Reading notes: UI Testing with Puppeteer


Chapter 1: Getting started with Puppeteer

What is browser automation?

  • Mac app: 'Automator'
  • Automation in the cloud
  • Mail rules
  • browser automation is telling an app to do a repetitive task in the browser for us.
  • Automation by API
  • 2 apps to automate: browser and our web app
  • Selenium and Puppeteer
    • Differences
      • Selenium: cross-language, cross-browser
      • Puppeteer: for chromium
      • Interface between the tool and the browser
      • The interface between the tool and the user
    • Selenium's approach
      • WebDriver spec, testing and simplicity
    • Puppeteer's approach
      • grabbing all the developer tools that Chromium has and making them available to the user
      • More tools, more power
      • Created in javascript
      • takes advantage of the headless capability of Chromium

Introducing Headless browsers

  • Headless browsers
    • A headless browser is a browser that you can launch and interact with using a particular protocol over a particular communication transport, with no UI involved
    • Who use chromium
      • Chrome
      • Edge
      • Opera
      • Brave
    • The ie and safari have no headless
    • There are webkit builds support headless (playwright)
    • Start headless
      • Chrome
        • ~ % <chrome-app-path> --headless --remote-debugging-port=9222 --crash-dumps-dir=/tmp
      • Firefox
        • ~ % <firefox-app-path> --headless
      • Both use the Chromium DevTools Protocol.
    • The Chromium DevTools Protocol
      • F12 dev tool use it too
      • Puppeteer for friendly encapsulate
  • Introducing Puppeteer
    • Puppeteer is nothing more, and nothing less, than a Node.js package that knows how to open a browser, send commands, and react to messages coming from that browser
    • supports Chromium and Firefox
    • Other languages
      • Puppeteer-Sharp for .net
      • Pyppeteer for python

    • Browser
      • 'Connect' to browsers
        • launched by Puppeteer
        • is already running on your local machine
        • browser running in the cloud (
    • Browser context
      • Browser session, not browser window, think Incognito Mode
    • Page
    • Frame
      • At most one main frame
    • Worker
      • Do not talk about
    • Execution context
      • a mechanism Chromium uses to isolate the page from the browser extensions
      • Each frame will have its own execution context.

Puppeteer use cases

  • Task automation
    • download a report
    • fill in a form
    • check your website's health
  • Web Scraping
    • Web Scraping has a reputation for being illegal
  • Content generation
    • Screenshots
    • PDF files
  • End-to-end testing
    • Maybe selenium is better (selenium grid)

Setting up the environment

  • Node.js
    • Ver > 12.18.3
  • Visual Studio Code

Our first Puppeteer code

  • Installing Puppeteer
    • Puppeteer follow semver
    • Download a specific version of Chromium
  • Hello world in Puppeteer
    • Nav to a page and take a screenshot

Asynchronous programming in JavaScript

  • I know a lot about this

Chapter 2: Automated Testing and Test runners

  • UI Testing vs. End-to-End testing

Technical requirements

  • Code at chapter2 of repo

Introduction to Automated Testing

  • Testing is a fundamental task in software development
  • Who involved in the testing
    • Backend developers
    • Frontend developers
    • QA
    • Managers (product and project)
    • Different types of test
    • Frontend developer should
      • Not limit to UI
      • Be able to write unit tests
      • And service tests
  • Unit tests
    • More unit tests, less UI tests
    • Need to be fast and isolated
    • What roles use it?
      • Backend developers
        • TDD process
      • Frontend developers
        • Impossible in the past
        • should be able to use Puppeteer to write UI unit tests
      • QA
        • Not involved yet
      • Managers
        • Managers won't write unit tests, but they need to know the importance of writing unit tests and investing time in them.
    • 4 benefits
      • Show how your code works
        • Read it first when review code
        • Check if complete
      • Make refactoring possible
        • I don't know what it should be without unit tests
      • Prevent regressions
        • Regression is an involuntary change
        • Changes in unit tests are a red flag, pay attention to it
  • Service tests
    • Also know as Integration Tests
    • These tests will check how your code interacts with other components
    • Slower and less stable, because more thing involved
    • If you are a frontend developer, this is where you would invest most of your time
    • What roles use Integration tests?
      • Backend
      • Frontend
      • QA
        • Same as backend and frontend, but different perspective
        • Visual regression test
          • Baseline images
          • Change code
          • Another image
          • Compare
      • Manager
        • Provide time and tool
        • What integrations are
  • End-to-end tests
    • Goal: application works as expected through the entire workflow
    • More workflow require more e2e tests
    • Roles
      • QA
        • This is the QA Analyst's land
        • Developers play an important role, helping the QA team to do their job efficiently, leave hints

Test runner features

  • You can write test without test runner, but not scale
  • Features
    • Easy to learn and run
    • Group tests by functionality
    • Ignore tests if needed
    • Run only one test
    • Assertions
      • Value equal
      • Null or not null
      • Contains a value
      • Expected something to fail
    • Tools to set up and clean up the environment
    • Reports

Available test runners

  • Jest
    • By facebook
    • Have all the features
    • Has snapshot tool: json dom
    • Plugins, like jest-puppeteer
    • Visual regression test package: 'jest-image-snapshot'
  • Mocha
    • Puppeteer team use it
    • Have all the features
    • Plugins: mocha-puppeteer, mocha-snapshots
    • Mocha + Chai (assertion lib)
  • Others
    • Jasmine
    • Karma
    • AVA
  • We use Mocha + Chai

Creating our first test project

  • Install packages
  • First demo: test the page title
  • One or many 'describe' per file
  • Mocha use 'test' folder by default
  • file: home.tests.js
  • Require things from 'chai', no mocha
  • Code test
  • Use test hook

  • Fire and forget
  • Tests
  • Setup 'test' script
  • 2000ms timeout error
  • Change timeout to 30s
  • Result report
  • Use list reproter

Organizing our code

  • Organize code is important, or every one lose
  • POM: Page Object Model
  • HomePageModel
  • Pass in a page and implements
  • Put to folder /test/POM/HomePageModel.js
  • Use it
  • Replace previous code
  • Problem: hard-coded values
  • Solution: config.js
  • Final

Chapter 3: Navigating through a website

Technical requirements

  • 2 terminals
    • One for website
    • One for tester
      • In the 'init' folder
      • $ npm run test

Creating a puppeteer browser

  • Using the Puppeteer.launch function
    • Launch options
      • product: Which browser to launch. At this time, this is either chrome or firefox.
      • ignoreHTTPSErrors: Whether to ignore HTTPS errors during navigation.
      • headless: Whether to run the browser in headless mode. Defaults to true unless the devtools option is true.
      • executablePath: Path to a browser executable to run instead of the bundled Chromium.
      • slowMo: Slows down Puppeteer operations by the specified number of milliseconds. Useful so that you can see what is going on.
      • defaultViewport: Sets a consistent viewport for each page. Defaults to an 800x600 viewport. null disables the default viewport. A viewport is an object with the following properties:

a) width: page width in pixels.

b) height: page height in pixels.

c) deviceScaleFactor: Specify device scale factor.

d) isMobile: Whether the meta viewport tag is taken into account.

e) hasTouch: Specifies whether the viewport supports touch events.

f) isLandscape: Specifies whether the viewport is in landscape mode.

  • args: Additional arguments to pass to the browser instance.
  • ignoreDefaultArgs: If true, then do not use puppeteer.defaultArgs(). If an array is given, then filter out the given default arguments.
  • handleSIGINT: Close the browser process on Ctrl +C.
  • handleSIGTERM: Close the browser process on SIGTERM.
  • handleSIGHUP: Close the browser process on SIGHUP.
  • timeout: Maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the browser instance to start. Defaults to 30000 (30 seconds). Passing 0 disables the timeout.
  • dumpio: Whether to pipe the browser process stdout and stderr into process.stdout and process.stderr.
  • userDataDir: Path to a user data directory.
  • env: Specify environment variables that will be visible to the browser.
  • devtools: Whether to auto-open a DevTools panel for each tab. If this option is true, the headless option will be set to false.
  • pipe: Connects to the browser over a pipe instead of a WebSocket. Defaults to false.
  • extraPrefsFirefox: Additional preferences that can be passed to Firefox.
  • Option.headless
    • you will get that banner saying that "Chrome is being controlled by automated test software."
    • you can't remove that banner
  • Option.userDataDir
    • Default: new dir on launch, delete it when close
    • Use it for checking local stores (cookie..)
  • Option.executablePath
    • Use your own browsers, set userDataDir to the same dir
    • You can use puppeteer-core instead of Puppeteer
  • Option.defaultViewport
    • Default to 800 * 600
    • Breakpoints to use
    • Consider breakpoints when testing
  • Option.product
    • Puppeteer work with firefox (experiment)
    • Install for firefox support

  • Options.args
    • A array over 1400 flags
    • --no-sandbox
      • You might need to create a user with the right permissions to use Puppeteer in a more restricted context
      • --window-size
      • --proxy-server, --proxy-bypass-list
      • Option.extraPrefsFirefox for firefox config
  • Mobile options
    • deviceScaleFactor, isMobile, hasTouch, and isLandscape will help us set up mobile emulation.
  • Options in practice
    • Place launch options in config file
    • Test persisted login

Navigating through a site

  • 4 ways to nav
    • Type url, bookmark
    • Go back, forward, reload
    • Click element
    • Browser redirect
  • Options of page.goto(url, options)
    • Timeout
      • Nav timeout, generic timeout
      • How to do
        • Set timeout in config file
        • Call (no async):
          • page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)
          • page.setDefaultNavigationTimeout(timeout).
      • Default to 30s
    • waitUntil
      • Why: page.goto() resolve when command sent, but no a full page
      • Default to 'load': load event fired, all is loaded (css, img..)
      • 'domcontentloaded': DOMContentLoaded event fired, html to DOM only
    • 'networkidle0', 'networkidel2'
      • In the past 500ms
    • Referrer
      • What page is requesting resouces
      • Called 'referer' due to typo in http spec
    • Other nav ways, same options
      • No referer option
    • The page.goto() will return response object

Using the response object

  • Getting the response URL
    • Useful for redirecting
  • Getting the response status code
    • 1xx informational response
      • the request was received, continuing process
    • 2xx successful
      • the request was successfully received, understood, and accepted
    • 3xx redirection
      • further action needs to be taken in order to complete the request.
      • 301 – Permanent Redirect and 302 –Temporary Redirect.
    • 4xx client error
      • the request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled.
      • 401 – Unauthorized and 403 – Forbidden
    • 5xx server error:
      • the server failed to fulfill an apparently valid request.
      • 500, 503
    • Get status code
      • response.status()
      • response.ok().
  • test: "The admin page should redirect you to the login page"
  • Redirect chain
    • 'response.url()'
    • 'reponse.request()'
    • request contains the list of all the redirections a request went through

Introduction to continuous integration

  • what continuous integration (CI) is about
    • Wouldn't it be great if a tool would guarantee that not a single line of code would break the functionality you are testing?
    • Popular Cis
    • Github action demo
      • Create a new repo
      • Set up the CI
        • Yaml files inside the .github/workflows/
        • Steps
        • Test.yaml


Chapter 4: Interacting with a page

  • Arrange-Act-Assert (AAA)
  • Dev team improve html for easily find elements
  • 2 sets of apis
    • Action functions
    • Emulation functions
  • Element handle

Technical requirements

  • Repo/chapter4
  • On chapter4: npm install
  • On Chapter4/vuejs-firebase-shopping-cart: npm install

Introduction to html, the dom, and css

  • All web techs go to html, css, javascript
  • Firefox tool: View | Page style | No style
  • Html not restricted as xml
  • Broken html maybe rendering, but avoid it
  • Semantic elements vs. div
  • 22 types for input
  • Select + option
  • Modern ui make testing challengin (fake input)
  • Data-xx for custom attrs
  • Aria attrs
  • CSS selectors for locating elements
  • Why need to know
    • You will spend half of your time inside the developer tools, and the most frequent element in your code will be a CSS selector.

Finding elements

  • Page.$ for query one
  • Page.$$ for query many
  • Don't use style class for locate elements
  • Login page
    • Email input: #email
    • Password input: #password
    • Login button: #login-form [type=submit]
  • Home page
    • Dev teams can use data-test-xxx to help testing

Finding elements using xpath

  • Dev tool util functions: $x('//*')
  • //.
    • //div//a == div a
  • /.
    • /div//a == ::root > div a
    • Root is doc, not html
  • *
    • //* == *
  • [@attr=value]
    • //input[@type=button] == input[type=button]
  • [text()=value]
    • //div[text()='hello']
  • [contains(text(), value)]
    • //*[contains(text(), 'grid')]
  • Complex one
    • Select parent
      • $x('//div[@class="row"]/p[1][number(substring-after(text(), "$")) > 2000]/../..')
  • The puppeteer way
    • Page.$x()
    • We want to test that the Macbook Pro 13.3' Retina MF841LL/A has 15 items left in stock, and the price is $1,199.
    • $, $$, $x return 'element handles'

Interacting with elements

  • Login page, enter email, password, click login button
  • Typing on input elements
    • 'eh' for element handle
    • Eh.type(text, [options])
    • Options.delay: delay between letters
  • Clicking on elements
    • Options
      • Button: left | right | middle
      • clickCount: default to 1
      • Delay: between mouse down and up
  • Selecting options in drop-down lists
    • switch between the grid and the list view
      • Value is value for options, not text

Keyboard and mouse emulation

  • Keyboard shortcut, options)
    • For down(key, options) and up(key)
    • Options
      • Text: what text will be typed
      • Delay: down to up
    • Example: remove a word

  • Example: search on github
  • Mouse move
    • Eh.mouse.move(x, y, options)
      • Options.steps: how many move events fired, default to 1
    • With keyboard: up, down, press
    • With mouse: up, down, click
  • Mouse wheel
    • Eh.mouse.wheel(optons)
    • Options
      • deltaX: how far to scroll x
      • deltaY
  • Chap4/tictactoe.html
  • Mouse Hover
  • El.boundingBox()
  • Can also ' await eh.hover() '

Debugging tests with visual studio code

  • Javascript debug terminal
  • /.vscode/launch.json

Chapter 5: Waiting for elements and network calls

  • Internet, the web
    • 90s vs. 2000s
    • Gmail show the true web
    • Have to wait, so the flaky tests
      • Waste of time
      • Flase alarm
      • Hurt reputation
      • In the end, you lose, so your team

Technical requirement

  • Code: /repo/chap5

Waiting for page to load

  • The option.waitUntil
    • Done loaded dom: domcontentloaded
    • Done loaded all: load
    • No connection in past 500ms: networkidle0
    • No > 2 connection in past 500ms: networkidle2
  • Case study
    • Full site
    • Dom content loaded
    • Loaded

  • Network idle0 vs. idle2
    • Can we just wait for 10 seconds? No, too long time.
    • According to what we need, find a balance, maybe domcontentload is enough
    • Set waitUtil could be useful, but often not enough

Waiting for elements

  • Before Act on element
    • It is in dom
    • It is visible
  • How to wait for popup?
  • 2 helpers functions
    • ' waitForSelector(selector, options)
    • ' waitForXPath(xpath, options)
    • Options
      • .timeout: default to page.setDefaultTimeout() > 30s
      • .visible: default to false
      • .hidden: loading indicator
    • Return
      • An element handle
      • Null for not found, may be hidden (except hidden = true)
    • Why requery?

Waiting for networking calls

  • Page.waitForResponse(urlOrPredicate, [options])
    • 'urlOrPredicate': url or a func check response
    • Only option, timeout
  • Arrange, Act, Await
    • Race condition
      • Need no asset, done is good enough
      • Make waitForResponse earlier, when wait after happened, you got timeout
  • Page.waitForRequest(urlOrPredicate, options)
  • Fire and forget
    • Call a func returns a promise, but do not wait it
    • Like military missile
    • If goto fails, the waitForRequest will fail, and the test will fail.
    • Page.waitForNavigation([options])
      • Eg. Search then redirect

Waiting for page events

  • waitForRequest and waitForResponse are just wrappers around the request and response events the page offers.
  • Remote listener
  • Listen once
  • The close event
    • For page is closed, often popup page
  • The popup event
    • Open a new tab or window
  • Target created event
  • The console event
    • For every console output
    • Event props
      • Text()
      • Type()
      • Location()
      • Args()
  • The dialog event
    • Event.type()
      • Alert
        • Confirm use event.accept()
      • Confirm
        • Event.accept()
        • Event.dismiss()
      • Prompt
        • Event.accept(input)
        • Event.dismiss()
      • The beforeunload type
        • Like confirm

The headless recorder

  • A chrome extension 'headless recorder'
  • Give you puppeteer and playwright code





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