tools, business applications, data sets in solutions addressing industry use cases.

customers who purchase on aws marketplace benefit from features that make procurement fast and cost effective. we enable customers to accelerate modernization with new approaches to their software supply chain. customers need to enhance governance and control and they're managing a growing cloud infrastructure and need to minimize their risk exposure as they adopt new third party tools. we were the first marketplace to launch features that ensure end users purchase from pre approved vendors and we've launched features that help administrators consolidate license tracking and management in one place.

we talked a bit about why customers are seeing values with aws marketplace. but let's also address the value and benefit of marketplace to partners isv and channel aws marketplace is the preferred vehicle for b to b software transactions. what does that mean for partners? it means that it's a default mechanism for cos selling with aws. so we talked a little bit about how do we scale partners business. how do we use the aws field to help align partners to reach more customers? aws marketplace is the key to making that happen. we align benefits with customers and with the field teams, we help customers find products within marketplace. we give them confidence that the products that are available in the marketplace are secure and can be easily deployed. and the right solution for them, we continue to make investments and provide, provide you with additional levers that you can pull to deliver both revenue growth through joint business success and through scale aws is to scale the pace it does by implementing tools, programs and platforms that help you expand your global reach, increase business performance and profitability and to do this the most simple efficient manner that delivers the best partner experience possible.

here's some more of the 80 marketplace value for partners dill acceleration. we wanna help streamline the procurement process for customers. so customers that have purchased through aws marketplace are it's easier for them to purchase new products from the aws marketplace. so one of the first questions your sales team should ask customers when they're engaging with an opportunity with aws is has your customer procured through marketplace before that will help align your field teams with the aws field teams. and it also helps align for uh deal acceleration, aligns for scale. when your company adopts marketplace and puts the operations in place, it becomes a repeatable process at aws. we're always looking at how do we help scale? how do we help do more with less? how do we help our partners scale their business as well? finally grow your business? i sbs that develop in coal, develop a coal motion with aws have seen increased, seen increases in breadth and depth of customer engagement. our data provides insights to target the right customer and allows customer flexible, flexible payment options with our flexible payment scheduler.

so on this side, we're talking a bit about cos selling with aws. so with cos selling with aws, aws is not a demand gen it, it is not uh a source of new opportunities in aws. we're always working backwards from the customer problem. so our field teams are trained to first understand what is the customer problem and how can aws help and when partners are approaching the solution that with a customer, the same way, we're aligned in cos selling efforts. so at aws, we find that cos selling with partners is the best strategy for helping customers find the best solution. aws has hundreds of services and thousands of partners. so how does the typical aws filled sales rep position services and solutions? the easy answer is, you know, they don't, they work backwards from the customer problem. the spill team is trained to listen to the customer and understand the problem that needs to be solved. we asked partners to do the same thing, listen to customers and how can your solution best address the needs. how can you help educate the aws field teams so that they understand how to work closely with your customer? we find that partners see the most success when you've already identified a customer and you reach out to our field teams to figure out how we can give the confidence to the customer that deploying it on aws is gonna be the best solution for the problem they're trying to solve.

no side. we're gonna talk a little bit about the a ds marketplace value for isvs. so in 2022 ad commissioned a study with forrester to understand what benefits isvs are seeing from the marketplace. and what we found is that 81% reported that they reach their ro i was achieved in a year. they had 80% richer deal sizes, 27% higher win rates and 40% sales faster sale cycles. as a result of this, what we're seeing in aws marketplace is sass sales nearly doubled in 2022 and sellers sold billions of dollars of sass products at aws and marketplace. in 2022 we're hearing overwhelmingly from our customers that online marketplaces is a trend that they're gonna continue in the future. so we're making investments in aws marketplace to help our partners reach more customers.

there's a variety of reasons for customers choosing uh marketplace includes access to it. um so by any reasons that partners are choosing to transact through marketplace, one is that, that's where their customers are going, but also access to existing funding mechanisms and helping align with the aws fi team's compensation, the ability to cosell with aws and our partners and to expand reach and access. in addition to simplifying the contracting and procurement process sharing here, some feedback that we received from channel partners.

so a lot of what i shared on the previous side was from isb partners. but we've also heard feedback from channel partners as well. ad bs marketplace works with isv and channel partners to help deliver software. many of our isp partners have long standing relationships with their channel and aws marketplace supports that through channel private offers. in 2022 we saw over 2000 channel partners have signed up to transact on the aws marketplace.

so this is a bit about aws marketplace by the numbers. this is just to show that, you know, we're seeing tremendous growth especially in the last few years and we want to help enable our partners to reach more customers in line with our field. teams. partners are reporting an 8 75% reduction in on boarding 66% time savings due to procurement efficiencies and 10% drop in licensing costs. all the benefits discussed culminates on the numbers above. there are more than 330,000 customers worldwide who are using aws marketplace to find, subscribe and deploy software for more than 4000 isb sellers and 2000 channel partners around the world. with the catalog of over 15,000 product listings. our customers have over 2.5 million active active subscriptions with aws marketplace.

there's a lot of numbers but the proof is in the numbers. customers find value in procuring software through aws marketplace. we're now gonna pass it off to the customer and partner portion of the discussion. i'd like to introduce mike viola from nasdaq and vikram koa from cosi.

thank you. thank you rachel for rachel. hi, everybody. my name is vikram kia. i work for koh. koh is a leader in a i powered data security and data management solution. we help customers protect secure and get insights from their workloads across the edge on prem and the cloud. and we also protect our customers data from cyber security attacks. uh i'm joined on stage by uh kiste customer, uh mike viola from nasdaq. mike. do you want to introduce yourself?

thanks, vikram. yes. hi, i'm uh part of the nasdaq enterprise architecture group. i've been at nasdaq for a few decades and very much involved with the strategic relationship we have with a lot of our vendors, our partners. in addition to that, i have some uh work at our headquarters. our, i don't know if anyone's ever been to our times square studio, but we have a lot of content there, event space and there's a lot going on there and sometimes our strategic partnerships really enjoy coming. uh and then last but not least i run the nasdaq house band. uh yes, that is a band and it's all nasdaq employees. uh last year we played at re invent in the f si welcome party. and that was a lot of fun and it's also a lot of fun to bring our partners together when we do things like that.

thank you. and what mike didn't mention is he's a drummer in the band. uh so maybe we can start off with, um by telling, do you mind sharing with audience on why you selected khi?

sure. so we really needed a modern backup and data management solution for our employees. and the, the company, the last thing you want in your corporate systems is mail to have any sort of a problem, could shut, it, could shut you down. so we looked very hard at the options that we had, we evaluated cos and they did a great job. we needed the date resilience. we needed the ransomware protection that they offered. and we also were able to convince our tech teams that it was a really cool product. so it was very modern way for us to manage our data. so it, it worked out really well and still working out well.

well, i'm glad you're a satisfied go customer. um you purchased goi from the aws marketplace. is that right?

that's right. um how, how easy was that transaction for nasdaq?

well, it, it was not always easy to do that. there's a lot of corporate software that gets in the way and sometimes you're a little bit isolated. but the using the marketplace, account team and the buttons, i have a finance person out there somewhere that, that agreed that there's a button you push and it works. ok. and um, it's a very simple process and worked out well.

wonderful. and what were some of the benefits that, um, nasdaq saw from purchasing co through the aws marketplace versus other, other traditional routes to market?

well, the, the reporting, the analysis, the awareness that we have of what is coming and how that process works and having an additional team verify that it worked was very good for us. that that helped.

wonderful. um and what was some of the key learnings you had that you would like to share with some of the other partners in the audience and the values too. i'm gonna get to some of the values. uh so the awareness that we have, one of the things that i do is i manage a lot of the relationships with some of the vendors, we work with having the aws marketplace team telling me what's going on in that world. it's just an extension of our network. so you learn more about your company through the eyes of others. um there's also a financial benefit that we gain through our contract, we have our commit obligation. and this funnels right into that and helps us reach our commit. and there's a strategic benefit that i enjoy very much. and actually the band benefits from it too because aws marketplace and nasdaq have teamed up building networking events and we get to meet a lot of vendors new and existing that we really enjoy partnering with. and it creates a great experience for everybody. and as far as the learnings that it, it's important when using the marketplace that you take advantage of the marketplace account team, i meet monthly with them and we talk about all the things that are coming up and things that i didn't know were coming up and maybe they didn't know what were coming up. so it's a, it's a good way to get the awareness within your teams. also, it's also important to let your vendors and your partners know ahead of time that this particular transaction is going through the marketplace, right? because you have a relationship with your vendors. and you know, that's important to you regardless of which side of the transaction you're on. and if all of a sudden the week before you execute an order, oh, it's going through marketplace that may not, you know, be the best way for them to know about that. so i just recommend do that early and then everybody's on the same page.

that's wonderful. and then the other learning is make sure you're in a band so you can tie it with the aws marketplace. that's always good.

so it's the ease of this transacting through the marketplace that's caused cos to increase our marketplace business over two weeks in the last year and next year, we think we'll grow our revenue even more through the market place.

one last question, mike does nasdaq plan to do more transactions through the aws marketplace?

absolutely. yes, we're going to meet with our team again next month.

wonderful. i would like to now invite sha and rachel to talk more about marketplace benefits for partners and for customers.

thank you, mike and vikram nasdaq and khi for sharing your experiences with aws marketplace. we all also just heard rachel talk about the many benefits that marketplace has to offer for our customers and for our partners. i'll go through some of the benefits from the perspective of features that we offer with marketplace benefits for our customers choice. our customers want choice. they want to avail of the benefits of marketplace, but they also want to hold on to the relationships that they have built over the years with channel partners, solution providers, distributors. we give them that choice. we give them that choice through channel partner, private offers, solution provider, private offers, distributed seller of record programs. our customers look for a broad selection of products and solutions. they previously looked to marketplace for their infrastructure procurement needs, security storage dev ops tools. they're now also looking to marketplace for business applications, machine learning models, data sets and industry specific solutions. through our vast catalog of over 15,000 listings, we provide them this broad selection of products and solutions from our partners that our customers can trust.

trust security is number one priority for us at aws. as well as with marketplace, we evaluate every single product before it gets listed on marketplace. and we continuously scan our catalog for vulnerabilities, streamline risk assessments. now, once our customers have found what they are looking for and are ready to make a procurement. we streamline risk assessments for them. risk assessment is an important aspect of any procurement journey and we streamline it for them through a feature that we call vendor insights with vendor insights. our customers can search and filter for products that not just satisfy their build and business needs but also satisfy the security and compliance criteria for their organization through vendor insights. we make evidence collection and validation. a breeze. customers easily save 8 to 10 weeks in their procurement and risk assessment cycle using vendor insights. customers also do not need to rely on manual checks on an annual basis anymore. they simply need to sign up for alerts and they will be notified when any product that they procure through marketplace changes, their security or or compliance posture, simplified procurement. we have the feature called standardized marketplace contracts. we built this feature with a lot of help from our community, our community of partners and customers using standardized contracts. our customers no longer need to pull in their legal teams for every single transaction for every single product and partner. they can use this one single template for contracting across a plethora of partners. if they come through marketplace, over half the products in our marketplace catalog are already leveraging standardized contracts for their public facing us centralized governance. we continue to invest in centralized governance for our customers. vendor insights is a perfect example. private marketplaces. customers can set up a private marketplace for their organization where they only include products in the catalog that are pre approved by their procurement teams. this way, builders and business people within the organization are only procuring and deploying pre-approved software. this greatly reduces chances of shadow it. then we have license management using license management capabilities. our customers can distribute licenses for software that they have procured through marketplace. they can make sure to distribute these licenses only to approved users within the organization. we also have cloud trail integration and now we are bringing all of this together with the launch that we just recently announced the single pane of glass dashboard for our buyers using the single pane of glass organizations within the buyer company can view their usage, their costs, their subscription activity across the organization all through one single dashboard for this and many other reasons. customers are continuously looking to marketplace for their procurement needs and this value for our customers in turn becomes value for our partners.

customers discover partners and their solutions through marketplace through people and through the product. they leverage marketplace to build relationships with these partners and start the procurement journey with them. and discovery is an important part of that journey. we are continuously looking to make more and more investments in improving discovery for our customers. they're investing in search engine optimization. so partner solutions within marketplace and the product details page become more visible through search engine results. we are investing in in context discovery and transactions through aws service consoles. so partner solutions can be found and transacted by the highest intent buyers. we think this will greatly in um increase the chances of conversion. we are also looking for meaningful ways for our customers to be able to evaluate and explore products in marketplace. sas free trials is one example. and in line with this intent, we would like to continue to invest in ways where our customers can reach our partners and request for demos, request for private offers. we think this will will create a lot of strong leads for our partners.

api is an integration with a ps and integration. we want our is vs our channel partners, distributors and strategic partners to be able to build websites to sell our marketplace products not only on the marketplace surface but on other surfaces, but using our technology this way is svs are assured that they are still conducting business with aws and leveraging the same benefits that they would otherwise get from marketplace. this also greatly increases reach for our partners. and what this does for marketplace is it changes marketplace from a single venue website to a multi venue website. we want our is svs to be able to sell their solutions on their websites using our technology. so they are in complete control of conversion. we want our channel partners, distributors that specialize in specific industries to be able to build their own marketplaces using our technology such that they can tailor products specific to those industry needs. we will continue to make more investments in a ps beyond just discovery into transactions. so we have more and more websites beyond just the aws marketplace website, bona experienced transformation through partner experience, transformation. we are making several enhancements to our partner experiences.

one of the key things that we are also doing with this is we are bringing partner central and marketplace experiences closer together so our partners can find all of their business information in one place and we're doing this with the right amount of data, access permissions and policies, new and existing partners and marketplace sellers can connect their partner central and marketplace accounts and associated users. partners can start billing, publishing their offering and continue to create a marketplace listing all within the partner central experience. so there's one unified listing for their coal and their marketplace transactions for our partners who leverage ace for coal and marketplace for transactions. we've implemented what we call the marketplace engagement score. partners can leverage this score to see the likelihood that a customer will convert will will procure solutions through marketplace. and partners can use this to focus their efforts on those customers that have a high likelihood of conversion. Here is the remaining transcript formatted:

we are also integrating private offers with ace opportunities to help with program benefits. like um like is we accelerate and sales people get automatically compensated with this integration. these are just the key themes that i'm calling out, but we have several other launches that we have had over the past few months. uh we've expanded vendor insights to include many more compliances, uh like fed ramp and pc i. we now enable partners to configure and get this burst on a daily basis if required. we have expanded flexible payment schedules. so partners can extend private offers to customers who are not just on invoicing terms, customers could be using any supported aws payment instruments and then we have the agreements and renewals dashboard. our partners can look up those dashboards, see which subscriptions are coming to an expiration and start planning for their renewals.

it's been an exciting journey for us since the time that we launched marketplace in 2012 for the most comprehensive set of procurement options, product types and capabilities. we continue to serve our partners and our customers and we want to keep going for many, many years. it is still day one. uh so please join us on our journey. please visit our booth booth number 430 where you will get to see a lot of cool demos from marketplace. we are also rachel myself, mike and vikram. we are gonna be available out in the lobby after the session in case you have any questions for us. we are happy to answer those one on one and thank you. thank you all.





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