GitHub Copilot一直等待问题

我最近飘了啊,我自己不写代码了。原因是我最近拥有了一个 AI pair programmer(AI 结对程序员)。他可以帮我更快的编码,减少了不少工作量。所以我现在上班摸鱼划水都不耽误,麻麻再也不用担心我的工作了。

他到底是什么呢,今天指北君就把这款 程序员的好朋友介绍給大家。 他就是- GitHub Copilot 。

1. GitHub Copilot 是什么呢?
GitHub Copilot 是一款 AI pair programmer (可以理解为 AI 结对程序员,可以和你一起写代码的好朋友),可帮助您更快地编写代码并减少工作量。**GitHub Copilot 从评论和代码中提取上下文,并立即建议单个行和整个函数。**GitHub Copilot 由 OpenAI Codex 提供支持,这是一个由 OpenAI 创建的新 AI 系统。GitHub Copilot 技术预览版作为 Visual Studio Code、Neovim 和 JetBrains IDE 套件的扩展提供。

就在前不久的 GitHub Universe 2021开发者大会上,GitHub官方正式宣布了一款名为 Copilot工具的更新。


就在今年夏天,GitHub 官方和OpenAI联合发布了一款AI自动编程工具,其名字正是 GitHub Copilot 。就像前文TJ君想的那样,通过Copilot,程序员只需输入注释,即可自动生成代码!


快速平方根倒数算法,是当年红极一时的雷神之锤3(Quake 3,也是TJ君当年的最爱之一)的开发者约翰·卡马克用的一段代码。



将Copliot版本替换为旧版本:2022 -,在此链接中下载压缩包文件:GitHub Copilot - IntelliJ IDEs Plugin | Marketplace

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3.选择“Plugins”,单击“O”,然后单击“Install Plugin from Disk”。








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[![Build Status](]( # Google APIs Client Library for PHP # The Google API Client Library enables you to work with Google APIs such as Google+, Drive, or YouTube on your server. These client libraries are officially supported by Google. However, the libraries are considered complete and are in maintenance mode. This means that we will address critical bugs and security issues but will not add any new features. ## Google Cloud Platform For Google Cloud Platform APIs such as Datastore, Cloud Storage or Pub/Sub, we recommend using [GoogleCloudPlatform/google-cloud-php]( which is under active development. ## Requirements ## * [PHP 5.4.0 or higher]( ## Developer Documentation ## ## Installation ## You can use **Composer** or simply **Download the Release** ### Composer The preferred method is via [composer]( Follow the [installation instructions]( if you do not already have composer installed. Once composer is installed, execute the following command in your project root to install this library: ```sh composer require google/apiclient:&quot;^2.0&quot; ``` Finally, be sure to include the autoloader: ```php require_once '/path/to/your-project/vendor/autoload.php'; ``` ### Download the Release If you abhor using composer, you can download the package in its entirety. The [Releases]( page lists all stable versions. Download any file with the name `google-api-php-client-[RELEASE_NAME].zip` for a package including this library and its dependencies. Uncompress the zip file you download, and include the autoloader in your project: ```php require_once '/path/to/google-api-php-client/vendor/autoload.php'; ``` For additional installation and setup instructions, see [the documentation]( ## Examples ## See the [`examples/`](examples) directory for examples of the key client features. You can view them in your browser by running the php built-in web server. ``` $ php -S localhost:8000 -t examples/ ``` And then browsing to the host and port you specified (in the above example, `http://localhost:8000`). ### Basic Example ### ```php // include your composer dependencies require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; $client = new Google_Client(); $client->setApplicationName(&quot;Client_Library_Examples&quot;); $client->setDeveloperKey(&quot;YOUR_APP_KEY&quot;); $service = new Google_Service_Books($client); $optParams = array('filter' => 'free-ebooks'); $results = $service->volumes->listVolumes('Henry David Thoreau', $optParams); foreach ($results as $item) { echo $item['volumeInfo']['title'], &quot;<br /> \n&quot;; } ``` ### Authentication with OAuth ### > An example of this can be seen in [`examples/simple-file-upload.php`](examples/simple-file-upload.php). 1. Follow the instructions to [Create Web Application Credentials]( 1. Download the JSON credentials 1. Set the path to these credentials using `Google_Client::setAuthConfig`: ```php $client = new Google_Client(); $client->setAuthConfig('/path/to/client_credentials.json'); ``` 1. Set the scopes required for the API you are going to call ```php $client->addScope(Google_Service_Drive::DRIVE); ``` 1. Set your application's redirect URI ```php // Your redirect URI can be any registered URI, but in this example // we redirect back to this same page $redirect_uri = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $client->setRedirectUri($redirect_uri); ``` 1. In the script handling the redirect URI, exchange the authorization code for an access token: ```php if (isset($_GET['code'])) { $token = $client->fetchAccessTokenWithAuthCode($_GET['code']); } ``` ### Authentication with Service Accounts ### > An example of this can be seen in [`examples/service-account.php`](examples/service-account.php). Some APIs (such as the [YouTube Data API]( do not support service accounts. Check with the specific API documentation if API calls return unexpected 401 or 403 errors. 1. Follow the instructions to [Create a Service Account]( 1. Download the JSON credentials 1. Set the path to these credentials using the `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` environment variable: ```php putenv('GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/service-account.json'); ``` 1. Tell the Google client to use your service account credentials to authenticate: ```php $client = new Google_Client(); $client->useApplicationDefaultCredentials(); ``` 1. Set the scopes required for the API you are going to call ```php $client->addScope(Google_Service_Drive::DRIVE); ``` 1. If you have delegated domain-wide access to the service account and you want to impersonate a user account, specify the email address of the user account using the method setSubject: ```php $client->setSubject($user_to_impersonate); ``` ### Making Requests ### The classes used to call the API in [google-api-php-client-services]( are autogenerated. They map directly to the JSON requests and responses found in the [APIs Explorer]( A JSON request to the [Datastore API]( would look like this: ```json POST { &quot;query&quot;: { &quot;kind&quot;: [{ &quot;name&quot;: &quot;Book&quot; }], &quot;order&quot;: [{ &quot;property&quot;: { &quot;name&quot;: &quot;title&quot; }, &quot;direction&quot;: &quot;descending&quot; }], &quot;limit&quot;: 10 } } ``` Using this library, the same call would look something like this: ```php // create the datastore service class $datastore = new Google_Service_Datastore($client); // build the query - this maps directly to the JSON $query = new Google_Service_Datastore_Query([ 'kind' => [ [ 'name' => 'Book', ], ], 'order' => [ 'property' => [ 'name' => 'title', ], 'direction' => 'descending', ], 'limit' => 10, ]); // build the request and response $request = new Google_Service_Datastore_RunQueryRequest(['query' => $query]); $response = $datastore->projects->runQuery('YOUR_DATASET_ID', $request); ``` However, as each property of the JSON API has a corresponding generated class, the above code could also be written like this: ```php // create the datastore service class $datastore = new Google_Service_Datastore($client); // build the query $request = new Google_Service_Datastore_RunQueryRequest(); $query = new Google_Service_Datastore_Query(); // - set the order $order = new Google_Service_Datastore_PropertyOrder(); $order->setDirection('descending'); $property = new Google_Service_Datastore_PropertyReference(); $property->setName('title'); $order->setProperty($property); $query->setOrder([$order]); // - set the kinds $kind = new Google_Service_Datastore_Kind[removed]); $kind->setName('Book'); $query->setKinds([$kind]); // - set the limit $query->setLimit(10); // add the query to the request and make the request $request->setQuery($query); $response = $datastore->projects->runQuery('YOUR_DATASET_ID', $request); ``` The method used is a matter of preference, but *it will be very difficult to use this library without first understanding the JSON syntax for the API*, so it is recommended to look at the [APIs Explorer]( before using any of the services here. ### Making HTTP Requests Directly ### If Google Authentication is desired for external applications, or a Google API is not available yet in this library, HTTP requests can be made directly. The `authorize` method returns an authorized [Guzzle Client](, so any request made using the client will contain the corresponding authorization. ```php // create the Google client $client = new Google_Client(); /** * Set your method for authentication. Depending on the API, This could be * directly with an access token, API key, or (recommended) using * Application Default Credentials. */ $client->useApplicationDefaultCredentials(); $client->addScope(Google_Service_Plus::PLUS_ME); // returns a Guzzle HTTP Client $httpClient = $client->authorize(); // make an HTTP request $response = $httpClient->get(''); ``` ### Caching ### It is recommended to use another caching library to improve performance. This can be done by passing a [PSR-6]( compatible library to the client: ```php use League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local; use League\Flysystem\Filesystem; use Cache\Adapter\Filesystem\FilesystemCachePool; $filesystemAdapter = new Local(__DIR__.'/'); $filesystem = new Filesystem($filesystemAdapter); $cache = new FilesystemCachePool($filesystem); $client->setCache($cache); ``` In this example we use [PHP Cache]( Add this to your project with composer: ``` composer require cache/filesystem-adapter ``` ### Updating Tokens ### When using [Refresh Tokens]( or [Service Account Credentials](, it may be useful to perform some action when a new access token is granted. To do this, pass a callable to the `setTokenCallback` method on the client: ```php $logger = new Monolog\Logger; $tokenCallback = function ($cacheKey, $accessToken) use ($logger) { $logger->debug(sprintf('new access token received at cache key %s', $cacheKey)); }; $client->setTokenCallback($tokenCallback); ``` ### Debugging Your HTTP Request using Charles ### It is often very useful to debug your API calls by viewing the raw HTTP request. This library supports the use of [Charles Web Proxy]( Download and run Charles, and then capture all HTTP traffic through Charles with the following code: ```php // FOR DEBUGGING ONLY $httpClient = new GuzzleHttp\Client([ 'proxy' => 'localhost:8888', // by default, Charles runs on localhost port 8888 'verify' => false, // otherwise HTTPS requests will fail. ]); $client = new Google_Client(); $client->setHttpClient($httpClient); ``` Now all calls made by this library will appear in the Charles UI. One additional step is required in Charles to view SSL requests. Go to **Charles > Proxy > SSL Proxying Settings** and add the domain you'd like captured. In the case of the Google APIs, this is usually `*`. ### Service Specific Examples ### YouTube: ## How Do I Contribute? ## Please see the [contributing]( page for more information. In particular, we love pull requests - but please make sure to sign the [contributor license agreement]( ## Frequently Asked Questions ## ### What do I do if something isn't working? ### For support with the library the best place to ask is via the google-api-php-client tag on StackOverflow: If there is a specific bug with the library, please [file a issue]( in the Github issues tracker, including an example of the failing code and any specific errors retrieved. Feature requests can also be filed, as long as they are core library requests, and not-API specific: for those, refer to the documentation for the individual APIs for the best place to file requests. Please try to provide a clear statement of the problem that the feature would address. ### I want an example of X! ### If X is a feature of the library, file away! If X is an example of using a specific service, the best place to go is to the teams for those specific APIs - our preference is to link to their examples rather than add them to the library, as they can then pin to specific versions of the library. If you have any examples for other APIs, let us know and we will happily add a link to the README above! ### Why do you still support 5.2? ### When we started working on the 1.0.0 branch we knew there were several fundamental issues to fix with the 0.6 releases of the library. At that time we looked at the usage of the library, and other related projects, and determined that there was still a large and active base of PHP 5.2 installs. You can see this in statistics such as the PHP versions chart in the WordPress stats: We will keep looking at the types of usage we see, and try to take advantage of newer PHP features where possible. ### Why does Google_..._Service have weird names? ### The _Service classes are generally automatically generated from the API discovery documents: Sometimes new features are added to APIs with unusual names, which can cause some unexpected or non-standard style naming in the PHP classes. ### How do I deal with non-JSON response types? ### Some services return XML or similar by default, rather than JSON, which is what the library supports. You can request a JSON response by adding an 'alt' argument to optional params that is normally the last argument to a method call: ``` $opt_params = array( 'alt' => &quot;json&quot; ); ``` ### How do I set a field to null? ### The library strips out nulls from the objects sent to the Google APIs as its the default value of all of the uninitialized properties. To work around this, set the field you want to null to `Google_Model::NULL_VALUE`. This is a placeholder that will be replaced with a true null when sent over the wire. ## Code Quality ## Run the PHPUnit tests with PHPUnit. You can configure an API key and token in BaseTest.php to run all calls, but this will require some setup on the Google Developer Console. phpunit tests/ ### Coding Style To check for coding style violations, run ``` vendor/bin/phpcs src --standard=style/ruleset.xml -np ``` To automatically fix (fixable) coding style violations, run ``` vendor/bin/phpcbf src --standard=style/ruleset.xml ```


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