World-renowned Prof. A. N. Agram's current research deals with large anagram groups. He has just found a new application for his theory on the distribution of characters in English language texts. Given such a text, you are to find the largest anagram groups.
A text is a sequence of words. A word w is an anagram of a word v if and only if there is some permutation p of character positions that takes w to v. Then, w and v are in the same anagram group. The size of an anagram group is the number of words in that group. Find the 5 largest anagram groups.
A text is a sequence of words. A word w is an anagram of a word v if and only if there is some permutation p of character positions that takes w to v. Then, w and v are in the same anagram group. The size of an anagram group is the number of words in that group. Find the 5 largest anagram groups.
The inpu
t contains words composed of lowercase alphabetic characters, separated by whitespace(or new line). It is terminated by EOF. You can assume there will be no more than 30000 words.
using namespace std;
struct words
string w,ord;
bool operator <(const words &x) const
return w < x.w;
return ord < x.ord;
struct group
vector<words> q;
bool operator < (const group &x) const
return q[0].w < x.q[0].w;
return q.size() > x.q.size();
int main()
vector<words> word,res;
vector<group> rr;
words tmp;
sort(word.begin(),word.end());//排序经过预处理的 vector<words> word,同时也是第三次排序的预处理
group tt;
for (int i=1;i< word.size();i++)
for (int i=0;i<rr.size()&&i<5;i++)//输出
cout<<"Group of size "<<rr[i].q.size()<<": ";
cout<<rr[i].q[0].w <<" ";
for(int j=1;j<rr[i].q.size();j++)
cout<<rr[i].q[j].w <<" ";
return 0;
t contains words composed of lowercase alphabetic characters, separated by whitespace(or new line). It is terminated by EOF. You can assume there will be no more than 30000 words.
Output the 5 largest anagram groups. If there are less than 5 groups, output them all. Sort the groups by decreasing size. Break ties lexicographically by the lexicographical smallest element. For each group output, print its size and its member words. Sort the member words lexicographically and print equal words only once.
思路是 存下 每个词的原词 和 词的所有字母按字典序重新排序后得到的词。
比如 ate eat 存下原词 ate eat 和 aet aet 这样重新排序后的词。
比较时直接比较排序后的词。 如果一样。 则它们是一组。
1. 先排序。 这样比较的时候一次n循环就可以分出所有组。
2.重复的时候size也要加一。就是说会出现 Group of size 4: word . 类似的情况。
Sample Input
undisplayed trace tea singleton eta eat displayed crate cater carte caret beta beat bate ate abet
Sample Output
Group of size 5: caret carte cater crate trace . Group of size 4: abet bate beat beta . Group of size 4: ate eat eta tea . Group of size 1: displayed . Group of size 1: singleton .
#include<iostream> #include<cstring> #include<vector> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; struct words { string w; string ord; bool operator<(const words & x)const { if (ord != x.ord) return ord<x.ord; return w<x.w; } }; struct group { vector<words> wor; bool operator<(const group & x)const { if(wor.size() != x.wor.size()) return wor.size() > x.wor.size(); return wor[0].w < x.wor[0].w; } }; int main() { vector<words> word,res; vector<group> rr; words tmp; while(cin>>tmp.w) { tmp.ord=tmp.w; sort(tmp.ord.begin(),tmp.ord.end()); //cout<<tmp.ord; word.push_back(tmp); } sort(word.begin(),word.end()); res.push_back(word[0]); group tt; for (int i=1;i< word.size();i++) { if(word[i].ord==word[i-1].ord); else { tt.wor=res; rr.push_back(tt); res.clear(); } res.push_back(word[i]); } tt.wor=res; rr.push_back(tt); sort(rr.begin(),rr.end()); for (int i=0;i<rr.size()&&i<5;i++) { cout<<"Group of size "<<rr[i].wor.size()<<": "; cout<<rr[i].wor[0].w <<" "; for(int j=1;j<rr[i].wor.size();j++) { if(rr[i].wor[j].w!=rr[i].wor[j-1].w) cout <<rr[i].wor[j].w <<" "; } cout<<".\n"; } return 0; }