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原创 Typical Java interview questions
1. What is the difference between parameter and arguments?int add(int a, int b) // here a and b are parameters{return a+b;}void main(){int x=3;int y=4;int z = add(x,y);//here x and
2012-10-10 17:04:34 388
原创 Mysql 输入中文乱码
主要是参考网上的,整理一下。1. 打开Mysql 文件夹下的my.ini 1、[mysql]下的 default-character-set=latin1 改为 default-character-set=utf8 2、[mysqld]下的 default-character-set=latin1 改为
2012-10-10 15:13:16 351
原创 Typical C++ interview questions rised by foreign companies
1. Q: What is Encapsulation?A: Encapsulation is combining data and functions into a single unit.2. Q: What is Skeleton? (I was asked by an intewvierer but failed to anser)A: A class skeleton
2012-10-09 14:34:33 618
原创 Difference between new (delete) and malloc (free)
1. new and delete are C++ operators, in contrast, malloc and free are functions inherited from from C.2. malloc and free could not call constructor and destructor.3. So, in my point of view, new a
2012-10-09 12:27:46 487
转载 Features of List in C++
Advantanges of ListEfficient insertion and removal of elements before any other specific element in the container (constant time).Efficient moving elements and block of elements within the contain
2012-10-09 11:20:26 313
原创 The features of Vector in C++
There are so many containers in C++, like vector, list, map and so on. To be honest, I am always confused with these containers since in my point of view, they are somehow similar. But with no doubt,
2012-10-09 10:59:37 367
原创 Connectify Key
I downloaded a licence which costs me 10 points in CSDN but it was proved to be invalid. Damn it.Fortunatelly I found a valid key finally, and now share it with others.email: Mr.Baoly@QQ.comLic
2012-10-08 13:27:21 731
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