Establishing a modernization CCoE

Good morning, everyone. Happy Friday. I hope everyone's doing well and has had a good week so far - learned something, seen some exciting announcements, and had a chance to network.

This morning, what we'd like to talk through is establishing a modernization cloud center of excellence. Myself and my colleague are both enterprise architects at AWS. We work with partners across the world in building out things like CCoE capabilities.

We also have my colleague Yogesh, who is a modernization focused partner solution architect. And as well, we'll be bringing on stage one of our colleagues from a PN partner, Crayon.

So why do we care about modernization and why are we here today? There's an often quoted stat from Gartner that by 2026, 75% of businesses will be looking at a digital transformation journey. This provides a massive opportunity for modernization and for partners helping to deliver modernization.

By building out your modernization capability and scaling it with a CCoE or cloud center of excellence, you can capture this opportunity while supporting customers.

Let's start with modernization and set the scene. We know business needs are evolving - companies are looking for increased agility and improvements away from legacy architectures and systems. This may be led to a change in business strategy, where leaders want innovation and transformation to remain competitive.

I think if we take modernization as the use of modern technology to increase agility by focusing on modernizing applications, infrastructure, data, and outdated processes, we can present a better customer experience and deliver higher business value.

Often with modernization projects, quantifying the value created isn't clearly defined. Using the AWS Cloud Value Framework and its five metrics, we can quantify additional value gained through modernization - reduced TCO, increased staff productivity, enhanced operational resilience, positive sustainability impact, and increased business agility. It's not all just money - there are other benefits we should quantify.

So why is modernization important for PN partners and people here today? We know partners help customers accelerate key projects across verticals and horizontals. By combining your expertise with modernization skills and capabilities, you can enhance the transformations customers want to meet their desired outcomes. This is a chance to increase revenue streams and work on long-term opportunities.

Let's think about a standard approach to modernization - the Modernization Pathways. These are prescriptive guidance from AWS to enable outcomes by providing guidance on mapping applications to AWS services via methodologies, guidance, tooling and proven patterns.

They are battle tested, scalable, repeatable, and provide a templated approach to engage customers. You can have repeatable, scalable processes while delivering faster, more consistent experiences.

The pathways focus on replatforming and rearchitecting applications. Modernization can be complex and require custom engagements, but the pathways provide a template.

Our advice is don't try to be an expert in all six - focus on where your skills match customer needs. Start with just two or three that are most relevant.

The pathways include:

  • Move to cloud native - Change architecture and infrastructure towards more cloud native approaches like containerization, event driven architectures, serverless, and AWS managed services.

  • Move to containers - Containerize existing applications and move them to managed container services like Amazon ECS and AWS Fargate.

  • Move to managed databases - Reduce overhead by moving to AWS managed databases. Also modernize to the right database engine for the data type.

  • Move to open source - Move from proprietary to open source databases or modernize .NET apps to open source frameworks.

  • Managed analytics - Focus on data lakes, real time analytics, data warehouses with AWS managed services.

  • Move to modern DevOps - Define infrastructure as code, CI/CD pipelines, reduce time to push features, consistency, and reduce deployment risks.

Let's look at a sample project using multiple pathways:

  • Business needs - reduce TCO, increase operational efficiency, consistency across environments

  • Current app - Java/WebSphere, Oracle DB

  • Approach:

    • Move to containers - Amazon ECS and Fargate

    • Move to managed DB - Amazon RDS

    • Move to modern DevOps - Infrastructure as code, CI/CD pipelines

This reduces TCO, makes it easier to manage, and enables consistency across environments.

So that's some background on the pathways and how to approach modernization. Next my colleague Yogesh will talk about building modernization practices.

Now, the next step is go to the market.

Now market, you are ready for the market, amazing then create some opportunity. But how does you create the opportunity? Because again, if you say that we are good in all of the pathways or we are just good in containers that may help, that may not help. But if you have some GTM alignment, go to market alignment. So probably that will help invent some market traction.

What do I mean by that? So for example, if any partner says that we can modernize the core banking solution and these are our sales play and this is our go to market offering. So any banking, any financial institution will be really interested to hear. How do you modernize the core banking solution? So likewise, you can have some go to market some offerings which will help.

Now you are at the customer side, you are on the sales side, you are talking to customers now but then you talk to customer first step is to create the business case. Do the assessment. How do we do the assessment of modernization for migration assessment is pretty straightforward, you scan the entire inventory, you know my CP utilization memory utilization. You say that I can convert this 100 VMs into 102. This is the size of my EC2 which is fine.

But for modernization, you need to go deep into the application level, dependency. Well, you need to go at the component level. So how to do that? So we have different mechanisms for the same, we have tooling with our IP partners. For example, CAST, we Functionize that there are many and then also we have modernization assessment which is from AWS and there are migration, evaluators and AWS services as well, which again, we will talk in a bit, then we create the business case.

And again, how do we create a business case? How does the business case look like? What are the key things to be taken care in business case? We will again uh uh discuss, then eventually you will do the mobilize and delivery. But then we are not talking about one project, two projects. We are talking about hundreds of projects which you are going to do in next many years. So how do you scale up? So the scaling we will be having the CCE which is Center of Excellence, which will be covered by my colleague Lalit.

So does this journey look interesting? Yeah. So go, let's go deep into it. And is this the only way? Is this the only way to achieve modernization practice? Maybe, maybe not. But then we tested these steps with 40 partners in a PJ in 2023 and we got tremendous results. So yeah, let's go.

So first step is the pathway alignment. So we have created a framework on a T2A2T tool where MRCrA is hosted. You already are aware of robbery of A2T tool wherein you get the BMSL workshop, which is the questionnaire across each of the pathway. And it will help you identify the maturity and the capability against each of the pathway.

So for example, you may get a score of four out of five in containers, three out of five in database, two out of five will say analytics, for example. So you know what are your strengths and what are the areas of improvement across each of the pathways you may need to work upon? Then not only that this is the consistent way to measure consistent framework globally, to measure the maturity and the capability across different pathways.

And also you will get the tailored custom prescriptive guidance as the output of this analysis. So once your PMS conduct this workshop with yourself, so they will give you the detailed plan of action. What should be your next plan of action for the next six months? So that's quite interesting part. And also you will be able to focus on your region specific industry demands. The PMSA will guide you accordingly and accordingly. It will help you in creation of your practice creation.

Now, more on this one discuss in PE 305, which was the session before this. But in case you miss that session, you can probably watch the recording later on. Yeah, no enablement part for the technical aspect, technical aspect, we know that in skills builder, there are 600 plus courses which are there, which could be quite overwhelming.

So we have indexed, curated the courses into this specific pathway. So for example, if i say that i want to build skills containers, so i will, i will get to see all of the move to container courses in which sequence i need to do. What is the complexity of each courses is the duration, whether it is paid, whether it is free. So you've got the complete index curated list of courses across each of the pathways.

So that will help you to do these courses easily in the offline way. And definitely your technical colleagues can take the benefit out of it for the business part of it, enabling the seller part of it. We are creating the partner seller handbook which we will share later on, it will still work in progress. But uh i will also cover some part of it uh uh in some time. Yeah.

So this is from the technical perspective. Yeah. No. Again, the first stage was to alignment with the pathway. Second part failed was the technical enablement and the business enablement we discuss about the technical enablement.

Now, the next part is to activate the practice or create the practice. How do you create the practice? Well, first of all, at the partner level or as an organization level, you need to have your executive alignment. You need to have strong justification why you really want to build the practice. After all, it's a considerable investment of your time and resources to build the practice, right? And unless you are fully convinced yourself how you will convince the customer.

Second aspect of it is that how do you decide on which pathway you want to build the practice? Right? One way is that you can identify your dominant pathway, that is one way. But the second thing is probably you may want to see a region specific industry demands and trends say ANZ has supposed huge requirement for the data. So probably you may, it makes sense that if you are an AN partner, so you may want to on that.

So based on you may get access to the report from IDC Gartner and various other reports. Understand the industry demand and trend in your region, see which are the huge requirement and of course your capability which we have discussed before and then you can decide on which part you want to build the practice upon and get the return on investment and business case done at the organization level and then define the key metrics for the success.

What will be the best metric that you have really developed a strong modernization, competency of practice? Probably you are getting some opportunities in market. Yeah, that could be one of the key metric. That is one good metric, but that is not the only metric, probably uh how skilled your people are or how many GTMs you have created. Probably those could be another metric.

So make sure we only prove the things which we can measure. So if we define the key role and success metrics now enabling, the practice starts with the again, training and enablement, training and enablement. I'm repeating myself. It's not only technical business enablement and then creation of some modernization offering modernization offerings.

For example, you may probably build the offering which can modernize your containers from one platform to another platform seamlessly. Probably you can build some automation like that. So there are numerous things which could be done now or say then when you have built this modernization offerings, you have got enough skills.

So it's always a good idea to validate your success with the help of AWS APN program. Maybe gain some S competency, DevOps competency ES competency. We have service specific competency and as mentioned by Ruba in her keynote that 74% of customers actually try to see whether you have AWS validations or those competency or not. So definitely that will help you.

Now coming to the selling part of it while building the modernization practice again, if you are too generic, probably it may not cut the ice. What I mean to say if you have a specific go to market offering, that really helps a lot. So for example, you say that I am a partner who can modernize the Salesforce easily into the AWS and we have a well defined sales play for the same and we have done for the four customers already, probably any customer who are having the same point point, which of course they may be having because they are if using the same technology that so probably that may bring some interest here.

Having the well defined GTL strategy is really helpful. And then coming up with the AWS, with the selling, joint selling and capturing the value when you say the building relationship with AWS. So you are getting support in terms of accelerator technical support, business support. And of course the MAP funding which is available at your disposal based on the requirement. So this is the way you build the modernization practice.

Awesome. So what next? No, the quest for modernization is never ending because your customer will always seek uh try to seek the competitive advantage in the market. So this is what is directed by this business value flywheel.

So step one is to generate the customer interest. You are talking to the customer for the first time. So how do you generate the interest? Probably you can use the known research data, you can use the modernization first call, which we will be providing you during the boot camp or otherwise as well. So you will say that you will get 30% agility, 40% to improvement. So probably that will generate uh some customer interest consumer will say, ok, that looks sound, that sounds like pretty good on paper. But can you give me some little bit more details about as for my application? My requirement.

Yeah, so you have done the initial customer interest, you have generated that. But then the next step is to define the project scope and the KPI so you probably go do some assessment of their application maybe with the help of IV2 link with the MODA which we will again talk in detail. So you uh basically create the project. Uh KPIs, so what this KPIs it should be from the top down. What do I mean by that? It should be business driven.

So to be honest, CEOs doesn't care on which platform their applications are running as long as they are getting the desired business result in the specified time bound manner. Yeah. So for example, if it's a payment application and they have the requirement that 90% of the payment should be processed under two seconds. So if you say that our KPI will be that 99% of your payments will be processed under one second and this will be the throughput we will support probably that will help.

So those will be the projects cope and the KPIs which you will like, which you will create

Then the next stage will be give the partner the proposal and the solution decision. So you will give the directional business case to partner. Uh you will give the directional uh uh detailed business case to the partner and the customer and then eventually you will be able to uh suggest how you are going to achieve the desired goals and then realize the business value for the actual customer.

Yeah, you will deliver the project, you will do the proof of concept. And here, while I'm saying, you can also liberate the mod xeb a for the same to do some quick will to do some proof of concept. Again, if you don't know much about mod xeb a, we have the vehicle link for the same which we will share. Now you can leverage many accelerators and once the business value is delivered to a customer, you have earned their trust. And then again, this journey continues probably now you may want to pick up the second application or you want to pick up the what could be the next because there will be never the end state modernization.

So if you are running on ec2, probably eks is a way of modernization, then you say that we can move to ecs then from ecl to surveillance. So this is not that this is the end state, we are fully modernized. It's all done in the state. There will never be such situation, at least in the near future i can see. So yeah, now how does this sales funnel look like?

Again, engage the customer, how do you engage the customer leverage the first call de excite the customer that uh this will be the outcome and this will be your uh modernized aws workload. Look like and this is the way you will get all those benefits, then you evaluate their application. When you engage the customer, it is at very high level, very generic, which is probably applicable for the entire world. But then once you do the application evaluation, it is probably focused on the customer's application only, isn't it? And then build the directional business case.

So when you build the directional business case, you tell them that this will be your total cost of saving ownership, saving, this will be your agility, this will be your time to market. And then eventually you will create a detailed business case. How much it will cost, what will be the time and effort, how to create the business case. We have a dedicated, dedicated section on the same. So this is how the overall sales owners look like.

Now we do understand the assessment for modernization is different from the migration level assessment. Yeah, so one way is the modernization assessment which is ma which is already there on a two t tool again where you conduct the workshop with the customer and uh eventually uh you get some data, you see what is the application devos practices, software development, life cycle and create the target architecture. But one limitation with mota is that it is for every application you have to repeat it. But for many, you need to do the portfolio level analysis.

For example, you need to scan the entire inventory. You say i have 100 tomcat server, 200 oracle server, 300 sql server, how to modernize that part. So for that, we have evaluated 13 is a partner tools across 37 different use cases. So now how to make decision, which tool is better in which situation? So we have solved that problem for you a bit. So you can then filter down based on the scale that these are the top three or four best tools which i can leverage and then accordingly you can take the discussion further. And this way you can focus only on your strength rather than doing the inventory analysis.

And the other part, now this part demands a dedicated selection, how to articulate the business value of modernization projects. Not here. If i'm talking about two step modernization, suppose customer have already moved their data center to aws ec2. Now you say them that let's move this issue two to eks. What do you think? Or how will it save their monthly bill a lot? Maybe. Yes, maybe not. Or if i say that if i factor all my application move to serve will will it save my monthly bill? Maybe? Yes, maybe not too much. Because when you move to serve, you are introducing additional component, your architecture like api gateway, which probably you are not using.

So if you talk only in terms of the infrastructure cost or the workload cost, it may not help but when you say that your monthly bill will still remain with $100 per month, for example, but your time to market will reduce from 100 days to 40 days. Your depth to production will come down from 100 days to 40 days. You will be able to launch your service much faster. That makes sense. Yeah, or if you say your operational cost and the monthly security costs and other costs will reduce drastically. So the true tco is not only the infrastructure and workload costs, it's about inclusive of the time to market costs, new future development costs and also the operation and maintenance costs. And when you build all those feature things into the business scales, then probably it will make any sell for customer. Yeah. And then you are aligned to the business goal.

Come up with the detailed approach. Now, this is important. You are saying back to customer that we are on the point a, we need to go to point b. You need to tell them how you will go to point b. What are the various stages? What are the various steps for the same and propose the next step?

Now, uh here at this stage, i would like to invite my colleague, lilith who will discuss that, how to scale this entire mechanism with the help of ccoe good morning, everyone. Um thank you, steve and uh josh for sharing the insightful opportunities with our partners in the modernization, space uh through years of experience working with our consulting partner, aws partner or has identified some successful criteria and identified the behavior of our most successful partners. Our partnership has grown drastically and much faster way when there is a very well established cloud center of excellence in scaling the cloud practice.

My name is lalit. I'm an enterprise architect at aws. I'm here to walk through with you how you can establish a well establish ac ce and scale your a cloud practice. Before we start uh talking about the c ce let's discuss some of the challenges our customers are experiencing. Uh you will really uh we really need to address these challenges. Um and we have seen that many of these challenges are almost similar across all the customers as well.

We'll start from the top right hand side 1st, 1st challenges around vision and strategy roadmap because we are not aligned with the business rules. What customer is looking for with this cloud strategy, they might merely start it as start building the cloud capabilities but not able to get that advantage of what they want to achieve it and end goal because we are not aligned with their business. So we won't be able to deliver that business value when we are starting it, this cloud journey, it might be merely a technology initiative. Only effective adoption is a very key there.

They might not have enough adequate cloud knowledge where partner ecosystem will come and help them to build that cloud knowledge. And the application teams might not be able to employ the industry best practices because they don't have the expertise in that and different parts within the organization might be driving different initiative and trying to explore different aw services and they might be duplicating the efforts as well. And partners can really come and help it out.

Security and compliance platform is the biggest challenge. These partners are right now facing it because there are industry standards, there are specific organization level standards. There, there are some regulatory requirements that needs to be implemented and they are not aware of how to implement those end to end there. So there are automated guardrails behind that where partners do have expertise and can build those capabilities to address those challenges.

The last one is efficient execution when we are delivering the project correct, we are not hand holding the customer end to end how they are going to operate it. When they are, they have migrated their workload or modernization. their workload on boarding support is really important because the standard operating procedures might change it because it will not work in the same way as like it is working in on premises there.

They don't know how to optimize the cost. They don't know which are the right tools they need to use it to do that. Organization change management is another factor because business daily operations teams all needs to be aligned it as well because it might be a bigger change for them when we are modernization those applications.

Now we have gone through the challenges. Now let us discuss how what partners needs to do national needs to do, to address those challenges. The first we are looking for our partners to they are looking for a trusted cloud adoption advisor. So we are expecting our partners to build a form of cc. This will help you to establish the best practices across the delivery team and the customers as well identify the key modernization lighthouse workload to migrate onto the aws under the ccu umbrella. This is really important. You need to identify the project which you want to migrate it under the ccu umbrella.

Uh we will go back into that a little bit later there as well. Uh you need a driving force next level from the ccx level to support these initiatives so that we know what is their vision in the long term, what we are going to achieve it is we will be building the reasonable repeatable assets, reference architectures, prescriptive guidance, how we are going to mitigate the risk when we are delivering the project for the customers community building and enablement is really important.

We need to upskill our team. We need to have advocates within our organizations who can go and learn uh automate the things can guide our partners from end to end transformation journey also, we need to also federate the c ce functions and scale the impact as well might be look at centralize some of the functions like security risk auditing and then even the billing function together.

Uh most of the time partner asked this question and share their challenges how they can start with the cco journey and establish a successful result oriented cco. There, there are three fundamental tasks to establish the c ce. So first character six, we need to look at the form the team with the key characteristics. The team should be very experimental driven. They should be able to learn from the failures and it rate very quickly as well. They should be able to take the bold decision and not too afraid of the status quo as well. It should be result oriented. They can take the idea from the audition phase to the successful implementation of the project as well. It should be customer focused. If you are not solving the customer problem, we need to build the cc that should be the aim over here and they should be able to influence, they can scale their old skills through that continuous learning as well because technology is evolving every day, we are announcing the new services, new capabilities. So team should be good, capable enough, able to learn and then pass that messaging and build the solutions around that as well.

Q establish a lighthouse, modernization workload. You need to identify the project to deliver. under this issue, i talked about previously as well focus on a high value, relatively small project. But it should be a very important project because that will be your guiding project, that you will be iterating it to deliver multiple projects for different customers moving forward. Because cc a team can help to develop uh apply and document those all the best practices when they are delivering this project. These are the standards and they need to build it as part of the evolving framework as well

Try to avoid one of the project. You might get one of the project which is very unique, but you can't, you can't expect the similar sort of project coming from the different customers as well. Don't do execute that project under the umbrella. So just avoid it off. So you need to pick up the right project with the right size so that that can be delivered in the right duration.

I usually recommend to have the project to be delivered under the history between 3 to 6 months. Uh that should be a good range of the time duration. Try to use the metrics to show the measurable outcome for that project as well. How many repeatable and usable assets you have created under the CC umbrella for that project? And how many service catalog items you have created it. For example, infrastructure as a code automation for a landing zone are the few examples.

Leadership support is really very important. When you are setting up the CC, you need to communicate the vision from top to the down there because there will be development leads, there will be operational leads, who will know what your expectations when they be part of your CC team there. You need to set the goals for the team. What is the expected value? What is the expected outcome? You are looking for it? You need to move as much as to the cloud native as well so that you know what you want from your business in the next 3 to 5 years as part of it. And you need to also keep in keep the pace of technology as you are evolving there and make sure you maintain the accountability for each individual within the CC. What are their KPs might be aligned with their performance goals by the end of the year as well?

When the team initially start developing or modernizing the application uh might be on serverless containers. A lot of questions comes from the customer uh which, which is the right AWS services. Uh for this particular scenario, there is no right and wrong answer that because each application differ from each other, the role of CCO is to work with all these teams to establish the best practices so that we can answer those questions to the customer in very well mannered there.

So for example, what is our strategy for DES how we are going to modernize the application. What are the security and guardrails that we are going for the loosely coupled application and architecture there? So when we are establishing the operation principle, best practice in guardrails, for example, you have selected for one of the modernization pathway. These are the eight key areas where we need to keep it in mind for end to end transformation of that project.

So how you are going to implement the best security practice, how you are going to monitor and logging it there? What will be the devo strategy C I CD pipeline looks like how you manage the cost for the end customer, which are the tools you are going to use it. What will be the testing strategy and tools that you are going to test the workload because now you're running it on prem when you migrate onto the cloud, you might be having a different tools there. How you're going to do the unit test, integration testing, performance, testing, operation, readiness testing is really very important because you, you will be validating whether how the workload will behave, the application will behave when it's got migrated to AWS.

Community building is really important. You need to have a evangelist within your team who are keep on innovating, learning the new things and advocating for that and talking to the customer in that manner, create those architecture patterns. Database transformation is also very key sometimes uh you have a bigger databases, how you are going to migrate it, how you are going to modernize it, how much time it will take to transfer the data from source to that target system as well.

So partner do ask, what is the expected outcome as we evolve with the CCO as well. So my answer is always uh building the repeatable and reusable assets is not a one time exercise. You need to keep on leveraging the well architected framework FT I checklist. And as a guiding principle there, you need to communicate your success by the metrics. What is the advantage of delivering the project? What is the advantage you took it with the auto mission earlier, we were delivering the same project in seven days with the auto mission. Can we deliver the same outcome in one day or not? So we trade with every pilot project and see how you can leverage these assets, share the success with your tangible outcomes, outcomes and metrics to share with the customer and make sure you are capturing all the lessons learned from each of the project as well, which is really important and look at the next project to improve, further, try to get better outcome every time with every TR and this will help you to make much more profitable as well, which is your end goal as well, build the community internal evangelist as well. So you keep on evolving over there with this.

Uh I will hand over to one of our AWS partner Crayon who have built successfully the CCOE and uh I would like to invite Gokul on to the stage.

Now a very good morning to all of you. My name is Gokul. I'm an AWS Ambassador, community builder and also the Global AWS Services Lead at Crayon. So Crayon is a premier tier AWS services partner who helps its customers build the commercial and technical foundation for a successful and secure cloud first digital transformation journey.

Today, I'm here to talk for a few minutes about our success in establishing the CCOE. So Crayon typically envisioned the CCOE journey in alignment with the best practices of AWS.

Identify the need for CC - Crayon always had this vision and strategy of accelerating cloud adoption for its customers in the form of cloud strategy, cloud migration, cloud modernization and also cloud managed services. At the same time, Creon also had this goal of delivering the highest quality of service to its customers, irrespective of whom they contact at Creon or which part of the globe they speak to because we are close to 50 subsidiaries.

Defining the CC - Typically, we did this in three different ways. One is acceleration, continuous improvement and modernization. So by acceleration, what we mean is creation of repeatable and reusable IP assets which Lalit was also talking about. So this is really the undifferentiated heavy lifting that a partner like Crayon can do for its customers delivering this at a lower cost to the customers. And at the same time, saving time for Crayon to build these repeatable assets. Next is continuous improvement. What we mean here is enabling each of our subsidiaries globally to constantly build on these assets so that they can go to the market easily to their local customers. And finally, modernization is keeping up with the best practices of AWS and constantly updating the architectures as AWS constantly refreshes its services.

Build business case and executive sponsorship - This is definitely an interesting topic. Crayon envisioned this CCOE like a start up. Now, as you all know, a start up is allowed to experiment, fail quickly and also produce results in an agile manner. At the same time, the founders of a start up are also very committed towards it. And similarly, Crayon was very lucky to have the full support and commitment of its executive leadership and management in building the CCOE over the last 18 months to two years.

Build a start-up CCOE - So how do we go about building the CCOE? First is by identifying a few sets of key senior AWS experts from within Crayon and forming a team. And then we build something called the MVP or the Minimal Viable Product, which is a set of repeatable and reusable IP assets, think of something like your Landing Zone accelerators.

The most important step here is to take this MVP and reach out to all your customers at once. At a very early stage in the process, typically, even before they set up the Landing Zone so that we can guide them throughout their cloud adoption journey, accelerate pilot customer projects. It's very important to understand the priorities and needs of the customer. And this is typically done by providing pre-sale support as a partner. It's also important that cloud should be adopted for the customer in a matter of days with your Landings on accelerators and not weeks because that's going to be the differentiating factor in building trust both internally and as well as externally.

Repeatable assets - Enablement. So now we have built the MVP and we have also implemented the MVP. Perhaps a very underrated step here is customer validation and obtaining feedback from the customer on this MVP based on the feedback, it's up to us the partner to improve this MVP in the form of automation documentation and also enabling skills building.

Scale, semi decentralized - Again, a very interesting topic because 10 years back, we were about 20 subsidiaries globally. Now we are close to 47 subsidiaries. So a single point centrally wouldn't be able to scale up to all the different subsidiaries. And hence the need for a semi decentralized CCOE wherein we enable each of the local consultants and solution architects in different countries so that they can go to the market easily for their respective customers.

Finally focus - Practices. The establishment of CCOE at Crayon has also enabled us to focus particularly on data and AI and we have a specific CCOE for it. And similarly, we are constantly thinking of ways such as a modernization CCOE, cloud services, containers, serverless and so on.

Ok. So a few key journey with our achievements for Crayon:

  • 32 new reusable assets with CCOE - now, what essentially this translates to is that the adoption of cloud has been possible at an accelerated rate for so many customers.

  • 40 plus pilot projects delivered - definitely at a lower cost to the customer and also very low delivery time for Crayon.

  • Customer project supported. And there has been very positive feedback, not just from the customer, but also from local consultants from the different subsidiaries. On the time it takes to deploy to the customers, literally from scratch just about two hours to deploy the Landing Zone accelerators.

  • 20 Crayon subsidiaries have been supported.

Finally, a quick quote from one of our executive leadership and this really is a thought that resonates among the executive leadership at Crayon, is that the value that we see from the CCOE such as building of these usable Landing Zone accelerators has definitely made it a key service offering for Crayon. And we are very thankful for this journey over the last 18 months to two years.

Thank you all for listening to me. Now. I will hand it over back to Lalit.

Thank you Gokul for sharing the wonderful journey. Yeah, I hope all the partners are listening and then take the advantage of this and establish this issue there.

Here are some of the call of call to actions that we want to uh for all the partners who wants to build the CCOE:

  • Executive alignment is really very important there. So you need to have a very proper sponsorship. Look at as a long term change within your organization and see the benefits, you can get it from the CCOE as Gokul mentioned, the delivery times the way they are able to get the benefits much more profitable as well and they were able to scale it into different subsidiaries as well. 18 plus subsidies, which is really amazing there.

  • It should be very customer focused and you should be, if you are not following the customer or business problem, why do you do it? So it should be focusing on customers problems.

  • Other parties identify the top pathway you want to work upon. No need to boil the ocean, no need to focus on all of those uh six pathways.

  • Second part is you leverage fully the accelerators and the IP tooling which is provided by AWS. So that will help expedite your some of your journey. So go through some of the details in more.

  • And then when you're looking sort of inside your organization, maybe at what modernization capability you want to deploy or maybe how you would like to approach developing a CCOE be be self critical and look at for what gaps you have by identifying those gaps that allows you to look, put them on the road map, so you can build the capability to enhance your organization.

  • And I'll say with all of this, obviously, reach out to your AWS account teams, partner, solution architects, whoever they are, who can support you in your journey across modernization or the modernization pathways or across building a CCOE.

And the last point just on there with the modernized for any of you who use the migration acceleration program. There was some changes announced this week. If you use the modernization pathways as part of a MAP project, you can unlock extra funding during the process.

Here is the QR code for continuous learning. It is basically a QR code for the Skills Builder training that we have created for partners and customers with very hands on labs. On all the six modernization pathways, please scan the QR code and then share it with your team members as well.

Um and we would like to thank you all for joining us today for this breakout session on establishing the CCOE. Uh I hope this will be very helpful for you and please help to fill up the survey as well. And if you have any questions, we are around here and yeah, I'm looking forward for your feedback.

Thank you so much. Thank you all. Thank you so much.





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