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<br>Copyright (C) 2000-2003 by MoodySoft Inc., http://www.moodysoft.com<br>All Rights Reserved<br><br>SPX Instant Screen Capture is a screen capture tool that brings the convenience of selecting<br>a portion of the screen and sending it instantly to a destination of your choice,<br>including any location on the internet.<br><br>*** SPX Instant Screen Capture main features ***<br><br> Captures freehand shapes, rectangular areas, windows or objects.<br> Enhance screenshots with annotations and watermarks.<br> Sends images to clipboard, file, graphic editor, SPX studio, mail, web, ICQ, printer/fax or custom destination.<br> File name generated automatically or manually.<br> Supported file formats: BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG.<br> Works in English. French, German, Italian and Spanish versions will follow.<br> Captures image right from the screen in real time.<br> Automatically emails image as attachement or embedded in e-mail body.<br> Automatically sends images to any ICQ user.<br> All operations can be done with the mouse only or using hotkeys.<br> Allows timed captures in sequence at a pre-defined interval(Timer).<br> Precise capturing using magnifying tools and extra large crosshair.<br> Auto scroll and capture long pages.<br> Works in combination with SPX Studio.<br><br>*** SPX Instant Screen Capture system requirements ***<br> <br> 486 CPU or higher<br> 8 MB of RAM<br> 2.5 MB of free harddisk space<br> Mouse or other pointing device<br> Windows 95 / 98 / ME / NT / 2000/ XP.<br><br>*** SPX Installation ***<br><br> A. From SPX bundle(SPX Studio will also be installed) <br> 1. Download spxsetup.exe from http://www.moodysoft.com. <br> 2. Run spxsetup.exe to start the installation.<br> 3. Follow on screen instructions.<br> Typically just click Next and at the end click Finish.<br><br> B. SPX Instant Screen Capture alone<br> 1. Download scsetup.exe from http://www.moodysoft.com. <br> 2. Run scsetup.exe to start the installation.<br> 3. Follow on screen instructions.<br> Typically just click Next and at the end click Finish.<br> <br><br>*** SPX Instant Screen Capture List Of Files ***<br><br> SPX Instant Screen Capture installation will create these files and folders on your computer:<br> (by default in folder \Program Files\Moodysoft SPX\SPX Studio or in the folder selected during the installation)<br><br> README.TXT this introductory information<br> SPX.EXE required executable<br> SPX.CHM required help file<br> TOFTP.EXE required executable<br> SOUND.WAV required wave file<br> ENGINE.DLL required dynamic link library<br> FREEZE.DLL required dynamic link library<br> LPNG.DLL required dynamic link library<br> ICQMAPI.DLL required dynamic link library<br> UNINS000.DAT required setup component<br> UNINS000.EXE required setup component<br> Buy a Licence Now !....url required url file<br> Home Page.url required url file<br> <br> Folder:<br> \Watermarks<br> Files: mywatermark.bmp<br><br>*** SPX Uninstallation ***<br><br> Select "SPX Instant Screen Capture" from Start/Settings/Control Panel/Add-Remove Programs<br><br><br>*** Contact Us ***<br><br> Web site: http://www.moodysoft.com<br> E-mail: info@moodysoft.com <br> Postal mail: Moodysoft Inc., 230 Angela Street Unit 7, Port Moody, BC, V3H 1R8, Canada.<br> Tel: 1(604)936-6452<br> Fax: 1(604)936-6405<br><br>*************************************************************************************<br>Windows 95 / 98 / ME / NT / 2000/ XP are registered trademarks of Microsoft. <br>All other registered trademarks are registered trademarks of their respective owners.<br>*************************************************************************************<br>



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