This description only touches a tiny subset of the facilities provided by the kbmMW™ n-tier framework. For more complete info, please check the kbmMW™ feature matrix and visit the kbmMW™ university.

这个介绍只涉及到 KBMMW多层框架提供的很小部分的功能。想要获得更多信息,请查看KBMMW特性,并浏览KBMMW大学。

You may have heard about 2-tier and n-tier applications. What are they exactly?


2-tier - also called client/server - applications are applications which consist of two separate applications, one server application (typically a database server like Oracle, MSSQL or any other standalone database) and a client application.

2层 (也被称作客户机/服务器模式)应用程序是由两个独立的应用程序组成,一个是服务器端应用(典型的是一个数据库服务器,如Oracle、Mssql或者其他独立的数据库),另一个是客户端应用程序。

n-tier applications consist of 3 or more active applications which data must pass, from the backend server to the front end client. Usually 3-tier models are used, where one tier is the backend database engine, one is the front end client and one is just in between them, also named the application server or business logic node.


What is the purpose of having more than 2 tier?


Well.. if you want to have many different client frontends, like f.ex. one written in Delphi/C++Builder/.Net as a normal fat client, one as a web server, one as a WAP server, one as a linkup server to a mainframe etc. it would be unwise to copy all the business logic (all the rules of your application) to each client application/server. It would be a nightmare to support. Instead its better to create a middle layer containing the business logic, and then let the clients talk with this middle layer. Thus the clients can relatively easily be changed for other types of clients, without need for remembering how was the business logic put together.

如果你想要很多不同的前端客户端,比如f.exe 是一个用delphi或者C++或者.net写成的正常的富客户端。一个用来做web服务器,一个用于wap服务器,一个为连接到大型机的服务器等等。复制所有的业务逻辑(所有你应用程序的规则)到每一个客户端应用或者服务器是不聪明的做法。它将成为技术支持的噩梦。相反之下,创建一个包含业务逻辑的中间件并让客户端与这个中间件通信是更好的。因此,这个客户端便能相对容易的改变成其他类型的客户端而无需记忆这些业务逻辑是怎么放在一起的。

Using n-tier models also gives other positive side effects:


-装载平衡。 相比两层解决方案具有服务更多个客户端的能力,简单地说,因为中间节点(应用服务器)可以被复制到多以一个的机器中,因此更多CPU分散了装载压力。

-容错 。如果更多应用服务器都在运行,在一个服务器没有回复的情况下,这些客户单可以简单尝试请求另一个应用服务器。

- Load balancing. They are capable of serving many more clients than a 2-tier solution, simply because the middle node (the application server) can be copied to more than one machine, and thus divide the load between more CPU's.

- Fault tolerance. If more application servers are running, the clients can simply try the request on another appserver if the first one didnt reply.

kbmMW™ is about all that and much more. It will support different database backends directly without you having to write any code. Thus if you need to perform a SQL query you will do it much the same way you are used to in a normal 2-tier setup. The specialized client and server service classes will handle everything for you.


Further kbmMW™ contains advanced connection pooling on both client to server and server to database, caching of result sets on both client to server and server to database and much more.


The database handling with its advanced caching and connectionpooling can actually be used in 2-tier (Client/Server) setups aswell without using the remaining part of kbmMW™ giving you freedom in creating your application or web application the way you want to.


kbmMW™ contains countless features to integrate with the world, and can mimic as a SOAP server, a WEB server, a AJAX server, a AMF3 server and much more. It also contains one of the most advanced messaging framework for Delphi/C++Builder/Kylix, supporting multiple topologies incl. Peer 2 Peer, Hub/Spoke and Broadcast using Publish/Subscribe based messaging via multiple types of fully developer accessible and configurable  message queues.


There are no runtime fees or royalties except for the developer licenses.

The source is fully included in the package.

The kbmMW University provides all the currently published documents regarding kbmMW. This includes whitepapers and help files. The documents are organized in the following categories:


  • Essential   必须的
  • Recommended  推荐的
  • Specialized   专业版
  • Highly technical  高级技术

The order of the documents shown on this page indicates the suggested order in which they should be read.


In the Description column, a kbmMW™ versionnumber is specified. It indicates what version of kbmMW™ must be used as a minimum for the document to match. A plus after the version number indicates that the document match later versions of kbmMW™ too.


In the Edition column, the type of kbmMW™ license required, is listed:

  • E=Enterprise Edition
  • PP=ProPlus Edition
  • P=Pro Edition
  • S=Standard Edition
  • F=Freeware Edition
  • C=CodeGear Edition





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