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1 、Adding SDK to your project
Copy the below header files and binary from the downloaded SDK bundle to your project
  • libInMobi­5.x.x.a
  • IMSdk.h
  • IMBanner.h
  • IMBannerDelegate.h
  • IMInterstitial.h
  • IMInterstitialDelegate.h
  • IMNative.h
  • IMNativeDelegate.h
  • IMCustomNative.h
  • IMRequestStatus.h
  • IMCommonConstants.h
2、Adding Frameworks
Add the frameworks below to your Xcode project by navigating to your project settings and hitting the “+” button under the  “Linked Frameworks and Libraries” section.
  • AdSupport.framework
  • AudioToolbox.framework
  • AVFoundation.framework
  • CoreLocation.framework
  • CoreTelephony.framework
  • EventKit.framework
  • EventKitUI.framework
  • MediaPlayer.framework
  • MessageUI.framework
  • SafariServices.framework
  • Security.framework
  • Social.framework
  • StoreKit.framework
  • SystemConfiguration.framework
  • libsqlite3.0.dylib
  • libz.dylib
Note: If you use iOS 8.x, please add the  NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription flag to your  info.plist file

3、Adding Additional Build Settings
Add the ­ -ObjC flag to  Other Linker Flags by following the below steps:
  1. Open your project in XCode
  2. Select Application Target > Build Settings
  3. In the Search field, search for Other Linker Flags
  4. Add the <code>-­ObjC</code> flag

Also for now, disable ATS for apps on iOS 9 (Click here to learn why), and please add the following code snippet to your app's plist.


4、Initializing the InMobi SDK
You must initialize the SDK during app launch. Your account ID has been prepopulated to aid copying and pasting.

In AppDelegate.h, import the below:

#import "IMSdk.h"
#import "IMCommonConstants.h"

In the  UIViewController.h  file that reflects the location of your ad unit, import the below:

#import "IMBanner.h"
#import "IMBannerDelegate.h"
#import "IMInterstitial.h"
#import "IMInterstitialDelegate.h"
#import "IMNative.h"
#import "IMNativeDelegate.h"

In AppDelegate.m file, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method, initialize the SDK as shown below:

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { 
//Initialize InMobi SDK with your account ID
[IMSdk initWithAccountID:@"9697f54927be4ff3ba71a02181323d65"];

  // Do your stuff.

  return YES;

5、Implementing a Full Screen Interstitial Ad
InMobi serves both landscape and portrait type of interstitial ads (non-rewarded video, images, rich-media). The InMobi SDK will automatically ensure that it serves appropriate ads as per the application orientation. Perform the below steps to implement interstitial ads.
  1. Register the UIViewController with <IMInterstitialDelegate> and declare an interstitial instance as shown below before @end of your declaration section . Make any necessary code changes to avoid duplication of controller definitions.
@interface ViewController () <IMInterstitialDelegate>
@property (nonatomic,strong) IMInterstitial *interstitial;

2.To instantiate your interstitial, copy and paste the below code in the  viewDidLoad()  method of your  UIViewController  or in a method that initiates a new user session in order to enable loading of the ad.
/* This code loads the ad in the cache for better performance. Please place this in a method of your controller that ensure that ads are loaded again after they have been dismissed. */
self.interstitial = [[IMInterstitial alloc] initWithPlacementId:1449126032215 delegate:self];
[self.interstitial load];

3.Add the following callbacks by copying the below code and pasting it in your UIViewController before the last @end line.

- (void)interstitial:(IMInterstitial *)interstitial didFailToLoadWithError:(IMRequestStatus *)error{
    NSLog(@"Interstitial Failed to load interstitial with error: %@",error.description);
- (void)interstitial:(IMInterstitial *)interstitial didFailToPresentWithError:(IMRequestStatus *)error {
    NSLog(@"Interstitial Failed to Present Interstitial with error : %@",error.description);
- (void)interstitial:(IMInterstitial *)interstitial didInteractWithParams:(NSDictionary *)params {
    NSLog(@"Interstitial did interact with param : %@",params);
- (void)interstitial:(IMInterstitial *)interstitial rewardActionCompletedWithRewards:(NSDictionary *)rewards {
    NSLog(@"Interstitial reward action completed with Rewards : %@",rewards);
- (void)interstitialDidDismiss:(IMInterstitial *)interstitial {
    NSLog(@"Interstitial Did Dismiss");
- (void)interstitialDidFinishLoading:(IMInterstitial *)interstitial {
    NSLog(@"Interstitial Did Finish Loading");
- (void)interstitialDidPresent:(IMInterstitial *)interstitial {
    NSLog(@"Interstitial Did Present");
- (void)interstitialWillDismiss:(IMInterstitial *)interstitial {
    NSLog(@"Interstitial Will Dismiss");
- (void)interstitialWillPresent:(IMInterstitial *)interstitial {
    NSLog(@"Interstitial Will Present");

4.Add the following code to a method in your controller that is invoked at the time at which you want the ad to be shown. This is typically at level failure in a game, or as an item in the store-front or so on.

if ([self.interstitial isReady]){
    [self.interstitial showFromViewController:self];
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