

An avid cook, she and a friend initially planned to cater meals for busy families. When that turned out to be too time consuming, she tried baking. More than five years later, she has a thriving bakery business in Winslow, Maine (her husband's family has been in town a long time).


Now on her own, she supplies four restaurants with cakes and other sweets and makes desserts for individuals and weddings.


A growing number of Americans would like to follow Mrs. Winslow's example. Job loss, tighter credit and a renewed appreciation for savings is persuading more people to cut expenses.


But you can cut only so far. Two full years of recession have not left many unexamined family expenses. Meanwhile, prices -- from gasoline to utilities to food -- haven't fallen. And incomes, if you still have one, aren't exactly shooting through the roof. It's time to make some money.


Fortunately, there also are many ways to earn extra cash even when full-time jobs and extra shifts aren't an option. They include taking in boarders, starting a small business and getting paid for your opinion. Some of this work provides only a free meal and $10 fee but others, such as tutoring or selling Grandma's diamond broach, could be quite lucrative.








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1. Sell It: One of the fastest and easiest ways to get extra cash is to sell unwanted and unused stuff. And it's never been easier to make hundreds or even thousands of dollars. You could post a few signs in the neighborhood and sell everything at a Saturday garage sale or you could try the online route with services such as eBay or Craigslist.

Linda Lightman first tried eBay more than 10 years ago because she wanted to help her sons get more for their old videogames. It was so easy that the former lawyer started selling her old suits. Then, friends asked her to sell theirs.

琳达•莱特曼(Linda Lightman)十年多前第一次接触到了eBay,当时她希望帮助自己的儿子们为他们的旧游戏机卖出更高的价钱。这件事做起来是如此的简单,因此曾当过律师的莱特曼开始出售她的旧套装。后来,朋友们开始让她帮忙销售他们的东西。

Today, shoplindasstuff.com has 50 employees and expects to reach $7 million in sales this year on eBay. 'The economy has been the perfect storm for my business,' Ms. Lightman says. 'More people need cash, and more people are looking for bargains.'


Auction houses also are a popular place to sell potentially valuable items. Alexander Eblen, head of the jewelry and fine timepieces department at Leslie Hindman Auctioneers in Chicago, says people often don't realize the value of an old watch or grandmother's Art Deco jewelry. For example, a Tiffany broach recently sold for about $68,000.

拍卖会也是个出售贵重物品的好地方。美国拍卖商芝加哥Leslie Hindman Auctioneers珠宝和工艺钟表部门的负责人亚历山大•艾伯林(Alexander Eblen)表示,人们通常都没有意识到一块旧手表或祖母戴的装饰艺术风格的珠宝价值几何。举例来说,一枚蒂芙尼(Tiffany)胸针最近卖出了约6.8万美元的高价。

Don't overlook some of the more mundane items, such as books and sports equipment. Many bookstores provide cash or store credits for 'gently' used books. Similarly, stores like Play It Again Sports provide cash and store credits for gently used sports equipment. Check with local stores but they often need golf clubs, ice skates, lacrosse equipment and other gear.

也别忽视那些看起来更家常的物品,比如书籍和运动器材。许多书店为那些八成新的书籍提供现金或者购物积分奖励。同样,像Play It Again Sports这样的商店也为那些八成新的运动器材提供现金和购物积分奖励。联系一下本地商店,不过它们通常都需要高尔夫球具、溜冰鞋、曲棍球器材和其他的一些装备。

2. Rent It: Your home, probably your biggest asset, is a potential source of extra cash. A growing number of people are renting out a room or grabbing a roommate for extra income. It's less difficult for residents in 'destination' locations near colleges, resorts or cities to rent a room or even the house for a few weeks, months or long term.


Some homeowners prefer using a real-estate agent, others like finding renters themselves, online or through friends. Either way, it's crucial to vet the potential tenant and spell out expectations. Rents vary from a few hundred dollars to thousands in large cities.


Another option that's a longtime favorite of students and young adults is earning extra cash for house and pet sitting.


3. Say It: Many businesses are willing to reward individuals for taking opinion polls, testing products or being a secret shopper. The compensation varies, and it's crucial to avoid scams. Work only with reputable companies and avoid anything that requires a membership fee. One place to start is OpinionPlace.com, which lets poll participants choose Amazon.com gift cards, PayPal credits or American Airlines AAdvantage miles. There also are stores such as CVS, whose Advisor program provides consumers who complete surveys with ExtraBucks coupons.

3、表达:许多公司都愿意为参与民意调查、测试产品或者秘密购物的个人给予奖励。它们的报酬各不相同,不过小心欺诈很重要。只和那些有信用的公司合作,避免参加需要交纳会员费的活动。你可以从OpinionPlace.com网站开始,该网站允许参与调查的参与者选择亚马逊(Amazon.com)礼品卡、PayPal积分或者是美国航空公司(American Airlines) AAdvantage里程奖励。还有像CVS这样的商店,它的Advisor项目为那些完成调查的消费者提供ExtraBucks优惠券。

People won't make much but they might have fun working in a focus group or evaluating products or services as a mystery shopper. Once again, watch out for scams. Don't pay any fees or respond to unsolicited emails. A good place to start is Volition.com or Mysteryshop.org, the Web site for the Mystery Shopping Providers Association.

人们不会因此赚到很多的钱,不过他们或许会从小组讨论或者作为一名神秘顾客去评价产品和服务中得到乐趣。再次重申,要小心欺诈陷阱。不要交纳任何费用,也不要回复任何主动发来的电子邮件。你可以从Volition.com和神秘顾客检测协会(Mystery Shopping Providers Association)的网站Mysteryshop.org开始尝试。

4. Do It: One of the best ways to earn extra cash is by creating a business using existing skills and interests. An artist may teach a class, a photographer may do weddings and a sports enthusiast may referee or caddy.


'What are you volunteering for that you could get paid for?' asks Ms. Cunningham. She says it could be as simple as getting paid for office work or watching your child's classmate after school.


One of the most popular and lucrative part-time jobs is to tutor, either for a college-prep class or a specific subject. Typical pay ranges from $30 to more than $100 an hour, depending on where you live.


Mrs. Winslow always loved to cook. 'People would always ask me if I could bring the dessert if I was going somewhere for dinner,' she says.


A master at multitasking, she works about 20 hours a week for Jennifer's Edibles. Her advice: 'Start small and do things that are manageable. Don't get so overwhelmed that you want to quit.'

擅长同时处理多种事务的她每周在Jennifer's Edibles工作大约20个小时。她的建议是,"从小事情做起,而且要做那些自己可以做到的事情。不要让自己过于忙碌以至于萌生退意。"















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