Getting Started Quickly IBM HTTP Server documentation

Getting started quickly without secure connections

Starting the server without secure connections does not require any changes to the configuration files.

Note: The following directories listed under each operating system are the defaults. You can now install the IBM HTTP Server in any directory of your choosing.

Pertains to AIX users

Getting started on the AIX operating system


Go to the command prompt in the usr/HTTPServer/bin directory and type ./apachectl start. The apachectl utility supports start and other options.

Pertains to HP-UX users

Getting started on the HP operating system


Go to the command prompt in the /opt/HTTPServer/bin directory. Type ./apachectl start. The apachectl utility supports start and other options.

Pertains to Linux users

Getting started on the Linux operating system


Go to the command prompt in the /opt/IBMHTTPServer/bin directory. Type ./apachectl start. The apachectl utility supports start and other options.

Pertains to Solaris users

Getting started on the Solaris operating system


Go to the command prompt in the /opt/IBMHTTPD/bin directory. Type ./apachectl start. The apachectl utility supports start and other options.

Pertains to Windows NT users Pertains to Windows 2000 users

Getting started on the Windows NT and Windows 2000 operating systems


The server installs as a service, and runs automatically. When you reboot, the server starts. You can control the server by either:

  • Using the standard Windows NT Service Control panels.
  • Using the net start and net stop commands. For more information about these commands, see the Windows NT help file. Access these commands from the Start menu, clicking Start > Programs > IBM HTTP Server.

Note You now have the option to run the server from the command line. You do not need to run the server as a service.

Finding related information

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. General Technical Questions

  1. "Why can't I ...? Why won't ... work?" What to do in case of problems

    If you are having trouble with your Apache server software, you should take the following steps:

    1. Check the errorlog!

      Apache tries to be helpful when it encounters a problem. In many cases, it will provide some details by writing one or messages to the server error log. Sometimes this is enough for you to diagnose & fix the problem yourself (such as file permissions or the like). The default location of the error log is /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log, but see the ErrorLog directive in your config files for the location on your server.

    2. Check the FAQ!

      The latest version of the Apache Frequently-Asked Questions list can always be found at the main Apache web site.

    3. Check the Apache bug database

      Most problems that get reported to The Apache Group are recorded in the bug database. Please check the existing reports, open and closed, before adding one. If you find that your issue has already been reported, please don't add a "me, too" report. If the original report isn't closed yet, we suggest that you check it periodically. You might also consider contacting the original submitter, because there may be an email exchange going on about the issue that isn't getting recorded in the database.

    4. Ask in a user support group.

      A lot of common problems never make it to the bug database because there's already high Q&A traffic about them in the Users mailing list or comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix and related newsgroups. These newsgroups are also available via Google. Many Apache users, and some of the developers, can be found roaming their virtual halls, so it is suggested that you seek wisdom there. The chances are good that you'll get a faster answer there than from the bug database, even if you don't see your question already posted.

    5. If all else fails, report the problem in the bug database

      If you've gone through those steps above that are appropriate and have obtained no relief, then please do let The Apache Group know about the problem by logging a bug report.

      If your problem involves the server crashing and generating a core dump, please include a backtrace (if possible). As an example,

      # cd ServerRoot
      # dbx httpd core
      (dbx) where

      (Substitute the appropriate locations for your ServerRoot and your httpd and core files. You may have to use gdb instead of dbx.)

  2. How compatible is Apache with my existing NCSA 1.3 setup?

    Apache attempts to offer all the features and configuration options of NCSA httpd 1.3, as well as many of the additional features found in NCSA httpd 1.4 and NCSA httpd 1.5.

    NCSA httpd appears to be moving toward adding experimental features which are not generally required at the moment. Some of the experiments will succeed while others will inevitably be dropped. The Apache philosophy is to add what's needed as and when it is needed.

    Friendly interaction between Apache and NCSA developers should ensure that fundamental feature enhancements stay consistent between the two servers for the foreseeable future.

  3. Is Apache Year 2000 compliant?

    Yes, Apache is Year 2000 compliant.

    Apache internally never stores years as two digits. On the HTTP protocol level RFC1123-style addresses are generated which is the only format a HTTP/1.1-compliant server should generate. To be compatible with older applications Apache recognizes ANSI C's asctime() and RFC850-/RFC1036-style date formats, too. The asctime() format uses four-digit years, but the RFC850 and RFC1036 date formats only define a two-digit year. If Apache sees such a date with a value less than 70 it assumes that the century is 20 rather than 19.

    Although Apache is Year 2000 compliant, you may still get problems if the underlying OS has problems with dates past year 2000 (e.g., OS calls which accept or return year numbers). Most (UNIX) systems store dates internally as signed 32-bit integers which contain the number of seconds since 1st January 1970, so the magic boundary to worry about is the year 2038 and not 2000. But modern operating systems shouldn't cause any trouble at all.

    Users of Apache 1.2.x should upgrade to a current version of Apache 1.3 (see year-2000 improvements in Apache 1.3 for details).

    The Apache HTTP Server project is an open-source software product of the Apache Software Foundation. The project and the Foundation cannot offer legal assurances regarding any suitability of the software for your application. There are several commercial Apache support organizations and derivative server products available that may be able to stand behind the software and provide you with any assurances you may require. You may find links to some of these vendors at <>.

The Questions

  1. Background
    1. What is Apache?
    2. How and why was Apache created?
    3. Why the name "Apache"?
    4. OK, so how does Apache compare to other servers?
    5. How thoroughly tested is Apache?
    6. What are the future plans for Apache?
    7. Whom do I contact for support?
    8. Is there any more information on Apache?
    9. Where can I get Apache?
    10. May I use the Apache logo on my product or Web site?
  2. General Technical Questions
    1. "Why can't I ...? Why won't ... work?" What to do in case of problems
    2. How compatible is Apache with my existing NCSA 1.3 setup?
    3. Is Apache Year 2000 compliant?
    4. How do I submit a patch to the Apache Group?
    5. Why has Apache stolen my favourite site's Internet address?
    6. Why am I getting spam mail from the Apache site?
    7. May I include the Apache software on a CD or other package I'm distributing?
    8. What's the best hardware/operating system/... How do I get the most out of my Apache Web server?
    9. What are "regular expressions"?
    10. Why isn't there a binary for my platform?
  3. Building Apache
    1. Why do I get an error about an undefined reference to "__inet_ntoa" or other __inet_* symbols?
    2. Why won't Apache compile with my system's cc?
    3. Why do I get complaints about redefinition of "struct iovec" when compiling under Linux?
    4. I'm using gcc and I get some compilation errors, what is wrong?
    5. I'm using RedHat Linux 5.0, or some other glibc-based Linux system, and I get errors with the crypt function when I attempt to build Apache 1.2.
  4. Error Log Messages and Problems Starting Apache
    1. Why do I get "setgid: Invalid argument" at startup?
    2. Why am I getting "httpd: could not set socket option TCP_NODELAY" in my error log?
    3. Why am I getting "connection reset by peer" in my error log?
    4. The errorlog says Apache dumped core, but where's the dump file?
    5. When I run it under Linux I get "shmget: function not found", what should I do?
    6. Server hangs, or fails to start, and/or error log fills with "fcntl: F_SETLKW: No record locks available" or similar messages
    7. Why am I getting "Expected </Directory> but saw </Directory>" when I try to start Apache?
    8. I'm using RedHat Linux and I have problems with httpd dying randomly or not restarting properly
    9. I upgraded from an Apache version earlier than 1.2.0 and suddenly I have problems with Apache dying randomly or not restarting properly
    10. When I try to start Apache from a DOS window, I get a message like "Cannot determine host name. Use ServerName directive to set it manually." What does this mean?
    11. When I try to start Apache for Windows, I get a message like "Unable To Locate WS2_32.DLL...". What should I do?
    12. Apache for Windows does not start. Error log contains this message "[crit] (10045) The attempted operation is not supported for the type of object referenced: Parent: WSADuplicateSocket failed for socket ###". What does this mean?
    13. When I try to start Apache on Windows, I get a message like "System error 1067 has occurred. The process terminated unexpectedly." What does this mean?
    14. On a SuSE Linux system, I try and configure access control using basic authentication. Although I follow the example exactly, authentication fails, and an error message "admin: not a valid FDN: ...." is logged.
    15. Why do I have weird entries in my logs asking for default.ida and cmd.exe?
    16. Why am I getting server restart messages periodically, when I did not restart the server?
  5. Configuration Questions
    1. Why can't I run more than <n> virtual hosts?
    2. Can I increase FD_SETSIZE on FreeBSD?
    3. Why doesn't my ErrorDocument 401 work?
    4. Why does Apache send a cookie on every response?
    5. Why don't my cookies work, I even compiled in mod_cookies?
    6. Why do my Java app[let]s give me plain text when I request an URL from an Apache server?
    7. How do I get Apache to send a MIDI file so the browser can play it?
    8. How do I add browsers and referrers to my logs?
    9. Why does accessing directories only work when I include the trailing "/" (e.g. but not when I omit it (e.g.
    10. Why doesn't mod_info list any directives?
    11. I upgraded to Apache 1.3 and now my virtual hosts don't work!
    12. I'm using RedHat Linux and my .htm files are showing up as HTML source rather than being formatted!
    13. My .htaccess files are being ignored.
    14. Why do I get a "Forbidden" message whenever I try to access a particular directory?
    15. Why do I get a "Forbidden/You don't have permission to access / on this server" message whenever I try to access my server?
    16. Why do my files appear correctly in Internet Explorer, but show up as source or trigger a save window with Netscape; or, Why doesn't Internet Explorer render my text/plain document correctly?
    17. My site is accessible under many different hostnames; how do I redirect clients so that they see only a single name?
    18. Why can I access my website from the server or from my local network, but I can't access it from elsewhere on the Internet?
    19. How do I turn automatic directory listings on or off?
    20. Why do my Options directives not have the desired effect?
  6. Dynamic Content (CGI and SSI)
    1. How do I enable CGI execution in directories other than the ScriptAlias?
    2. What does it mean when my CGIs fail with "Premature end of script headers"?
    3. Why do I keep getting "Method Not Allowed" for form POST requests?
    4. How can I get my script's output without Apache buffering it? Why doesn't my server push work?
    5. Where can I find the "CGI specification"?
    6. Why isn't FastCGI included with Apache any more?
    7. How do I enable SSI (parsed HTML)?
    8. Why don't my parsed files get cached?
    9. How can I have my script output parsed?
    10. SSIs don't work for VirtualHosts and/or user home directories
    11. How can I use ErrorDocument and SSI to simplify customized error messages?
    12. Why is the environment variable REMOTE_USER not set?
    13. How do I allow each of my user directories to have a cgi-bin directory?
  7. Authentication and Access Restrictions
    1. Why isn't restricting access by host or domain name working correctly?
    2. How do I set up Apache to require a username and password to access certain documents?
    3. How do I set up Apache to allow access to certain documents only if a site is either a local site or the user supplies a password and username?
    4. Why does my authentication give me a server error?
    5. Do I have to keep the (mSQL) authentication information on the same machine?
    6. Why is my mSQL authentication terribly slow?
    7. Can I use my /etc/passwd file for Web page authentication?
    8. Why does Apache ask for my password twice before serving a file?
    9. How can I prevent people from "stealing" the images from my web site?
  8. URL Rewriting
    1. Where can I find mod_rewrite rulesets which already solve particular URL-related problems?
    2. Where can I find any published information about URL-manipulations and mod_rewrite?
    3. Why is mod_rewrite so difficult to learn and seems so complicated?
    4. What can I do if my RewriteRules don't work as expected?
    5. Why don't some of my URLs get prefixed with DocumentRoot when using mod_rewrite?
    6. How can I make all my URLs case-insensitive with mod_rewrite?
    7. Why are RewriteRules in my VirtualHost parts ignored?
    8. How can I use strings with whitespaces in RewriteRule's ENV flag?
  9. Features
    1. Does or will Apache act as a Proxy server?
    2. What are "multiviews"?
    3. Why can't I publish to my Apache server using PUT on Netscape Gold and other programs?
    4. Why doesn't Apache include SSL?
    5. How can I attach a footer to my documents without using SSI?
    6. Does Apache include a search engine?
    7. How can I rotate my log files?
    8. How do I keep certain requests from appearing in my logs?
    9. Does Apache include any sort of database integration?
    10. Can I use Active Server Pages (ASP) with Apache?
    11. Does Apache come with Java support?
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