valgrind 检查内存泄漏


内存泄漏是coding中经常容易出现的问题, 而且很难查。 本文中总结了几个常见的内存泄漏问题, 分别举例实现, 并列出用代码分析工具——valgrind中memcheck检查的结果, 一 一对错误进行排查。

本文围绕工程valgrind-sample进行讲解。 先看下工程结构:


methods类写了几个可能存在内存操作问题的函数, main.cpp调用methods类函数:


#ifndef  VALGRIND_METHODS_H #define  VALGRIND_METHODS_H namespace sample{               void printx();              void access_violation();    void mem_overlap();         void nonfree();         }                           #endif  //VALGRIND_METHODS_H
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#include <iostream>               #include "methods.h"              #include <string.h>               int main(int argc, char *argv[]){     sample::printx();               sample::access_violation();     sample::mem_overlap();            sample::nonfree();          }                                 
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1. sample::printx()

void printx(){                   int x;                       if (x == 0)                  {                                printf("X is zero");     }                        }                            
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问题显而易见, 变量赋值前引用, 但C编译器并不会报错。

valgrind ./valgrind-sample:


==17495== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
  ==17495==    at 0x400D10: sample::printx() (in /home/zhangruiqing01/disk2/study/code/valgrind-samples/valgrind-samples)
  ==17495==    by 0x400B4B: main (in /home/zhangruiqing01/disk2/study/code/valgrind-samples/valgrind-samples)

2. sample::access_violation()

void access_violation(){                                              int len = 5;                                                      int *pt = (int*)malloc(len*sizeof(int)); //problem1: not freed    int *p = pt;                                                      for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){                                        p++;                                                          }                                                                 *p = 5; //problem2: heap block overrun                            printf("%d\n", *p); //problem3: heap block overrun            }                                                                 
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line3: 指针pt申请了空间,但是没有释放;
line8: pt申请了5个int的空间,p经过4次循环(i=3时)已达到最后申请的p[4], 在i=4时p所指向的空间没有申请过; (下面valgrind报告中 Invalid write of size 4)
line9: 同line8 (下面valgrind报告中 Invalid read of size 4 )

valgrind ./valgrind-sample:


==21058== Invalid write of size 4
  ==21058==    at 0x400D74: sample::access_violation() (in /home/zhangruiqing01/disk2/study/code/valgrind-samples/valgrind-samples)
  ==21058==    by 0x400B4B: main (in /home/zhangruiqing01/disk2/study/code/valgrind-samples/valgrind-samples)
  ==21058==  Address 0x4b32054 is 0 bytes after a block of size 20 alloc’d
  ==21058==    at 0x490514E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:195)
  ==21058==    by 0x400D44: sample::access_violation() (in /home/zhangruiqing01/disk2/study/code/valgrind-samples/valgrind-samples)
  ==21058==    by 0x400B4B: main (in /home/zhangruiqing01/disk2/study/code/valgrind-samples/valgrind-samples)
  ==21058== Invalid read of size 4
  ==21058==    at 0x400D7E: sample::access_violation() (in /home/zhangruiqing01/disk2/study/code/valgrind-samples/valgrind-samples)
  ==21058==    by 0x400B4B: main (in /home/zhangruiqing01/disk2/study/code/valgrind-samples/valgrind-samples)
  ==21058==  Address 0x4b32054 is 0 bytes after a block of size 20 alloc’d
  ==21058==    at 0x490514E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:195)
  ==21058==    by 0x400D44: sample::access_violation() (in /home/zhangruiqing01/disk2/study/code/valgrind-samples/valgrind-samples)
  ==21058==    by 0x400B4B: main (in /home/zhangruiqing01/disk2/study/code/valgrind-samples/valgrind-samples)

3. sample::mem_overlap()

void mem_overlap(){                         char str[11];                           for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++){               str[i] = i;                         }                                       memcpy(str + 1, str, 5);                char x[5] = "abcd";                     strncpy(x + 2, x, 3);               }                                       
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问题出在memcpy上, 将str指针位置开始copy 5个char到str+1所指空间,会造成内存覆盖。strncpy也是同理。

valgrind ./valgrind-sample:


==27473== Source and destination overlap in memcpy(0x7feffedc1, 0x7feffedc0, 5)
  ==27473==    at 0x4907566: memcpy (mc_replace_strmem.c:482)
  ==27473==    by 0x400DD1: sample::mem_overlap() (in /home/zhangruiqing01/disk2/study/code/valgrind-samples/valgrind-samples)
  ==27473==    by 0x400B4B: main (in /home/zhangruiqing01/disk2/study/code/valgrind-samples/valgrind-samples)
  ==27473== Source and destination overlap in strncpy(0x7feffeda5, 0x7feffeda3, 3)
  ==27473==    at 0x490737B: strncpy (mc_replace_strmem.c:329)
  ==27473==    by 0x400DFA: sample::mem_overlap() (in /home/zhangruiqing01/disk2/study/code/valgrind-samples/valgrind-samples)
  ==27473==    by 0x400B4B: main (in /home/zhangruiqing01/disk2/study/code/valgrind-samples/valgrind-samples)

4. sample::nonfree()

void nonfree(){                                                        char* str = (char*)malloc(5*sizeof(char));                         char* ptr = str;                                                   delete [] ptr; //problem<mismatch>: delete - new; malloc - free    free(str); //problem<invalid>: release freed memory                ptr[1] = 'a'; //problem<invalid>: use released memory          }                                                                  
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line 4: 用malloc申请空间的指针用free释放;用new申请的空间用delete释放 (valgrind中Mismatched free() / delete / delete []);
line 5: 由于ptr=str, ptr已被释放,str无需再释放,此处释放了已经被释放的内存(valgrind中 Invalid free() / delete / delete[]);
line 6: 用到了已经被释放的内存(valgrind中Invalid write of size 1);

valgrind ./valgrind-sample:


==29210== Mismatched free() / delete / delete []
  ==29210==    at 0x4906510: operator delete (vg_replace_malloc.c:368)
  ==29210==    by 0x400E2B: sample::nonfree() (in /home/zhangruiqing01/disk2/study/code/valgrind-samples/valgrind-samples)
  ==29210==    by 0x400B4B: main (in /home/zhangruiqing01/disk2/study/code/valgrind-samples/valgrind-samples)
  ==29210==  Address 0x4b32040 is 0 bytes inside a block of size 5 alloc’d
  ==29210==    at 0x490514E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:195)
  ==29210==    by 0x400E0F: sample::nonfree() (in /home/zhangruiqing01/disk2/study/code/valgrind-samples/valgrind-samples)
  ==29210==    by 0x400B4B: main (in /home/zhangruiqing01/disk2/study/code/valgrind-samples/valgrind-samples)
  ==29210== Invalid free() / delete / delete[]
  ==29210==    at 0x4905E72: free (vg_replace_malloc.c:325)
  ==29210==    by 0x400E34: sample::nonfree() (in /home/zhangruiqing01/disk2/study/code/valgrind-samples/valgrind-samples)
  ==29210==    by 0x400B4B: main (in /home/zhangruiqing01/disk2/study/code/valgrind-samples/valgrind-samples)
  ==29210==  Address 0x4b32040 is 0 bytes inside a block of size 5 free’d
  ==29210==    at 0x4906510: operator delete (vg_replace_malloc.c:368)
  ==29210==    by 0x400E2B: sample::nonfree() (in /home/zhangruiqing01/disk2/study/code/valgrind-samples/valgrind-samples)
  ==29210==    by 0x400B4B: main (in /home/zhangruiqing01/disk2/study/code/valgrind-samples/valgrind-samples)
  ==29210== Invalid write of size 1
  ==29210==    at 0x400E3C: sample::nonfree() (in /home/zhangruiqing01/disk2/study/code/valgrind-samples/valgrind-samples)
  ==29210==    by 0x400B4B: main (in /home/zhangruiqing01/disk2/study/code/valgrind-samples/valgrind-samples)
  ==29210==  Address 0x4b32041 is 1 bytes inside a block of size 5 free’d
  ==29210==    at 0x4906510: operator delete (vg_replace_malloc.c:368)
  ==29210==    by 0x400E2B: sample::nonfree() (in /home/zhangruiqing01/disk2/study/code/valgrind-samples/valgrind-samples)
  ==29210==    by 0x400B4B: main (in /home/zhangruiqing01/disk2/study/code/valgrind-samples/valgrind-samples)



#include <iostream>                                                         #include <stdio.h>                                                          #include <string.h>                                                         #include "methods.h"                                                        namespace sample{                                                               void printx(){                                                                  int x;                                                                      if (x == 0)                                                                 {                                                                               printf("X is zero");                                                    }                                                                       }                                                                           void access_violation(){                                                        int len = 5;                                                                int *pt = (int*)malloc(len*sizeof(int)); //problem1: not freed              int *p = pt;                                                                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){                                                  p++;                                                                    }                                                                           *p = 5; //problem2: heap block overrun                                      printf("%d\n", *p); //problem3: heap block overrun                      }                                                                           void mem_overlap(){                                                             char str[11];                                                               for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++){                                                   str[i] = i;                                                             }                                                                           memcpy(str + 1, str, 5);                                                    char x[5] = "abcd";                                                         strncpy(x + 2, x, 3);                                                   }                                                                           void nonfree(){                                                                 char* str = (char*)malloc(5*sizeof(char));                                  char* ptr = str;                                                            delete [] ptr; //problem<mismatch>: delete - new; malloc - free             free(str); //problem<invalid>: release freed memory                         ptr[1] = 'a'; //problem<invalid>: use released memory                   }                                                                       }                                                                           
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