Mysql查询 子查询练习题

7 篇文章 0 订阅


select * from 表名


select 列1,列2 from 表名


select distinct 列... from 表名


select concat(列1,列2) from 表名


select 列 as 别名 from 表名
select 列 别名 from 表名


select 列... from 表名 where 条件

条件中比较运算符:(等于:=  大于:>  大于等于:>=  小于:<  小于等于:<=  不等于:!= 或 <>)

(7)where 列  比较运算符  值


(8)逻辑运算符(并且:and或&&   或:or   非:not或!)

where 条件1 逻辑运算符 条件2
where not 条件


where 列 between 条件1  and 条件2;          //列在这个区间的值where 列 not between 条件1 and 条件2;    //不在这个区间where !( 列 between 条件1 and 条件2 );     //同样表示不在这个区间


where 列 in(值1,值2);          //列中的数据是in后的值里面的where 列 not in(值1,值2);   //不是in中指定值的数据


where 列 is null;  //查询列中值为null的数据



INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES ('Bella
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name,salary,birthday,telephone,depart_id_fk) VALUES
INSERT INTO `depart`(`depart_name`) VALUES ('Administration');
INSERT INTO `depart`(`depart_name`) VALUES ('Marketing');
INSERT INTO `depart`(`depart_name`) VALUES ('Purchasing');
INSERT INTO `depart`(`depart_name`) VALUES ('Human Resources');
INSERT INTO `depart`(`depart_name`) VALUES ('Shipping');
INSERT INTO `depart`(`depart_name`) VALUES ('IT');
INSERT INTO `depart`(`depart_name`) VALUES ('Public Relations');
INSERT INTO `depart`(`depart_name`) VALUES ('Sales');
INSERT INTO `depart`(`depart_name`) VALUES ('Executive');
INSERT INTO `depart`(`depart_name`) VALUES ('Finance');
INSERT INTO `depart`(`depart_name`) VALUES ('Accounting');
INSERT INTO `depart`(`depart_name`) VALUES ('Treasury');
INSERT INTO `depart`(`depart_name`) VALUES ('Corporate Tax');
INSERT INTO `depart`(`depart_name`) VALUES ('Control And Credit');
INSERT INTO `depart`(`depart_name`) VALUES ('Shareholder Services');
INSERT INTO `depart`(`depart_name`) VALUES ('Benefits');
INSERT INTO `depart`(`depart_name`) VALUES ('Manufacturing');
INSERT INTO `depart`(`depart_name`) VALUES ('Construction');
INSERT INTO `depart`(`depart_name`) VALUES ('Contracting');
INSERT INTO `depart`(`depart_name`) VALUES ('Operations');
INSERT INTO `depart`(`depart_name`) VALUES ('IT Support');
INSERT INTO `depart`(`depart_name`) VALUES ('Government Sales');
INSERT INTO `depart`(`depart_name`) VALUES ('Retail Sales');
INSERT INTO `depart`(`depart_name`) VALUES ('Recruiting');
INSERT INTO `depart`(`depart_name`) VALUES ('Payroll');


1. 列出emp表中各部门的部门号,最高工资,最低工资

2. 列出emp表中各部门job 含’REP’的员工的部门号,最低工资,最高工资

3. 对于emp中最低工资小于7000的部门中job为'SA_REP'的员工的部门号,最低工资,最高工资

4. 写出对上题的另一解决方法 (请补充)

5. 根据部门号由高而低,工资由低而高列出每个员工的姓名,部门号,工资

6. 列出'Abel'所在部门中每个员工的姓名与部门号 答案 1. 列出emp表中各部门的部门号,最高工资,最低工资 2. 列出emp表中各部门job 含’REP’的员工的部门号,最低工资,最高工资 3. 对于emp中最低工资小于7000的部门中job为'SA_REP'的员工的部门号, 最低工资,最高工资

7. 列出每个员工的姓名,工作,部门号,部门名

8. 列出emp中工作为'SH_CLERK'的员工的姓名,工作,部门号,部门名

9. 对于emp中有管理者的员工,列出姓名,管理者姓名(管理者外键为mgr)

10. 对于dept表中,列出所有部门名,部门号,同时列出各部门工作为'SH_CLERK'的员工名与工作

11. 对于工资高于本部门平均水平的员工,列出部门号,姓名,工资,按部门号排序

12. 对于emp,列出各个部门中工资高于本部门平均水平的员工数和部门号,按部门号排序 13. 对于emp中工资高于本部门平均水平,人数多于1人的,列出部门号,高于部门平均工资的人数,按部门号排序

14. 对于emp中工资高于本部门平均水平,且其人数多于3人的,列出部门号,部门人数,按部门号排序

15. 对于emp中低于自己工资至少5人的员工,列出其部门号,姓名,工资,以及工资少于自己的人数


select max(sal) as 最高工资,min(sal) as 最低工资,deptno from emp group by deptno;

select max(sal) as 最高工资, min(sal) as 最低工资, deptno as 部门号 from emp where job like '%REP%' group by deptno;

select max(sal) as 最高工资, min(sal) as 最低工资, deptno as 部门号 from emp b where job='SA_REP' and 7000> ( 4. 写出对上题的另一解决方法(请补充)

5. 根据部门号由高而低,工资由低而高列出每个员工的姓名,部门号,工 资

6. 列出'Abel'所在部门中每个员工的姓名与部门号 select min(sal) from emp a where a.deptno=b.deptno) group by b.deptno select deptno,min(sal),max(sal) from emp where job = 'SA_REP' and deptno in ( select deptno from emp --group by deptno having min(sal) < 7000 ) group by deptno select deptno as 部门号,ename as 姓名,sal as 工资 from emp order by deptno desc,sal asc #方法一 select ename,deptno from emp where deptno = (select deptno from emp where ename = 'Abel') #方法二 select ename,deptno from emp e1

7. 列出每个员工的姓名,工作,部门号,部门名

8. 列出emp中工作为'SH_CLERK'的员工的姓名,工作,部门号,部门名

9. 对于emp中有管理者的员工,列出姓名,管理者姓名(管理者外键为 mgr)

10. 对于dept表中,列出所有部门名,部门号,同时列出各部门工作 为'SH_CLERK'的员工名与工作 where exists ( select 'x' from emp e2 where e1.deptno = e2.deptno and e2.ename = 'Abel' ) select ename,job,emp.deptno,dept.dname from emp,dept where emp.deptno=dept.deptno select ename,job,dept.deptno,dname from emp,dept where dept.deptno=emp.deptno and job='SH_CLERK' select a.ename as 姓名,b.ename as 管理者 from emp a,emp b where a.mgr is not null and a.mgr=b.empno select dname as 部门名,dept.deptno as 部门号,ename as 员工名,job as 工作 from dept,emp where dept.deptno = emp.deptno(+) and job = 'SH_CLERK'

11. 对于工资高于本部门平均水平的员工,列出部门号,姓名,工资,按部 门号排序

12. 对于emp,列出各个部门中工资高于本部门平均水平的员工数和部门 号,按部门号排序

13. 对于emp中工资高于本部门平均水平,人数多于1人的,列出部门号, 高于部门平均工资的人数,按部门号排序 #方法一 select a.deptno as 部门号,a.ename as 姓名,a.sal as 工资 from emp a where a.sal>( select avg(sal) from emp b where a.deptno=b.deptno) order by a.deptno #方法二 select e.deptno,ename,sal from emp e,(select deptno,avg(sal) avg_sal from emp group by deptno) b where e.sal > b.avg_sal and e.deptno = b.deptno select count(a.sal) as 员工数,a.deptno 部门号 from emp a where a.sal>(select avg(sal) from emp b where a.deptno=b.deptno) group by a.deptno order by a.deptno select * from( select deptno,count(*) count_num from emp e where sal > ( select avg(sal)

14. 对于emp中工资高于本部门平均水平,且其人数多于3人的,列出部门 号,部门人数,按部门号排序 from emp e1 where e.deptno = e1.deptno ) group by deptno ) e1 where e1.count_num > 1 order by e1.deptno #方法一 select count(a.empno) as 员工数,a.deptno as 部门号,avg(sal) as 平均工资 from emp a where ( select count(c.empno) from emp c where c.deptno=a.deptno and c.sal>( select avg(sal) from emp b where c.deptno=b.deptno) )>3 group by a.deptno order by a.deptno #方法二 select m.deptno,count(ee1.empno) from( select e1.deptno,count(empno) count_num from emp e1 where e1.sal > (select avg(sal) from emp e2 where e1.deptno = e2.deptno) group by e1.deptno

15. 对于emp中低于自己工资至少5人的员工,列出其部门号,姓名,工 资,以及工资少于自己的人数 ) m,emp ee1 where m.count_num > 3 and m.deptno = ee1.deptno group by m.deptno select a.deptno,a.ename,a.sal,( select count(b.ename) from emp as b where b.sal5

1. 列出emp表中各部门的部门号,最高工资,最低工资
2. 列出emp表中各部门job 含’REP’的员工的部门号,最低工资,最高工资
3. 对于emp中最低工资小于7000的部门中job为'SA_REP'的员工的部门号,最低工资,最高工资
4. 写出对上题的另一解决方法
5. 根据部门号由高而低,工资由低而高列出每个员工的姓名,部门号,工资
6. 列出'Abel'所在部门中每个员工的姓名与部门号
1. 列出emp表中各部门的部门号,最高工资,最低工资
2. 列出emp表中各部门job 含’REP’的员工的部门号,最低工资,最高工资
3. 对于emp中最低工资小于7000的部门中job为'SA_REP'的员工的部门号,
7. 列出每个员工的姓名,工作,部门号,部门名
8. 列出emp中工作为'SH_CLERK'的员工的姓名,工作,部门号,部门名
9. 对于emp中有管理者的员工,列出姓名,管理者姓名(管理者外键为mgr)
10. 对于dept表中,列出所有部门名,部门号,同时列出各部门工作为'SH_CLERK'的员工名与工作
11. 对于工资高于本部门平均水平的员工,列出部门号,姓名,工资,按部门号排序
12. 对于emp,列出各个部门中工资高于本部门平均水平的员工数和部门号,按部门号排序
13. 对于emp中工资高于本部门平均水平,人数多于1人的,列出部门号,高于部门平均工资的人数,按部门号排序
14. 对于emp中工资高于本部门平均水平,且其人数多于3人的,列出部门号,部门人数,按部门号排序
15. 对于emp中低于自己工资至少5人的员工,列出其部门号,姓名,工资,以及工资少于自己的人数
select max(sal) as 最高工资,min(sal) as 最低工资,deptno from emp group by deptno;
select max(sal) as 最高工资,
min(sal) as 最低工资,
deptno as 部门号
from emp
where job like '%REP%'
group by deptno;
select max(sal) as 最高工资,
min(sal) as 最低工资,
deptno as 部门号
from emp b
where job='SA_REP' and 7000> (
4. 写出对上题的另一解决方法(请补充)
5. 根据部门号由高而低,工资由低而高列出每个员工的姓名,部门号,工
6. 列出'Abel'所在部门中每个员工的姓名与部门号
select min(sal)
from emp a
where a.deptno=b.deptno)
group by b.deptno
select deptno,min(sal),max(sal)
from emp
where job = 'SA_REP' and deptno in (
select deptno
from emp
--group by deptno
having min(sal) < 7000
group by deptno
select deptno as 部门号,ename as 姓名,sal as 工资
from emp
order by deptno desc,sal asc
select ename,deptno
from emp
where deptno = (select deptno from emp where ename = 'Abel')
select ename,deptno
from emp e1
7. 列出每个员工的姓名,工作,部门号,部门名
8. 列出emp中工作为'SH_CLERK'的员工的姓名,工作,部门号,部门名
9. 对于emp中有管理者的员工,列出姓名,管理者姓名(管理者外键为
10. 对于dept表中,列出所有部门名,部门号,同时列出各部门工作
where exists (
select 'x'
from emp e2
where e1.deptno = e2.deptno
and e2.ename = 'Abel'
select ename,job,emp.deptno,dept.dname
from emp,dept
where emp.deptno=dept.deptno
select ename,job,dept.deptno,dname
from emp,dept
where dept.deptno=emp.deptno and job='SH_CLERK'
select a.ename as 姓名,b.ename as 管理者
from emp a,emp b
where a.mgr is not null and a.mgr=b.empno
select dname as 部门名,dept.deptno as 部门号,ename as 员工名,job as 工作
from dept,emp
where dept.deptno = emp.deptno(+) and job = 'SH_CLERK'
11. 对于工资高于本部门平均水平的员工,列出部门号,姓名,工资,按部
12. 对于emp,列出各个部门中工资高于本部门平均水平的员工数和部门
13. 对于emp中工资高于本部门平均水平,人数多于1人的,列出部门号,
select a.deptno as 部门号,a.ename as 姓名,a.sal as 工资
from emp a
where a.sal>(
select avg(sal)
from emp
b where a.deptno=b.deptno)
order by a.deptno
select e.deptno,ename,sal
from emp e,(select deptno,avg(sal) avg_sal from emp group by deptno) b
where e.sal > b.avg_sal and e.deptno = b.deptno
select count(a.sal) as 员工数,a.deptno 部门号
from emp a
where a.sal>(select avg(sal) from emp b where a.deptno=b.deptno)
group by a.deptno
order by a.deptno
select *
select deptno,count(*) count_num
from emp e
where sal > (
select avg(sal)
14. 对于emp中工资高于本部门平均水平,且其人数多于3人的,列出部门
from emp e1
where e.deptno = e1.deptno
group by deptno
) e1
where e1.count_num > 1
order by e1.deptno
select count(a.empno) as 员工数,a.deptno as 部门号,avg(sal) as 平均工资
from emp a
where (
select count(c.empno)
from emp c
where c.deptno=a.deptno and c.sal>(
select avg(sal)
from emp b
where c.deptno=b.deptno)
group by a.deptno order by a.deptno
select m.deptno,count(ee1.empno)
select e1.deptno,count(empno) count_num
from emp e1
where e1.sal >
(select avg(sal) from emp e2 where e1.deptno = e2.deptno)
group by e1.deptno
15. 对于emp中低于自己工资至少5人的员工,列出其部门号,姓名,工
) m,emp ee1
where m.count_num > 3 and m.deptno = ee1.deptno
group by m.deptno
select a.deptno,a.ename,a.sal,(
select count(b.ename)
from emp as b
where b.sal<a.sal) as 人数
from emp as a
where (select count(b.ename) from emp as b where b.sal<a.sal)>5


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