




           原型:    int web_find( const char *StepName, <Attributes and Specifications list>, char *searchstring, LAST ); 

           说明:    web_find函数主要在HTML页面中查找某个特定的文本字符串.该函数现在很少使用,使用web_reg_find取代了它

           这个函数功能仅仅在HTML-based recorded scripts( see Recording Options-->Recording tab ).当HTML请求完成后才去查询内容效率不如web_reg_find。

           注意:    web_find 功能不支持运行在HTTP或Wireless Session Protocol(WSP) 回放模式。


                           LAST );

            web_find("Text Check",
                               "RightOf=Go to",
                               LAST );


         原型:int web_reg_find( const char *attribute_list, LAST ); 

         说明:该函数功能主要是为查询某个文本字符串注册一个请求,要在action function之前。像web_url。


Attribute List
The attributes are passed in Name=Value pairs, for example: "Text= string ". Either Text, or TextPfx and TextSfx is required. The rest of the attributes are optional.

Text: The text string to search for. Text is a non–empty, null–terminated character string. You can further customize your search by using text flags.

Text searches for a known string. TextPfx and TextSfx are used when the string is not known in advance, but you know what strings will precede and follow it. For example, when a user is issued a user name, the server may return "Your new user name is <user name>". The user name changes, but to confirm that a name was issued it is sufficient to confirm that there is some string preceded by "Your new user name is " and followed by a ".".

You must specify the following two attributes if you do not specify Text. You can further customize your search by using text flags with these attributes.

TextPfx: The left boundry for the search. This is the text immediately preceding the text string for which you are searching.

TextSfx: The right boundry for the search. This is the text immediately following the text string for which you are searching.

Search: The scope of the search—where to search for the string. The possible values are Headers (search only the headers), Body (search only the Body data), Noresource (search only the HTML body, excluding headers and resources), or ALL (search body , headers, and resources). The default value is BODY.

SaveCount: The number of matches that were found, stored in a parameter.

The SaveCount attribute assigns the number of matches that were found to a parameter. To use this attribute, specify "SaveCount=param". When the check is performed, param is assigned a null–terminated string representing a numerical value.

When the SaveCount argument is used, and the Fail argument is not used, the check does not fail whether the text is found or not. To check whether the text has been found, examine the value of the SaveCount parameter. If it is "0", the string was not found.

If both SaveCount and Fail are used, the Fail handling option specified works together with the SaveCount. Thus, if SaveCount is used with "Fail=NotFound" and the text is found, the SaveCount parameter is assigned the number of occurrences and the check succeeds. If the text is not found, the SaveCount parameter is assigned "0" and the check fails. Of course, if the text is not found and "Fail=NotFound" has been specified, the value "0" of the parameter is only useful if the run–time setting Continue on error is selected.

The value assigned to the parameter is retained between iterations until the first action function following the web_reg_find of the next iteration. Once the script perfoms the first action function following the web_reg_find of the next iteration, the count is updated. Alternatively, you can use the lr_save_string function to change the value of the parameter at the end of the current interation—for example, with lr_save_string("0", "Count").

Fail: The handling method that sets the condition under which the check fails.

Fail can be either "Found" or "NotFound". The default is NotFound.

"Fail=NotFound" indicates that an error occurs when the text is not found. You use NotFound when searching for the text you expect to find if the Web request succeeds.

"Fail=Found " indicates that the check fails when the text is found. You might use Found, for example, searching for the word "Error". If you find "Error", the Web request did not succeed, and you want the check to fail.

When "Fail = Found" is specified with TextPfx and TextSfx and the left and right boundaries are found more than once, each match is issued as an error up to the maximum number of errors configured in the Run-Time Settings > Preferences > Advanced Options. Subsequent matches are logged as informational messages

For information about using Fail with SaveCount, see SaveCount









                         "Mode=HTML", LAST );

// Set up check for successful login by looking for "Welcome"

               web_reg_find("Text=Welcome", LAST );

// Now log in

web_submit_form("login.pl", "Snapshot=t2.inf", ITEMDATA,


                                 "Value=jojo", ENDITEM,

                                 "Name=password", "Value=bean", ENDITEM,

                                 "Name=login.x", "Value=35", ENDITEM,

                                 "Name=login.y", "Value=14", ENDITEM,

       LAST );  



          还是基于例子1,但是由于使用了Save Count,脚本执行错误时不会halt住,取而代之的是,脚本执行时会有错误提示。

           // Run the Web Tours sample







                             "Mode=HTML", LAST );

// Set up check for successful login by looking for "Welcome"

             web_reg_find("Text=Welcome", "SaveCount=Welcome_Count", LAST );

// Now log in


                                              "Snapshot=t2.inf", ITEMDATA,


                                              "Value=jojo", ENDITEM,

                                              "Name=password", "Value=bean", ENDITEM,

                                              "Name=login.x", "Value=35", ENDITEM,

                                              "Name=login.y", "Value=14", ENDITEM, LAST );

// Check result

              if (atoi(lr_eval_string("{Welcome_Count}")) > 0){

                    lr_output_message("Log on successful.");



                   lr_error_message("Log on failed");




        在下面例子中,web_reg_find搜索ABC,如果该字符串未被发现,脚本执行Action A,如果搜索1次或多次,则执行Action B。

        web_reg_find("Text=ABC", "SaveCount=abc_count", LAST );

        web_url("Step", "URL=...", LAST );

          if (strcmp(lr_eval_string("{abc_count}"), "0") == 0)

           Action A


          Action B



         原型:int web_image_check( const char *CheckName, <List of Attributes>, <"Alt=alt"|| "Src=src">, LAST ); 



                       web_url("index.html", "URL=http://localhost/ImagesAndMaps.html", "TargetFrame=", LAST );

                       web_image_check("Go2Venus", "Alt=Venus", LAST );


           原型:int web_global_verification( <List of Attributes>, LAST );

           说明:这个函数主要在web pages中注册一个指定的文本字符串。


           web_global_verification("Text/IC=Acme Company", "Fail=NotFound", "ID=FindAcme", LAST ); web_url("Step", "URL=...", LAST ); The log error message with the "FindAcme" ID is: Error –27127: "Text=Acme Company" not found for web_global_verification ("FindAcme")





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